Giovanni Peri

Catching-up to foreign technology? Evidence on the “Veblen–Gerschenkron” effect of foreign investments

Abstract The presence of foreign multinational enterprises may benefit local economies. In particular, highly productive foreign-owned firms may promote the technological catch-up of local firms. This channel of spillovers is defined as the “Veblen–Gerschenkron” effect of foreign direct investment and is analyzed in this article. Rather than the overall concentration of foreign-owned plants in a region or sector, it is their productivity advantage that determines the positive effect on domestic firms in geographical and technological proximity. We test this hypothesis using new firm-level data for German and Italian manufacturing firms during the 1990s. These two countries are particularly …

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Cordon ombilical. Nouvelles sur l’acétylcholine

Introduction L’acetylcholine (Ach) fut la premiere substance impliquee dans la transmission synaptique. Elle est synthetisee a partir de l’enzyme acetyl-choline transferase (ChAT) et est degradee par l’acetyl-choline esterase (AchE). Il existe des anticorps specifiques diriges contre la ChAT et l’AchE qui ont permis de mettre en evidence la distribution de ce neurotransmetteur au niveau des systemes nerveux central et peripherique. Il faut rappeler que les neurones somato-moteurs, pre-ganglionnaires du tronc cerebral et de la moelle epiniere, les neurones post-ganglionnaires visceraux des ganglions parasympathiques et de quelques ganglions orthosympathiques sont cholinergiques. Ces donnees …

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Chaperonology: A novel research field for experimental medicine in the XXI century.

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Clinical anatomic, immunomorphologic and molecular anatomic data suggest interplay of thyroidal molecules, autoantibodies and Hsp60 in Hashimoto’s disease

Hsp60 is, typically, a mitochondrial protein, but it also occurs in the cytosol, vesicles, and plasma membrane, and in the intercellular space and biological fluids, e.g., blood. Changes in the levels and distribution of Hsp60 are linked to several pathologies, including cancer and chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. What is the histopathological pattern of Hsp60 in the thyroid of Hashimoto’s patients? Are there indications of a pathogenic role of Hsp60 that may make Hashimoto’s thyroiditis a chaperonopathy? Experiments reported here provide information regarding those questions. We found by various immunomorphological techniques increased levels of Hsp60 in the thyroid from HT p…

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ANP and insulin presence in human foetal pancreas

Aim of this work is to investigate the presence of Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and insulin in human foetal pancreas from not diabetic and diabetic mothers. The data literature evidenced that relationship between serum ANP and insulin. This work carried out on the sections immunostained for ANP and nsulin showed positivity for ANP and insulin in beta-cells of pancreas from diabetic mothers, while positivity for insulin in beta-cells of foetuses from not diabetic mothers. Results indicate that the insulin presence stimulates the ANP synthesis in pancreas of human foetuses from diabetic mothers. Aim of this work is to investigate the presence of Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and insuli…

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Interleukin 2 and interleukin 15 differentially predispose natural killer cells to apoptosis mediated by endothelial and tumour cells

Human natural killer (NK) cells constitutively express the beta- and gamma-chains of the interleukin 2 (IL-2)/IL-15 receptor, and both IL-2 and IL-15 are able to activate NK cell proliferation and cytotoxicity. When IL-2-primed human NK cells are exposed to sensitive targets (i.e. K562) they undergo apoptosis mediated by the beta(2)-integrin CD18. Here, we demonstrate that: (i) endothelial cells, similar to K562 tumour target cells, induce apoptosis of IL-2-primed NK cells; (ii) endothelial- and K562 cell-induced apoptosis is significantly lower in IL-15 than in IL-2-stimulated NK cells; (iii) a critical role in the apoptosis of IL-2-primed NK cells is played by the alpha-chain of the IL-2 …

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Clinical Anatomy and information technology.

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Evaluation od hsp60, pro-caspase-3 and p53 expression after oxidative stress in NCI-H292 cells

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Upon oxidative stress, the antiapoptotic Hsp60/procaspase-3 complex persists in mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells.

Hsp60, a mitochondrial chaperonin highly conserved during evolution, has been found elevated in the cytosol of cancer cells, both in vivo and in vitro, but its role in determining apoptosis during oxidative stress (OS) has not yet been fully elucidated. The aim of the present work was to study the effects of OS on Hsp60 levels and its interactions with procaspase- 3 (p-C3) and p53 in tumor cells. NCI-H292 (mucoepidermoid carcinoma) cells were exposed to various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 24 hours. Cell viability was determined by Trypan blue and MTT assays. DNA damage was assessed by the Comet assay, and apoptosis was measured by the AnnexinV cytofluorimetric test. Expos…

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Anatomy of the cervical spine

The vertebral column, or spine, consisting of a coordinated series of 33-34 vertebrae separated from each other by intervertebral disks, is divided in five segments or sections: cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal [1-7]. Not available

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Information technology in clinical anatomy

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Multi-chaperone – interactors network (mtcin) in mitochondria: role in neoplasm development and methodology of analysis.

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The Trade Creation Effect of Immigrants: Evidence from the Remarkable Case of Spain

There is abundant evidence that immigrant networks are associated with larger exports from the country where they settle to their countries of origin. The direction of causality of this association is less clearly established. Also, we do not know to what extent these increased exports are due to an increase in the number of exporting firms (i.e. the extensive margin of trade) or due to larger values exported by existing firm (i.e. the intensive margin). Using micro data on individual trade transactions from Spanish provinces between 1995 and 2008 and data on the stock of immigrants in those provinces by country of origin we can make progress on both fronts. The richness of our data allows …

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During embryonic development, a pool of cells may become a reserve of undifferentiated cells, the embryo-stolen adult stem cells (ESASC). ESASC may be responsible for adult tissue homeostasis, as well as disease development. Transdifferentiation is a sort of reprogramming of ESASC from one germ layer-derived tissue towards another. Transdifferentiation has been described to take place from mesoderm to ectodermal- or endodermal-derived tissues and viceversa but not from ectodermal- to endodermal-derived tissues. We hypothesise that two different populations of ESASC could exist, the first ecto/mesoblast-committed and the second endo/mesoblast-committed. If confirmed, this hypothesis could le…

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Patient Specific Instrumentation for Total Knee Arthroplasty: a Literature Review

During the past decade, total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has been markedly increased. Recently, patient-specific custom cutting guides have been commercially introduced in order to achieve an accurate component alignment during TKA. In fact, these cutting blocks are specific to a patient’s knee anatomy and should help the surgeons to perform bone cuts, reducing the complexity of conventional alignment and sizing tools. Nevertheless, there are critical arguments against patient-specific cutting guides for routine use, such as poor evidence and higher costs. Additionally, there are still no mild and long-term results available that describe the clinical outcomes following patient-specific instru…

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The "critical zones" of entrapment of the nerves of the lower limb.

The author has studied, in a group of 40 dissections on cadavers of individuals of different ages, the main “critical zones” of entrapment of some terminal branches of the lumbo-sacral plexus, which include canals (fibrous, osteo-fibrous, fibro-muscular), intervals (intermuscular, fibro-muscular, musculo-ligamentous), rings (fibrous or fibro-muscular) and foramina. They provide the topographical anatomical basis for possible compressive phenomena of the nerves of the lower limb.

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Application of an intelligent study and research support system for clinical anatomy in a cooperation scenario

Scientific research and teaching are strongly interrelated. A student should be educated both to the fundamentals of a discipline and to the research tasks as the future development of a discipline is entrusted to the students of today. Computer based tutoring systems already showed useful in pursuing the former target while the Intelligent Study and Research Support System developed at DINFO may be used to fulfill both in an integrated manner. This paper introduces the possible application of the ISRSS to training of Clinical Anatomy in a scenario of international cooperation among academic institutions.

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Modifications of the vasopressin and ANP in the rat hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus during and after the physical exercise.

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A software system to support the description and the explanation of medical images based on medical diagnosis criteria

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CD1a and antitumour immune response: expression of CD1a by metaplastic epithelial cells

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A proteomic cluster for osteotropic breast cancer cells

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Presence of ANP in internal carotid artery (ICA) with and without atherosclerotic lesions

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Three-dimensional computer models in a case of azygos lobe discovered durino adenocarcinoma surgery.

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ANP immunolocalization in internal carotid artery wall of subjects with and without atherosclerotic lesions

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Role of Adrenomedullin in LSP-mediated lung injury

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The Veblen-Gerschenkron Effect of FDI in Mezzogiorno and East Germany

The presence of foreign multinational enterprises (MNEs) can benefit local economies. In particular, if MNEs are very productive compared to domestic firms, they may promote learning and catch-up of local firms. Such a channel of spillovers from MNEs to local firms is known as the Veblen-Geschenkron effect. Rather than the overall density of MNEs in a region or sector, it is their initial productivity advantage on the local firm to determine the positive effect on domestic productivity growth. We test this hypothesis using firm level data for German and Italian companies during the 90's and we find evidence of a significant and robust Veblen-Gerschenkron effect.

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Experimental study of peripheral nerve rigeneration

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The neurosecretion of oxytocin in the hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei of training rats

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Preliminary observations on the immunohistochemical distribution of nNOS in the development of human foetus eye

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Il carro dei poveri

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Histochemical and ultrastructural remarks of the urinary tract in some mammals.

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Presence of atrial natriuretic (ANF) in the carcinoma of human breast

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Abdominal aortic aneurysm with congenital ectopic kidney and aberrant renal arteries

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Presence and interaction in tissues of atrial natriuretic peptide,oxytocin and vasopressin:new insights.

Atrial natriuretic peptide, oxytocin and vasopressin are three well known and widely studied molecules since many years. They have been fully characterised from a genetic and biomolecular point of view and a number of receptor-dependent functions have been recognised for them. Nevertheless, in the last years our group has conducted morphologic studies, using an immunohistochemical approach complemented by molecular biology techniques, and could show non-canonical localization and co-localization of these peptides in normal and pathologic tissues, that permitted us to postulate that they may be involved in a wider range of functions than usually assumed and not yet fully understood. In this …

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Immunolocalization of ANP and insulin in pancreas of human foetuses from diabetic mothers.

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ANP-presence and its relationship with the oxytocin in nonlactanting breast of rabbit

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One of the preferred locations of metastases from breast cancer is the bone tissue. On the other hand, it should be recalled that mammary tumors with equal clinical diagnosis have a different course, and also different metastatic progression. Therefore, it would be helpful to have appropriate markers of osteotropism to test on the surgical cancer tissues, in order to predict the possible propensity of the breast cancer to generate bone metastases and to adequate the therapeutic plan. We previously reported1,2 on the setting-up of an in vitro model for the study of the osteotropic propensity of breast cancer cells and the influences exerted by the bone microenvironment on the cancer cells ph…

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Hsp10: Anatomic distribution, functions, and involvement in human disease

There is growing evidence that molecular chaperones/heat shock proteins are involved in the pathogenesis of a number of human diseases, known as chaperonopathies. A better molecular understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms is essential for addressing new strategies in diagnostics, therapeutics and clinical management of chaperonopathies, including those in which Hsp10 is involved. This chaperonin has been studied for a long time as a member of the mitochondrial protein-folding machine. However, although in normal cells Hsp10 is mainly localized in the mitochondrial matrix, it has also been found during and after stress in other subcellular compartments, such as cytosol, vesicles and sec…

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Kinking, coiling, and tortuosity of extracranial internal carotid artery: is it the effect of a metaplasia?

INTRODUCTION: Morphological anomalies of the extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) cause symptomatic cerebrovascular insufficiency in 4-16% of the cases. The aim of the present study is to evaluate macroscopic and microscopic features of a group of extracranial ICA anomalies, specifically kinking, coiling, and tortuosity, eventually affecting the surgical approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 2003 to December 2005, 10 out of 169 (6%) revascularized patients (pts) were operated upon because of an ICA anomaly. They were all but two symptomatics. Seven pts were treated by ICA transection and end-to-side reimplantation of the ICA at the level of the carotid bulb; three pts were tre…

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Three-dimensional geometrical models using TC images in the study of the surgical approach to hydatid cists of the liver.

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Atrial natriuretic factor, but not oxytocin, is present in atherosclerotic plaques of human common carotid arteries: an immunohistochemical in vivo study.

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Presence of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in the carcinoma of human breast. Ital. J. Anat. Embryol.

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Presence of ANP in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the developing rat.

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Silybin enhances mitochondrial function and inhibits NFkB activation in murine nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, Vol 115, No 1/2 (Supplement) 2010

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ANP presence in the choroid plexus in the lateral ventricles in the development rat

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The liver: three-dimensional geometrical models. About a new stereology.

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Atrial natriuretic factor,but non oxytocin, presence in atherosclerotic plaques of human common carotid arteries

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Hsp60 molecular anatomy and role in colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment

Quantitative changes in Hsp60 during the development of some tumors suggest that this chaperonin plays a role in carcinogenesis. A description of the specific role(s) of Hsp60 in tumor-cell growth and proliferation is still incomplete, but it is already evident that monitoring its levels and distribution in tissues and fluids has potential for diagnosis and staging, and for assessing prognosis and response to treatment. Although Hsp60 is considered an intramitochondrial protein, it has been demonstrated in the cytosol, cell membrane, vesicles, cell surface, extracellular space, and blood. The knowledge that Hsp60 occurs at all these locations opens new avenues for basic and applied research…

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Chaperonology: a novel research field for experimental medicine in XXI century.

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Involvement of caspase-3 and GD3 ganglioside in ceramide-induced apoptosis in Farber disease.

Farber's disease (FD) is a rare genetic disorder caused by ceramidase deficiency, which results in ceramide accumulation in lung, liver, colon, skeletal muscle, cartilage, and bone. Although this disease has been symptomatically characterized, little is known about its molecular pathogenetic process. Because recent studies reported that ceramide accumulation induces GD3 ganglioside formation and apoptosis, we investigated, in tissue obtained via colonoscopy from seriously involved patients, the possible involvement of ceramide in FD colonocyte destruction. Histochemical and TUNEL analyses of paraffin-embedded sections revealed that 45 ± 4.3% of FD colonocytes showed morphological signs of …

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BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Cultivation techniques promoting three-dimensional organization of mammalian cells are of increasing interest, since they confer key functionalities of the native ECM (extracellular matrix) with a power for regenerative medicine applications. Since ECM compliance influences a number of cell functions, Matrigel-based gels have become attractive tools, because of the ease with which their mechanical properties can be controlled. In the present study, we took advantage of the chemical and mechanical tunability of commonly used cell culture substrates, and co-cultures to evaluate, on both two- and three-dimensional cultivated adult rat cardiomyocytes, the impact of ECM c…

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