A. Maggio
Valutazione dei genotipi G6PD nella popolazione Siciliana e identificazione di una nuova variante: “G6PD*Palermo R257M”.
La deficienza enzimatica di G6PDH è uno dei più comuni disordini nella popolazione siciliana in quanto più di 400 milioni di persone ne sono affette. Al fine di valutare la reale prevalenza dei casi nel nostro territorio presentiamo i dati di uno studio di genotipizzazione del locus G6PD (Xq28). 349 soggetti Siciliani di sesso maschile affetti da deficienza di G6PDH sono stati tipizzati secondo varie metodiche. Gli approcci di laboratorio sono: RFLPs (NlaIII, BclI, PstI e BspHI), PCR-Reverse Dot Blot (RDB) ed il sequenziamento diretto del gene. Le prime metodiche sono utili per definire le mutazioni già descritte e comunque le più comuni; il sequenziamento diretto è determinante per la valu…
X-ray flares of the young planet host DS Tuc A
Abridged. We observed the 40 Myr old star DS Tuc A with XMM-Newton and recorded two X-ray bright flares, with the second event occurring about 12 ks after the first one. Their duration from the rise to the end of the decay was of about 8-10 ks in soft X-rays (0.3-10 keV). The flares were also recorded in the band 200-300 nm with the UVM2 filter of the Optical Monitor. The duration of the flares in UV was about 3 ks. The observed delay between the peak in the UV band and in X-rays is a probe of the heating phase followed by the evaporation and increase of density and emission measure of the flaring loop. The coronal plasma temperature at the two flare peaks reached 54-55 MK. The diagnostics …
A "fat" Streptomycete strain overproduces antibiotics
Essential oils of Chiliadenus lopadusanus (Asteraceae).
The essential oils from the leaves and flowers of Chiliadenus lopadusanus growing on Lampedusa Island were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-MS. The major component was camphor (39.4% in the leaves and 24.0% in the flowers), followed in the leaves by torreyol (6.7%), t-cadinol (5.2%) and 1,8-cineole (3.8%), while in the flowers by t-cadinol (15.2%), t-muurolol (5.1%) and torreyol (4.5%). Among the compounds identified, several seem to play a role in antibacterial, antifungal, allelopathic and spasmolytic activity. In addition, several compounds identified in this study seem to influence the attraction of Megachile (Eutricharaea) apicalis (Megachilidae) and Halictus (Seladonia…
High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Pre-Main-Sequence Stars: TWA 5 and PZ Tel
We report on the analysis of high resolution X-ray spectra of two pre-main-sequence stars: TWA 5 (observed with XMM-Newton) and PZ Telescopii (observed with Chandra/HETGS). TWA 5 is a classical T Tauri star in the TW Hydrae association while PZ Tel is a rapidly rotating weak-lined T Tauri star in the beta-Pictoris moving group. For both stars we have reconstructed the emission measure distribution and derived the coronal abundances to check for possible patterns of the abundances related to the first ionization potential of the various elements. We have also derived estimates of the plasma density from the analysis of the He-like triplets. We compare the characteristics of our targets with …
X-raying the interstellar medium: the study of SNR shells at the OAPa
A critical review of non invasive procedures for the evaluation of body iron burden in thalassemia major patients
XMM-Newton observations of the Upper Scorpius association
An X-rays study of the shock-cloud interaction in the Vela SNR
Morpho-physiologic traits in two sage taxa grown under different irrigation regime
Sage is an important aromatic crop, extensively cultivated worldwide. Drought stress affects yield and composition of secondary metabolites such as fatty acids, essential oils, antioxidants, changing the essential oil composition profile with respect to the ISO 9909 standard. Drought tolerance may differ among genotypes, so we compared the response of Salvia officinalis L. and S. officinalis cv. ‘Maxima’ grown under two different irrigation regimes to highlight differences in leaf growth, water potential, gas exchange and essential oil composition. Potted plants were grown in the greenhouse at 100% or 50% of field water capacity for three months. Monthly measurements of 3rd node leaf length…
The NHXM observatory
Exploration of the X-ray sky has established X-ray astronomy as a fundamental astrophysical discipline. While our knowledge of the sky below 10 keV has increased dramatically (∼8 orders of magnitude) by use of grazing incidence optics, we still await a similar improvement above 10 keV, where to date only collimated instruments have been used. Also ripe for exploration is the field of X-ray polarimetry, an unused fundamental tool to understand the physics and morphology of X-ray sources. Here we present a novel mission, the New Hard X-ray Mission (NHXM) that brings together for the first time simultaneous high-sensitivity, hard-X-ray imaging, broadband spectroscopy and polarimetry. NHXM will…
The close classical T Tauri binary V4046 Sgr: Complex magnetic fields & distributed mass accretion
We report here the first results of a multi-wavelength campaign focussing on magnetospheric accretion processes within the close binary system V4046 Sgr, hosting two partly-convective classical T Tauri stars of masses ~0.9 Msun and age ~12 Myr. In this paper, we present time-resolved spectropolarimetric observations collected in 2009 September with ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) and covering a full span of 7d or ~2.5 orbital/rotational cycles of V4046 Sgr. Small circularly polarised Zeeman signatures are detected in the photospheric absorption lines but not in the accretion-powered emission lines of V4046 Sgr, thereby demonstrating that both system components host lar…
" Effectiveness of G-CSF+ plerixafor mobilization in B-talassemia patients and whole gene expression analysis of the harvested CD34+ cell"
La Scuola Adotta un Esperimento
Subphotospheric convection and magnetic activity dependence on metallicity and age: Models and tests
We present an extensive study on the dependence of the convective turnover time (conv) on the stellar metallicity and age for main-sequence stars of masses 0.6{1.6 M. To this aim we have used and compared predictions by stellar models based on the classical Mixing Length Theory and models incorporating a Full Spectrum of Turbulence treatment of subphotospheric convection. We show that the metallicity eect is relevant for dG stars but negligible for dK stars, while stellar age is important when computing the turnover times for red dwarfs younger than logt 8:5 yr. A scatter by up to a factor 3 could be spuriously introduced in the activity vs. Rossby number relationships if such eects are neg…
Shock-cloud interaction in the Vela SNR: the XMM-Newton view
Multiwavelength diagnostics of accretion in an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs
Context. High resolution X-ray spectroscopy has revealed soft X-rays from high density plasma in classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs), probably arising from the accretion shock region. However, the mass accretion rates derived from the X-ray observations are consistently lower than those derived from UV/optical/NIR studies. Aims: We aim to test the hypothesis that the high density soft X-ray emission originates from accretion by analysing, in a homogeneous manner, optical accretion indicators for an X-ray selected sample of CTTSs. Methods: We analyse optical spectra of the X-ray selected sample of CTTSs and calculate the accretion rates based on measuring the Hα, Hβ, Hγ, He ii 4686 Å, He i 5016 …
Ruolo dell'esame RM dell'encefalo nella gestione di pazienti affetti da talassodrepanocitosi in trattamento con idrossiurea
Accretion shock on CTTSs and its X-ray emission
High spectral resolution X-ray observations of classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) demonstrate the presence of plasma at T~2-3×10^6 K and ne~10^11-10^13 cm-3. Stationary models suggest that this emission is due to shock-heated accreting material. We address this issue by a 1-D hydrodynamic model of the impact of the accretion flow onto a chromosphere of a CTTS with the aim of investigating the stability of accretion shock and the role of the chromosphere. Our simulations include the effects of gravity, radiative losses from optically thin plasma, the thermal conduction and a detailed modeling of the stellar chromosphere. Here we present the results of a simulation based on the parameters of the…
Simbol-X capability of detecting the non-thermal emission of stellar flares.
We investigate the capability of detecting, with Simbol-X, non-thermal emission during stellar flares, and distinguishing it from hot thermal emission. We find that flare non-thermal emission is detectable when at least ~20 cts are detected with the CZT detector in the 20-80 keV band. Therefore Simbol-X will detect the non-thermal emission from some of the X-ray brightest nearby stars, whether the thermal vs. non-thermal relation, derived for solar flares, holds.
Volatile components of Centaurea bracteata and C. pannonica subsp. pannonica growing wild in Croatia.
This paper reports on the volatile components of oils from the aerial parts (CBA) and roots (CBR) of Centaurea bracteata Scop. and aerial parts of C. pannonica (Heuffel) Simonkai subsp. pannonica (CPA), two Asteraceae growing wild in Croatia. The volatile components, obtained by hydrodistillation, were determined by GC-MS analysis. The yields (w/w) of the dried oils were 0.10% (CBA), 0.22% (CBR) and 0.09% (CPA), respectively. A total of 91 compounds were identified accounting for 91.1%, 93.3% and 87.9% of the total oil for CBA, CBR and CPA, respectively. All the samples were characterized mainly by hydrocarbons (7.1-34.1%), fatty acids (9.7-45.9%), and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (15.2-16.6%)…
The magnetosphere of the close accreting PMS binary V4046 Sgr AB
We present a preliminary 3D potential field extrapolation model of the joint magnetosphere of the close accreting PMS binary V4046 Sgr. The model is derived from magnetic maps obtained as part of a coordinated optical and X-ray observing program.
X-ray emission from dense plasma in classical T Tauri stars: hydrodynamic modeling of the accretion shock
Context: High spectral resolution X-ray observations of classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) demonstrate the presence of plasma at temperature T~2-3×10^6 K and density n_e~10^11-10^13 cm^-3, which are unobserved in non-accreting stars. Stationary models suggest that this emission is due to shock-heated accreting material, but do not allow us to analyze the stability of the material and its position in the stellar atmosphere. Aims: We investigate the dynamics and stability of shock-heated accreting material in classical T Tauri stars and the role of the stellar chromosphere in determining the position and thickness of the shocked region. Methods: We perform one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation…
X-ray emission from the Vela SNR shock region: Spectral fitting with a non-equilibrium ionization model
We report on the 5′ scale spectral analysis of the X‐ray emission from a region near the edge of the Vela SNR with a Non‐Equilibrium Ionization (NEI) model. We have found significant variations of temperature, density, ionization time and interstellar absorption. We have identified an overdense region with higher density and lower temperature than the surrounding medium. That can be interpreted as an ISM cloudlet recently shocked by the blast wave, not yet in thermal equilibrium. Our independent determination of the Vela SNR distance is in agreement with the most recent results based on ROSAT All‐Sky Survey data. Our analysis indicates the occurrence of fast electron‐ion energy equipartitio…
Volatile components from aerial parts of Centaurea gracilenta and C. ovina ssp. besserana growing wild in Bulgaria
The essential oils of Centaurea gracilenta Velen. (CG) and C. ovina Pall. ex Willd. ssp. besserana (DC.) Dostál (COB) growing wild in Bulgaria, were studied by GC and GC-MS. Forty-five compounds for CG, representing the 90.1% of the oil, and 68 compounds for COB, representing the 91.9% of the oil, were identified. The oils were rich in sesquiterpenoids (33.4% for CG and 27.3% for COB), hydrocarbons (28.3% for CG and 10.7% for COB) and carbonylic compounds (12.7% for CG and 13.1% for COB). Fatty acids were abundant only for COB (31.3%). beta-Eudesmol (12.8%), nonacosane (11.8%) and p-vinyl guiacol (7.5%) were recognized as the main constituents for CG, while hexadecanoic acid (21.4%), spathu…
X-ray emitting MHD accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars. Case for moderate to high plasma-beta values
AIMS. We investigate the stability and dynamics of accretion shocks in CTTSs, considering the case of beta >= 1 in the post-shock region. In these cases the 1D approximation is not valid and a multi-dimensional MHD approach is necessary. METHODS. We model an accretion stream propagating through the atmosphere of a CTTS and impacting onto its chromosphere, by performing 2D axisymmetric MHD simulations. The model takes into account the stellar magnetic field, the gravity, the radiative cooling, and the thermal conduction (including the effects of heat flux saturation). RESULTS. The dynamics and stability of the accretion shock strongly depends on the plasma beta. In the case of shocks with…
Shock-cloud interactions in the Vela SNR: preliminary results of an XMM-Newton observation
XIPE: the X-ray imaging polarimetry explorer
arXiv:1309.6995v1.-- et al.
XMM spectroscopy of TWA 5
We present results of X-ray spectroscopy for TWA 5, a member of the young TW Hydrae association, observed with XMM-Newton. TWA 5 is a multiple system which shows H{alpha} emission, a signature typical of classical T Tauri stars, but no infrared excess. From this analysis of the RGS and EPIC spectra, we have derived the emission measure distribution vs. temperature of the X-ray emitting plasma, its abundances, and the electron density.
XMM-Newton survey of two Upper Scorpius regions
We studied X-ray emission from young stars by analyzing the deep XMM-Newton observations of two regions of the Upper Scorpius association with an age of 5Myr. Based on near infrared and optical photometry we identified 22 Upper Scorpius photometric members among the 224 detected X-ray sources. We derived coronal properties of Upper Scorpius stars by performing X-ray spectral and timing analyses. The study of four strong and isolated stellar flares allowed us to derive the length of the flaring loops. Cone search capability for table J/A+A/459/199/tableb1 (Sources detected in the CTIO observations) Cone search capability for table J/A+A/459/199/tablec1 (Sources detected in the Danish 1.54m o…
KELT-9b radial velocity curve
In the framework of the GAPS project, we observed the planet-hosting star KELT-9 (A-type star, vsini~110km/s) with the HARPS-N spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. In this work we analyse the spectra and the extracted radial velocities, to constrain the physical parameters of the system and to detect the planetary atmosphere of KELT-9b. We extracted from the high-resolution optical spectra the mean stellar line profiles with an analysis based on the Least Square Deconvolution technique. Then, we computed the stellar radial velocities with a method optimized for fast rotators, by fitting the mean stellar line profile with a purely rotational profile instead of using a Gaussian f…