Maurizio Addamo
TiO2 thin films: preparation, characterisation and their photocatalytic activity
Adsorption and Photocatalytic Degradation of Acetonitrile on TiO2: FTIR and Kinetic Studies
Ossidazione mediante fotocatalisi e ozonizzazione dello ione ossalato in soluzioni acquose contenenti biossido di titanio
Tungstophosphoric Acid Supported on TiO2 for the Photodegradation of 4-Nitrophenol in Liquid Phase and of 2-Propanol in gas Phase
Optical Properties and Quantum Yields Determination in Photocatalytic Suspensions
Characterization of TiO2 thin films for photocatalytic applications
Photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants by using polycrystalline TiO2: case studies for environment remediation
Photodegradation of lincomycin in aqueous solutions
Preparation, Characterization of rutile obtained by hydrolisis of TiCl4
Film di TiO2 da idrolisi di TiCl4: preparazione, caratterizzazione e fotoattività
Preparazione di TiO2 nanostrutturato a partire da TiCl4.
Preparation, Characterization, and Photoactivity of Polycrystalline Nanostructured TiO2 Catalysts.
Various preparations of nanostructured TiO2 starting from Ti(iso-OC3H7)4 or TiCl4 are reported. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffractometry, specific surface area and porosity determinations, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. 4-Nitrophenol photodegradation in aqueous medium was employed as a probe reaction to test the photoactivity of the catalysts. The photoactivity of some samples derived from Ti(iso-OC3H7)4 was found comparable with that of commercial powders. Calcination after the hydrolysis process was necessary to achieve crystallization of the particles before using them as photocatalysts for the reaction studied. The samp…
A Method for Determining Optical Properties and Quantum Yields of Photocatalytic Suspensions
Studio di processi fotocatalitici: dalla preparazione del fotocatalizzatore alla comprensione della cinetica e del meccanismo di reazione
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di polveri e film di TiO2
Studio della Fotodegradazione di Antibiotici in Ambiente Acquoso
Nanocrystalline TiO2 Photocatalysts Obtained by Thermohydrolysis of TiCl4 in Aqueous Solutions
Preparation in mild conditions of photocatalitically active nanostructured TiO2 rutile
Preparazione e fotoattività di rutilo e brookite ottenuti per termoidrolisi di TiCl4
Current characterisation for ultra low power wireless body area networks
The emerging area of body area networks (BAN) imposes challenging requirements on hardware and software to achieve the desired lifetimes for certain devices such as long term medical implants. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to the measurement and characterisation of the energy consumption of BAN devices. The approach uses a low cost energy auditing circuit and addresses the problem of accurately measuring low-level current consumption. This new technique will allow precise and analytical measurements of systems and components in terms of energy. This will help circuit designers minimise power consumption in BAN devices. Software engineers might use this approach to validate and …
"Caratterizzazione ottica di sospensioni acquose di fotocatalizzatori utilizzati in processi di abbattimento di inquinanti organici
Mechanistic aspects of oxalic acid oxidation by photocatalysis and ozonation
Assembling Process of Charged Nonanuclear Cationic Lanthanide(III)Clusters Assisted by Dichromium Decacarbonyl Hydride
Preparazione, Caratterizzazione e Fotoattività di Film di TiO2
Preparation and characterization of photocatalytic TiO2 films
Degradazione Fotocatalitica Eterogenea di Acetonitrile e Toluene in Regime Gas-Solido e Liquido-Solido
Preparation and Photoactivity of Rutile Obtained by Hydrolysis of TiCl4
Characterisation and photoactivity of nanostructured TiO2 obtained by hydrolysis of TiCl4
Influence of the Substituent on Selective Photocatalytic Oxidation of Aromatic Compounds in Aqueous TiO2 Suspensions.
Experimental results are reported showing that the photocatalytic oxidation of aromatic compounds containing an electron-donor group (EDG) gives rise mainly to ortho- and para-monohydroxy derivatives while in the presence of an electron-withdrawing group (EWG) all the monohydroxy derivatives are obtained.
Photocatalytic abatement of organic compounds using home prepared TiO2 as photocatalysts
Preparation, characterisation and photoactivity of nanostructured TiO2 catalysts
Ossidazione fotocatalitica di benzonitrile in sospensioni acquose di biossido di titanio
Influenza del Sostituente sulla Ossidazione Fotocatalitica Selettiva di Composti Aromatici
Heterogeneous photocatalysis: optical characterisation of polycrystalline photocatalysts for pollutant degradation in aqueous medium
Preparation, characterization and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 rutile
Optical Characterisation of Semiconductors Used as Photocatalysts for the Degradation of Organic Pollutans in Acqueous Medium
Preparazione di Fotocatalizzatori Nanostrutturati a Base di TiO2
Preparazione e caratterizzazione di film fotocatalitici
Hyperactive TiO2 Photocatalyst Obtained by Microwave Treatment
Studio delle proprietà acido-base superficiali e fotoattività di catalizzatori nanostrutturati costituiti da TiO2
Preparation of photocatalytic nanostructured TiO2 thin films
Carbon and nitrogen-doped TiO2: preparation, characterisation and visible light photocatalytic activity
Photolytic and TiO2-Assisted Photodegradation of Aqueous Solutions of Tetracycline
Aqueous solutions of tetracycline were UV-irradiated in homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. Tetracycline disappeared in both systems, but the presence of TiO2 accelerated the photodegradation of the antibiotic in comparison with direct photolysis. The rate of decomposition was dependent on the concentration of tetracycline and its degradation on the surface of TiO2 can be described by means of a pseudo-first order kinetics. Photolysis involved only the photodeamination of tetracycline and a partial mineralization. Unlikely, the treatment with TiO2 and UV-light resulted in a complete mineralization of the antibiotic drug.