Giovanna Lombardo
Fungi and Bacteria in Indoor Cultural Heritage Environments: Microbial-related Risks for Artworks and Human Health
Cultural heritage constitutive materials can provide excellent substrates for microbial colonization, highly influenced by thermo-hygrometric parameters. In cultural heritage-related environments, a detrimental microbial load may be present both on manufacts surface and in the aerosol. In this study, bacterial and fungal colonisation has been investigated in three Sicilian confined environments (archive, cave and hypogea), each with peculiar structures and different thermo-hygrometric parameters. Particular attention has been paid to microorganisms able to induce artifacts biodeterioration and to release biological particles in the aerosol (spores, cellular debrides, toxins and allergens) p…
Sanitary improvement of the Citrus colletion in the Botanical Garden of Palermo (Italy)
Fungi and bacteria are known as major biodeteriogens of cultural heritage, able to colonize, altering anddegrading a wide range of materials, such as metals, paints, paper, paperboard, rocks, photos, textiles, leather, plastics, etc. (1, 2). The use of traditional chemical biocides, to control microbial growth on cultural assets, has become a serious threat to public health and environment. The aim of this study has been to develop biocompatible antimicrobial compounds testing on specific taxa, that were isolated from biodeteriorated artifacts (books, papers, stones, woods, canvases) or environmental aerosols (museums, archives, libraries) and characterized by microscopy, in vitro culture a…
Ecophysiology of germination in Sicilian population of Ferula communis (Umbelliferae)
Ferula communis L. is an umbelliferous plant widespread in the Mediterranean basin and particularly abundant in Sicily and Sardinia islands (Italy). In this species, two chemotypes have been distinguished: one is poisonous and responsible of hemorrhagic syndrome of livestock, known as ferulosis, while the other one (non- poisonous) has anticancer activity due to the presence of daucane esters. In Sicily the dry stem of this plant has commercial applications in special manufactured products. The object of the research was to investigate the germination ecophysiology of nine Sicilian populations of F. communis, in order to establish the correct germplasm conservation of the chemotypes economi…
Recupero, conservazione e analisi genetica della collezion di agrumi dell'Orto Botanico di Palermo
Direct Organogenesis from Cotyledons in Cultivars of Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan
An efficient protocol to induce shoot buds regeneration in Citrus clementina cultivars (“Monreal”, “SRA 63” and “SRA 64”) by direct organogenesis has been developed using cotyledons as explants. Cotyledons transversely cut in three segments and entire ones were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (1962) solidified medium containing vitamins, 500 mg·l−1 malt extract, 50 g·l−1 sucrose and supplemented with three different concentrations of BAP (8.8, 13.2 and 17.6 μM). In all three cultivars the entire cotyledons showed more shoot morphogenic potential than transversely cut ones and after 60 incubation days the optimum BAP concentration was 17.6 μM in “Monreal” (50% ± 2.89% of frequency regenerati…
Crioconservazione dei semi del frassino monumentale di Puntaloro (Fraxinus angustifolia).
Il frassino di Puntaloro, riferito a Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl (Oleaceae) è localizzato nel territorio di Petralia Sottana in provincia di Palermo, all‘interno del Parco delle Madonie. Si tratta di un ragguardevole individuo di 28 m di altezza, con una circonferenza a petto d‘uomo di circa 8 m e di oltre 400 anni di età (Schicchi & Raimondo, 2007). Il presente studio si propone la salvaguardia del germoplasma di questo individuo, indebolito da avversità meteoriche e parassitarie, utilizzando tecniche integrate di conservazione ex situ e in situ realizzate mediante la crioconservazione dei semi e la reintroduzione in natura delle piante ottenute dalle semine effettuate. Le samare di Fraxinu…
Definizione di un protocollo per la caratterizzazione morfologica e molecolare del genere Daldinia Ces. & De Not. (Ascomycota) in Sicilia
La possibilità di chiarire la tassonomia di alcuni complessi di specie come nel caso di Daldinia Ces. De Not. (1) per mezzo di indagini sia morfologiche che molecolari, permette un’esatta definizione dei taxa sulla base delle loro caratteristiche biologiche ed ecologiche. In un precedente studio (2) , effettuato sulla base dei caratteri teleomorfici ed anamorfici, sono stati descritti due taxa nuovi per la Scienza provenienti dal territorio siciliano: Daldinia martinii M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollweber e D. raimundi M. Stadler, Venturella & Wollweber. In questo contributo le stesse entità ed altri campioni di Daldinia di provenienza siciliana sono state analizzate con tecnologie differenti…
Genetic analysis of Citrus aurantium L. (Rutaceae) cultivars by ISSR molecular markers
Eight cultivars of Citrus aurantium L., showing peculiar morphological traits of the fruits and leaves, were analyzed genetically. Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) was chosen as molecular markers because they represent a highly efficient system for investigating variability at intraspecific level. The particular morphological traits were discussed, the genetic identity and distance matrix based on Nei index was calculated, and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram was generated. A total of 53 clearly distinguished DNA bands were considered for the ISSR analysis of which 24 were polymorphic. A basic C. aurantium fingerprinting pattern was obtained. The I…
Fingerprinting con marcatori molecolari ISSR in cultivar del genere Citrus L.
Elimination of Citrus variegation virus (CVV) by seed cryotherapy
Citrus variegation ilarvirus (CVV) is one of the oldest viruses reported in Citrus, which produces crinkling, puckering and variegation of leaves in field trees and, occasionally, variegated and deformed fruits. This virus is primarily transmitted by grafting. However, no consistent data are available concerning CVV seed transmission, which is apparently low. The elimination of CVV in citrus genotypes is carried out by shoot-tip-grafting. In the case of seed sources, virus elimination directly in the seeds becomes essential. In cryotherapy, plant pathogens such as viruses, phytoplasmas and bacteria are eradicated by exposing explants to liquid nitrogen. It allows treatment of a high number …
Biotechnology for microbial monitoring of indoor cultural heritage environments
An integrated approach for the characterization of bioaerosol was employed in different sites (that include hypogeal and semi-confined areas), characterized by great cultural/artistic interest besides peculiar architectural structures, thermo- hygrometric and lighting parameters. These typologies of indoor environments preserve several artworks like mural paintings, stone-works, paper or parchments that are susceptible of microbial colonization. The presence of fungal spores and low air change can induce both potentially effects to human health (users/operators) or biodegradation of historical-artistic manufacts. We perform bioaerosol sampling by a portable sampler (Sartorius MD8), equipped…
Seed cryopreservation of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl
Fraxinus angustifolia is used for afforestation and for production of both valuable timber and manna , a substance with pharmacological applications. The aim of this research was to establish the optimized condition for cryopreservation of F. angustifolia seeds, in order to protect the germplasm of this species. Germination percentage and mean time of germination of non-treated seeds (control) and liquid nitrogen-treated seeds were established in water or in 10 -6 M gibberellic acid (GA 3 ). The seeds could be cryopreserved with 3% of moisture content (MC) and germinated easily in water (70.0 ± 5.0%), while seeds cryopreserved with 6% MC showed a physiological dormancy. This state could be …
Formazione di callo in Adenostyles alpina subsp. nebrodensis (Asteraceae)
Risultati preliminari dell'indagine genetica intraspecifica di Caralluma europea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) nel sito di Lampedusa
Innovative and Integrated Strategies: Case Studies
In this chapter, case studies related to biodeterioration, bioaerosol, biocide and biocleaning are reported. The aim is highlighting the role of biology and biotechnology tools for the preventive conservation of organic and inorganic artifacts, understanding how traditional as well as innovative methods can help the conservationists to develop integrated strategies considering works of art/environment/ humans as a dynamic system. Particularly, based on the experience acquired during the researches of Laboratory of Biology and Biotechnology for Cultural Heritage (LaBBCH), the authors suggest several approaches to reveal and identify biological systems able to induce biodeterioration of cultu…
Recupero, conservazione ed analisi genetica della collezione di agrumi dell’Orto Botanico di Palermo
Intraspecific genetic analysis in Caralluma europaea (Guss.) N.E.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) from Lampedusa island (Italy) by ISSR molecular markers.
Indagini preliminari di crioconservazione in embrioni isolati di Abies nebrodensis (Lojac.) Mattei
Analisi del DNA genomico della collezione di agrumi dell'Orto botanico di Palermo
Conservazione e caratterizzazione del germoplasma di interesse agro-alimentare delle Madonie
Analisi del genoma di popolazioni di Centaurea gruppo cineraria della Sicilia occidentale
Organogenesi diretta da cotiledoni in cultivar di Citrus x clementina Hort. Ex Tan.
Novel Sources of Biodiversity and Biomolecules from Bacteria Isolated from a High Middle Ages Soil Sample in Palermo (Sicily, Italy)
: The urban plan of Palermo (Sicily, Italy) has evolved throughout Punic, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, and Norman ages until it stabilized within the borders that correspond to the current historic center. During the 2012 to 2013 excavation campaign, new remains of the Arab settlement, directly implanted above the structures of the Roman age, were found. The materials investigated in this study derived from the so-called Survey No 3, which consists of a rock cavity of subcylindrical shape covered with calcarenite blocks: it was probably used to dispose of garbage during the Arabic age and its content, derived from daily activities, included grape seeds, scales and bones of fish, small animal bon…
The archaeological excavations in Piazza della Vittoria, in the Roman-Middle Age town of Palermo (Sicily) put in light a sink 3.20 m deep and 1 square m. large, partially filled by thin organic sediments. Grape seeds (grape-stones), fish scales and few vertebrate bones have been found in specific strata sealed under a stratum chronologically attributed to Islamic Middle-Age period (a post-quem limit). The finding of well preserved grape seeds is peculiar and their study opens the opportunity to improve the actual knowledge about evolution, cultivation, use and trade of Vitis L. in the Mediterranean area. This preliminary work focuses on morphologic and morphometric analysis of the ancient g…