Dainis Zeps

Tēze: Dalījums fizikā, reliģijā un mistikā ir ... mistika/līdz aplamībai novecojusi lieta

No trim minētajām jomām fizika ir visvairāk sasniegusi realitātes aizsniegšanai, galvenokārt pateicoties kvantu mehānikas sasniegumiem, bet tās nodalīšanās no divām citām jomām kavē pašas tās attīstību. Vēl vairāk, fizika pati iekrīt savā misticismā un varbūt arī pašdarinātā reliģijā - ja tas vēl nav noticis, tad tas notiks - ja tā neizdarīs radikālus apvērsumus savās nostādnēs, kas to vairs nešķirs no augšminētajām jomām.

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On to what effect LHC experiment should arrive

We consider idea of hierarchical multitime notion and of the cone of creation. Following this idea, the time used in traditional sense is only a single projection of time in the multitime. Multitime must have inner dimension upwards turning it into hierarchical structure which acts as what we call global cone of creation. On our time projection, evolution of species and BB, both global and local, in SM are examples of local cones of creation. Higgs field as symmetry breaking accounts for complementary worlds on other projections of time in multitime. We argue that time is form of referencing within matter and doesn’t have any sense without matter. These are the hypothetical assumptions whic…

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Cognitum hypothesis and cognitum consciousness. How time and space conception of idealistic philosophy is supported by contemporary physics

May we imagine that materialistic and idealistic thinkers were both right in all point concerning mind and matter they have quarrelled for centuries? May we imagine that in quarrel for primacy between matter and mind both claims for primacy are right and only our good will is required to accept that ultimate reconciliation? May we imagine that all thinking activity of all men on earth and elsewhere is one collective movement of seeing from our side and essentially one from side of the universe itself? It is only point of good will not of reasoning itself. Neither contemporary physics is about to deny it but rather support.

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Par zinātni kā instrumentalitāti: �kas mainījies pēc kvantu mehānikas ienākšanas epistemoloģijā

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Vai matemātiku un fiziku vieno reliģija?

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Mathematics is Physics

In series of articles we continue to advance idea that mathematics and physics is the same. We bring forward two basic assumptions as principles. First is the primacy of life as opposed to dominating reductionism, and second – immaturity of epistemology. Second principle says that we have reached stage of epistemology where we have stepped outside simple perceptibility only on level of individuality (since Aristotle) but not on level of collective mind. The last stage have reached only most of religious teachings but not physical science that is still under oppressive influence of reductionism. This causes that what we call research in physical science turns out to be simply instrumental im…

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Dažas domas, lasot Mario Livio grāmatu «Vai Dievs ir matemātiķis?»

Galvenais grāmatas jautājums ir: Vai matemātika ir atklājums vai izgudrojums?

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Kristāli un mākslīgais intelekts

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LU Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupas darbība kopš 2007. gada

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ΓΝΩΘΙ ΜΑΘΗΜΑ (GNŌTHI MATHĒMA) Or What are the foundations of our thinking?

The words ΓΝΩΘΙ ΣΕΑΥΤΟΝ (Gnothi Seauton) are inscribed at the entrance to the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. The paraphrase ΓΝΩΘΙ ΜΑΘΗΜΑ we use to ask some questions in addressing the main question – what is the basis of our thinking?

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GPT no iekšpuses: ko var iesākt ar GPT? Matemātiķa skatījums. Mans skatījums.

Aplūkojam vienu no AI language model rīkiem, ChatGPT, ko matemātiķis var gūt no šādām AI sistēmām. Apskatām sarunas ar GPT, apskatām rekomendācijas, kādas dod gan pats GPT, gan ko izsecinām no prakses, GPT lietojot. Diskutējam par GPT spēju pierādīt matemātiskas teorēmas.

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Aggregation states physics. Are we allowed to predict the future of science?

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Four levels of complexity in mathematics and physics

Four levels of complexity in mathematics and physics are considered, how they are interrelated, how this all has impact on other subjects of epistemology.

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68th annual scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Faculty of Theology. "Science and Religion Dialogue” interdisciplinary group meeting.

LU 68. zinātniskā konference. Teoloģijas fakultātes sekcija „Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialogs”. „Zinātnes un reliģijas dialoga” interdisciplinārās grupas sēde 2010. gada 12. februārī, Latvijas universitāte, Raiņa bulv. 19, Mazā zāle (video skatīties: http://www.lu.lv/par/mediji/video/konferences/2010/religijaunzinatne/12022010/) Vadītājs Dainis Zeps 1. Normunds Titāns, „Zemes dzīvības rašanās teorijas(ekstraterestriālā kontaminācija versus spontānai ģenerācijai no ‘organiskās zupas’) un to antropoloģiski teoloģiskās implikācijas” 2. Iļja Feščenko: „Ārpusvisuma saprāta hipotēze” (Extraterrestrial intelligence hypothesis), scireprints.lu.lv/93/ 3. Dainis Zeps, „Evolūcija un kreatīvā kārtība: Dāv…

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On Grinbergs' differential geometry and finite fields

Emanuels Grinbergs, in his youth, during ten years, from 1933 until 1943, wrote three dissertations on one subject, namely, differential geometry [1, 2, 3]. We think that his work in this direction has been neglected for many years, and it is the last time to try to understand the significance of these works. Here, in this short article we touch only one aspect of this work, and compare and put together two approaches, one from thesis of Grinbergs [3], and another, of the author's, [5, 6], where we show close relation between both.

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18 pages; We consider ornamental sign language of first order where principles of sieve displacement, of asymmetric building blocks as base of ornament symmetry, color exchangeability and side equivalence principles work. The generic aspects of sieve and genesis of ornamental pattern and ornament sign in it are discussed. The hemiolia principle for ornamental genesis is introduced. The discoverer of most of these principles were artist Modris Tenisons [4, 5, 6, 7 (refs. 23, 24), 8 (ref. 65)]. Here we apply systematical research using simplest mathematical arguments. We come to conclusions that mathematical argument in arising ornament is of much more significance than simply symmetries in i…

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How to draw combinatorial map? From graphs and edges to corner rotations and permutations

In this article we consider combinatorial maps approach to graphs on surfaces, and how between them can be establish terminological uniformity in favor of combinatorial maps in way rotations are set as base structural elements and all other notions are derived from them. We set this approach as rotational prevalence principle. We consider simplest way how to draw combinatorial map, and ask how this approach in form of rotational prevalence could be used in graphs drawing practice and wider in algorithms. We try to show in this paper that the use of corners in the place of halfedges is much more natural than that of halfedges. Formally there is no difference between both choices, but corner …

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On nature of mathematics. On mathematics and reality Par matemātikas dabu. Par matemātiku un realitāti

Idea that mathematics should be considered as creative order in nature is considered.

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Par atdalāmās propozīcijas 'ie' neienākšanu latviešu valodā

Latviešu valodā varētu būt bijusi lietošanā prepozīcija ie, ekvivalenta ar iekš, ko valodnieki, sk. Endzelīns, neiesaka lietot. Kāpēc ie nav ienākusi valodā? Kādi tam būtu bijuši lingvistiskie cēloņi? Aplūkojot divus gramatiķu skatījumus, A. Bīlenšteina un J. Endzelīna, redzam, ka prepozīcija ie- ir atzīmēta kā tāda, proti, prepozīcija, bet kas lietošanā kā atdalāma neparādās. Līdzīga prepozīcijas ie- būtu iz, ar pretēju nozīmi, bet citādi analogas. Par pēdējo Endzelīns saka, ka tā tautas mutē vairs nav pazīstama, izņemot kādus apgabalus. Mūsu jautājums rastos, vai kādreiz valodā nav bijusi prepozīcija ie? Vai, arīdzan, kādu autoru lietošanā šāda prepozīcija būtu parādījusies? Bez jautājuma…

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Par dzīvības un nāves pretstatu Roberta Lanzas biocentriskajā universā jeb Memento mori: ignotum pro magnifico?

«Atceries, ka reiz mirsi» – pārspīlējums nezināšanas dēļ? Kas ir nāve Robert Lanzas biocentriskajā universā?

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Jaunas paradigmatiskas pieejas, kas savieno reliģisko (mistisko) un mūsdienu fiziķu domāšanu: ierosmes pētīšanai

Deponējam materiālu bez rediģēšanas

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Free Minor Closed Classes and the Kuratowski theorem

Free-minor closed classes [2] and free-planar graphs [3] are considered. Versions of Kuratowski-like theorem for free-planar graphs and Kuratowski theorem for planar graphs are considered.

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Daba, valoda, matemātika, Dievs

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On building 4-critical plane and projective plane multiwheels from odd wheels

We build unbounded classes of plane and projective plane multiwheels that are 4-critical that are received summing odd wheels as edge sums modulo two. These classes can be considered as ascending from single common graph that can be received as edge sum modulo two of the octahedron graph O and the minimal wheel W3. All graphs of these classes belong to 2n-2-edges-class of graphs, among which are those that quadrangulate projective plane, i.e., graphs from Gr\"otzsch class, received applying Mycielski's Construction to odd cycle.

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The Double Rotation as Invariant of Motion in Quantum Mechanics

Quantum mechanics may loose its weirdness if systematically geometric algebra methods would be used more and more. Crucial aspect is to find laws of quantum mechanics be present in macroworld in form of description of motions rather than objects. To help to reach this goal we suggest to use double rotation as one of base invariants in quantum mechanics.

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Zinātne kā instrumentalitāte un reliģija kā atklāsme: realitātes modelis?

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Kāpēc mēs neredzam augstāku saprātu Visumā?

Koreferāts V. Beldava referātam:�«Fermi paradoss» http://scireprints.lu.lv/416/

research product

Evolution and Creative Order: David Bohm multi-time Evolūcija un kreatīvā kārtība: Dāvida Boma multi-laiks

In place of traditional controverse, evolution versus creationism, we suggest many quantum mechanical theories, that from different points of views trying to consider basic physical theories and even some principal aspects of consciousness reconstruct what may be called multi-time, thus giving another life to David Bohm's idea of multi-time.

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A. Knopkens Rīgas reformators. Komentārs vēstulei Romiešiem

Priekšlasījums Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupas seminārā Teoloģijas fakultātē 2017.gada 28. aprīlī, dekanāta zālē. Atzīmējam, ka Andreasa Knopkena darbs ir bijis nepelnīti atstāts nevērībā, pārrunājām Andreasa Knopkena ieguldījumu Reformācijas kustībā Rīgā un Livonijā, viņa ieguldījumu arī kā teologa blakus Melanhtonam un Erasmam kā arī Luteram, kā arī nepieciešamību meklēt iespējas, kā A.Knopkena darbu tulkot citās valodās, vispirms vācu un angļu valodā.

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Vai fizika beigusies?

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Par pieredzi neliela starpdisciplināra repozitorija (SciRePrints) uzturēšanā

Referāts lasīts 2010. gada oktobrī LU bibliotekas OA resursu seminārā.

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Dž. A. Vīlera domu eksperimenti un to realizācijas

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Vai matemātika būtu pretrunā ar Dieva eksisteni?

Latvijas unviersitāte, Zinātnes un Reliģijas dialoga grupa 2015., 27. novembris, 18:00 Teoloģijas fakultāte, 3. auditorija

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Science and Religion: Controverse or Complementarity

Science and Religion: controverse or complementarity Relations between science and religion since times of Galileo, Newton and Leibniz discussed . Omega point approach considered and interpreted: using Omega point and Tipler's Singularities model, time versus creative order discussed.

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Dzīvība un matemātika: vai ir kas kopīgs?

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Our Ability to Research Comes Before Understanding of What We Research

Impact of quantum mechanics on physical science epistemology and science at all is considered. We consider methodolically idea that science doesn’t research its assumed objects but the ability to research, thus making itself not distinguishable from the cognitive science in the most general sense. Next idea is that what we discover firstly are the methods and the technologies understanding about which may come (if at all) much much later after we have learned to use these technologies in our life up to incredible level. Instrumentality rather than objectivity should be researched in science. In this sense quantum mechanical impact on sciences should be assessed. Using this approach, quantum…

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Erasmus Roterodamus Andreae Cnophae Vēstule Andreasam Knopkenam

Roterdamas Erasma atbildes vēstule Andreasam Knopkenam 1520. gada 31. decembŗī. No latīņu valodas tulkojis Dainis Zeps

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Using 2-colorings in the theory of uniquely Hamiltonian graphs

We use the concept of 2-coloring in analyzing UH3 graphs and building exact specifications of functions to find new UH3 graphs by Hamiltonian cycle edge extractions

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TF vēstures lappuse: J.Tambergs un ZuRD izveidošana

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The One Savior Paradigm

The one savior paradigm is discussed not only as doctrinal aspect of religious teachings but as one of mostly manifested aspect of our psychic, that should be adequately investigated. We suggest simple idea that could serve as starting cognitive model for the one savior paradigm, that might give effect in considering global aspects of humanity, e.g., such as global economy and exact sciences in more friendly connection with religious thinking.

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Repozitorijam scireprints.lu.lv desmit gadi

Atzīmējam LU Zinātnes un Reliģijas Dialoga grupas repozitorijam scireprints.lu.lv 10 gadu jubileju. Repozitorija dzimšanas diena ir 19. septembris.

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Rudolf Steiner. On mathematics and Reality

We consider philosopher and mystic Rudolf Steiner as a searcher after new scientific paradigm who wants to put in the ground of his system mathematics and mathematical thinking, remaining by this in the position of occultism. In the article we want to enlighten in which sense he is using term “mathematics”, what he understands by it, and how he sees its connection with reality. We consider an example how Steinerian idea could possibly be connected with Feynman’s quantum mechanical interpretation. We are coming to the conclusion that contemporary science and theoretical physicists particularly should turn more attention to Rudolf Steiner as a natural scientist in its own sense.

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Science and Religion Dialogue: What is Life? Zinātnes un Reliģijas Dialogs: Kas ir dzīvība?

Juris Cālītis, Paskāla liesmas, Dekarta rēgs un cilvēka dzīvība Dzintars Edvīns Bušs, Dzīvības jēdziena aprises dvēseles, gara un apziņas izpratnes kontekstā Dainis Zeps, Dzīvība un Matemātika: vai ir kāds kopsakars? scireprints.lu.lv/227/ Pāvils Tjurins, Huligānisma psiholoģija (Dabas normativitāte un psihes nenormativitāte), scireprints.lu.lv/229/ Jānis Rudzītis, Dzīvība Vecajā Derībā Enoks Biķis, Cilvēka dzīvība bioloģiskā un medicīniskā aspektā Normunds Titāns, Bioloģisks universs? Inteliģenta ārpuszemes dzīvība? Astroteoloģija? scireprints.lu.lv/228/ Kaspars Mičulis, Dzīvība un saprāts pašorganizācijas un antropā principa kontekstā, scireprints.lu.lv/226/ Florian Gahbauer, Dzīva būtne:…

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Kā latviski pareizāk atveidot Ἀπόστολος Παῦλος?

Article considers how to translate into Latvian the proper name of Ἀπόστολος Παῦλος in New Testament, either Pāvils or Pauls. The first case is chosen by tradition, but author argues that the second choice is more in correspondence with how Greek word Παῦλος would be rendered into Latvian.

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Seno valodu profesors Pauls Žibeiks un viņa metode (1987.-1992.)

Professor Pauls Žibeiks usually is mentioned as professor of Old Testament. In my memories P. Žibeiks takes place of the professor of ancient languages, which he taught in the theological seminary. During the period of time 1987-1992 I was in close touch with the professor, first being his student in his classes of ancient languages in the seminary rooms in Jāņa street, and after, visiting him in Bauska with certain regularity. Here, professor's Pauls Žibeiks teaching method is briefly considered in context of language teaching methods in the Rīga Domskola, the Theological faculty of University of Latvia and the Lutheran theological seminary.

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Teksti lasīšanai klasiskajā sīriešu valodā

Parallel texts from New Testatment in Syriac and Greek for home reading or in class in Classical Syriac, composed by Dainis Zeps.

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