Daniela Eklund
Acute Endocrine and Force Responses and Long-Term Adaptations to Same-Session Combined Strength and Endurance Training in Women
This study examined acute hormone and force responses and strength and endurance performance and muscle hypertrophy before and after 24 weeks of same-session combined strength and endurance training in previously untrained women. Subjects were assigned 1 of 2 training orders: endurance preceding strength (E + S, n = 15) or vice versa (S + E, n = 14). Acute force and hormone responses to a combined loading (continuous cycling and a leg press protocol in the assigned order) were measured. Additionally, leg press 1 repetition maximum (1RM), maximal workload during cycling (Wmax), and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) were assessed. Loading-induced decreases in force were significant (p < 0.01–…
Acute hormonal and muscular responses and recovery : chronic adaptations to single session combined strength and endurance training with regard to order effect
Combining both strength (S) and endurance (E) exercise loadings into a single training session can be considered to be of interest e.g. for time management purposes. However, the first loading in a combined session tends to produce notable acute fatigue responses, which can lead to the second loading being performed in a compromised state. Research on fatigue and recovery from a combined session with different loading orders is currently scarce, with even less attention given to the acute responses. Thus, this study investigated the long-term adaptations in the acute responses of a combined strength and endurance loading and whether or not there is an order effect. A total of 29 male subjec…
The effects of a roundtrip trans-American jet travel on physiological stress, neuromuscular performance, and recovery.
The purpose was to examine the effects of a round trip trans-American jet travel on performance, hormonal alterations, and recovery. Ten matched pairs of recreationally trained men were randomized to either a compression group (COMP) ( n = 10; age: 23.1 ± 2.4 yr; height: 174.8 ± 5.3 cm; body mass: 84.9 ± 10.16 kg; body fat: 15.3 ± 6.0%) or control group (CONT) ( n = 9; age: 23.2 ± 2.3 yr; height: 177.5 ± 6.3 cm; weight: 84.3 ± 8.99 kg; body fat: 15.1 ± 6.4%). Subjects flew directly from Hartford, CT to Los Angeles, CA 1 day before a simulated sport competition (SSC) designed to create muscle damage and returned the next morning on an overnight flight back home. Both groups demonstrated jet…
Neuromuscular adaptations to combined strength and endurance training: order and time-of-day
AbstractThe present study examined the effects of 24 weeks of morning vs. evening same-session combined strength (S) and endurance (E) training on neuromuscular and endurance performance. Fifty-one men were assigned to the morning (m) or evening (e) training group, where S preceded E or vice versa (SEm, ESm, SEe and ESe), or to the control group. Isometric force, voluntary activation, EMG and peak wattage during the maximal cycling test were measured. Training time did not significantly affect the adaptations. Therefore, data are presented for SEm+e (SEm+SEe) and ESm+e (ESm+ESe). In the morning, no order specific gains were observed in neuromuscular performance. In the evening, the changes …
Miten yhdistää voima- ja kestävyysharjoittelu urheilijalla, kuntoilijalla, lapsilla tai ikääntyneillä?
Jyväskylän yliopiston liikuntabiologian laitos järjesti 23.–25.9.2015 kansainvälisen symposiumin koskien kestävyys- ja voimaharjoittelun yhdistämistä. Tapahtumaan osallistui yli 350 tutkijaa, valmentajaa, liikunta-alan ammattilaista sekä opiskelijaa yli 30 eri maasta. Kolmipäiväisen symposiumin aikana pohdittiin lukuisissa asiantuntijaesityksissä, miten niin urheilijoiden ja kuntoilijoiden kuin lasten ja ikääntyneiden tulisi yhdistää kestävyys- ja voimaharjoittelu, jotta kummastakin harjoittelumuodosta saataisiin mahdollisimman suuret hyödyt. nonPeerReviewed
Fitness, body composition and blood lipids following 3 concurrent strength and endurance training modes
This study investigated changes in physical fitness, body composition, and blood lipid profile following 24 weeks of 3 volume-equated concurrent strength and endurance training protocols. Physically active, healthy male and female participants (aged 18–40 years) performed strength and endurance sessions on different days (DD; men, n = 21; women, n = 18) or in the same session with endurance preceding strength (ES; men, n = 16; women, n = 15) or vice versa (SE; men, n = 18; women, n = 14). The training volume was matched in all groups. Maximal leg press strength (1-repetition maximum (1RM)) and endurance performance (maximal oxygen consumption during cycling), body composition (dual-energy X…
Voimaa ja kestävyyttä : miten harjoitukset kannattaa rytmittää?
Combined aerobic and resistance training decreases inflammation markers in healthy men
Our primary aim was to study the effects of 24 weeks of combined aerobic and resistance training performed on the same day or on different days on inflammation markers. Physically active, healthy young men were randomly divided into three groups that performed: aerobic and resistance training consecutively in the same training session (SS) 2-3 days wk-1 or on alternating days (AD) 4-6 days wk-1 as well as control (C). The total training volume was matched in the training groups. The control group was asked to maintain their habitual physical activity and exercise level. Maximal leg press strength (1RM) and peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak ) were measured. Abdominal fat mass was estimated with du…
Acute Neuromuscular and Endocrine Responses and Recovery to Single-Session Combined Endurance and Strength Loadings
The purpose of this study was to investigate acute neuromuscular and endocrine responses and recovery to a single session of combined endurance and strength loading using 2 loading orders. Forty-two men were demographically matched to perform a single session of combined endurance + strength (E + S) or strength + endurance (S + E) loading. The strength loading was conducted on a leg press and included sets of power, maximal strength, and hypertrophic loads with an overall duration of 30 minutes. The endurance loading was conducted on a bike ergometer and performed by continuous cycling over 30 minutes at 65% of subject's individual maximal watts. Both loading conditions led to significant a…
Effects of 12-Week Low or Moderate Dietary Acid Intake on Acid–Base Status and Kidney Function at Rest and during Submaximal Cycling
Prolonged effects of dietary acid intake on acid–base status and kidney function have not yet been studied in an intervention study in healthy subjects. Dietary acid load can be estimated by calculating the potential renal acid load (PRAL) of foods. Effects of low-PRAL and moderate-PRAL diets on acid–base status and kidney function were investigated during a 12-week exercise training period. Healthy, 20–50-year-old men (n = 21) and women (n = 25) participated in the study and were randomly divided into low-PRAL and moderate-PRAL groups. Before (PRE), mid-phase (MID) and after the intervention (POST), the subjects participated in measurement sessions, where a 12-h urine sample and fasting bl…
Jääkiekon fyysiset vaatimukset ja pelaajien fyysisten ominaisuuksien testaaminen
Jääkiekko on 80 vuoden aikana vakiinnuttanut paikkansa suomalaisessa urheilukulttuurissa ja luonut moniportaisen sarjajärjestelmän. Jääkiekolle tunnuksenomaisia piirteitä ovat toistuvat luistelupyrähdykset ja voimakkaat kehonkontaktit, mutta varsinaisia lajitaitoja edustavat luistelu, kiekonhallinta, syöttäminen, syötön vastaanotto sekä laukominen. Intervallityyppisen luonteensa vuoksi jääkiekko kuormittaa fysiologisilta osin pääasiassa välittömien energianlähteiden varastoja. Maksimi- ja nopeusvoimaa pidetään tärkeänä yksittäisen pelaajan suorituskyvyn mittarina, aerobisen kunnon osuutta väheksymättä pitkän ottelukauden vuoksi. Luistelu kuormittaa pääasiassa alaraajan suuria lihasryhmiä, k…
Fitness, body composition and blood lipids following three concurrent strength and endurance training modes
This study investigated changes in physical fitness, body composition, and blood lipid profile following 24 weeks of 3 volume-equated concurrent strength and endurance training protocols. Physically active, healthy male and female participants (aged 18–40 years) performed strength and endurance sessions on different days (DD; men, n = 21; women, n = 18) or in the same session with endurance preceding strength (ES; men, n = 16; women, n = 15) or vice versa (SE; men, n = 18; women, n = 14). The training volume was matched in all groups. Maximal leg press strength (1-repetition maximum (1RM)) and endurance performance (maximal oxygen consumption during cycling), body composition (dual-energy X…
Acute neuromuscular and endocrine responses and recovery to single session combined endurance and strength loadings: ‘Order effect’ in untrained young men.
The purpose of this study was to investigate acute neuromuscular and endocrine responses and recovery to a single session of combined endurance and strength loading using two loading orders. Forty-two men were demographically matched to perform a single session of combined endurance+strength (E+S) or strength+endurance (S+E) loading. The strength loading was conducted on a leg press and included sets of power, maximal strength and hypertrophic loads with an overall duration of 30 minutes. The endurance loading was conducted on a bike ergometer and performed by continuous cycling over 30min at 65% of subject’s individual maximal Watts. Both loading conditions led to significant acute reducti…
Neuromuscular Adaptations to Different Modes of Combined Strength and Endurance Training
The present study investigated neuromuscular adaptations between same-session combined strength and endurance training with 2 loading orders and different day combined training over 24 weeks. 56 subjects were divided into different day (DD) combined strength and endurance training (4-6 d·wk(-1)) and same-session combined training: endurance preceding strength (E+S) or vice versa (S+E) (2-3 d·wk(-1)). Dynamic and isometric strength, EMG, voluntary activation, muscle cross-sectional area and endurance performance were measured. All groups increased dynamic one-repetition maximum (p<0.001; DD 13±7%, E+S 12±9% and S+E 17±12%) and isometric force (p<0.05-0.01), muscle cross-sectional area (p<0.0…
Different-day and same-session combined strength and endurance training : adaptations in neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory performance, body composition, metabolic health and wellbeing in men and women
This thesis investigated 1) acute neuromuscular and hormonal responses to combined strength and endurance loadings with different orders and their long-term adaptations (women), 2) adaptations in neuromuscular, hormonal, cardiorespiratory and health variables following 24 weeks of volume-equated protocols of combined training (men and women). Subjects were assigned to one of three groups: strength and endurance training on different days (DD: men n=21, women n=18), training in the same-session with either endurance before strength (ES: men n=16, women n=15) or vice versa (SE: men n=18, women n=14). DD trained 4-6 d·wk-1 with strength and endurance on alternating days. ES and SE trained 2-3 …