Gary Cloud
A Study on the Effects of Clearance and Interference Fits in a Pin-Loaded Cross-Ply FGRP Laminate
The elastic behavior of a cross-ply fiber glass-reinforced epoxy laminate loaded in tension through a pin fitted with clearance and interference is examined. A nonlinear contact analysis using the Finite Element Method and an experimental study by Speckle Interferometry are performed, showing fairly good correlation. An interesting comparison is performed between FEM results and Hertzian contact theory. Major conclusions are: (I) clearance causes high compressive stress in the bearing area, and does not influence the peak tensile stress; (2) interference has beneficial effects on the joint, as (a) it lowers the peak circumferential stress, and (b) it decreases the change of stress due to t…
On the Effect of Interference Fits in Composite Pin-Joints
The Finite Element Method is used to determine the effect of pin/hole interference fits on the elastic membranal behavior of an orthotropic plate loaded in tension through a pin. A complete contact analysis is performed to handle the nonlinear contact problem. The study encompasses two levels of interference fits, two degrees of anisotropy of the plate, and two load levels. Friction effects are not included. Experimental results from Digital Speckle Pattern Interferometry are also presented. It is shown that the stress changes in the plate vary linearly with load when no pin/plate separation occurs. It is also shown that interference fits can have beneficial effects on the static and fatig…