Ilmi Willbergh
‘Sociability before individuality’: lesson structure in lower secondary classrooms
This paper contributes to the research field of classroom research by offering an empirical analysis of classroom instruction on the level of lesson structure. The research questions are: What are ...
Frihet, fantasi og utfoldelse: En kvalitativ studie av estetiske arbeidsformer i lærerutdanningene
Artikkelen undersoker hva slags forstaelse laererutdannere og laererstudenter har av estetiske arbeidsformer i undervisningen i laererutdanningene. Studien er en kvalitativ intervjuundersokelse blant laererutdannere og laererstudenter ved en norsk laererutdanningsinstitusjon. I lys av danningsteoretisk og didaktisk teori, finner studien at laererutdannere og laererstudenters forstaelse av estetiske arbeidsformer i undervisningen er kjennetegnet av «frihet» som fravaer av tvang og fasit i arbeid med laerestoffet, «fantasi» som bruk av forestillingsevnen slik at kunnskapen blir personlig, og «utfoldelse» som sosialisering inn i et fellesskap gjennom tilbakemeldinger pa egen atferd. Til sammen…
The representation of reality in teaching: A 'mimetic didactic' perspective on examples in plenary talk
ABSTRACTUsing an observation study in Norwegian lower-secondary school classrooms this paper explores how subject matter and students’ real-world experiences are linked within the use of examples in teaching. The theory of “mimetic didactics” claims that giving students the possibility to interpret examples as both subject matter and something that is relevant to their own lives becomes a possibility through imaginative “as-if” experiences. The study finds that “as-if” experiences in the data are created by identifying with others and through a context-dependent knowledge base. The topics in the examples actualise being human within the political, economic and existential realm and offer po…
Det produktive praksissjokket: Nyutdannede læreres fortellinger om lærer-elev-forholdet i overgangen fra lærerutdanning til lærerarbeid
Overgangen fra lærerutdanning til lærerarbeid omtales i forskningen både som utfordrende og som en mulighet for profesjonell utvikling. Denne studien undersøker hvordan nyutdannede læreres overgang fra utdanning til arbeid kan forstås som en danningsprosess. Studien baserer seg på ti semistrukturerte intervjuer med fem deltakere (ett i siste semester på grunnskolelærerutdanningen og ett etter de første tre månedene i arbeid). Studien benytter narrativ og tematisk analyse, og bygger på et hermeneutisk danningsteoretisk perspektiv. Sett fra et slikt perspektiv er overgangen en prosess preget av utvikling og horisontutvidelse der forandringen finner sted etter at de nyutdannede har kommet ut i…
Empowering minority students: a study of cultural references in the teaching content
Using references to the world outside the classroom is an intrinsic part of teaching content. Cultural references, however, might present a challenge for minority students. This paper investigates how teaching can contribute to the empowerment of all students through a qualitative observational case study of two Norwegian primary and secondary schools. Plenary teaching in two classes at each school was observed for two weeks. Using an abductive research process inspired by linguistic translatory research and Bildung-centred general didactics, we developed categories of universal and particular cultural references in classroom teaching. Universal references are general topics concerning all …
Teaching in the age of accountability: restrained by school culture?
AbstractIn this paper, we explore how ‘teaching communication’ in the classroom is connected to school culture. In the age of accountability, the outcome focus force to the forefront, a ‘blame game’ which either blames students’ achievements on the teachers and teacher education, or the students and their socio-economic background. We argue that to succeed with teaching and learning is dependent on the school culture more than the single teacher or the students’ backgrounds. School culture is understood as attitudes, communication, student focus and engagement. Teaching communication in this paper is studied as teachers’ and students’ talk about subject matter in whole-class teaching. We ex…
Frihet, fantasi og utfoldelse: En studie av estetiske arbeidsformer i lærerutdanningene
Bringing teaching back in: The Norwegian NOU The school of the future in light of the Allgemeine Didaktik theory of Wolfgang Klafki
This paper discusses possible knowledge-related challenges in the Norwegian NOU report, entitled The school of the future (2015), in light of the Allgemeine Didaktik theory of Wolfgang Klafki. Why German Didaktik is relevant to the development of future-oriented curriculum theory is firstly explained in relation to the future prospects and concepts of knowledge recently theorised by Michael Young and colleagues. Klafki’s concepts of material-, formal- and categorical Bildung are used to analyse the epistemology inherent in the NOU report’s vision of the curriculum. The paper finds that the main knowledge-related challenge in the report is the subordination of content knowledge to competence…
The problems of ‘competence’ and alternatives from the Scandinavian perspective ofBildung
The paper aims to show how competence as an educational concept for the 21st century is struggling with theoretical problems for which the concept of Bildung in the European tradition can offer alternatives, and to discuss the possibility of developing a sustainable educational concept from the perspectives of competence and Bildung. The method of the study is conceptual analysis of ‘competence’ and Bildung. The paper concludes that (1) competence must be abandoned as an educational concept, as its problems cannot be solved due to the lack of a theory of educational content. With competence, the content aspect of education is obscured and hidden from public debate, and human autonomy is thr…