Iveta Līduma
Phenotypic and genetic analysis of biofilm formation by Staphylococcus epidermidis.
Objective. The most important virulence factor of Staphylococcus epidermidis is their capability to form a biofilm on the surfaces of implanted medical devices. The accumulative phase of biofilm formation is linked to the production of intercellular adhesin encoded by the icaADBC operon and accumulation-associated protein by the aap gene. The aim of the study was to investigate biofilm formation phenotypically and genetically in clinical strains of S. epidermidis in comparison with commensal strains. Material and Methods. The study was carried out in 4 hospitals in Riga, Latvia. In total, 105 clinical strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from patients’ blood (n=67) and intravenous…
Prevalence of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing Bacteria in Two Surgical Wards of a General Hospital
Abstract Colonisation of gastrointestinal tract by extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL)-producing Gram-negative bacteria is a source for infections. The present work is a prospective study in Latvia aimed to determine the role of two surgical profile wards in transmission of ESBL-producing bacteria. Differences between hospital wards were not analysed due to low number of patients. We have also determined a correlation between the duration of hospitalisation and risk of ESBL colonisation. Tests for ESBL-producing bacteria were made twice for 136 patients — upon admission and upon discharge from the hospital. Of them, 21 (15.4%) patients already were ESBL-positive at the time of admission…
Staphylococcus epidermidis virulences faktori un epidemioloģiskā nozīme
Staphylococcus epidermidis svarīgākais virule nces faktors ir biofilmas veidošana. Lai diferencētu komensālos celmus no kolonizējošiem un invazīviem celmiem, pētījumā tika izmantotas fenotipiskās metodes, nosakot biofilmas veidošanu, antibiogrammu, un molekulārās bioloģijas metodes, nosakot virulences gēnus aap / ica A un mec A. Rezultāti liecina, ka biofilmu veidošana raksturīga klīniskajiem celmiem, statistiski ticami biežāk gēni aap/ica A bija noteikti klīniskajos S.epidermidis celmos, tie vis biežāk bija rezistenti pret meticilīnu (97,8%). S.epidermidis tipēšanai pirmo reizi tika pielietota MLST (multilokusu sekvenču tipēšana) metode. Pētījuma rezultāti ļauj secināt par S.epidermidis ge…