Jane Parker
Multi-response kinetic modelling of the formation of five Strecker aldehydes during kilning of barley malt
Strecker aldehydes are responsible for the characteristic aroma of malts, but also important aroma compounds in beer. In malt, they are formed during the curing stage of kilning. The formation of five Strecker aldehydes (2-methylpropanal, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methybutanal, phenylacetaldehyde and methional) during this process was studied at pilot scale. Green malts were dried and cured at different temperatures (65, 78 and 90 °C) isothermally for 8.4 h. Multi-response kinetic modelling was used to develop a mathematical model based on precursors concentration, Amadori rearrangement products (ARP), Strecker aldehydes, temperature and time. This model demonstrated that the formation of Strecker…
Postoperative continuous positive airway pressure to prevent pneumonia, re-intubation, and death after major abdominal surgery (PRISM): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial.
BackgroundRespiratory complications are an important cause of postoperative morbidity. We aimed to investigate whether continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) administered immediately after major abdominal surgery could prevent postoperative morbidity.MethodsPRISM was an open-label, randomised, phase 3 trial done at 70 hospitals across six countries. Patients aged 50 years or older who were undergoing elective major open abdominal surgery were randomly assigned (1:1) to receive CPAP within 4 h of the end of surgery or usual postoperative care. Patients were randomly assigned using a computer-generated minimisation algorithm with inbuilt concealment. The primary outcome was a composite of…
Efecto del método de cálculo y de la presencia de falsos positivos en los umbrales de percepción
El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido demostrar que, a la hora de calcular umbrales de percepción, el método de cálculo elegido y las respuestas que son falso positivo (es decir, aquéllas en las que la respuesta positiva no corresponde a la detección real del aroma sino al azar al elegir la respuesta), tienen un efecto significativo sobre el valor de umbral calculado.
Effect of calculation methods and presence of false positives on perception thresholds
Perception thresholds are commonly used in food science to discriminate between those compounds that are more or less odour-active. It is not rare to use values from other studies and apply them to our data, however, we observed that the procedure to evaluate and calculate perception thresholds is not standardised. The aim of this study was to explore the influence of calculation methods on threshold values. To do so, we used a 3-AFC sensory procedure to determine the orthonasal and retronasal detection values of 26 compounds, amongst them some compounds that usually contribute to the aroma of strawberry and caramel (e.g. vanillin, Furaneol and damascenone). The thresholds were calculated b…