

Radar-rain gauges intercomparison for the estimation of high resolution rainfall.

Basile Pauthier Benjamin Bois Thierry Castel Denis Thévenin Yves Richard


high density network[SDU.STU.CL] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Climatology[SDU.STU.CL]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Climatologyrainfallréseau haute densitéprécipitations[ SDU.STU.CL ] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Climatologycomparaison radar/pluviomètrespatialisationradar/rain gauge intercomparison


An accurate rainfall estimation is essential for many applications like precision viticulture. Rainfall is most of the time estimated by two methods:radar and rain gauges. High resolution rain gauges network Hydravitis was installed in 2014. Data coming from radar,composite product and the network was extracted for the 2014 3 to 4 November event. Data from the network were kriged tocompare with the other products. Results show that PANTHERE radar image well reproduces the spatial variability ofrainfall but underestimates rainfall amounts over a 4 mm/h intensité. Composite product ANTILOPE gives a goodvisualization of spatial variability and intensity of rainfall. Expectations of viticulture can be therefore complete only acomposite product like ANTILOPE or the implementation of a high density rain gauges network.
