Julián P. Mariño
Assessment of University Students’ Critical Thinking: Next Generation Performance Assessment
Following employers’ criticisms and recent societal developments, policymakers and educators have called for students to develop a range of generic skills such as critical thinking (“twenty-first c...
International Performance Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (iPAL): Research and Development
Educators and policy makers now recognize how important and necessary it is to assess student learning outcomes (SLOs) in higher education. The question has shifted from whether such outcomes should be measured to how they should be measured. Today SLOs are typically assessed by student self-reports of learning or with multiple-choice and short-answer tests. Each of these methods has its strengths and limitations; each one provides insights into the nature of teaching and learning. An alternative approach is the assessment of performance using “criterion” tasks that are drawn from real-world situations in which students are being educated, both within and across academic or professional dom…