Annick Comblain
Apprentissage, mémorisation, et généralisation de nouveaux noms chez l'enfant trisomique 21. Une comparaison avec l'enfant en développement normal
Resume On a compare un groupe d'enfants trisomique 21 (T21) a un groupe temoin compose d'enfants en developpement normal apparie sur la base de l'âge mental, dans une tâche d'apprentissage lexical. Apres apprentissage du nom de quatre animaux ou de quatre instruments de musique non familiers, on evaluait la retention des associations mot–stimulus par une tâche de denomination et une tâche de designation apres trois delais. Les resultats revelent que les enfants T21 sont superieurs au groupe temoin dans la tâche de denomination. Les processus d'apprentissage des associations mot–objet ne sont pas deficitaires chez les personnes avec trisomie 21. En outre, les deux populations semblent utilis…
The role of semantic distance in learning and generalization of novel names in typically developing and atypically developing children
International audience; Children often learn the extension of novel words with a limited number of exemplars. There is evidence that the opportunity to compare stimuli is beneficial for learning and generalizing novel names in typically developing (TD) children. This is important since they are in need of well-devised learning situations. We manipulated the role of semantic distance within training stimuli and between training and test stimuli and their influence on taxonomically-based generalization. We hypothesized more difficulties for ID children especially in “larger” semantic distance cases. Our results revealed that ID children were better than the matched TD children, suggesting fun…
Do typically and atypically developing children learn and generalize novel names similarly: The role of conceptual distance during learning and at test.
International audience; There is a large body of evidence showing that comparison of multiple stimuli leads to better conceptualization and generalization of novel names than no-comparison settings in typically developing (TD) children. By contrast, the evidence regarding this issue remains scarce in children with intellectual disabilities (ID). Children with intellectual disabilities (ID) and TD children matched on mental age with the Raven's coloured progressive matrices were tested in several novel name learning comparison conditions, with familiar objects. We manipulated the conceptual distance between the learning stimuli in the learning phase and between the learning and generalizatio…
Typically and Atypically Developing Children' Generalizations of Novel Names: the Role of Semantic Distance
International audience; Children often learn the extension of novel words with a limited number of exemplars. There is evidence that the opportunity to compare stimuli is beneficial for learning and generalizing novel names in typically developing (TD) children (e.g., Gentner, 2010). However, so far,, comparison situations have not been studied in children with intellectual disabilities (ID) (Chapman & Kay-Raining Bird, 2012). This is important since they are in need of well-devised learning situations. We manipulated the role of semantic distance within training stimuli and between training and test stimuli and their influence on taxonomically-based generalization. We hypothesized more dif…
Approche neuropsychologique du syndrome de Down
International audience; Bien que le syndrome de Down soit la cause la plus fréquente de retard mental génétique et, par conséquent, le syndrome le plus étudié, certains aspects du développement et du fonctionnement cognitif des personnes atteintes demeurent peu voire pas encore étudiés. A côté de certains aspects du développement bien documentés à l’heure actuelle tels les conséquences physiques, médicales et, d’un point de vue plus cognitif, langagière de la présence d’un chromosome surnuméraire dans le patrimoine génétique des personnes atteintes du syndrome, certains domaines tels que le développement mnésique ou la problématique du vieillissement cognitif restent peu étudiés et encore s…