Barbara Rosy Ines Manachini


Introdotto accidentalmente in Sicilia nel 2005 Rhynchophorous ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera Curculionidae), noto come punteruolo rosso, ha infestato velocemente e gravemente molte palme. La sua espansione è veloce e i potenziali stress abiotici e biotici presenti nel nuovo areale non sembrano costituire dei possibili agenti di contenimento. Si è cercato di comprendere il perché di tale resistenza trattando larve di punteruolo con uno dei maggiori batteri entomopageni attualmente conosciuti il Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt). Gli studi eff ettuati hanno evidenziato una certa mortalità ma soprattutto un’interazione con l’attività trofi ca. Per comprendere meglio questi eff etti si è st…

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Uso di tecniche biomolecolari per la distinzione di biotipi mono, bivoltini e polivoltini di Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lepidoptera:Crambidae)

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Nematodes colonization of pyrite cinders in a phytoremediation study

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Population Genetics of European Corn Borer (ECB, Ostrinia nubilalis) and Mediterranean corn borer (MCB, Sesamia nonagrioides) from different European countries.

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Bt-Maize management plan for Europe.

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Bacillus thuringiensis treatment modulate the HSP70 expression in larva and adult brain of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

To study the pathogen-host relationship, we used the model of the entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, a quarantine pest that attacks palm trees. In particular, we focused on the Bt stress-induced infections. We studied the effect of Bt on larval and adult growth, and on the expression of the heat shock proteins (HSPs), rapidly synthesized in the cell after exposure to stress including pathogens. Bt has negative effects on larval and adult growth, on total hemocytes counts and on the hemocyte type. HSP70 was evaluated in the supernatant of the brain lysate obtained from larvae and adults fed with sublethal doses of Bt. HSP70 expression was mo…

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Potential effects of Bacillus thuringiensis against adults and older larvae of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus.

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Prime indicazioni sulle biocenosi associate alle mummie delle Catacombe dei Cappuccini di Palermo

La fama del convento, costruito dai Cappuccini di Palermo nel 1533, è dovuta in gran parte alle famose "Catacombe". L’origine delle catacombe si fa risalire al 1599 circa, quando i frati, sfruttando una preesistente cavità naturale al di sotto dell’altare maggiore della chiesa, trasferirono le salme di 40 frati precedentemente sepolti presso il lato meridionale della chiesa stessa. I frati iniziarono ad ampliare le catacombe, scavando nel sottosuolo, in relazione al crescente numero di nuove salme che nel tempo si conservavano. Allo stato attuale le catacombe sono una sorta di cimitero sotterraneo, in uso nel XVII secolo, costituito da lunghe gallerie scavate nel tufo per un’estensione di c…

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From non-target risk assessment to Bt resistance management: the example of Bt Brassica sp. and Pieridae

Insecticidal toxins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been widely used in plant protection in two different ways: 1) by spraying bacterial Bt formulations, 2) by expressing their gene encoding in planta. In the second strategy, only the transgenic plants themselves are protected but insect- resistant plants could spread into natural habitats and/or the gene could be fixed in alternative hosts. It is necessary to estimate the magnitude of the possible effects on naturally occurring herbivorous insects but also on the target species, especially when they have several alternative hosts, as in the case of Pieridae. They are present both in agriculture where they could be considered p…

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Modulazione In vivo dell’Hsp70 negli emociti di Rhynchophorus ferrugineus dopo trattamento con Bacillus thuringiensis

Diversi tipi di stress ambientali possono indurre l’espressione delle Hsps vengono rapidamente sintetizzate all'interno delle cellule dopo esposizione ad uno stressor. Le HSPs sono raggruppate in diverse famiglie in base alle dimensioni delle proteine. Nella maggior parte degli organismi ci sono diversi geni che codificano i membri di questa famiglia HSP. In studi precedenti è stata valutata l'interazione tra Bacillus thuringiensis e gli emociti circolanti di Rhynchophorus ferrugineus il punteruolo rosso delle palme. Questo coleottero è grande, da due a cinque centimetri di lunghezza, ed è di colore rosso ruggine, le sue larve scavano buche fino a un metro lungo il tronco delle palme, e può…

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Le simbiosi in ambiente marino

L’adattamento e la conseguente selezione naturale ha prodotto un’infinita varietà di organismi viventi, ciascuno dotato di peculiari caratteristiche, per consentire ad ogni specie di utilizzare l’ambiente in cui vive. I membri che formano le comunità naturali creano tra di essi dei complessi sistemi fatti di rapporti di competizione e di cooperazione. Questi, contribuiscono ad assicurare l’evoluzione delle specie nell’efficace opera di utilizzazione dell’ambiente. Nell’ambito delle relazioni tra individui di specie diverse esistono alcune singolari associazioni che si evolvono insieme, stabilendo un legame intimo e duraturo che comporta un elevato grado di specializzazione da parte dei cont…

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Biological responses of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae).

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is becoming a serious problem in Mediterranean areas where it is well-adapted, and now is present even in the United States (California). The infestations are primarily in urban areas where chemical control is not advisable and million of Euros are spent to control it. The effects of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda: Steinernematidae) on mortality, growth, as well as the immune activity of R. ferrugineus larvae, were investigated. R. ferrugineus mortality exhibited a positive trend with the dosage and duration of exposure to S. carpocapsae. The median lethal dose and median lethal time, impor…

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Vietnam: Rice and its by-products.

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Preliminary studies on red palm weevil as potential risk for palm trees in mediterranean basin

The impacts of insect invasive species on human health and on agricutlture have attracted worldwide attention. However, researchers and policymakers rarely directly address the connection between invasive species and loss in natual and cultural heritages. Various attempts have been made to address the plants that are affected by invasive species but the links between these and loss in naturla biodiversity and heritage in botanical and historical gardens are largely lacking in the literature. We report a study on the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Oliv.) (Fig. 1) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) which is the most important pest of the palm date trees in many countries. RPW is …

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Susceptibility of Tortrix viridiana L. to Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki at different level of larval development.

Recently out-breaks of the green oak leaf roller Tortrix viridana L. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) were recorded in Natural Reserve in Sicily (Italy) where treatments are generally forbidden. The commercial, social and environmental value of the wood in the forest needs to be preserved and biological control could be applied in particular case. To optimise the permitted biological treatment, not only in terms of product amount but also for the time of application baseline susceptibility of T. viridiana from the Natural Reserve of Ficuzza (Palermo, Italy) to a commercial formulation of Bacillus thuringiensis was determined for neonates and 2, 5, 10 and 15 day old larvae. The differences in susc…

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Preliminary results on the interaction between Bacillus thuringensis and Red Palm Weevil.

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Laboratory selection of resistant Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Sesamia nonagrioides (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Cry1Ab-toxin from different European countries.

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Increasing body of research deals with the impact of agricultural products marine environment. Indeed it is expected to detect insecticides, including the ones for biocontrol, in nearshore marine waters and thus predicting where, when and with what magnitude these impacts are most likely to occur is imperative if we are effectively interested in understanding the role of biological products as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) on marine biodiversity. Bivalves are important elements of marine biodiversity and very often they play a role of ecosystem engineers in that many other species structurally depend on their presence. Oxygen consumption through respiration in these organisms varies with natu…

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Preliminary evaluation on the effect of Imidacloprid on Turbatrix aceti Muller. ,

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Studies on the effects of Bt corn (event 176) expressing CryIAb on two parasitoid of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lepidoptera Crambidae).

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Lamarck a Livorno. Dalle conchiglie alla pace.

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First investigations on the effects of transgenic Brassica napus L. on the trophic structure of the nematofauna.

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Insects and nematodes parassites of Oryza sativa: from traditional to biomolecular control.

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Valutazione della qualità del suolo agrario in mais monosuccassione e in prato permanente.

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Impatto dei predatori lungo un gradiente forestale di urbanizzazione in Danimarca

Lungo un gradiente di urbanizzazione che va dalla foresta, dominata da Fagus selvatica, ai frammenti della foresta originale nel parco urbano di Sorø a sud della Danimarca (Isola Zelanda), i coleotteri carabidi non dimostrano un decremento nella loro diversità generale, ma le specie che hanno una preferenza nei confronti della foresta diminuiscono (Magura & al. 2010, Global Ecol. Biogegoraphy). Cercando una spiegazione per quest’anomalia, si sono analizzati i tassi di predazione e competizione nei differenti habitat a diversi livelli di urbanizzazione. A tal fine è stato utilizzato un metodo innovativo (Howe & al. 2009, Entomol. Exp. Appl.), che consiste nella disposizione di larve artifici…

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In vivo modulation of Hsp70 in Rhynchophorus ferrugineus hemocytes after Bacillus thuringiensis treatment

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are rapidly synthesized within stressed cells after exposure to an environmental stressor. A variety of environmental stresses, including heat, cold, trace-metal exposure, xenobiotics have been reported to modulate Hsps expression in various organisms. Hsps are grouped into several families based on their protein size. Most organisms have several genes encoding members of this Hsp family. In particularly Hsp70 can be induced quickly under stressful conditions, but return to a normal expression level under non-stressful conditions. Few studies have been done to detect the Hsp70 expression in phytophagous insects towards pathogens. Since a preliminary research discl…

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Using AFLP to investigate the genetic similarity of Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) infesting rice and corn.

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Comparison among the responses of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella and red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus to the entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema carpocapsae

The entomopathogenic nematode-bacterium complex of Steinernema-Xenorhabdus has high potential as lethal biological control agent against many insect pest species. The Red Palm Weevil (RPW) Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is an important worldwide palm trees pest. This insect is a quarantined pest, accidentally introduced in Sicily in 2005. The pest is killed by Steirnenema carpocapsae, but nematodes are unable to reproduce in the RPW larvae. This research try to understand the reasons of the inability of S. carpocapsae to complete its life cycle in the host comparing what happens in one of the most suitable host, the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera: …

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Indagini sulla diffusione di GFLV (Grapevine Fanleaf Virus) e di ARMV (Arabis Mosaic Virus) in un vigneto dell’Oltrepò Pavese.

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The gut bacterial community of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, Coleoptera, Curculionidae) larvae

The red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, Coleoptera, Curculionidae) is the major pest of palm trees in the Mediterranean area. Damages are caused mainly by the endophytophagous larvae that consume the palm tender soft tissues making galleries and producing a wet “frass” with a characteristic fermented odour. The culturable bacterial community associated to the frass produced by RPW larvae inside Phoenix canariensis trees is mainly composed of facultative anaerobe gamma-proteobacteria that have their closest phylogenetic relatives in the gut microbiome of other endophytophagous and xilophagous coleopteran as bark beetles and other plant biomass-degrading insects (leaf-c…

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Una inaspettata biodiversità valutata con la trappola malaise: il caso dei collemboli di Lampedusa

All‟interno di uno studio sulla biodiversità dell‟entomofauna dell‟Isola di Lampedusa, che verteva principalmente sulla fauna aerea, si sono trovati diversi taxa normalmente appartenenti alla fauna edafica. Infatti per il monitoraggio sono state utilizzate trappole di tipo Malaise internazionalmente impiegate e consigliate nei protocolli per il monitoraggio di popolazioni di insetti volatori. Inaspettatamente, anche se qualche altro caso è citato in letteratura, si sono rinvenuti diversi taxa più tipicamente rappresentativi della fauna del suolo ed in particolare dell‟epifauna quali chilopodi, collemboli, coleotteri carabidi. La nostra attenzione si è focalizzata sui collemboli in quanto so…

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Biodiversity of nematofauna associated with the rice field agro-ecosystem in north Italy

This research is intended to give an idea on the soil biodiversity associated with the rice field agro-ecosystem. The research was carried out in two areas of North Italy where Oryza sativa is a traditional crop. The nematodes were extracted from soil samples and from the rhizosphere of rice plants. The nematode community was investigated for the genus composition, trophic structure and biodiversity. 22 families and 45 different genera were recorded. The dominant trophic group was the bacteriophagous with the genus Rhabditis. Other important genera were Pratylenchus, Helicotylenchus and Acrobeloides. Phytophagous represent in almost all fields not more than the 20% of the total nematodes. I…

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A response of Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) larval hemocytes to Bacillus thuringiensis

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Study of two midgut aminopeptidases from Ostrinia nubilalis Hubner

Aminopeptidases N (APNs) have been identified as Bacillus thuringiensis endotoxins receptor candidates in several Lepidopteran species. Employing the RACE PCR technique we obtained two complete cDNAs corresponding to two APNs expressed in the midgut of Ostrinia nubilalis larvae. One of the sequences was 3624 bp long, and the predicted protein was composed by 940 aminoacids, whereas the other cDNA was 3226 nucleotides long, leading a putative protein composed by 994 aminoacids. The in silico study of the sequences, showed in both proteins a signal peptide, a GPI-anchor domain, a zinc-binding region HEXXHX18E and a GAMEN motif, characteristic of the gluzincin aminopeptidases. Moreover, severa…

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Relative fitness of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) on transgenic corn Bt 176.

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Pesticides: Chemical and Biological.

There is a requirement by World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other International Organizations to develop environmentally sustainable systems for controlling pests that are less reliant on chemical pesticides as the primary management tool. However biological control alone cannot at the moment solve all pest problems and must be considered instrument to be used in combination with other methods. Compatibility of chemical pesticides (CP) and biological pesticides (BP) is one of the key for the implementation of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. Testing the compatibility of CP and BP is necessary if these two agents are to be applied together…

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I Nematodi nei diversi ecosistemi

In questo ottavo capitolo si descrivono le diverse comunità di nematodi nei differenti ecosistemi e come il loro studio possa indicare lo stato di conservazione e qualità dell'ecosistema stesso. Si riportano anche differenti esempi del loro impiego quali bioindicatori

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Prime liste faunistiche di Lepidotteri diurni in aree protette italiane

Nell’ambito del progetto Life+ 2008, Validation of risk management tools for genetically modified plants in protected and sensitive areas in Italy (MAN-GMP-ITA), sono stati condotti studi di caratterizzazione dell’entomofauna di alcune aree protette in Italia, da marzo a settembre di due anni consecutivi (2011-2012). Tali studi hanno condotto alla redazione di liste faunistiche di Lepidotteri diurni, Lepidotteri notturni e Coccinellidi per ciascun sito. I due gruppi di specie sono stati scelti in considerazione del loro possibile ruolo come specie “non-target” in studi di impatto ambientale. Le aree oggetto di studio sono state scelte in modo da essere rappresentative di diverse aree bio-ge…

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Evaluating resistance to Bt Toxin Cry1Ab by F-2 Screen in European populations of Ostrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

The large-scale cultivation of transgenic crops producing Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins have already lead to the evolution of Bt resistance in some pest populations targeted by these crops. We used the F2 screening method for further estimating the frequency of resistance alleles of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), to Bt maize, Zea mays L., producing the Cry1Ab toxin. In France, Germany, and Italy, 784, 455, and 80 lines of European corn borer were screened for resistance to Mon810 maize, respectively. In Slovakia, 26 lines were screened for resistance to the Cry1Ab toxin. The cost of F2 screen performed in the four countries varied from U.…

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Lampedusa è un'isola appartenente all'arcipelago delle Pelagie, che è particolarmente interessante per l'aspetto faunistico, in quanto crocevia tra la fauna Europea e Africana. Gli insetti, per la loro abbondanza e diversità in natura, rappresentano una classe nel regno animale particolarmente utile per studiare la biodiversità e i fenomeni di migrazione o emigrazione delle specie, e per valutare inoltre eventuali cambiamenti climatici. Allo stato attuale i dati sull'entomofauna non sono organici e sono riportati in modo spesso frammentario, e la check-list più completa disponibile è datata 1995, quasi venti anni fa. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è stato quello di impiegare nuove tecniche di ri…

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Organismi geneticamente modificati (OGM): quali rischi per la biodiversità zoologica?

Diversi OGM possono potenzialmente entrare nel mercato e in generale nell’ambiente italiano. In particolare i candidati più prossimi sono le piante geneticamente modificate (PGM) tolleranti agli erbicidi e resistenti agli insetti, ma sono in corso di valutazione anche insetti e pesci transgenici per i quali l’Autorita’ Europea per la Sicurezza Alimentare (EFSA) ha già dato mandato per una revisione scientifica dello stato dell’arte e per lo studio della valutazione del rischio (EFSA, 2008 e 2009). Accanto ai benefici dello sviluppo di questi organismi è importante ricordare alcuni rischi ambientali collegati proprio al loro sviluppo: trasmissione del gene modificato ad altre piante attraver…

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Sistema immunitario del Punteruolo rosso

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Effetti di Bacillus thuringiensis nella sua forma vegetativa sulle larve di Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Coleoptera Curculionidae)

Il batterio Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) è un patogeno di molti insetti ed è ampiamente impiegato, sottoforma di spore, nella lotta biologica. La forma vegetative (Btv) è considerata quella responsabile della setticemia dell’ospite dopo che le tossine (Cry) rilasciate dal corpo parasporale del Bt in forma sporulata (Bts) hanno perforato il mesenteron del ospite. Tuttavia poco è conosciuto relativamente ai meccanismi di difesa dell’insetto nelle fasi successive alla azione delle tossine Cry. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di studiare gli effetti del Btv sulle larve del fitofago Rhynchophorous ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) a seguito di iniezioni sub letali di Btv. Ques…

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Risaie e Malaria

In questo capitolo vengono illustrate le relazioni tra risaie e malaria tra cultura scientifica e credenze popolari. Si riportano le tappe storiche della scoperta del vettore e dell'agente patogeno, le leggi relative alla gestione delle risaie per il controllo di Anopheles e come non sempre la coltura del riso fosse l'unica causa dei miasmi e della mal' aria

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Underestimated impact of Red Palm Weevil introduction on iandscape biodiversity: the help of the molecular tools

Alien species have been introduced both accidentally and intentionally. The last are and have been motivated by economic, environmental and social considerations (NOBANIS, 2010), as in the case of many palm species (Phoenix canariensis, P. dactylifera, Washingtonia filifera, W. robusta) in Sicily. These Arecaceae are important in the urban areas and they contribute to the typical Sicilian Panorama. On the other hand the accidental introduction of invasive alien species can be one a cause of the loss of native biodiversity, especially severe on islands and other isolated ecosystems. Phytophagous insects can cause biodiversity losses and may also have a strong impact on the economy of the isl…

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New Anti-Adhesion Agents In The Development of Antivirulence Drugs

Gram-positive bacteria are a significant cause of nosocomial and community-acquired infections associated with diseases of high morbidity and mortality. Moreover, antibiotic resistance of important Gram-positive pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis is one of the major worldwide health problems. Over the last decade, many studies have focused on agents that target the virulence of important pathogens without killing or inhibiting their growth therefore imposing limited selective pressure to promote the development and spread of resistance mechanisms [1]enterococci and streptococci, sortase A plays a critical role in Gram-positive bacter…

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Estratti di trifoglio per la preparazione di agenti antiafide

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An alternative set of test to bioassay for bioinsecticides

The development of an assay to determine insecticidal properties for either biological and conventional plant protection products plays an important role on the early screening of potential pathogens or derived toxins candidates. The standard methods for the evaluation it has been by bioassay, especially determination of LD50 or LC 50 requiring the use of relatively large numbers of insects and toxin tests. There are several problems connected with these bioassays: availability of insects and in the right life stage, mass producing the candidate species, preparation, reproducibly and costs relative to intensive manpower. These aspects are really important especially when bio-insectides shou…

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Le mummie delle catacombe dei Cappuccini di Palermo

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Preliminary results on antimicrobial activity of Rhynchophorous ferrugineus hemolymph

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), known as the Red Palm Weevil (RPW) and accidentally introduced in the Mediterranean areas, is considered a quarantine pest for tree palms especially in the urban environment. In order to understand the relationship among potential pathogens and RPW several studies were carried out on RPW immune system. Here we report the results of a preliminary study undertaken to investigate the effect of naturally occurring antimicrobial activities present both in the cell free hemolymph and in hemocytes lysate supernatant of RPW. The hemolymph was extracted from the older larvae sampled from infested palm trees. The protein fractions were extracted …

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Baseline susceptibility to Cry1Ab toxin of Ostrinia nubilalis Hb. (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Sesamia nonagrioides Lefebvre (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from different European countries.

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Nematodes associated with the rhizosphere of corn (Zea mays L.)

Most soil studies aim a better characterization of the system through indicators. In the present study nematofauna and soil structure were chosen as indicators to be assess soil health as related to agricultural practices. The field research was carried out on the two fodder cropping systems continuous maize (CM, Zea mays L.) and a 3-year rotation of silage-maize - silage-barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) with Italian ryegrass (R3) and grain-maize maintained in these conditions for 18 years. Each crop system was submitted to two management options: (1) the high input level (H), done as a conventional tillage, (2) the low input level (L), where the tillage was replaced by harrowing and the manure…

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The F2 Screen of ECB/MCB.

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Stone works of art located outdoors are exposed to natural deterioration, due to several physical, chemical and biological factors. Biological macro- and micro-systems (e.g. weeds, insects, algae, mosses, fungi and bacteria) may induce the biodeterioration of stone materials. In February 2014, the state of conservation of the Fountain of the two Dragons in Palermo was examined, during which time biological colonization in some areas of the fountain and statues, was also detected. The monument represents an excellent substrate for the development and growth of microrganisms and organisms that need a continuous supply of water. Direct solar irradiance promotes the development of photoautotrop…

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Le conchiglie di Lamarck come beni culturali

Con questo contributo si è voluto ricordare che nella turbolenta Francia nel 1793 per la prima volta i beni naturali vengono ufficialmente riconosciuti anche come beni culturali facenti parte del patrimonio di un popolo, che li deve custodire e tutelare. Il tutto era scaturito dalla necessità di salvare dalla distruzione due acquasantiere costituite da 2 valve di tridacna, una conchiglia esotica, presenti nella Chiesa di S. Sulpice a Parigi. A questo importante evento partecipò attivamente anche Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Professore di Zoologia degli Insetti e dei Vermi presso il Museo Nazionale di Storia Naturale di Parigi. Proprio dallo studio delle conchiglie attuali, comparate con quelle fo…

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Comparazione tra liste faunistiche di Lepidotteri e Coccinellidi in aree protette italiane con diverse caratteristiche biogeografiche

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Hexamermis sp. an entomopathogenous nematode associated with the European stink bug

The nematodes of the Mermithidae family are a large and important group obligatory parasite of arthropods, principally insects, and are almost always lethal to their hosts. They are usually specific to a single species or to one or two families of them. A mermithid of the genus Hexamermis Steiner, was found parasiting the stink bug Rhaphigaster nebulosa Poda (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), present on hazelnut plants in the Piedmont region. The bug feeds on various broadleaved woody plant and is considered a serious pest for Mermithidae in Italy. Considerations regarding the taxonomy of the Hexamermis genus are reported. From the taxonomic point of view is very difficult to describe the different…

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Paddy-fields and malaria

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Fungi related to larvae of red palm weevil Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

As a first step to developing effective biocontrol strategies, we analyzed the pathogens and mainly the entomopathogenic fungal species, present into dead larvae of Rhynchophorous ferrugineus; a quarantine pest recently introduced and acclimated in Sicily (Italy). From 2008 to 2010, we estimated the natural larval mortality (> second instar) of R. ferrugineus collected from infested palm Phoenix canariensis; that was variable from 10 to 35%, according to the different seasons Among the different pathogens recorded the fungi seems have an important role, than in order to distinguish saprophytic or opportunistic species from potential pathogens (including the non cultivable ones) we applied d…

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Bacillus thuringiensis as a biological control agent for the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Oliv.)(Coleoptera, Curculionidae)

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Overview on the studies conducted in Italy on the effects of Bt GM plants on non-target organisms.

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Introduction: Originally from tropical Asia, the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier)) is the most dangerous and deadly pest of date, coconut, oil, sago and other palms. It has spread to Africa and Europe, reaching the Mediterranean in the 1980s, and was first recorded in Sicily (Italy) in 2005. Due to its recent introduction and the difficulty of its control, to known the natural pathogens of RPW in the introduced areas is very important. Methods: Pupae from infested palms Phoenix canariensis Hort. were collected. The entomopathogenic fungi were isolated and growth. Because of it is possible to growth only the 1% of the known fungi, the identification of entomopathogens is …

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Bacillus thuringiensis treatment alters larval growth, hemocytes and modulation of Hsp70 in Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

To study the pathogen-host relationship, we used the model of the entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) and Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, a quarantine pest that attacks the palm trees. In particular, we focused on the Bt stress-induced infections. We studied the effect of Bt on larval growth, on hemocytes and on the expression of the heat shock proteins (Hsp70). HSPs are rapidly synthesized in the cells after a stress exposition including pathogens. The Hsp70 was evaluated in the supernatant of the hemocyte lysate (HLS) obtained from larvae fed with Bt. This is the first time that the presence of Hsp70 has been recorded in R. ferrugineus. Bt has negative effects on larval grow…

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Susceptibility to BT of wild lepidopteran species in Nature Reserve in Sicily

A wide range of crop plants and trees have been transformed with genes derived from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to express insecticidal proteins (insect-resistant Bt plants). Whereas the adoption of Bt plants constitutes one of the most common uses of transgenic plants in agriculture, the environmental benefits and risks remain an issue. To preserve the natural reserve and their fauna UE proposed that in future the Member State specify a minimum separation distance of metres between fields of GM plants and nature reserves or to forbid cultivation of GM plant in particular area based on scientific data. Natural reserve in Sicily have many endemism and rare species so next …

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In vivo modulation of Bacillus thuringiensis (commercial form) on Holothuria tubulosa immune defense mechanisms

In invertebrates, cellular and humoral components are evolved to maintain their homeostais and integrity. Both these components respond to different non-self such as microorganisms, vertebrate erythrocytes and foreign proteins. The aim of this research was to study the possible modulating effects of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) in a commercial and vegetative form on the immune response of the echinoderm, sea cucumber Holothuria tubulosa. Bt is one of the most used biopesticides worldwide, covering the 90% of the organic market. Sicily is a region vocated to biological control and agricultural area are often closed to the coastal area. Investigate the effect of biopesticides on other non targ…

research product

Analisi molecolare per lo studio della variabilità genetica nel Punteruolo rosso

Al fine di caratterizzare e confrontare le popolazioni di Rhynchophorus ferrugineus presenti in Sicilia, con quelle presenti negli areali autoctoni e di recente introduzione, sono stati messi a punto dei protocolli per l’analisi di specifiche sequenze del DNA genomico di questo fitofago. Sono stati disegnati i primer da utilizzare per l’amplificazione della regione ITS del punteruolo rosso. In particolare, per l’amplificazione della porzione ITS1 un primer forward è posizionato nella porzione terminale del gene 18S (P1) e l’altro nella porzione iniziale del gene 5,8S (P2), con opposta direzione di sintesi.Per l’amplificazione dell’ITS2, invece, i primer forward e reverse sono posizionati, r…

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Pristionchus sp. (Rhabditida: Diplogastridae) from Italian populations of Anoplophora chinensis Forster (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae).

Priostonchus sp. n. (Rhabditida: Diplogastridae) is described from a population of Citrus Longhorn Beetles. Alive adults of this Cerambycid were collected from Acer saccharinum trees at Assago and Parabiago (Villastanza), two localities near Milan (Italy). The natural occurrence of the entomogenous nematode in the beetle was not frequent and widespread in the study area. Preliminary laboratory infectivity tests highlight the potential parasitic nature of the nematode. However, it was not successfully maintained in storage and culture. The diplogasterid Pristionchus sp. has rather complicate systematic thus a biomolecular analysis based on DNA is necessary for more specific identification an…

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In Europe, especially in Italy, different considerations are necessary when potential GMPs are to be grown. In particular high biodiversity areas such as Sicily should have a more detail plans of potential benefits and risks assuring the conservation of biodiversity and endemic species. Sicily is one of the most relevant biodiversity hotspots in the Mediterranean area, with a vascular flora of 3252 species and 321 endemic taxa. Considering the latest IUCN categories and criteria, 401 taxa (12.4% of Sicilian flora) are under threat (categories “CR”, “EN”, “VU”), and 220 more taxa (6.8%) are “Near Threatened”. Sicily is also known to have a rich butterfly and coleopteran fauna including endem…

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Indagini di laboratorio sulla patogenicità di Bacillus thuringiensis nei confronti del Punteruolo rosso delle palme

research product

Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis as vegetative form on hemocytes of Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Coleoptera Curculionidae) larvae

The bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a pathogen of many insect species and is actively used in biocontrol. The vegetative form as been reported to be involved in insect septicemia process. Bt during the vegetative stage of growth, is known to secern a new family of insecticidal proteins. Moreover recently evidence has been provided, that B. thuringiensis can establish itself in replicative and vegetative form on the leaf surface. Little is known on the interaction of pathogens with the defense responses of phytophagous insects. Insect circulating hemocytes are primarily responsible for the immune defense against parasites and pathogens. We use as model Rhynchophorous ferrugineus Oli…

research product

Caratterizzazione molecolare di specie fungine associate al Punteruolo rosso

Nella primavera 2008 nella città di Palermo, pupe, larve e di Punteruolo rosso sono stati prelevati da palme infestate ed e’ stato avviato lo studio della naturale incidenza di patogeni del punteruolo rosso. Specie fungine sono state isolate principalmente dalle pupe, infatti circa il 30% di queste erano colonizzate da funghi. I sintomi dell’infezione includevano rapida atrofia dei tessuti pupali, mancata fuoriuscita dell’adulto e morte. La dissezione delle pupe infette ha rivelato la crescita di un denso micelio, suggerendo la penetrazione delle ife e la patogenicita’. I putativi patogeni sono stati isolati su piastra e la loro identificazione e’ stata condotta mediante amplificazione e se…

research product

Impoverishment of Sicilian (Italy) historical and cultural assets by an alien insect species:the case study of the Real Palm Weevil

Microorganisms and insects have a disastrous impact on the biodiversity, cultural heritage and economy of a geographic area. However, in recent decades, the negative effects of invasive alien species (IAS), including both animal and plant or microorganisms occurring outside their natural distribution range, are generally not well known. Invasive alien species are most often found in or near urban areas, as well as throughout the settled landscape. According to the World Conservation Union, IUCN 2012, IAS represent the second most significant threat to biodiversity after resource depletion of habitats, becoming predators, competitors, parasites, hybridizers and diseases for native plants and…

research product

Clover Extracts for the Preparation of Insecticidal Agents

The present invention relates to the use of clover extracts to prepare insecticidal agents

research product

A comparison of the nematofauna from permanent grassland and maize monoculture

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Risultati preliminari del monitoraggio di lepidotteri diurni in un sito di interesse comunitario per differenti scopi applicativi

Durante il XX secolo e specialmente negli ultimi 50 anni è stato riportato un declino nel numero specie di lepidotteri diurni presenti in Europa, ed ad una modificazione delle comunità delle farfalle. Tale decremento è stato attributo a diversi fattori: frammentazione e la scomparsa degli habitat e l'intensificazione dell'agricoltura e delle pratiche ad essa connesse. L'introduzione di nuovi prodotti in agricoltura, quali ad esempio le piante geneticamente modificate o i prodotti a base di virus entomopatogeni hanno posto ancor più l'accento sulla necessità di monitorare i lepidotteri non target (principalmente i diurni) sia come data set iniziale sia per i piani di post monitoring. A tal f…

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First investigation on nematofauna in well rotted manure

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An overview of Bt toxin safety concerns.

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Preliminary Results on the Soil Biodiversity of Rice Crops

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Alien invasive species (IAS) have a disastrous impact on the biodiversity, cultural heritage and economy of a geographic area. The case of the Red Palm Weevil (RPW), an IAS that attacks the non-native palm species Phoenix canariensis, but also native species Chaemerops humilis, especially in urban and peri-urban areas, is reported. These palm trees have played an important role in Sicilian history and cultural heritage since the period of the Arab invasion. The accidental introduction of the RPW has remarkably changed the Sicilian panorama. In this study the chronology and the severity of the effects of RPW on palms so far detected, is reported. In only 7 years the RPW has drastically chang…

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La Sicilia è una delle regioni mediterranee con la maggior biodiversità faunistica e floristica la cui conservazione, potrà dipendere anche da un attento piano di valutazione del rischio derivante dall’introduzione di piante geneticamente modificate (PGM) sugli organismi non target. A tal fine sono state scelte due aree rappresentative di differenti habitat siciliani: il SIC “Raffo Rosso, Monte Cuccio e Vallone Sagana (ITA020023) e il SIC “Capo Gallo” (ITA020006). Sono stati individuati 5 habitat: Uliveto, Bosco misto, Ampelodesmeto, Macchia mediterranea e Macchia mediterranea costiera per valutare il potenziale rischio di introduzione di PGM Bt. La maggior parte della bibliografia sugli ef…

research product

Caratterizzazione di Rhynchophorous ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) mediante l’analisi del DNA genomico

Originario dell’Asia tropicale, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), Coleoptera, Curculionidae, introdotto accidentalmente nel bacino del Mediterraneo nei primi anni ’90 (Salama et al, 2004), e segnalato in Sicilia nel 2005 (A.A.V.V. , 2009) è il fitofago chiave causa della moria di numerose palme. Infesta diversi generi di palme, sia giovani che adulti, quali Phoenix canariensis, P. dactylifera, Coccus nucifera, Washingtonia sp. A dispetto della pericolosità di questa specie che recentemente è stata proposta quale specie da quarantena (EPPO, 2008) non sono ancora disponibili informazioni inerenti la caratterizzazione molecolare di R. ferrugineus, utili per: i) identificazione specifica del…

research product


Il 1793 fu l’anno in cui l’istruzione fu riformata in Francia. Erano passati quattro anni dalla Rivoluzione e si imponevano nuovi criteri per l’insegnamento delle Scienze Naturali, che dovevano diventare la base di una nuova cultura, più attenta a tutti i viventi e meno antropocentrica. Come emblemi del passato, le Chiese venivano chiuse, o dedicate ad altre funzioni: così stava per succedere alla Chiesa di Saint Sulpice a Parigi che, dopo una grande festa popolare di inaugurazione, doveva diventare Tempio della Filosofia. Il periodo era assai turbolento e pericoloso, tanto che fu in seguito chiamato Terrore. Il Governo stesso temeva distruzioni e atti di vandalismo, soprattutto verso due s…

research product

Preliminary selection of non-target Lepidoptera species for ecological risk assessment of Bt canola in Sicily

It is essential to assess the environmental risk that Bt canola resistant to Lepidopteran pests may hold and to study its effect on species assemblages that fulfil a variety of ecosystem functions. Environmental risk assessment can be improved through the use of an ecological model which can be applied to a specific environment, so that local species can be classified functionally and prioritized to identify potential test species. Several other Lepidoptera species are also directly exposed to Bt toxin. In this paper an ecological approach was followed for selection of non-target Lepidoptera species for ecological risk assessment of Bt canola in Sicily, using data collected over a one-year …

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Si riportano note sulla biologia e sul danno causato da Heterodera glycines. Vengono descritti i principali sintomi su soia e come riconoscere ed identificare le infestazioni ed il nematode.

research product

Biological responses of Rhynchophorous ferrugineus to Steirnenema carpocapase: an example of a model system

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) known as the Red Palm Weevil (RPW) is becoming more and more of a problem in Italy, and especially in Sicily, where it is well adapted. The infestations are mainly in the urban areas, and for that reason, chemical control is not advisable. Data from literature show that entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) control RPW quite successfully in the field. However, results coming from the laboratories are often in contrast with each other and no data are available on precise doses. In this context we studied the Median Lethal Dose (DL50) and the Median Lethal Time (TL50) of young and older larvae and also of adults. The doses for the adults were t…

research product

Association of entomopathogenic fungi with exotic red palm weevil in treated and untreated Phoenix canariensis

Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is introduced pests of established Phoenix canariensis in Sicily (Italy). A three-year field survey of R. ferrugineus generated data on species of fungal associated with larval, pupae, and adult R. ferrugineus recovered from several cadavers. Moreover specimens were collected from infested Phoenix canariensis in scattered locales in Sicily to determine also infection rates with entomopathogenic fungi over 3 years. Collection was done after overwintering period, during summer and at the beginning of autumn in palm, untreated and treated with chemical pesticides. As can be expected the highest infestation was recorded after overw…

research product

Potential effects of transgenic cotton on soil ecosystem processes in Vietnam.

This chapter concentrates on the potential effects of transgenic cotton on the soil ecosystem of three major cotton growing areas in Vietnam: the coastal lowlands region, the central highlands (eastern and western Truong Son Mountain Range) and the south-eastern region. Soils in these three regions are very different, so it will be necessary to assess the effects of transgenic cotton on typical soils from all three regions. The soils in the south-eastern region are Luvisols, Andosols and Acrisols. In the central highlands, the soils are mainly Luvisols, Rhodic Ferrasols and Haplic Acrisols. The soils in the coastal lowlands region are mainly delta soils, consolidated occasionally by grey li…

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Il Punteruolo rosso delle palme (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, 1790. Coleoptera Curculionidae), originario dell’Asia meridionale si è velocemente diff uso nell’areale mediterraneo attaccando diversi generi di palme e creando seri problemi al settore ornamentale e vivaistico, oltre che alle aree verdi delle città. Il controllo di questo fi tofago si è rivelato problematico e di diffi cile realizzazione a causa delle sue proprietà invasive. Allo stato attuale non sono stati individuati patogeni effi caci nella lotta biologica, anche se i nematodi entomopatogeni (EPN) sono stati impiegati con discreto successo in Spagna. Generalmente gli EPN sono impiegati contro gli stadi larvali ma poic…

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Interazioni tra il sistema immunitario del Punteruolo rosso e il batterio entomopatogeno Bacillus thuringensis

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Biologia, Ecologia e dinamica dei nematodi.

In questo settimo capitolo si fornisco in modo didattico ed esaustivo i maggiori elementi per la comprensione della biologia e dell'ecologia dei nematodi

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