G. Romain

Cancer cure for 32 cancer types: results from the EUROCARE-5 study

Abstract Background Few studies have estimated the probability of being cured for cancer patients. This study aims to estimate population-based indicators of cancer cure in Europe by type, sex, age and period. Methods 7.2 million cancer patients (42 population-based cancer registries in 17 European countries) diagnosed at ages 15–74 years in 1990–2007 with follow-up to 2008 were selected from the EUROCARE-5 dataset. Mixture-cure models were used to estimate: (i) life expectancy of fatal cases (LEF); (ii) cure fraction (CF) as proportion of patients with same death rates as the general population; (iii) time to cure (TTC) as time to reach 5-year conditional relative survival (CRS) >95…

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Impact de l’âge et de l’année sur les indicateurs de survie nette et de guérison par sous-type de leucémie aiguë myéloïde en France entre 1989 et 2010

Etat de la question Estimer la survie nette et les indicateurs guerison par sous-type de leucemie aigue myeloide (LAM) en France. Materiel et methodes Au total, 6460 cas de LAM dont l’âge ≥ 15 ans, diagnostiques entre 1989 et 2010 ont ete inclus. Cinq sous-types de LAM ont ete definis a l’aide de la classification ICD-O-3 et HAEMACARE. La survie nette a ete obtenue en utilisant le modele flexible ajuste sur l’âge, le sexe et l’annee de diagnostic pour chaque sous-type de LAM. Lorsque l’hypothese de guerison etait acceptable, un modele de guerison flexible a ete utilise pour estimer la proportion de gueri (P), le temps de guerison (TTC) et le temps de survie median pour les patients non guer…

research product

Time-to-cure and cure proportion in solid cancers in France. A population based study.

In cancer care, the cure proportion (P) and time-to-cure (TTC) are important indicators for practitioners, patients, and healthcare policy makers. The recent definition of TTC as the time at which the probability of belonging to the cured group reaches 95% was used for the first time.The data stem from the common database of French cancer registries including 335,358 solid tumours diagnosed between 1995 and 2009 at 27 sites. P and TTC were estimated through a flexible parametric net survival cure model for each cancer site, sex, and age at diagnosis with acceptable assumption of cure (excess mortality rate ≤0.05).TTC was ≤5 years and P was80% for skin melanoma and thyroid and testis cancers…

research product

Erratum to “Time trends and short term projections of cancer prevalence in France” [Cancer Epidemiol. 56 (2018) 97–105]

IF 2.888 (2017); International audience

research product

Time trends and short term projections of cancer prevalence in France

IF 2.888 (2017); International audience; BackgroundThis study analyzes time trends in cancer prevalence in France and provides short-term projections up to the year 2017. The 15-year prevalence for 24 cancers was estimated from the French cancer registries network (FRANCIM) incidence and survival data.MethodWe estimated prevalence using the P = I × S relationship, with flexible modeling of incidence and survival. Based on observations of the incidence and survival up to 2010, different scenarios for evolution up to 2017 were studied, combining stable and dynamic incidence and survival. The determinants of variations in prevalence (incidence, survival and demography) were quantified.ResultsA…

research product

A new cure model accounting for extra non-cancer mortality: Validation and application to real data

Introduction The proportion of cancer patients cured of the disease is estimated with standard cure models assuming they have the same risk of death as the general population [1] . These patients, however often maintain an extra risk of dying compared to the overall population, which we assume is due to other causes than cancer [2] . The aim of the work was to develop and validate an extended cure model incorporating the estimated patients’ relative risk of death from other causes (α) compared to that observed in the general population. Methods We extended the mixture cure model considering Weibull relative survival of the uncured by including a relative risk αwhich muliptlies the mortality…

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