José María Martínez González

Clinical and radiological course in apicoectomies with the Erbium : YAG LASER

A study is made of the efficacy of the Erbium: YAG laser in granulomatous periapical lesions, based on clinical and radiographic controls. The study comprised a series of 45 patients amenable to periapical surgical treatment of incisors, canines and premolars. A conventional surgical technique was used, with silver amalgam retrograde filling and irradiation of the bone defect and remnant root cement with the Erbium: YAG laser. Clinical and radiographic controls were made during 24 months, assessing the absence of symptoms and the presence of pain, swelling or fistula and ossification of the lesions, respectively. The clinical course proved asymptomatic in 95.5% of the cases. As regards remo…

research product

An observational study of the frequency of supernumerary teeth in a population of 2000 patients

An evaluation is made of the epidemiological characteristics of supernumerary teeth, with an analysis of the associated clinical-eruptive complications. A longitudinal observational study was made of 2000 patients, with the documentation of demographic data, the presence of supernumerary teeth, their location, mechanical accidents and the presence of associated pathology. The presence of supernumerary teeth was recorded in 1.05% of the study subjects (mean age 20.2 years), with a greater frequency in males. The most frequent location was in the upper maxilla (79.2%), fundamentally in the retromolar zone and at premaxillary level. The presence of mechanical accidents was the most frequent co…

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Metaanalysis of the epidemiology and clinical manifestations of odontomas

Our objective was to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical aspects of the different types of odontomas. A metaanalysis was made of 3065 odontomas obtained from a literature review of 30 articles published in recent years. Odontomas show no gender predilection, and are most often diagnosed in the second decade of life. They are preferentially located in the upper maxilla, particularly in the anterior sector. Compound odontomas are more prevalent than complex odontoma, and show no predilection in terms of patient gender, age or location. Most such lesions are asymptomatic and constitute casual findings in X-ray studies indicated for other reasons. The most common clinical manifestations a…

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Eficacia analgésica de diclofenaco versus metilprednisolona en el control del dolor postoperatorio tras la cirugía del tercer molar inferior

Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia analgésica de la metilprednisolona (corticoide) versus diclofenaco (antiinflamatorio no esteroideo-AINE-) tras la cirugía del tercer molar inferior. Diseño del estudio: Estudio prospectivo sobre 73 pacientes sometidos a la extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares inferiores. Fueron divididos de forma aleatoria en dos grupos: De diclofenaco y de metilprednisolona. Se cumplimentó una ficha donde se hizo constar los datos epidemiológicos y clínicos preoperatorios y postoperatorios. La valoración del dolor se hizo mediante escala visual analógica y semicuantitativa y número de analgésicos de rescate consumidos. El control del dolor se hizo en la primera hora,…

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Torque de desinserción y propiedades fisico-químicas de implantes dentales grabados con ácidos fluorhídrico y nítrico: estudio experimental en perros Beagle

Objetivo: Estudiar la composición, características superficiales y respuesta al torque de desinserción de una superficie implantaria tratada inicialmente con ácido fluorhídrico y posterior pasivado con ácidos fluorhídrico y nítrico. Diseño del estudio: En una primera fase, se seleccionaron 12 implantes en los que se estudiaron las características fisico-químicas mediante mediciones de energía dispersa de rayos X (EDS), microscopio electrónico de barrido y análisis de XPS (espectrometría de fotoelectrones). Asimismo, se colocaron 24 implantes 'doce de 8 mm y doce de 10 mm de longitud-, en seis perros beagle, en los que tras un período de reposo, se procedió a la retirada de 12 implantes a la…

research product

Torque de desinserción y propiedades fisico-químicas de implantes dentales grabados con ácidos fluorhídrico y nítrico: Estudio experimental en perros

Objetivo: Estudiar la composición, características superficiales y respuesta al torque de desinserción de una superficie implantaria tratada inicialmente con ácido fluorhídrico y posterior pasivado con ácidos fluorhídrico y nítrico. Diseño del estudio: En una primera fase, se seleccionaron 12 implantes en los que se estudiaron las características fisico-químicas mediante mediciones de energía dispersa de rayos X (EDS), microscopio electrónico de barrido y análisis de XPS (espectrometría de fotoelectrones). Asimismo, se colocaron 24 implantes -doce de 8 mm y doce de 10 mm de longitud-, en seis perros beagle, en los que tras un período de reposo, se procedió a la retirada de 12 implantes a la…

research product

Immediate post-extraction implants subject to immediate

Since Brånemark first started developing its implant system, there has been a continuous and significant evolution in oral implantology through experimental and clinical research, and many of the concepts that were once considered valid have now become the subject of debate. The insertion of the implant immediately after extraction of the tooth to be substituted has now become the implant treatment of choice and is associated with preserving the bone structure and the gingival architecture, as well as with reducing the treatment time, which ultimately benefits the patient. Objective: To evaluate the success rate of the immediate post-extraction implants (IPI) subject to immediate loading. S…

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Metaanalysis of filler materials in periapical surgery

Our purpose was to evaluate the success and failure, apical sealing and biocompatibility of silver amalgam, IRM®, SuperEBA® and MTA as retrograde filler materials. A metaanalysis was made of filler materials in periapical surgery, evaluating a total of 30 articles published in recent years. Percentage success with silver amalgam was 76.5% and slightly inferior to that afforded by IRM®. Performance in turn increased considerably when the materials used were SuperEBA® or MTA. As regards marginal leakage, MTA with a mean leakage time of 65.5 days afforded the best results, followed by SuperEBA®, IRM® and silver amalgam. MTA was the most biocompatible of the materials studied, with practically …

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Relationship between oral Kaposi ?s sarcoma and HAART : Contribution of two case reports

Two HIV infected patients not receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment (HAART) presented with epidemic Kaposi?s sarcoma of the oral cavity. One patient initially refused HAART, but when the lesion became large enough to be noticeable he agreed to HAART associated with excision of the intraoral lesion by CO2 laser. The other patient developed KS and progressed to AIDS at two years after ceasing HAART due to adverse effects; he was referred to hospital for renewed administration of HAART. In both cases, the lesions observed in the oral cavity were the first clinical manifestation of AIDS. These reports underline the close relationship between the use of HAART and the control of KS les…

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Uso de metilprednisolona versus diclofenaco en el control de la inflamación y el trismo tras la cirugía del tercer molar inferior

Objetivo: Comparar el efecto sobre la inflamación y el trismo de la metilprednisolona (corticoide) versus diclofenaco (antiinflamatorio no esteroideo-AINE-) tras la cirugía del tercer molar inferior. Diseño del estudio: Estudio prospectivo sobre 73 pacientes sometidos a la extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares inferiores. Fueron divididos de forma aleatoria en dos grupos: De diclofenaco y de metilprednisolona. Se cumplimentó una ficha donde se hizo constar los datos epidemiológicos y clínicos preoperatorios y postoperatorios en relación a la inflamación y el trismo (tres medidas faciales y apertura bucal). Se usó el programa estadístico BMDP para hacer un amplio tratamiento de los d…

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Variations of interleukin-6 after surgical removal of lower third molars

Our objectives were to determine if there is a release of IL-6 after surgical removal of lower third molars and to compare the amount of IL-6 in patients treated with NSAID and in those treated with glucocorticoids. We did a prospective study on 73 patients who attended the Oral Surgery Unit (Department of Medicine and Oral Surgery) in the Faculty of Odontology of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid for the surgical removal of their lower third molars. These patients were separated into two groups: the diclofenac group and the methylprednisolone group. A record card was completed with preoperative and postoperative epidemiological and clinic data. Samples of gingival crevicular fluid were…

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High resolution image in bone biology II : Review of the literature

Bone microstructure has usually been assessed by obtaining samples invasively and analyzing them with conventional histomorphometric methods. Improvements in high-resolution image acquisition systems have enabled non-invasive assessment of bone morphology and a more precise 3-D evaluation by means of ?virtual biopsies?, permitting bone assessment in regeneration or remodeling processes. Among other applications, this imaging technique can be used for the ultrastructural analysis of bone and for studies of regeneration techniques, biomechanics in bone physiotherapy, and periimplant bone healing. This review describes the different applications of high-resolution imaging techniques in bone bi…

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Transmigrated canines: review and update

Transmigrated canines are impacted canines that have crossed the midline. Our objective was to evaluate the epidemiological and clinical aspects that have to do with transmigrated canines. We did a bibliographic review of 209 transmigrated canines obtained from a review of articles from 1971 to the present. The results of the study were that transmigrated canines are most frequent among females and are usually diagnosed within the first two decades of life. They are usually located in the mandible, with transmigration being most frequent in the left mandibular canine. In a large number of cases, the deciduous canine remains in the arcade. Transmigrated canines are most often found impacted,…

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Influencia del hábito tabáquico en el postoperatorio de la cirugía del tercer molar inferior

Objetivos: Determinar si tras la cirugía del tercer molar inferior el tabaco influye en el postoperatorio (dolor y trismo) y valorar clínicamente el estado de la herida, analizando las posibles diferencias entre fumadores y no fumadores. Diseño del estudio: Los pacientes que participaron en el estudio fueron distribuidos de forma aleatoria en dos grupos: Fumadores y no fumadores. Se les realizó la extracción quirúrgica de los terceros molares inferiores en la Unidad de Cirugía Bucal y Maxilofacial de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Las variables registradas fueron el trismo a los 7 días, la intensidad del dolor y la necesidad de medicación de rescate durante un periodo de una semana. …

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Social demand in ambulatory oral surgery. Experience in the Master of Oral Surgery of Madrid Complutense University (Spain)

Objectives. An evaluation is made of the surgical activity in the context of the Master of Oral Surgery (Madrid Complutense University, Madrid, Spain), together with an analysis of social demand in ambulatory oral surgery. Study design. A descriptive statistical analysis (frequency and contingency tables) is made of the different parameters relating to the activity carried out in this postgraduate master during two academic years. Results. A total of 6750 interventions were carried out in 5877 patients. Females predominated over males (62% versus 38%), and 59.2% of the subjects were in the 21-40 years age range. The most common procedure was tooth extraction (91%); of these, 83.5% correspon…

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Efectos esterilizantes del láser Erbium:Yag sobre las estructuras dentarias: estudio in vitro

Objetivo: Comprobar el efecto esterilizante del láser de Erbium:YAG, a diferentes potencias, en dientes in vitro Diseño del estudio: Estudio in vitro sobre 47 dientes unirradiculares extraídos por motivos periodontales en la Unidad Docente de Cirugía Bucal y Maxilofacial (Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Bucofacial) de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Las muestras fueron divididas en tres grupos de irradiación con láser (250mJ, 350mJ y 450mJ) y un grupo control -no irradiados-. A continuación se introdujeron en un medio de enriquecimiento durante 72 horas en anaerobiosis, realizando controles visuales a las 24, 48 y 72 horas. Y posteriormente se realizar…

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Sterilizing effects of the Erbium : Yag laser upon dental structures: An in vitro study

An evaluation was made of the sterilizing effects of the Erbium: YAG laser at different power ratings upon dental structures in vitro. An in vitro study was made of 47 single-root teeth removed for periodontal reasons in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Teaching Unit (Department of Medicine and Orofacial Surgery, Madrid Complutense University Dental School, Spain). The teeth were divided into three laser irradiation groups (250, 350 and 450 mJ) and a non-irradiated control group. The teeth were then immersed in an enrichment medium for 72 hours under conditions of anaerobiosis, with visual controls after 24, 48 and 72 hours. Posteriorly, microbiological cultures were made in blood agar to…

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High resolution image in bone biology I : review of the literature

Bone microstructure has usually been assessed by obtaining samples invasively and analyzing them with conventional histomorphometric methods. Improvements in high-resolution image acquisition systems have enabled non-invasive assessment of bone morphology and a more precise 3-D evaluation by means of ?virtual biopsies?, permitting bone assessment in regeneration or remodeling processes. This review describes the characteristics and limitations of bone assessment using different high-resolution image systems (synchrotron-radiation computed tomography, micro-computed tomography, acoustic scanning microscope; micro-magnetic resonance imaging). Morphometric variables that can be obtained from t…

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Comportamiento clínico y radiológico de 290 implantes con superficie tratada mediante un primer grabado de ácido fluorhídrico y un segundo de ácido fluorhídrico con ácido nítrico: valoración a los dos años de carga precoz

Objetivo: El presente trabajo ofrece los resultados sobre el comportamiento clínico y radiográfico, durante dos años, de 290 implantes tratados con un primer grabado de HF y un segundo de HF y HNO3 y que fueron sometidos a carga protética a las ocho semanas de su inserción. Diseño del estudio: Se trata de un estudio observacional prospectivo sobre 290 implantes colocados en 56 pacientes con un rango de edad entre 28 y 81 años. La selección se hizo previo estudio radiológico de proyecciones panorámica y tomográfica para realizar posteriormente el tratamiento implantológico con carga protésica y control evolutivo clínico (15 días, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses) y radiológico (12 y 24 meses). Res…

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