Aleksi Lehikoinen

Distance decay 2.0 – a global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities

AbstractUnderstanding the variation in community composition and species abundances, i.e., β-diversity, is at the heart of community ecology. A common approach to examine β-diversity is to evaluate directional turnover in community composition by measuring the decay in the similarity among pairs of communities along spatial or environmental distances. We provide the first global synthesis of taxonomic and functional distance decay along spatial and environmental distance by analysing 149 datasets comprising different types of organisms and environments. We modelled an exponential distance decay for each dataset using generalized linear models and extracted r2 and slope to analyse the streng…

research product

Gray plumage color is more cryptic than brown in snowy landscapes in a resident color polymorphic bird

Abstract Camouflage may promote fitness of given phenotypes in different environments. The tawny owl (Strix aluco) is a color polymorphic species with a gray and brown morph resident in the Western Palearctic. A strong selection pressure against the brown morph during snowy and cold winters has been documented earlier, but the selection mechanisms remain unresolved. Here, we hypothesize that selection favors the gray morph because it is better camouflaged against predators and mobbers in snowy conditions compared to the brown one. We conducted an online citizen science experiment where volunteers were asked to locate a gray or a brown tawny owl specimen from pictures taken in snowy and snow…

research product

Substantial decline of Northern European peatland bird populations: Consequences of drainage

Northern European peatlands are important habitats for biological conservation because they support rich biodiversity and unique species compositions. However, historical management of peatland habitats has had negative consequences for biodiversity and their degradation remains a major conservation concern. Despite increasing awareness of the conservation value of peatlands, the statuses and ecological requirements of peat land species have remained largely understudied. Here, we first analysed temporal trends of Northern European peatland birds to document the status of their populations using bird data from five different countries. Second, we used Finnish monitoring data to assess habit…

research product

Luonnon monimuotoisuus ja vihreä elvytys

Suomi on toistaiseksi selvinnyt koronaviruksen (COVID-19) aiheuttamasta kriisistä taloudellisesti verrokkimaita paremmin, mutta työllisyystilanne on silti heikentynyt ympäri maata ja talouden ennustetaan supistuvan noin 4,7 prosenttia vuonna 20201. Negatiivisten talousvaikutusten minimoimiseksi hallitus on suuntaamassa EU:n elpymisvälineestä varoja käytettäväksi toimiin, jotka samanaikaisesti auttavat ratkaisemaan aikamme kahta merkittävää kriisiä: ilmastonmuutosta ja luontokatoa. Kyse on aidosti vakavista kriiseistä. Esimerkiksi Maailman talousfoorumi on listannut luonnon ekosysteemien romahduksen ja ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnan epäonnistumisen sekä vaikutuksiltaan että todennäköisyydeltään…

research product

The impact of weather and the phase of the rodent cycle on breeding populations of waterbirds in Finnish Lapland

Climate change may affect bird populations both directly by changing the weather conditions, and indirectly through changes in the food chain. While both theoretical and empirical studies have shown climate change having drastic impacts on polar areas, its consequences on Arctic bird species are still poorly known. Here we investigated how weather and changes in predator–prey interactions affected the annual growth rates of sub-Arctic birds by monitoring the breeding numbers of three duck and seven wader species in the alpine tundra of Finnish Lapland during 2005–2015 (except for 2006). We hypothesized that growth rates of waterbirds would be positively associated with warm and dry weather …

research product

Interannual variation and long-term trends in proportions of resident individuals in partially migratory birds

Partial migration - a part of a population migrates and another part stays resident year-round on the breeding site - is probably the most common type of migration in the animal kingdom, yet it has only lately garnered more attention. Theoretical studies indicate that in partially migratory populations, the proportion of resident individuals (PoR) should increase in high latitudes in response to the warming climate, but empirical evidence exists for few species. We provide the first comprehensive overview of the environmental factors affecting PoR and the long-term trends in PoR by studying 27 common partially migratory bird species in Finland. The annual PoR values were calculated by divid…

research product

Keskeiset keinot luontokadon pysäyttämiseksi

Sanna Marinin hallitus on sitoutunut luonnon monimuotoisuuden tilan parantamiseen ja luontokadon pysäyttämiseen. Lupaus on äärimmäisen tärkeä. Luonnon ekosysteemien heikennys uhkaa elintärkeiden eko-systeemipalveluiden tuotantoa sekä ihmisten terveyttä, hyvinvointia ja turvallisuutta. Maailman talousfoorumi on nostanut luontokadon viiden vakavimman ihmiskuntaa uhkaavan riskin joukkoon. Myös Suomen luontotyyppien ja lajiston uhanalaisuustilanne on hälyttävä. Hallituksen kehysriihessä päätetään hallitusohjelman toteuttamisesta ja lunastetaan vuoden 2019 eduskuntavaalien lupaukset luonto- ja ilmastotoimista. Myös EU:n uusi biodiversiteettistrategia velvoittaa Suomea panostamaan luonnonsuojeluu…

research product

Consistent response of bird populations to climate change on two continents

Global climate change is a major threat to biodiversity. Large-scale analyses have generally focused on the impacts of climate change on the geographic ranges of species, and on phenology, the timing of ecological phenomena. Here, we use long-term monitoring of the abundance of breeding birds across Europe and the USA to produce, for both regions, composite population indices for two groups of species: those for which climate suitability has been either improving or declining since 1980. The ratio of these composite indices, the Climate Impact Indicator (CII), reflects the divergent fates of species favored or disadvantaged by climate change. The trend in CII is positive and similar in the …

research product

Do large‐scale associations in birds imply biotic interactions or environmental filtering?

Aim There has been a wide interest in the effect of biotic interactions on species' occurrences and abundances at large spatial scales, coupled with a vast development of the statistical methods to study them. Still, evidence for whether the effects of within-trophic-level biotic interactions (e.g. competition and heterospecific attraction) are discernible beyond local scales remains inconsistent. Here, we present a novel hypothesis-testing framework based on joint dynamic species distribution models and functional trait similarity to dissect between environmental filtering and biotic interactions. Location France and Finland. Taxon Birds. Methods We estimated species-to-species association…

research product

Climate-driven changes in winter abundance of a migratory waterbird in relation to EU protected areas

AimSpecies are responding to climate change by changing their distributions, creating debate about the effectiveness of existing networks of protected areas. As a contribution to this debate, we assess whether regional winter abundances and distribution of the Smew Mergellus albellus, a migratory waterbird species listed on Annex I (EU Birds Directive) that overwinters exclusively in European wetlands, changed during 1990-2011, the role of global warming in driving distributional changes and the effectiveness of the network of Special Protection Areas (SPAs, EU Birds Directive) in the context of climate change. LocationEurope. MethodsWe used site-specific counts (6,883 sites) from 16 countr…

research product

Covariation in population trends and demography reveals targets for conservation action

Wildlife conservation policies directed at common and widespread, but declining, species are difficult to design and implement effectively, as multiple environmental changes are likely to contribute to population declines. Conservation actions ultimately aim to influence demographic rates, but targeting actions towards feasible improvements in these is challenging in widespread species with ranges that encompass a wide range of environmental conditions. Across Europe, sharp declines in the abundance of migratory landbirds have driven international calls for action, but actions that could feasibly contribute to population recovery have yet to be identified. Targeted actions to improve condit…

research product

Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn ympäristö- ja talousvaikutukset : Luontopaneelin yhteenveto ja suositukset luontopolitiikan suunnittelun ja päätöksenteon tueksi

Raportin yhteenveto LUONTOPANEELIN KESKEISET HUOMIOT JA SUOSITUKSET • Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn osuutta kannattaa merkittävästi kasvattaa taloudellisista syistä. Valtaosa suomalaisista ja pohjoismaisista jatkuvapeitteistä ja jaksollista metsänkäsittelyä vertailevista tutkimuksista koskee puuntuotantomäärää metsänkäsittelyn taloudellisen tuloksen sijaan. Mahdollisimman suuri puuntuotannon määrä voi olla edullista puun ostajalle, mutta se ei välttämättä ole taloudellisesti paras vaihtoehto maanomistajan eli puun tuottajan eikä myöskään puun tuottajien ja ostajien yhteenlasketun taloudellisen tuloksen eli kansantalouden näkökulmasta. Vaikka hakkuukertymät voivat jatkuvapeitteisessä me…

research product

Linking species interactions with phylogenetic and functional distance in European bird assemblages at broad spatial scales

Aim: Understanding the relative contribution of different species interactions in shaping community assembly has been a pivotal aim in community ecology. Biotic interactions are acknowledged to be important at local scales, although their signal is assumed to weaken over longer distances. We examine the relationship between positive, neutral and negative pairwise bird abundance distributions and the phylogenetic and functional distance between these pairs after first controlling for habitat associations. Location: France and Finland. Time period: 1984 to 2011 (Finland), 2001 to 2012 (France). Major Taxa studied: Birds. Methods: We used results from French and Finnish land bird monitoring pr…

research product

Large-scale long-term passive-acoustic monitoring reveals spatio-temporal activity patterns of boreal bats

The distribution ranges and spatio-temporal patterns in the occurrence and activity of boreal bats are yet largely unknown due to their cryptic lifestyle and lack of suitable and efficient study methods. We approached the issue by establishing a permanent passive-acoustic sampling setup spanning the area of Finland to gain an understanding on how latitude affects bat species composition and activity patterns in northern Europe. The recorded bat calls were semi-automatically identified for three target taxa; Myotis spp., Eptesicus nilssonii or Pipistrellus nathusii and the seasonal activity patterns were modeled for each taxa across the seven sampling years (2015–2021). We found an increase …

research product

Titmice are a better indicator of bird density in Northern European than in Western European forests

Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Ecology and Evolution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Population sizes of many birds are declining alarmingly and methods for estimating fluctuations in species’ abundances at a large spatial scale are needed. The possibility to derive indicators from the tendency of specific species to co-occur with others has been overlooked. Here, we tested whether the abundance of resident titmice can act as a general ecological indicator of forest bird density in European forests. Titmice species are easily identifiable and have a wide distribution, which makes them potentially useful ecological indicators. Migratory birds often use information on the densit…

research product

ESM for Covariation in population trends and demography reveals targets for conservation action

Supplementary methods, results and JAGS code

research product

Distance decay 2.0. A global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities

Caio Graco-Roza was funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), the Carlos Chagas Filho Research Support Foundation (FAPERJ) and the Ella and Georg Erhnrooth Foundation; Jan Altman by research grants INTER-EXCELLENCE LTAUSA19137 provided by Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, 20-05840Y of the Czech Science Foundation, and long-term research development project no. RVO 67985939 of the Czech Academy of Sciences; Otso Ovaskainen was funded by Academy of Finland (grant no. 309581), Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation, Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence Funding Scheme (223257), and the European Research Council (ERC) unde…

research product

Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches

Climate change is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. While range shifts are a known consequence of climate warming contributing to regional community change, less is known about how species' positions shift within their climatic niches. Furthermore, whether the relative importance of different climatic variables prompting such shifts varies with changing climate remains unclear. Here we analysed four decades of data for 1,478 species of birds, mammals, butterflies, moths, plants and phytoplankton along a 1,200 km high latitudinal gradient. The relative importance of climatic drivers varied non-uniformly with progressing climate change. While species turnover among decades was limited, the …

research product

Correction to: Positive impacts of important bird and biodiversity areas on wintering waterbirds under changing temperatures throughout Europe and North Africa (Biol. Conserv. 246 (2020) 108549)

research product

Soiden ennallistamisen suoluonto-, vesistö- ja ilmastovaikutukset : Luontopaneelin yhteenveto ja suositukset luontopolitiikan suunnittelun ja päätöksenteon tueksi

Suomen alkuperäisestä 10,4 miljoonan hehtaarin suoalasta yli puolet on ojitettu metsä- ja maatalouden sekä turvetuotannon tarpeisiin. Etelä-Suomessa ojitus on ollut voimakkainta: keskimäärin noin 75 prosenttia ja monin paikoin vielä suurempi osa soista on ojitettu. Suot ovat Euroopan luontotyypeistä kaikkein uhanalaisin luontotyyppiryhmä ja Suomella on erityisvastuu soiden suojelusta. Kaikkiaan 54 prosenttia Suomen 50 suoluontotyypistä on uhanalaisia ja lisäksi 20 prosenttia on silmällä-pidettäviä. Ensisijaisesti Suomen soilla elävistä lajeista 11 prosenttia eli yhteensä 120 lajia on uhanalaisia. Uhanalaisilla lajeilla ja luontotyypeillä on korkea riski hävitä Suomesta. Mittava ojitus näkyy…

research product

A Migratory Divide Among Red-Necked Phalaropes in the Western Palearctic Reveals Contrasting Migration and Wintering Movement Strategies

Publisher's version (útgefin grein)

research product

Positive impacts of important bird and biodiversity areas on wintering waterbirds under changing temperatures throughout Europe and North Africa

Clausen, Preben/0000-0001-8986-294X WOS: 000536149100018 Migratory waterbirds require an effectively conserved cohesive network of wetland areas throughout their range and life-cycle. Under rapid climate change, protected area (PA) networks need to be able to accommodate climate-driven range shifts in wildlife if they are to continue to be effective in the future. Thus, we investigated geographical variation in the relationship between local temperature anomaly and the abundance of 61 waterbird species during the wintering season across Europe and North Africa during 1990-2015. We also compared the spatio-temporal effects on abundance of sites designated as PAs, Important Bird and Biodivers…

research product

Species distributions models may predict accurately future distributions but poorly how distributions change: A critical perspective on model validation

Aim: Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used to make predictions on how species distributions may change as a response to climatic change. To assess the reliability of those predictions, they need to be critically validated with respect to what they are used for. While ecologists are typically interested in how and where distributions will change, we argue that SDMs have seldom been evaluated in terms of their capacity to predict such change. Instead, typical retrospective validation methods estimate model's ability to predict to only one static time in future. Here, we apply two validation methods, one that predicts and evaluates a static pattern, while the other measures change…

research product

Linking species interactions with phylogenetic and functional distance in European bird assemblages at broad spatial scales

Aim Understanding the relative contribution of different species interactions in shaping community assembly has been a pivotal aim in community ecology. Biotic interactions are acknowledged to be important at local scales, although their signal is assumed to weaken over longer distances. We examine the relationship between positive, neutral and negative pairwise bird abundance distributions and the phylogenetic and functional distance between these pairs after first controlling for habitat associations. Location France and Finland. Time period 1984 to 2011 (Finland), 2001 to 2012 (France). Major Taxa studied Birds. Methods We used results from French and Finnish land bird monitoring program…

research product

Effects of Natura 2000 on nontarget bird and butterfly species based on citizen science data

The European Union's Natura 2000 (N2000) is among the largest international networks of protected areas. One of its aims is to secure the status of a predetermined set of (targeted) bird and butterfly species. However, nontarget species may also benefit from N2000. We evaluated how the terrestrial component of this network affects the abundance of nontargeted, more common bird and butterfly species based on data from long-term volunteer-based monitoring programs in 9602 sites for birds and 2001 sites for butterflies. In almost half of the 155 bird species assessed, and particularly among woodland specialists, abundance increased (slope estimates ranged from 0.101 [SD 0.042] to 3.51 [SD 1.30…

research product

Luonnon monimuotoisuus ja vihreä elvytys

Suomi on toistaiseksi selvinnyt koronaviruksen (COVID-19) aiheuttamasta kriisistä taloudellisesti verrokkimaita paremmin, mutta työllisyystilanne on silti heikentynyt ympäri maata ja talouden ennustetaan supistuvan noin 4,7 prosenttia vuonna 20201. Negatiivisten talousvaikutusten minimoimiseksi hallitus on suuntaamassa EU:n elpymisvälineestä varoja käytettäväksi toimiin, jotka samanaikaisesti auttavat ratkaisemaan aikamme kahta merkittävää kriisiä: ilmastonmuutosta ja luontokatoa. Kyse on aidosti vakavista kriiseistä. Esimerkiksi Maailman talousfoorumi on listannut luonnon ekosysteemien romahduksen ja ilmastonmuutoksen torjunnan epäonnistumisen sekä vaikutuksiltaan että todennäköisyydeltään…

research product

Habitat- and species-mediated short- and long-term distributional changes in waterbird abundance linked to variation in European winter weather

Aim: Many species are showing distribution shifts in response to environmental change. We explored (a) the effects of inter-annual variation in winter weather conditions on non-breeding distributional abundance of waterbirds exploiting different habitats (deep-water, shallow water, farmland) and (b) the long-term shift in the population centroid of these species and investigate its link to changes in weather conditions. Location: Europe. Methods: We fitted generalized additive mixed Models to a large-scale, 24-year dataset (1990–2013) describing the winter distributional abundance of 25 waterbird species. We calculated the annual and long-term (3-year periods) population centroid of each sp…

research product

Keskeiset keinot luontokadon pysäyttämiseksi

Sanna Marinin hallitus on sitoutunut luonnon monimuotoisuuden tilan parantamiseen ja luontokadon pysäyttämiseen. Lupaus on äärimmäisen tärkeä. Luonnon ekosysteemien heikennys uhkaa elintärkeiden eko-systeemipalveluiden tuotantoa sekä ihmisten terveyttä, hyvinvointia ja turvallisuutta. Maailman talousfoorumi on nostanut luontokadon viiden vakavimman ihmiskuntaa uhkaavan riskin joukkoon. Myös Suomen luontotyyppien ja lajiston uhanalaisuustilanne on hälyttävä. Hallituksen kehysriihessä päätetään hallitusohjelman toteuttamisesta ja lunastetaan vuoden 2019 eduskuntavaalien lupaukset luonto- ja ilmastotoimista. Myös EU:n uusi biodiversiteettistrategia velvoittaa Suomea panostamaan luonnonsuojeluu…

research product

Soiden ennallistamisen suoluonto-, vesistö- ja ilmastovaikutukset. Luontopaneelin yhteenveto ja suositukset luontopolitiikan suunnittelun ja päätöksenteon tueksi.

Suomen alkuperäisestä 10,4 miljoonan hehtaarin suoalasta yli puolet on ojitettu metsä- ja maatalouden sekä turvetuotannon tarpeisiin. Etelä-Suomessa ojitus on ollut voimakkainta: keskimäärin noin 75 prosenttia ja monin paikoin vielä suurempi osa soista on ojitettu. Suot ovat Euroopan luontotyypeistä kaikkein uhanalaisin luontotyyppiryhmä ja Suomella on erityisvastuu soiden suojelusta. Kaikkiaan 54 prosenttia Suomen 50 suoluontotyypistä on uhanalaisia ja lisäksi 20 prosenttia on silmällä-pidettäviä. Ensisijaisesti Suomen soilla elävistä lajeista 11 prosenttia eli yhteensä 120 lajia on uhanalaisia. Uhanalaisilla lajeilla ja luontotyypeillä on korkea riski hävitä Suomesta. Mittava ojitus näkyy…

research product

Non-breeding waterbirds benefit from protected areas when adjusting their distribution to climate warming

AbstractClimate warming is driving changes in species distributions, although many species show a so-called climatic debt, where their range shifts lag behind the fast shift in temperature isoclines. Protected areas (PAs) may impact the rate of distribution changes both positively and negatively. At the cold edges of species distributions, PAs can facilitate species distribution changes by increasing the colonization required for distribution change. At the warm edges, PAs can mitigate the loss of species, by reducing the local extinction of vulnerable species. To assess the importance of PAs to affect species distribution change, we evaluated the changes in a non-breeding waterbird communi…

research product

Jatkuvapeitteisen metsänkäsittelyn vaikutukset luonnon monimuotoisuuteen, vesistöihin, ilmastoon, virkistyskäyttöön ja metsätuhoriskeihin

Sekä jatkuvapeitteistä että jaksollista metsänkäsittelyä tehdään eri voimakkuuksilla ja erilaisin hakkuutavoin. Ei ole olemassa yksiselitteistä sääntöä, jolla voitaisiin todeta, kuuluuko jokin tietty hakkuutapa jatkuva-peitteiseen vai jaksolliseen käsittelyyn (avohakkuita lukuun ottamatta). Esimerkiksi yläharvennuksia tehdään molemmissa käsittelytavoissa. Kaikkien metsänkäsittelytapojen aiheuttama häiriö on tyypillisesti sitä voimakkaampi, mitä voimakkaampi hakkuu tehdään. Avohakkuut aiheuttavat suurimman haitallisen vaikutuksen sekä luontoon että moniin metsien tarjoamiin ekosysteemipalveluihin. Yhteiskunnan kokonais-edun kannalta jatkuvapeitteisen käsittelyn osuuden lisääminen puuntuotann…

research product

Data from: Gray plumage color is more cryptic than brown in snowy landscapes in a resident color polymorphic bird

Camouflage may promote fitness of given phenotypes in different environments. The tawny owl (Strix aluco) is a colour polymorphic species with a grey and brown morph resident in the Western Palearctic. A strong selection pressure against the brown morph during snowy and cold winters has been documented earlier but the selection mechanisms remain unresolved. Here we hypothesise that selection favors the grey morph because it is better camouflaged against predators and mobbers in snowy conditions compared to the brown one. We conducted an online citizen science experiment where volunteers were asked to locate a grey or a brown tawny owl specimen from pictures taken in snowy and snowless lands…

research product

Data from: Inter-annual variation and long-term trends in proportions of resident individuals in partially migratory birds

Partial migration – a part of a population migrates and another part stays resident year-round on the breeding site – is probably the most common type of migration in the animal kingdom, yet it has only lately garnered more attention. Theoretical studies indicate that in partially migratory populations, the proportion of resident individuals (PoR) should increase in high latitudes in response to the warming climate, but empirical evidence exists for few species. We provide the first comprehensive overview of the environmental factors affecting PoR and the long-term trends in PoR by studying 27 common partially migratory bird species in Finland. The annual PoR values were calculated by divid…

research product

Synthesis of Environmental Impact Assessment to support planning of ecological compensation and decision-making: an introduction to research project

Habitat changes are the key drivers of global biodiversity loss. However, land-use decisions that extensively affect the abundance and distribution of species are made at local scale. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a systematic process where the effects of major projects on their utilized environment are examined, and it leads either to implementation, modification or rejection of the planned project. Even though EIA process also includes a proposal for the follow-up program, monitoring of the impacts is not specifically required after project has been implemented. Lack of this information, for example, complicates the mitigation of impacts since the realized loss of natural value…

research product

Protected areas enhance expanding populations and mitigate declines on range edges under climate change

Warming climate is changing geographical distributions of species. However, keeping pace with the climate may be complicated. The climate is indeed changing faster than species are capable of following it. Other environmental changes can hamper the ability of species to move if they face difficulties following climatic preferences in a fragmented landscape. This may lead to increased extinction risk especially for species inhabiting high latitudes and altitudes. These species are expected to be particularly exposed to the consequences of climate change due to the lack of space into which they can retreat. Evidence is mounting that this may indeed be the case, since boreal and montane specie…

research product

Distribution changes, species richness and the role of protected areas in Europe and Northern Africa. The case study of waterbirds

Evidence is accumulating that avian species, and particularly waterbirds, are responding to anthropogenic pressure and climate change by, inter alia, changing their distributions, both in the breeding and non-breeding season. This ongoing process raise a question about the effectiveness of the current network of protected areas delivering climate change adaptation for waterbird species at larger scale than individual countries. To improve the knowledge concerning this topic, we analysed 26 years of data on wintering waterbirds (International Waterbird Census) across 44 countries in Europe and Africa. Specifically, our goals were (1) to test if the winter abundances of 166 species have chang…

research product

Declining populations of European mountain birds

Mountain areas often hold special species communities and are thus in the high priority list of conservation. Changes in human land use, such as grazing pressure and afforestation, and especially in climate have been suggested as major threats for biodiversity in the mountain areas, because species have difficulties to find new suitable habitats in circumstances. Despite the special species communities very little is known about the population trends of species in mountain areas [1,2]. Here we studied population trends of 44 bird species in four major European mountain regions: Fennoscandia, UK upland, south-western (including Pyrenees) and south-central mountains (including Alps), covering…

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