E.p. Köster

Effect of sensory education on willingness to taste novel food in children.

International audience; As part of 'EduSens', a project aiming to measure the effect of a sensory education program developed in France on the food behaviour of school children, the present paper shows the results regarding neophobia. One hundred and eighty children (8-10 years old) were involved in the study. Half of them (experimental group) were educated during school-time with the 12 sessions of taste lessons "Les classes du go?by J. Puisais. The others served as a control group. Food neophobia was evaluated before and after the education period of the experimental group and once again 10 months later. An adapted food neophobia scale was used (AFNS) and the willingness to taste novel fo…

research product

Effect of nature of learning and nature of stimuli on performance at a recognition test

International audience

research product

Methodology to choose odour sets to study memory for familiar and unfamiliar odours

International audience

research product

Different sensory aspects of a food are not remembered with equal acuity

International audience; In the present study, food memory for three sensory aspects involved in food perception, taste, texture and aroma, is compared. Participants received a lunch including a custard dessert (target) under incidental learning condition. One day later, participants were presented with samples identical to the target and with distractors varying either in sweetness, thickness or cherry aroma. Memory was assessed by an absolute recognition question (“Did you eat this sample yesterday?”) and by relative questions (“Is this sample less, equal or more sweet than the sample you ate yesterday?”). Results showed better memory performance for sweetness than for the two other sensor…

research product

Food memory and its relation with age and liking: An incidental learning experiment with children, young and elderly people

International audience; The present study compared incidental learning and food memory in children, young adults and elderly people for three sensory modalities (taste, texture and aroma). The relation of gender and liker-status (i.e. how much we like a product) with food memory was also investigated. Participants received a complete meal including a custard dessert used as target under incidental learning conditions. 24 h later, participants were confronted with a series of samples consisting of the target and slightly modified versions of the target (distractors) and were unexpectedly asked to perform an ‘‘absolute memory’’ (‘‘Did you eat this sample yesterday?’’) and a ‘‘relative memory’…

research product

Selection of odorants for memory tests on the basis of familiarity, perceived complexity, pleasantness, similarity and identification

In a procedure for the selection of two equivalent sets of familiar and two equivalent sets of unfamiliar odours for use in odour memory studies, 24 naive subjects were first asked to rate the familiarity, perceived complexity and pleasantness of 54 a priori unfamiliar odours and 57 a priori familiar odours and to identify the latter. After selection of the 40 most familiar and the 40 least familiar odours, the subjects sorted each of these two sets into groups of similar odours. Their results were analysed by multidimensional scaling and cluster analysis and each set was divided into two recognition sets that had the same degree of similarity between target and distractor odours and that h…

research product

Development of a method to assess implicit memory of food

International audience

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Consumption in a varied or in a monotonous condition : women vs men

International audience

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Odeur memory: building a new recognition test to study the effect of odour familiarity and implicit/explicit learning

International audience

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Comparison of the trigeminal effects of several mustards and spices

National audience

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The role of novelty detection in food memory

International audience; Memory plays a central role in food choice. Recent studies focusing on food memory in everyday eating and drinking behaviour used a paradigm based on incidental learning of target foods and unexpected memory testing, demanding recognition of the target among distractors, which deviate slightly from the target. Results question the traditional view of memory as reactivation of previous experiences. Comparison of data from several experiments shows that in incidentally learned memory, distractors are rejected, while original targets are not recognised better than by chance guessing. Food memory is tuned at detecting novelty and change, rather than at recognising a prev…

research product

Screening individual ability to perform descriptive analysis of food products : basic statements and application to a camembert cheese descriptive panel

A battery of sensory tests is proposed to select potential descriptive panelists. This set of tests is flavor specific. Several abilities are examined: odor and taste recognition, odor memory, discrimination and descriptive capacities. A detailed example of such a battery to select a Camembert cheese descriptive panel is given. The objectives of each test are discussed. Stimuli are chosen to be consistent with the sensory properties which can be perceived in cheese. Score distributions demonstrate the discrimination among candidates for each test. Globally, results show the difficulty to find 20 panelists amongst about a hundred with good scores on each test. The panel leader has to choose …

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