S. Bernard
Flavour sensors: the PPM barrier is broken
National audience
Molecular preservation of organic microfossils in Paleoarchean cherts
International audience; Fossilization processesandthe increase of temperature and pressure conditions associated withburialinevitably alter the original biochemical signatures of organic molecules.At a certain stage, biogenic and abiotic organic structures may become undistinguishable [1].Cherts (i.e.silica-rich rocks)are well known forthe morphologicalpreservationof fossilized microorganisms.Recently,spatially resolvedinvestigations usingsynchrotron-based XANESmicrospectroscopyrevealedthatmolecular information about the organic precursor of3.4 Gamicrofossils, was preservedintheStrelley Pool chert(Pilbara, Western Australia),despite a metamorphichistory so far believed to be incompatible wi…