Basile Pauthier

High resolution rainfall variability in the vineyard: first results from a local scale network in Burgundy.

4 pages; International audience; Rainfall is a major component of Vitivinicultural Terroirs. In many regions, it controls a large part of water intake byvine and it has an important role in diseases occurrence. Winegrowers often record rainfall with only one or a couple ofrain gauges. Such a sparse coverage might not be accurate enough to capture efficiently the spatial variability ofrainfall, which is a necessary prerequisite for efficient crop management (e.g. for irrigation or spraying decisions, etc.).In order to study high resolution variability of rainfall, we implemented a 40 tipping bucket rain gauges network over anarea of 28 km² in the hilly region of Beaune (France). The mesh siz…

research product

Radar-rain gauges intercomparison for the estimation of high resolution rainfall.

An accurate rainfall estimation is essential for many applications like precision viticulture. Rainfall is most of the time estimated by two methods:radar and rain gauges. High resolution rain gauges network Hydravitis was installed in 2014. Data coming from radar,composite product and the network was extracted for the 2014 3 to 4 November event. Data from the network were kriged tocompare with the other products. Results show that PANTHERE radar image well reproduces the spatial variability ofrainfall but underestimates rainfall amounts over a 4 mm/h intensité. Composite product ANTILOPE gives a goodvisualization of spatial variability and intensity of rainfall. Expectations of viticulture…

research product