Fortunato Sorrentino

Evaluation of lumbar pain with weight-bearing MRI: Preliminary experience.

Purpose Methods and Materials Results Conclusion References Personal Information

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Plantar fascia evaluation with a low-field MRI scanner in weight-bering position: our initial experience in patients with plantar fasciitis and in healthy volunteers

Purpose: To assess the usefulness of weight-bearing examination of the ankle performed with a low-field MRI scanner in the evaluation of plantar fascia in normal healthy volunteers and in patients with a clinical evidence of plantar fasciitis. Methods and Materials: We retrospectively evaluated ankle MR examinations in two groups of 40 patients each, performed between January and July 2008. Spin echo T1W, Gradient echo T2W, and Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) images were acquired with a 0.2 T scanner (G-Scan, Esaote Biomedica, Genoa, Italy) in both weight-bearing position and normal conventional supine position. A dedicated extremities transmitter/receiver coil was used. The lesion site…

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Classificazione ed imaging delle sindromi conflittuali della caviglia

Obiettivi didattici: Rivedere la classificazione ed illustrare i vari aspetti delle sindromi conflittuali alla radiografia convenzionale (RC), alla tomografia computerizzata multistrato (TCms), all'ecografia (US), alla risonanza magnetica (RM) ed all'artro-RM. Introduzione: Le sindromi conflittuali della caviglia dipendono da molte cause che possono essere distinte dal tipo di tessuto che determina il conflitto (osseo, fibroso, sinoviale).In generale, la classificazione delle sindromi conflittuali della caviglia prende in considerazione la sede anatomica relativa all'articolazione tibio-tarsica, e pertanto esse possono essere classificate in anteriore, antero-mediale, antero-laterale, poste…

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Ecografia con mezzo di contrasto versus TC multistrato nella valutazione dell’epatocarcinoma trattato mediante procedure non chirurgiche

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Iperplasia nodulare focale in fegato normale e steatosico: valutazione qualitativa e quantitativa con ecografia e mdc

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Real-Time Spatial Compound Sonography versus conventional US of the Achilles Tendon in patients with Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

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Contrast.enhanced ultrasonography of liver hemangiomas atypical at baseline US.

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Tomografia computerizzata e risonanza magnetica

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Approaches and techniques for imaging guided for needle placement in MR Arthrography of the shoulder

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La pubalgia nello sportivo: quadri RM di “Osteite Pubica"

La pubalgia è una sindrome dolorosa, a volte a carattere invalidante, che colpisce sia gli sportivi agonisti che quelli amatoriali, rappresenta il 2-5% delle patologie correlate all’attività sportiva agonistica e non sempre le sue cause sono facilmente diagnosticabili. L’osteite pubica rappresenta una delle principali cause di dolore inguinale e colpisce gli sportivi nel 0,5-0,7% dei casi. Dal settembre 2003 all’agosto 2004, 40 atleti, 37 uomini e 3 donne (età compresa tra 18 e 37 anni; età media: 24 anni), con diagnosi clinica di pubalgia sono stati sottoposti a RM del bacino. In tutti i casi la sintomatologia era caratterizzata da dolore mono (33%) o bilaterale (67%) con irradiazione alla…

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Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) and weekly paclitaxel (P) as second line chemotherapy in metastatic bladder cancer.

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Wavelet-Based thresholding technique for noise reduction in medical magnetic resonance imaging

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Imaging of complications of muscle tears.

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Valutazione del dolore lombare con RM dedicata in ortostatismo. Esperienza preliminare.

SCOPO: Valutare l’utilità dell’esame sotto-carico della colonna lombare mediante una RM dedicata in pazienti con evidenza clinica di dolore lombare. DISEGNO DELLO STUDIO: Prospettico. MATERIALI E METODI: Nel periodo compreso tra agosto 2008 e luglio 2009, 40 pazienti con evidenza clinica di dolore lombare (gruppo A) ed uno stesso numero di volontari sani (gruppo B) sono stati esaminati mediante RM della colonna lombare con macchina dedicata da 0,25 Tesla (G-Scan, Esaote Spa, Genova, Italia). Sono state acquisite, con bobina ricevente dedicata per la colonna lombare, sequenze sul piano sagittale ed assiale SE-T1 e FSE-T2 pesate, sia in posizione supina che sotto-carico. Tre radiologi, in cie…

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Water Capillary Absorption in Porous Media in Different Wettability Conditions studied by quantitative MRI and X-ray CT

X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been successfully applied to study both the capillary properties of several samples of Lecce stone and the performances of treatments used for protection and conservation of historical stone artifacts

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Role of high-resolution ultrasonography without and with real-time spatial compound imaging in evaluating the injured posterior cruciate ligament: preliminary study.

This study sought to compare high-resolution ultrasonography (HRUS) without and with compound imaging in evaluating the injured posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). Thirteen patients with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) diagnosis of PCL lesions (ten acute and three chronic) and 20 healthy controls underwent conventional and compound HRUS performed by the same radiologist who was blinded to the subjects' case-control status. The PCL was scanned in a longitudinal direction in all cases. HRUS images were assessed for PCL thickness by two other radiologists blinded to the number and type of PCL injury. PCLs were classified as normal or injured, and the latter as having acute or chronic injurie…

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Role of low-field magnetic resonance imaging in the detection of floating meniscus sign as consequence of sport-related trauma

Aim. To assess the role of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging performed with a low-field scanner in the detection of floating meniscus sign as a consequence of sports-related trauma. Methods. Retrospective review of 2436 MR knee examinations executed, in 18 months, using a low-field scanner of 0.2T, was performed by three musculoskeletal radiologists of varying experience. Diagnostic criteria to define the presence of a complete floating meniscus were as codified in the literature, lithe thickness of the fluid signal band between the meniscus and tibial plateau was comprised in the range >= 3 mm and <= 5 mm the floating meniscus was defined as partial. Patients with the sign were called to lea…

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Acute traumatic acromionclavicular jointlesions: role of ultrasound versus conventional radiography

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CT imaging applied to capillary water absorption in sicilian sedimentary rocks used in cultural heritages

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Classification and imaging of ankle impingement syndromes

Learning objectives Background Imaging findings OR Procedure details Conclusion Personal Information References

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High resolution US versus x-ray study in the early assessment of acute traumatic lesion of the acromioclavicular joint.

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Plantar fascia evaluation with a dedicated magnetic resonance scanner in weight-bearing position: our experience in patients with plantar fasciitis and in healthy volunteers.

Purpose. This study assessed the usefulness of upright weight-bearing examination of the ankle/hind foot performed with a dedicated magnetic resonance (MR)imaging scanner in the evaluation of the plantar fascia in healthy volunteers and in patients with clinical evidence of plantar fasciitis. Materials and methods. Between January and March 2009, 20 patients with clinical evidence of plantar fasciitis (group A) and a similar number of healthy volunteers (group B) underwent MR imaging of the ankle/hind foot in the upright weight-bearing and conventional supine position. A 0.25-Tesla MR scanner (G-Scan, Esaote SpA, Genoa, Italy) was used with a dedicated receiving coil for the ankle/hind foot…

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Valutazione della fascia plantare con una RM dedicata in posizione ortostatica: esperienza preliminare in pazienti con fascite plantare ed in volontari sani

Obiettivo/Introduzione: Dimostrare l’utilità dell’esame sotto carico della caviglia eseguito con una macchina RM dedicata nella valutazione della fascia plantare in volontari sani ed in pazienti con evidenza clinica di fascite plantare. Materiali e Metodi: Due gruppi di 20 soggetti l’uno sono stati studiati mediante esame RM, eseguito nel periodo compreso tra Gennaio e Marzo 2009. Usando una bobina ricevente dedicata, abbiamo acquisito immagini spin echo T1 (SE-T1), 3D-steady state (3D-SSF) e short tau inversion recovery (STIR) mediante macchina RM da 0,25 Tesla (G-Scan, Esaote SpA, Genova, Italia), sia in posizione ortostatica che supina convenzionale. Risultati: In tutti i volontari sani …

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Pulse inversion e mezzo di contrasto sul rene di coniglio: effetti biologici

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Dislocazione infero-mediale del frammento meniscale. Studio con risonanaza magnetica

Definire l'accuratezza diagnostica della Risonanza Magnetica (RM) nella diagnosi di dislocazione infero-mediale del frammento della fibrocartilagine meniscale, Materiale e metodi. Sono stati valutati retrospettivamente gli esami RM del ginocchio, effettuati nel periodo compreso tra dicembre 2002 ed aprile 2004, di 676 pazienti (eta media 32 anni) affetti da patologia traumatica del ginocchio e successivamente sottoposti ad artroscopia, al fine di identificare la presenza di una lesione meniscale a manico di secchio e della dislocazione infero-mediale del frammento meniscale. Gli esami RM sono stati eseguiti con un magnete superconduttivo da 0,5 T utilizzando una bobina ricevente/trasmittent…

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Role of high-resolution ultrasound in guiding treatment of idiopathic plantar fasciitis with minimally invasive techiniques

The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of peri-fascial oedema as a sonographic criterion for selecting the most appropriate treatment (ultrasound-guided corticosteroid injection or ultrasound-guided extracorporeal shock wave therapy) of idiopathic plantar fasciitis (IPF).Sixty-four patients with a clinical diagnosis of unilateral refractory IPF, treated conservatively for at least 8 weeks, were studied with high-resolution ultrasound (HRUS). Pain intensity was evaluated with a visual analogue scale (VAS). HRUS was used to confirm IPF and identify the presence of peri-fascial oedema. Patients with an HRUS diagnosis of IPF were grouped according to the presence (A) or absence (B)…

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Evaluation of lateral ankle instability with weight-bearing MRI. Preliminary Experience

PURPOSE/INTRODUCTION: To assess the usefulness of weight-bearing examination of the ankle performed with a dedicated MRI scanner in the evaluation of patients with clinical evidence of lateral ankle instability. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated ankle MR examinations of 18 patients, performed between September 2008 and January 2009. Spin echo T1W, Turbo Spine Echo T2W, 3D Steady-State (SSE) and Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) images were acquired with a 0.2 T scanner (G-Scan, Esaote Spa, Genoa, Italy) in both weight-bearing position and normal conventional supine position. A dedicated extremities receiver coil was used. If present, signs of instability and ligament sig…

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MR findings of infero-medial displacement: A rare location of a free fragment of the medial meniscus of the knee

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0263: Percutaneous US-Guided Hematoma Aspiration to Reduce Recovery Time of II Grade Muscle Strain in Elite Soccer Players

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Aspetti con TC ed RM delle cisti peribiliari

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role of the high resolution ultrasonography to andress the tratment of idiopatic plantar fascitisi with mini - invasive techniques

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How to address the treatment of idiopathic plantar fasciitis with mini-invasive techniques: HRUS criterion

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X-rays Ct imaging techniques applied to survey capillary absorption kinetics of Sicilian sedimentary rocks utilized in cultural heritage.

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Sedimentary rocks are natural porous materials with a great percent of microscopic interconnected pores: they contain fluids, permitting their movement on macroscopic scale. Generally, these rocks present porosity higher then metamorphic rocks. Under certain points of view, this feature represents an advantage; on the other hand, this can constitute an obstacle for cultural heritage applications, because the porosity grade can lead to a deterioration of the lapideous monument for water capillary absorption. In this paper, CT (Computerized Tomography) image techniques are applied to capillary absorption kinetics in sedimentary rocks utilized for the Greek temples as well as baroc monuments, …

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Ruolo dell'ecografia dinamica del ginocchio nei volontari e nei pazienti con diagnosi clinica di tendinopatia rotulea

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Os trigonum syndrome: MR imaging in young athletes

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Dynamic versus conventional ultrasonography in the assessment of patellar tendon disease

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Multislice multiecho T2* cardiovascular magnetic resonance for detection of the heterogeneous distribution of myocardial iron overload.

Purpose To assess the tissue iron concentration of the left ventricle (LV) using a multislice, multiecho T2* MR technique and a segmental analysis. Materials and Methods T2* multiecho MRI was performed in 53 thalassemia major patients. Three short-axis views of the LV were obtained and analyzed with custom-written software. The myocardium was automatically segmented into 12 segments. The T2* value on each segment as well as the global T2* value were calculated. Cine dynamic images were also obtained to evaluate biventricular function parameters by quantitative analysis. Results For the T2* global value, the coefficient of variation (CoV) for intra-/interobserver and interstudy reproducibili…

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Necrotizing fasciitis of the face: A life-threatening condition

Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a highly aggressive infectious process, polymicrobial in nature, involving soft tissues with a high risk of rapid spread through superficial and deep fascial planes and muscular layers. Cervical NF is quite rare, is mostly of odontogenic origin, and may be complicated by descendant mediastinitis with a very high mortality rate. Systemic conditions impairing the patient's immune competence, such as diabetes, may play a predisposing role. An effective treatment strategy includes prompt diagnosis (clinical findings, local microbiological tests, blood culture and, if deemed necessary, histopathology), broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy as early as possible which sho…

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Role of Color Doppler Ultrasonography to Address the treatment of Epicondylitis with Mini-Invasive Techniques.

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Water capillary absorption in porous media in different wettability conditions studied by Quantitative MRI and X-ray CT

X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have been successfully applied to study both the capillary properties of several samples of Lecce stone and the performances of treatments used for protection and conservation of historical stone artifacts. The presence of water inside the sample may be visualized by both MRI and X-ray CT. For the treated samples, the different dynamics of water absorption gives indirectly the efficacy of the polymer in the rock.

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TAC applicata allo studio di rocce sedimentarie utilizzate nei Beni Culturali

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Valutazione della reattività vascolare in pazienti sclerodermici mediante ultrasonografia (US) con mezzo di contrasto (MDC).

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Cerebral Vessels.

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Ankle impingement syndromes: classification and role of diagnostic imaging.

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Lumbosacral disc herniation: Spinal interventional chemonucleolysis with oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) mixture with periradicular and periganglionic technique (Role of CT)

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Ruolo delle ricostruzioni 3D Volume Rendering con TC multidetettore (TCMD) a 40 strati nella valutazione pre-operatoria delle neoplasie renali

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Valutazione dell’instabilità laterale di caviglia con RM dedicata in ortostatismo. Esperienza preliminare.

SCOPO: Dimostrare l'utilità dell'esame in ortostatismo della caviglia con una RM dedicata nella valutazione di pazienti con evidenza clinica di instabilità laterale di caviglia. DISEGNO DELLO STUDIO: Retrospettivo. MATERIALI E METODI: Abbiamo valutato gli esami RM di caviglia di 29 pazienti, effettuati tra settembre 2008 e giugno 2009 con macchina RM dedicata da 0,25 Tesla (G-Scan, Esaote Spa, Genova, Italia). Sono state eseguite, con bobina ricevente dedicata per la caviglia, sequenze SE-T1 pesate, TSE-T2 pesate, 3D-Steady-State (SSE), e STIR, sia in posizione supina che ortostatica. Tre radiologi con esperienza in radiologia muscolo-scheletrica hanno valutato, in consenso, segni RM di ins…

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Purpose. This study was undertaken to assess the diagnostic accuracy of high-resolution ultrasonography (HRUS) in the detection of meniscal cysts. Materials and methods. Over a 2-year period, 1,857 patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee for traumatic or degenerative disorders. All patients with MRI evidence of a meniscal cyst were studied by HRUS. HRUS was also performed on an equal number of patients without MRI evidence of meniscal cyst who were used as a control group. All HRUS examinations were conducted by a radiologist blinded to the MRI findings. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of HRUS were assesse…

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Osteonecrosis and osteomyelitis of the jaws associated with i.v. bisphosphonate therapy for multiple myeloma and metastatic bone cancer: CT findings.

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Contrast-enhanced US of liver hemangiomas atypical at baseline US

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Muscle lesions, a frequent event in sport, often cause hematomas. In fact, both in the traumatic direct injuries, as in American football, and in the traumatic indirect ones, as in strength sports, lesions interesting leg's Muscles Cause intra- and extramuscular hematomas. A diagnosis in a short time, allow LIS to evaluate the lesion rank and plan a surgery approach. Authors present high resolution Ultrasound (HRSU) as a new diagnostic method for this kind of lesion. It allows us to confirm clinic diagnosis, define the lesion's areas and follow-up. Moreover, HRSU has all important role in therapy, promoting in real time the blood's aspiration from lesion's area. Three phases after trauma, d…

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0264: How to Address the Treatment of Idiopathic Plantar Fasciitis with Mini-Invasive Techniques: HRUS Criterion

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Valutazione delle lesioni del tendine del sovraspinato con elastosonografia: confronto con ecografia B-mode e risonanza magnetica. Nostra esperienza.

SCOPO: Valutare l'elasticità del tendine del sovraspinato in pazienti con sospetto clinico di lesione della cuffia dei rotatori, e comparare i reperti dell'elastosonografia con quelli dell'ecografia B-mode (US) e della risonanza magnetica (RM). DISEGNO DELLO STUDIO: Prospettico. MATERIALI E METODI: Nel periodo compreso tra agosto 2008 e settembre 2009, abbiamo valutato la spalla sintomatica di 20 pazienti con elastosonografia usando una sonda lineare da 13 MHz (EUB - Hitachi 7500, Giappone). E' stato usato uno score semiquantitativo di colori differenti rappresentanti tessuto più rigido (blu) e tessuto via via meno rigido (verde, giallo, rosso). I reperti sono stati comparati con quelli del…

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Diagnostica per immagini della fascite plantare

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