Alessandra Vassiliadis

Timing of embryo transfer: correlation between embryonic stage and IVF outcome

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Qualità ovocitaria ed esiti riproduttivi

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PCOS and infertility. Metformin administration and ovulation induction in patients with reproductive failures. Preliminary data

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of the metformin administration in patients with previous reproductive failures. Inclusion criteria: 13 patients with chronic anovulation and PCOS, age < 38 years old, sterility not less than 2 years, C.C. resistance, conception failure in previous cycles with only r-FSH and negativity to the multiple miscarriages tests, absence of others infertility factors. Metformin administration started 2 months before the ovulation induction. Alternatively a spontaneous menstruation it was induced by progestin. Ovulation was performed with r-FSH and patients were invited to have sexual intercourse during the 48h after the HCG trigger. Luteal support …

research product

The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T polymorphism and the risk of congenital heart diseases: a literature review

Congenital Heart Diseases (CHDs) are the most commonand serious developmental anomaly and the leading non-infectious cause of mortality in the first year of life. Despite the advances in diagnosis and treatment, understanding of the developmental causes and aetiologies of CHDs has been limited. The hyperhomocysteinemia is one of the proved risk factors related to the occurrence of CHDs. The connection between cardiac defects, folate and hyperhomocysteinemia could be explained by a mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene. Indeed, the C677T MTHFR mutation produces a thermolabile variant of MTHFR with reduced enzymatic action resulting in higher plasma levels of homocy…

research product

L'aborto ricorrente spontaneo

Numerose ipotesi etiopatogenetiche sono state fatte riguardo l'abortività ricorrente e svariate terapie sono state adottate nel tempo.Oggi le nuove prospettive riguardano la correlazione ARS e trombofilia.

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Follow up endometriale in pazienti trattate con tamoxifene dopo intervento per carcinoma mammario

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L’impianto nei cicli FIV: il valore predittivo dell’ultrasonografia in uno studio controllato

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Tromboprofilassi in gravidanza in donne con aborto ricorrente precoce “inspiegato”:esiti del trattamento con basse dosi di aspirina versus aspirina ed eparina”

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Follow-up endometriale in pazienti trattate con tamoxifene per carcinoma mammario

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La Sindrome da Iperstimolazione ovarica

ABSTRACT The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, is characterized by a broad spectrum of clinical and biochemical modifications which are caused by the administration of medications used ovulation induction, assisted reproduction techniques, and the induction of multiple follicular growth. Therefore, it represents the most serious medical complication associated with ovulation induction. Key words: ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, ovulation induction, assisted reproduction techniques

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Surgical management of cystic adenomyosis. Why the laparoscopic approach is preferable?

research product

Inositol supplementation and IVF outcome: preliminary data

Myo-Inositol (MI) is involved in several aspects of human reproduction. Elevated concentrations of myo-inositol in human follicular fluids, in fact, seem to play a positive role in follicular maturity, since to represent a possible marker of good oocyte quality. Nevertheless its positive role in PCOS patients is a consequence of a defect in the insulin signaling (inositol- containing phosphoglycan mediators) pathway that seems to be implicated in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of myo-inositol supplementation to “standard” therapy in PCOS women and in “poor responders”, submitted to In Vitro Fecundation (IVF) cycles. In particular, we …

research product

Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita: dalla qualità ovocitaria al transfer embrionario

One of the most difficult aspects of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the determination of which embryos are most suitable for transfer into the uterus. Two factors requiring consideration include the choice of embryos with the best developmental competence and the risk of multiple pregnancy associated with the number of embryos transferred. The development of technological advances such as micromanipulation and a wealth of experience in embryo culturing techniques have resulted in an increase in embryo implantation potential. Numerous criteria have been suggested to optimize the selection process. Despite all the advances in determining embryo developmental competence, no consensu…

research product

Effetti del Papillomavirus genitale sulla riproduzione umana

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are agents of the most common sexually transmitted disease that can infect both females and males. More than 100 HPV-genotypes are known, of these, 40 genotypes infect the low genital tract. Based on their association with cervical cancer and precursor lesions, genital HPVs can also be grouped to high-risk and low-risk HPV-types. Diagnosis of HPV infection is sometime difficult because the infection is often transient and asymptomatic. High-risk HPV types are more likely to persist than are low-risk HPV types. It’s the inability of the immune system to spontaneously clear HPV that leads to development of precancerous cervical lesions. It is generally assumed th…

research product

Tromboprofilassi in gravidanza in donne con aborto ricorrente precoce "inspiegato": esiti del trattamento con basse dose di aspirina versus aspirina ed eparina

L'aborto ricorrente spontaneo (ARS), sindrome caratterizzata dal ripetersi di tre o più aborti consecutivi precoci( I trimestre)complicanti gravidanze opttenute con lo stesso partner, interessa l'1-5% delle coppie ed ha etiopatogenesi in gran parte ancora sconosciuta.Infatti, a dispetto degli studi a riguardo,solo in pochi casi si può stabilire un rapporto causa-effetto tra un fattore riscontrato in corso di indagini e la perdita embrio-fetale e, nonostante gli accertamenti cui la coppia viene sottoposta, il 40-50% dei casi rimane inspiegato. E' problematica la gestione di una nuova gravidanza in queste donne che, anche se informate della possibilità di essere vittime di un evento casuale p…

research product

“Outcome” della FIV dopo coltura e transfer di blastocisti ottenute con e senza l’ausilio della cocoltura

La coltura "in vitro" di blastocisti fu messa a punto agli inizi degli anni '80 in alcune specie di animali d'allevamento (Camous, 1984) e solo successivamente applicata agli embrioni umani. Scopo della tecnica era quello di incrementare le percentuali di impianto nei cicli FIV riducendo il numero di embrioni trasferiti. La coltura di blastocisti consentiva, infatti, di effettuare il trasferimento di embrioni con elevate potenzialità evolutive e in perfetto sincronismo con l'endometrio uterino. Attraverso il sistema della cocoltura fu possibile supportare lo sviluppo embrionario "in vitro" dallo stadio di singola cellula a quello di blastocisti con l'ausilio di monostrati cellulari costitui…

research product

Potential impact of a nonavalent HPV vaccine on HPV related low-and high-grade cervical intraepithelial lesions: A referral hospital-based study in Sicily

ABSTRACT While bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines have been used for about 10 years, a nonavalent vaccine against HPV types 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52 and 58 has been recently approved by FDA and EMA and is now commercially available. The objective of our study was to evaluate the potential impact of the nonavalent vaccine on HPV infection and related low- and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL, HSIL), compared to the impact of the quadrivalent vaccine, in a female population living in Sicily (Italy). Low estimates of HPV vaccine impact were calculated as prevalence of HPV 6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52 and 58 genotypes, alone or in association, but excluding presence of other HPV ty…

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PMA:dalla qualità ovocitaria al transfer embrionario

research product

Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita: dalla qualità ovocitaria al transfer embrionario

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