Chiara Maria Fontanazza

Riduzione delle perdite apparenti. Analisi sperimentale e modellistica dell'UFR

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Analysis of intermittent supply systems in water scarcity conditions and evaluation of the resource distribution equity indices

Generally, urban water distribution shortage situations are solved by introducing discontinuous service and rationing the available water resources. This approach is widely adopted, not only in developing countries but also in developed ones, for solving short term scarcity conditions which can be caused by unpredicted drought periods. Intermittent distribution has the advantage of requiring small financial efforts but it leads to network operating conditions that are very far from the usual design ones. With the aim to analyse and describe the water supply network behaviour in intermittent conditions, a network hydraulic model has been set up in which both user and manager dependent regula…

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Distrettualizzazione di una rete idrica per mitigare l’iniqua distribuzione delle risorse idriche in condizioni di scarsità

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A model of the filling process of an intermittent distribution network

In many countries, private tanks are acquired by users to reduce their vulnerability to intermittent supply. The presence of these local reservoirs modifies the user demand pattern and usually increases user water demand at the beginning of the service period depending on the tank filling process. This practice is thus responsible for the inequality that occurs among users: those located in advantaged positions of the network are able to obtain water resources soon after the service period begins, while disadvantaged users have to wait much longer, after the network is full. This dynamic process requires the development of ad hoc models in order to obtain reliable results. This paper discus…

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A mathematical model to evaluate apparent losses due to meter under-registration in intermittent water distribution networks

Apparent losses consist of water volume drawn from the network, consumed by users but not paid for. Those due to water meter under-registration were evaluated by means of a mathematical model able to analyse the complexity of intermittent supply systems with private tanks. This supply scheme is very common in the Mediterranean area where unexpected water shortage often happens and intermittent water supply is a common practice. In order to analyse such complex systems, a demand model, reproducing the effect of private tanks, and an apparent losses module were developed and coupled with an hydraulic network model based on the Global Gradient Algorithm (GGA). In distribution networks pressure…

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The Effect of Damage Functions on Urban Flood Damage Appraisal

Flooding damage appraisal can been obtained by interpolating real damage data caused by historical flooding events or accounting the effects of a flood in terms of the depreciation of assets. Most often, the expected damage is evaluated by means of damage functions describing the relationship occurring between the damage and hydraulic characteristics of flood. The present paper aims to evaluate the uncertainty linked to the choice of the depth-damage function adopted in the flood damage analysis. Several possible depth-damage function formulations were selected in literature and applied to historical flooding events monitored in the "Centro Storico" catchment in Palermo (Italy). (C) 2013 Th…

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Carenza idrica: conseguenze in ambiente urbano

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Liner Poliolefinici nella produzione di canalizzazioni e manufatti in calcestruzzo

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Uncertainty connected with design rainfall for urban flood risk evaluation

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Assessment of Modelling Structure and Data Availability Influence on Urban Flood Damage Modelling Uncertainty

Abstract In modelling application, different model structures may be equally reliable in terms of calibration ability but they may produce different uncertainty levels; moreover, available data during model calibration may influence the uncertainty linked to the predictions of the same modelling structure. In the present paper, Bayesian model-averaging was applied to several flood damage estimation models in order to identify the best model combination for urban flooding distribution analysis in Palermo city center (Italy). During the analysis, was taken into account the effect of the available data growth on the model uncertainty with respect to the different combination of models outputs.

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Water quality analysis in network and private storage tanks in intermittent distribution systems

In countries suffering from chronic water shortages, water distribution systems are often operated on an intermittent basis. As a consequence, the network is involved by cyclical filling and emptying periods causing water quality degradation. During the emptying period, the distribution system is unpressurised and it may occur that pollutants move into the network. Moreover, the stagnation period can promote microbial growth. For this reason water is usually heavily chlorinated in order to maintain it potable. Due to intermittent water service users acquire private tanks, which are used for collecting water during serviced periods and distributing it when public service is not available. Th…

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Evaluation of the Water Scarcity Energy Cost for Users

Abstract: In systems experiencing water scarcity and consequent intermittent supply, users often adopt private tanks that collect water during service periods and supply users when the service is not available. The tank may be fed by gravity or by private pumping stations depending on the network pressure level. Once water resources are collected, the tank can supply users by gravity if it is located on the rooftop or by additional pumping if underground. Private tanks thus increase the energy cost of the water supply service for users by introducing several small pumping structures inside the network. The present paper aims to evaluate this users’ energy cost for different private tank con…

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Energy Recovery in Water Distribution Networks. Implementation of Pumps as Turbine in a Dynamic Numerical Model

In complex networks characterized by the presence of private tanks, water managers usually apply intermittent distribution, thus reducing the water volumes supplied to the users, or use Pressure Reduction Valves (PRV) for controlling pressure in the network. The application of Pump As Turbines (PATs) appears as an alternative and sustainable solution to either control network pressure as well as to produce energy. In the present paper, the hydrodynamic model, already presented by De Marchis et al. (2011) was further developed introducing the dynamic analysis of PATs. The model was applied to a district of Palermo network (Italy) characterized by intermittent distribution and by inequities a…

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Un modello per il riempimento delle reti di distribuzione idrica in presenza di turnazione del servizio

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Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Water Demand Modeling

The actual level of water demand is the driving force behind the hydraulic dynamics in water distribution systems. Consequently, it is crucial to estimate it as accurately as possible in order to result in reliable simulation models. In this paper, a copula-based multivariate analysis has been proposed and used for demand prediction for given return period. The analysis is applied to water consumption data collected in the water distribution network of Palermo (Italy). The approach showed to produce consisted demand patterns and to be a powerful tool to be coupled with water distribution network models for design or analysis problems. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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A performance based approach for the analysis of urban water distribution systems under drought conditions

The present study proposes some performance indicators for analysing urban water distribution system characterised by intermittent supply service. Specific indicators have been proposed for investigating the reduction of quality of water service under resources scarcity conditions. A modelling procedure has been implemented in order to allow for analysing complex network schemes in which users self adapt to scarcity conditions. The procedure has been applied to analyse the performance of an existing supply system in Palermo (Italy). The network and users’ behaviour in intermittent distribution conditions have been monitored in order to calibrate the model and verify the reliability of the p…

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Analisi del processo di consumo istantaneo di singole utenze residenziali con il modello di Poisson ad impulsi rettangolari

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Definition of Water Meter Substitution Plans based on a Composite Indicator

This paper presents a water meter substitution plan based on a composite "Replacement indicator" which was defined and compared with common substitution strategies based on meter age and on run-to-fail approaches. The methodology was applied to one of the 17 sub-networks in which the Palermo city water distribution network (Italy) is divided. The analysis was carried out considering a substitution budget limitation and the results showed that the use of "Replacement indicator" outperform the classical substitution strategies based on meter age because it takes into account some other variables that may affect meter precision and wearing. (C) 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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Analisi e previsione dei consumi urbani attraverso l’applicazione di modelli a rete neurale

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Indicatori di performance per l’analisi delle reti di distribuzione in condizioni di scarsità idrica

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Le perdite apparenti nelle reti di distribuzione: implementazione di un modello numerico

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Multi Sources Water Supply System Optimal Control: A Case Study

The optimal operation of a multi quality network was analysed applying Linear Programming methods. The peculiar service condition of the industrial city of Gela (Italy) was investigated. The network is supplied both from waters derived from a desalination plant and other natural sources. The method aimed to minimise energy cost and find the optimal operation control, while satisfying demand and quality constraints, specifically with regard to water temperature. The method proved to be effective in the selection of the optimal management strategy after the definition of a specific water quality target. (C) 2014 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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Contaminant Intrusion through Leaks in Water Distribution System: Experimental Analysis

Abstract This paper presents the results of experimental tests on the intrusion of contaminant through pipe cracks in water distribution network resulting from low/negative pressures. The tests were carried out on a looped distribution network at the University of Enna and were performed first producing a pressure transient that causes negative pressures then reproducing intermittent supply. A soluble contaminant was added to the water volume in the network through a pipe crack. Sampling of water volume was carried out in two nodes of the network and the contaminant concentrations were measured. It was showed that: the contaminant was drawn in and transported, in the first set of tests; the…

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Le perdite apparenti e sottomisurazione

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Experimental Evidence of Leaks in Elastic Pipes

Several studies have been carried out in recent decades to establish a relationship between total head and leaks. In literature, the leakage governing equations have been analysed in light of pipe materials, water head, leak dimension or shape. Most of these contributions questioned the classical Torricelli equation, demonstrating through experimental evidence that the classical orifice law can give unsatisfactory results. Nevertheless, starting from the Torricelli equation, other exponential or linear governing equations have been proposed as mathematical models able to reproduce the leakages in water distribution systems (WDSs). To investigate the validity of the proposed governing equati…

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Research in reduction of meters under registration: experience and results achieved in field tests and in laboratory in Palermo

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A Decision Support Tool for Water and Energy Savingin the Integrated Water System

Abstract In the last decades, a growing attention on energy saving associated with water resources usage and leakages reduction has been recorded at both national and international level. Scientific research has focused on implementation of several methodologies aimed at the understanding of energy transformation processes occurring in the integrated water system. The main concern is then identifying energy impacts associated to each macro-area of integrated water system, such as collection, treatment and distribution, and analysing the potential interactions between them. Unfortunately, only overall energy consumptions are usually available at national level. The main objective of the pape…

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Un modello previsionale della domanda idrica istantanea in condizioni di scarsità

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Modelling analysis of distribution network filling process during intermittent supply

The paper presents the modeling results of the filling process of a water distribution network subjected to intermittent supply. The local tanks built by users for reducing their vulnerability to intermittent supply increase user water demand at the beginning of the service period and the time required for completely fill the network. Such a delicate process is responsible of the inequalities taking part among users. Users located in advantaged positions can receive water resources soon after the beginning of the service period while disadvantaged users have to wait until the network is full. Such an highly dynamic process requires ad-hoc models to be developed in order to obtain reliable r…

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Evaluation of the apparent losses caused by water meter under-registration in intermittent water supply

Apparent losses are usually caused by water theft, billing errors, or revenue meter under-registration. While the first two causes are directly related to water utility management and may be reduced by improving company procedures, water meter inaccuracies are considered to be the most significant and hardest to quantify. Water meter errors are amplified in networks subjected to water scarcity, where users adopt private storage tanks to cope with the intermittent water supply. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of two variables influencing the apparent losses: water meter age and the private storage tank effect on meter performance. The study was carried out in Palermo (Italy). Th…

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Valutazione delle perdite apparenti di un piccolo distretto della rete di distribuzione della città di Palermo: analisi sperimentale e modellistica

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Urban drainage and sustainable cities: how to achieve flood resilient societies?

This paper tries to describe the main developments of urban flood forecasting and modelling. Currently, several new technologies are available for flood monitoring, modelling and mitigation and several paradigms suggest the adoption of greener approaches to urban storm water management. These tools and new approaches can be easily adaptable to new developments where the entire urban drainage system can be suited to follow a more sustainable way to drain storm water. The challenge for the future is instead aimed to apply this new philosophy to existing urban areas where the application of new tools and technologies requires high costs and such approaches have to be prepared by constructing a…

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In condizioni di scarsità delle risorse intervenire sulla domanda o sull'offerta

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Implementation of a numerical model for the evaluation of potential apparent losses in a distribution network

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Impact of rainfall data resolution in time and space on the urban flooding evaluation

ABSTRACT Climate change and the modification of urban environment increase the frequency and the impact of flooding rising the interest of researchers and practitioners on this topic. Usually flooding frequency analysis in urban areas are indirectly carried out by adopting advanced hydraulic models to simulate long historical rainfall series or design storms. However their results are affected by a grade of uncertainty which has been much investigated in recent years. One of the most critical source of uncertainty inherent to hydraulic model results is linked to the imperfect knowledge of the rainfall input data both in time and space. Several studies show that hydrological modelling in urb…

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A composite indicator for water meter replacement in an urban distribution network

In water supply management, volumetric water meter are typically used to measure users' consumption. With water meters, utilities can collect useful data for billing, assess the water balance of the system, and identify failures in the network, water theft and anomalous user behaviour. Despite their importance, these instruments are characterised by intrinsic errors that cause so-called apparent losses. The complexity of the physical phenomena associated with metering errors in aging water meters does not allow meter replacement to be guided by single parameters, such as the meter age or the total volume passed through the meter. This paper presents a meter replacement strategy based on a c…

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Experimental and modeling analysis of an apparent losses reduction device

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Reti bayesiane per l’indentificazione delle migliori strategie di gestione idraulica di un bacino urbano

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Experimental Investigation for Local Tank Inflow Model

In the present paper the effect of private roof tanks and of the float valve characteristics on apparent losses due to water meter errors was investigated via an experimental study. The tests were carried out at the Environmental Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Enna (Italy), on a high-density polyethylene (HDPE 100 PN16) looped distribution network. The experimental results showed that network pressure plays an important role in the characterisation of the floating ball valve emitter law, but the tank operating condition is the most relevant aspect to be considered mainly for water meter error evaluation. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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Modeling of distribution network filling process during intermittent supply

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Programmazione e gestione dei sistemi acquedottistici in condizioni di scarsità di risorsa

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Pumps as turbines (PATs) in water distribution networks affected by intermittent service

A hydraulic model was developed in order to evaluate the potential energy recovery from the use of centrifugal pumps as turbines (PATs) in a water distribution network characterized by the presence of private tanks. The model integrates the Global Gradient Algorithm (GGA), with a pressure-driven model that permits a more realistic representation of the influence on the network behaviour of the private tanks filling and emptying. The model was applied to a real case study: a District Metered Area in Palermo (Italy). Three different scenarios were analysed and compared with a baseline scenario (Scenario 0 – no PAT installed) to identify the system configuration with added PATs that permits th…

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Effects of network pressure on water meter under-registration: an experimental analysis

Abstract. In water supply systems, a considerable amount of apparent loss is caused by meter under-registration. Water meters are subject to intrinsic systemic error depending on the actual flow rates passing through them. Furthermore, the moving parts of the meter are subject to wear and tear that progressively reduce meter accuracy. The increase in systemic error is especially evident at low flow rates because of growing friction in the rotating mechanism, which requires a higher flow to start the meter (starting flow). The aim of this paper is to experimentally investigate metering error in an attempt to find a direct link between meter age, network pressure and apparent losses caused by…

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Valutazione delle perdite idriche apparenti legate all’errata misurazione dei consumi residenziali

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The apparent losses due to metering errors: a proactive approach to predict losses and schedule maintenance

The effects of water meter age and private tanks on the apparent losses due to metering errors were evaluated by experimental and theoretical analyses. A monitoring campaign on a small district metered area (DMA) was carried out to determine the causes of apparent losses and implement a numerical model. Metering errors are affected by the flow rate passing through the meter, which is dependent on the network pressure and water level of the private tank. A node model that reproduces the effect of private tanks was coupled with EPANET and was applied to the DMA. The proposed modelling approach was used to identify where apparent losses are higher and to schedule maintenance. The model predict…

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Impact of rainfall data resolution in time and space on the urban flooding evaluation.

Climate change and modification of the urban environment increase the frequency and the negative effects of flooding, increasing the interest of researchers and practitioners in this topic. Usually, flood frequency analysis in urban areas is indirectly carried out by adopting advanced hydraulic models to simulate long historical rainfall series or design storms. However, their results are affected by a level of uncertainty which has been extensively investigated in recent years. A major source of uncertainty inherent to hydraulic model results is linked to the imperfect knowledge of the rainfall input data both in time and space. Several studies show that hydrological modelling in urban are…

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Multivariate statistical analysis for water demand modelling: implementation, performance analysis, and comparison with the PRP model

Water demand is the driving force behind hydraulic dynamics in water distribution systems. Consequently, it is crucial to accurately estimate the actual water use to develop reliable simulation models. In this study, copula-based multivariate analysis was proposed and used for demand prediction for a given return period. The analysis was applied to water consumption data collected in the water distribution network of Palermo (Italy). The approach produced consistent demand patterns and could be a powerful tool when coupled with water distribution network models for design or analysis problems. The results were compared with those obtained using a classical water demand model, the Poisson re…

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Flood frequency analysis for an urban watershed: comparison between several statistical methodologies simulating synthetic rainfall events

To obtain the flooding frequency distribution for an urban watershed, different methods based on simulations of synthetic rainfall events were compared with an empirical analysis of the flooding data and with the results of long-term simulations. A copula-based multivariate statistical analysis of the main hydrological variables was proposed to generate synthetic hyetographs. Two different approaches were adopted to assess a temporal pattern to the synthetic rainfall: one analyses all available historical rainfall patterns, and another adopts the cluster analysis in three different variants to reduce the computational effort of the analysis. To test the methodology reliability, the analysis…

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Analisi e previsione dei consumi idrici urbani attraverso l’applicazione di modelli a rete neurale

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Comparison of different stochastic models for urban water demand forecasting in drought conditions

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Incertezza nella valutazione del danno da allagamento in ambiente urbano

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Generazione di ietogrammi sintetici per l’analisi di frequenza degli allagamenti in ambiente urbano

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Definition of performance indicators for urban water distribution systems in drought conditions

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In condizioni di scarsità delle risorse intervenire sulla domanda o sull’offerta

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Investigations into under-registration of costumers meters in Palermo (Italy) and the effect of introducing unmetered flow reducers

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Effect of network pressure on apparent losses due to meters under-registration

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