Vincenzo Palmeri

Evaluating the Effects of the Rill Longitudinal Profile on Flow Resistance Law

In this paper, for the first time, the effect of the longitudinal profile shape of the rill (uniform, concave, and convex) on flow resistance law was studied. The first part of the paper is based on a theoretical equation to estimate the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor f, deduced from the power velocity distribution and rill measurements performed on a plot. At first, the equation to estimate the Γ parameter of the velocity profile was calibrated using all available measurements. Then an analysis of the hydraulic characteristics at reach scale, for comparable values of discharge, was carried out, comparing the different profile shapes. To assess the influence of the rill profile …

research product

Testing the use of an image-based technique to measure gully erosion at Sparacia experimental area

The first part of this investigation was aimed at testing the use of a three‐dimensional (3D) digital terrain model and a quasi‐tridimensional (2.5D) digital elevation model obtained by a large series of oblique images of eroded channels taken from consumer un‐calibrated and non‐metric cameras. For two closed earth channels having a different sinuosity, the ground measurement of some cross sections by a profilometer (P) was carried out and their real volume was also measured. The comparison among the three methods (3D, 2.5D, and P) pointed out that a limited underestimation of the total volume always occurs and that the 3D method is characterized by the minimum difference between measured a…

research product

Capturing gypsum rillenkarren morphometry by a 3D-photo reconstruction (3D-PR) technique

Abstract Rillenkarren are small scale, straight, narrow solution channels that head at the crest of a bare rock slope and are extinguished downslope. In this paper the applicability of 3D-photo reconstruction technique of the rock surface is proposed for capturing the rillenkarren morphometry on gypsum. At first, the measurements are used to assess a relationship between the width/depth ratio and the depth of the rillenkarren. The exponent of this power relationship resulted different from the theoretical value - 0.5, confirming that the cross-section profiles of a rillenkarren can have a shape different from parabolic. The analysis developed for the cross-section area, the perimeter and th…

research product

Roughness effect on the correction factor of surface velocity for rill flows

Flow velocity is one of the most important hydrodynamic variables for both channelized (rill and gullies) and interrill erosive phenomena. The dye tracer technique to measure surface flow velocity Vs is based on the measurement of the travel time of a tracer needed to cover a known distance. The measured Vs must be corrected to obtain the mean flow velocity V using a factor αv = V/Vs which is generally empirically deduced. The Vs measurement can be influenced by the method applied to time the travel of the dye-tracer and αv can vary in different flow conditions. Experiments were performed by a fixed bed small flume simulating a rill channel for two roughness conditions (sieved soil, gravel)…

research product

Testing a theoretical resistance law for overland flow on a stony hillslope

Overland flow, sediments, and nutrients transported in runoff are important processes involved in soil erosion and water pollution. Modelling transport of sediments and chemicals requires accurate estimates of hydraulic resistance, which is one of the key variables characterizing runoff water depth and velocity. In this paper, a new theoretical power–velocity profile, originally deduced neglecting the impact effect of rainfall, was initially modified for taking into account the effect of rainfall intensity. Then a theoretical flow resistance law was obtained by integration of the new flow velocity distribution. This flow resistance law was tested using field measurements by Nearing for the …

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A Maximizing Hydraulic Radius (MHR) method for defining cross-section limits in rills and ephemeral gullies

Abstract In this paper, a new method for determining the cross-section limits in rills and ephemeral gullies is proposed. This method is based on the estimate of the actual depth ha of each cross-section, which is the particular depth distinguishing the channel from the hillslope areas. The analysis showed that the actual depth corresponds to a particular bank slope sta occurring for the maximum value of the hydraulic radius R. The method was applied using a volumetric approach for calculating the hydraulic radius as the ratio between the volume of the whole investigated channel and its boundary lateral surface. The value of the bank slope st was derived by the DEM of the whole channel late…

research product

Analysis of rill step–pool morphology and its comparison with stream case

In this paper, the morphology of step–pool features is analysed using rill measurements and literature data for streams. Close-range photogrammetry was used to carry out ground measurements on rills with step–pool units, shaped on a plot having slope equal to 14, 15, 22, 24 and 26%. Data were used to compare the relationships between H/L, in which H is the step height and L is the step length, and the mean gradient of the step–pool sequence, Sm, for streams or the slope of the step–pool unit, S, for rills. The relationship of H/L against Sm is widely used to test the occurrence of the maximum flow resistance condition in streams, which is associated with the range 1 ≤ (H/L)/Sm ≤ 2. Further …

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On the variation of the correction factor of surface velocity with the measurement vertical for shallow flows over rough beds

Considering that water flow energy affects the detachment of soil particles, the transport and deposit of the detached particles, the flow velocity is a key variable governing the soil erosion processes at the hillslope scale. The simple dye-tracer technique for measuring mean flow velocity can be applied in non-controlled field applications for which some measurement difficulties (e.g. due to sediment transport, and shallow flows) can occur. The correction factor is usually obtained as the ratio between the mean velocity, deriving from measurements of flow discharge and water depth, and surface velocity. Alternatively, the possibility of using the velocity profile in a given vertical to de…

research product

Comparing different methods to determine soil physical quality in a mediterranean forest and pasture land

Soil physical quality (SPQ) can be assessed by different experimental methodologies and criteria and the optimal/critical values or ranges for SPQ indicators are still approximate. Sampling soils with minimal anthropic pressures should allow improvements in SPQ assessment. Different experimental methodologies and criteria were applied to sample a Mediterranean oak forest (Quercus ilex L.) and pasture land, in Sicily, with a varying degree of anthropic disturbance. Soil water retention was determined in the laboratory and the field, using the BEST (Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters) procedure of soil hydraulic characterization. Capacity-based indicators, the S index, and locatio…

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Rill flow resistance law under sediment transport

Abstract Purpose In this paper, a deduced flow resistance equation for open-channel flow was tested using measurements carried out in mobile bed rills with sediment-laden flows and fixed bed rills. The main aims were to (i) assess the effect of sediment transport on rill flow resistance, and (ii) test the slope-flow velocity relationship in fixed bed rills. Methods The following analysis was developed: (i) a relationship between the Γ function of the velocity profile, the rill slope and the Froude number was calibrated using measurements carried out on fixed bed rills; (ii) the component of Darcy-Weisbach friction factor due to sediment transport was deduced using the corresponding measurem…

research product

Testing slope effect on flow resistance equation for mobile bed rills

In this paper, a recently theoretically deduced rill flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, is tested experimentally on plots of varying slopes in which mobile bed rills are incised. Initially, measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross-sectional area, wetted perimeter and bed slope conducted in 106 reaches of rills incised on an experimental plot having a slope of 14% were used to calibrate the flow resistance equation. Then, the relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the channel slope, and the flow Froude number, which was calibrated using the 106 rill reach data, was tested using measurements carried out in plots having slopes of 22% and 9%. …

research product

Molecular analysis of the fungal microbiome associated with the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae

Abstract A molecular approach was used to investigate the fungal microbiome associated with Bactrocera oleae a major key pest of Olea europea , using the ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) as barcode gene. Amplicons were cloned and a representative number of sequenced fragments were used as barcode genes for the identification of fungi. The analysis of the detected sequence types (STs) enabled the identification of a total of 34 phylotypes which were associated with 10 fungal species, 3 species complexes and 8 genera. Three phylotypes remained unresolved within the order Saccharomycetales and the phylum Ascomycota because of the lack of closely related sequences in GenBank. Cladosporiu…

research product

Testing the use of an image-based technique to measure gully erosion at Sparacia experimental area

The first part of this investigation was aimed at testing the use of a three-dimensional (3D) Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and a quasi-tridimensional (2.5D) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) obtained by a large series of oblique images of eroded channels taken from consumer un-calibrated and non-metric cameras. For two closed earth channels having a different sinuosity the ground measurement of some cross-sections by a profilometer (P) was carried out. The real volume of each channel was also measured by waterproofing it by a plastic film and filling it with a known volume of water. The comparison among the three methods (3D, 2.5D and P) pointed out that a limited underestimation of the total vo…

research product

New technique for measuring water depth in rill channels

Abstract Water erosion is one of the most important soil degradation processes and rill erosion contribution to total soil loss is usually dominant as compared to interrill erosion. Rill erosion modelling requires that rill flow has to be adequately modelled. Flow depths in rills are typically of the order of millimeters to several centimeters and bed topography, characterized by steep slope values, significantly affects flow hydraulics. In this paper, a new technique for measuring the water depth inside a rill channel is proposed and the effects on flow resistance estimate are examined. This technique couples an accurate ground survey of the rill channel, obtained by close-range photogramm…

research product

Measuring rill erosion using structure from motion: A plot experiment

Abstract In this paper the results of a plot experiment on rill erosion are reported. The rill network, manually incised on the soil and further shaped by a clear inflow discharge, was surveyed using the three-dimensional photo-reconstruction (3D-PR) technique which allows to obtain a digital terrain model (DTM) by a large series of oblique images of the channel from consumer un-calibrated and non-metric cameras. The three-dimensional (3D) DTM and the quasi-tridimensional (2.5D) model were generated by Agisoft Photoscan software. For a single rill channel, the reliability of the 3D image-based ground measurements of morphological and hydraulic variables was positively tested by the correspo…

research product

Factors Influencing Point Measurement of Near-surface Saturated Soil Hydraulic Conductivity in a Small Sicilian Basin

Hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil, Ks, controls many hydrological processes. Parameterization of basin hydrological models in terms of Ks is complicated and uncertain owing to the very high spatial variability of this soil property. A small Sicilian basin was intensively sampled by the simplified falling head technique to obtain spatially distributed Ks data, and an attempt to explain their spatial variability on the basis of soil physical characteristics, digital elevation model-derived topographic attributes and land cover was carried out. High Ks values were obtained when clay content was low and both elevation and mean slope were high. Moreover, differences in Ks among land cover…

research product

Dissipative analogies of step-pool features: From rills to mountain streams

Abstract In this paper the dissipative similarity of step-pool units at different spatial scales ranging from rills to streams is analyzed. This investigation benefits from the latest theoretical advances in open channel flow resistance, high-resolution topography from close-range photogrammetry applied to rill erosion and the availability of published data from literature on step-pool streams. At first, the integration of a power velocity distribution allowed to obtain a theoretically-based expression of Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, in which Γ function and δ exponent of the velocity profile are included. Then this theoretically-deduced flow resistance relationship is calibrated and test…

research product

Dissipative scaling of step-pool features

Abstract This paper focuses on the dissipative similarity of step-pool units at rill, flume and stream scale. This investigation is carried out using recent advances in open channel flow resistance, applications of close-range photogrammetry to rill erosion, available published data on step-pool features in flumes and streams and a new dataset of measurements in fixed bed step-pool rills. A theoretically-based equation for calculating the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor obtained by integration of a power velocity profile is presented. The scale factor Γ of this power velocity profile, which is included in the flow resistance equation, was previously calibrated (Eq. 10) for mobile bed rills w…

research product

Toxics or Lures? Biological and Behavioral Effects of Plant Essential Oils on Tephritidae Fruit Flies.

The family Tephritidae (Diptera) includes species that are highly invasive and harmful to crops. Due to globalization, international trade, and human displacement, their spread is continuously increasing. Unfortunately, the control of tephritid flies is still closely linked to the use of synthetic insecticides, which are responsible for detrimental effects on the environment and human health. Recently, research is looking for alternative and more eco-friendly tools to be adopted in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. In this regard, essential oils (EOs) and their main compounds represent a promising alternative to chemical insecticides. EOs are made up of phytoconstituents formed fro…

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Experiments for testing soil texture effects on flow resistance in mobile bed rills

Abstract In this paper a recently theoretically deduced rill flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, was tested experimentally on plots of varying slopes and soil texture in which mobile bed rills are incised. Measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross section area, wetted perimeter and bed slope conducted in rill reaches incised on experimental plots, having different slope values (9, 14, 22, 24 and 26%) and soil texture (clay fraction ranging from 42 to 73%), and literature data were used to calibrate the flow resistance equation. In particular, the relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the channel slope, the flow Froude number and texture frac…

research product

Effects of traditional forest management on carbon storage in a Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) coppice

Abstract: In the last decade, there has been increased interest in measuring and modeling storage in the five forest carbon pools: the aboveground and belowground biomass (living biomass), the deadwood and litter (dead biomass), and the soil (soil organic matter). In this paper, we examined carbon storage in a holm oak coppice stand in the Madonie Mountains in Sicily (Italy), which is a typical case of managed coppice stands. Today, traditional coppice practices are only applied to a small number of forested areas in Sicily, such as the selected site, because of the decline in demand for wood and charcoal. The dendrometric parameters of the stands were recorded, and silvicultural indices we…

research product

Rill flow velocity and resistance law: A review

Rills caused by runoff concentration on erodible hillslopes generally have very irregular longitudinal profiles and cross-section shapes. Rill erosion directly depends on the hydraulics of flow within the rills which may differ greatly from that in larger and regular channels like streams or rivers. At first, in this paper, a review of the two different approaches to estimate rill flow velocity, based on flow regime and flow resistance laws, is presented. Recent advances in measurements of rill geometry by the three-dimensional photo-reconstruction (3D-PR) technique, which allows one to obtain a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) by low-altitude aerial and terrestrial photogrammetry, are also disc…

research product

Flow Resistance in Step-Pool Rills

Rills evolve morphologically, and the adjustment of rill channel geometry to flow affects the relationships among velocity, discharge, and slope. The resistance to flow in step-pool rills is mainly due to form-induced mechanisms and, in comparison, grain resistance is of minor significance. Previous studies on rill flow resistance have been performed exclusively for grainresistance conditions and use a stream flow equation. In this study, a new flow resistance equation, deduced by applying dimensional analysis and self-similarity theory, was applied to rill flow in step-pool channels. First, the incomplete self-similarity hypothesis was used for establishing a power flow velocity profile wh…

research product

Dye-tracer technique for rill flows by velocity profile measurements

Abstract Water flow on hillslope soil surface supplies energy which is required to detach soil particles, to transport and deposit sediments, therefore flow velocity is a key variable related to hillslope hydrodinamics of soil erosion processes. Among the different methods available for measuring velocity of shallow interrill and rill flow, the trace technique is widely used. Trace technique is applied by adding a material (salt, magnetic material, water isotope, floating object) and then measuring the speed of the material to travel a known distance from the injection point. When flow velocity is measured using a dye-tracing method, the mean velocity is calculated by multiplying the measur…

research product

Measuring Rainfall Kinetic Power in Two Sicilian Experimental Areas by Drop-Size Distribution Data

The rainfall kinetic energy, which affects soil erosion processes, can be calculated by the drop-size distribution (DSD) and falling velocity. This study presents the outcomes derived by the DSDs recorded with the same optical disdrometer in two experimental areas, located in Sicily (southern Italy). Specifically, the DSDs were recorded from March 2017 to December 2019 at Sparacia and from June 2006 to April 2014 at Palermo. The aims of this paper are both to compare the DSDs for the two sites and to evaluate the applicability of Gamma theoretical distribution. Moreover, the relations of rainfall kinetic power vs. rainfall intensity are assessed. Differences in DSDs, especially for rainfall…

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Estimating flow resistance in steep slope rills

Recent research recognized that the slope of 18% can be used to distinguish between the ‘gentle slope’ case and that of ‘steep slope’ for the detected differences in hydraulic variables (flow depth, velocity, Reynolds number, Froude number) and those representatives of sediment transport (flow transport capacity, actual sediment load). In this paper, using previous measurements carried out in mobile bed rills and flume experiments characterized by steep slopes (i.e., slope greater than or equal to 18%), a theoretical rill flow resistance equation to estimate the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor is tested. The main aim is to deduce a relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the c…

research product

Assessing dye-tracer technique for rill flow velocity measurements

Abstract Rill erosion is considered one of the most important processes affecting soil because of the large amount of soil loss. The rill network acts as sediment source and is able to transport both rill flow-detached particles and those delivered from the interrill areas. Small flow depth in a rill and steep slope values of its bed affect significantly flow hydraulics. When rill flow velocity is measured using a dye-tracing method, the mean velocity is calculated by multiplying the measured surface velocity of the leading edge of the tracer plume by a correction factor. The main uncertainty of the dye-tracing technique stands in the relationship between mean and surface flow velocity. In …

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Flow resistance law under suspended sediment laden conditions

Abstract The uniform flow resistance equation, in the form due to Manning or Darcy-Weisbach, is widely applied to establish the stage-discharge relationship of a river cross-section. The application of this equation, namely the slope-area method, allows to indirectly measure the corresponding river discharge by measurements of bed slope, water level, cross-section area, wetted perimeter and an estimate of channel roughness. In this paper, a recently deduced flow resistance equation for open channel flow was tested during conditions of suspended sediment-laden flow. First, the flow resistance equation was determined by dimensional analysis and by applying the condition of incomplete self-sim…

research product

A Metabarcoding Survey on the Fungal Microbiota Associated to the Olive Fruit Fly.

The occurrence of interaction between insects and fungi is interesting from an ecological point of view, particularly when these interactions involve insect pests and plant pathogens within an agroecosystem. In this study, we aimed to perform an accurate analysis on the fungal microbiota associated to Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) through a metabarcoding approach based on 454 pyrosequencing. From this analysis, we retrieved 43,549 reads that clustered into 128 operational taxonomic units (OTUs), of which 29 resulted in the “core” associate fungi of B. oleae. This fungal community was mainly represented by sooty mould fungi, such as Cladosporium spp., Alternaria spp. and Aureobasidium spp., by pl…

research product

Flow resistance in mobile bed rills shaped in soils with different texture

Rill erosion is considered one of the most important soil processes because of the large amount of soil loss due to the development of a rill network able to promote an efficient transport of both rill flow-detached particles and those delivered from the inter-rill areas. Rill flow experiments are useful to overcome the gap in rill hydraulics knowledge and to test the reliability of currently applied uniform open channel flow equations for mobile bed rills. In this paper the applicability of a theoretical flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, to rill channels shaped on soils having different textures was investigated. The measurements (437 runs) of water depth, cross-…

research product

Comparing flow resistance law for fixed and mobile bed rills

Rills caused by run-off concentration on erodible hillslopes have very irregular profiles and cross-section shapes. Rill erosion directly depends on the hydraulics of flow in the rills, which may differ greatly from hydraulics of flow in larger and regular channels. In this paper, a recently theoretically deduced rill flow resistance equation, based on a power–velocity profile, was tested experimentally on plots of varying slopes (ranging from 9% to 26%) in which mobile and fixed bed rills were incised. Initially, measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross-section area, wetted perimeter, and bed slope, carried out in 320 reaches of mobile bed rills and in 165 reaches of fixed rills, …

research product

Testing a theoretically-based overland flow resistance law by Emmett’s database

Abstract The main aim of this paper was to test a recently theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, using a wide database of available measurements carried out in laboratory and field experimental runs with overland flow under simulated rainfall. In comparison with previous calibrations and validations of this theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, the used database by Emmett is characterized by a wide range of rainfall intensities (from 79.2 to 303.5 mm h−1 for laboratory runs and from 178.3 to 215.9 mm h−1 for field investigations) and bed slopes (from 0.33 to 17% for laboratory runs and from 2.9 to 33.2% for field investigations). For th…

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Studio sperimentale sulle resistenze al moto di correnti nei rill

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Testing a theoretical resistance law for overland flow under simulated rainfall with different types of vegetation

Abstract In this paper a recently theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, was tested using data collected for overland flow under simulated rainfall carried out in plots with vegetation. The available data were obtained exploring a wide range of rainfall intensities (from 60 to 181 mm h−1) and slopes (from 3.6 to 39.6%), and with four different types of vegetation. The database, including measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross sectional flow area, wetted perimeter and bed slope, was divided in four datasets (one for each vegetation type), which allowed the calibration of the relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the slop…

research product

Flow resistance of overland flow on a smooth bed under simulated rainfall

In this paper a recently theoretically deduced flow resistance equation, based on a power-velocity profile, was tested using laboratory measurements by Yoon and Wenzel for an overland flow on a smooth bed under rainfall. These measurements of the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, corresponding to a wide range of the flow Reynolds number (191–5700), were carried out for an overland flow under a simulated rainfall characterized by different intensity values ranging from 13 to 381 mm h−1. At first, the available measured values of flow velocity, water depth, cross sectional area, wetted perimeter and bed slope were used to calibrate the relationship between the velocity profile parameter Γ, the …

research product

Ability of soil bacterial composition as an indicator of levels of soil erosion in a badland

Calanchi (plural of calanco) are typical Italian badlands created by a combination of morphogenetic processes (rill and interrill erosion, gullying, piping, and mass movements) mainly originated by the effect of water. Calanchi are characterized by the sparse and patchy distribution of vegetation, and, in interplant areas, the soil surface is colonized by an association of organisms known as biological soil crust (BSC). A morphometric analysis of 45 basins in the studied calanchi area, based on a high-resolution digital elevation model, showed those basins are sediment removal systems characterized by rapid and relevant erosion processes. The goal of the current research is to evaluate the …

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Nella memoria sono riportati i risultati di un esperimento di simulazione della formazione del canale di un rill condotto in una parcella avente una dimensione 2x7 m2 ed una pendenza del 14% realizzata dal Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Forestali dell’Università di Palermo. Una rete di solchi, costituita da due canali principali, è stata, dapprima incisa sul suolo manualmente e successivamente modellata utilizzando una corrente idrica limpida. Sui solchi modellati è stato effettuato, in corrispondenza di 11 sezioni trasversali della parcella, il rilievo delle caratteristiche geometriche e idrauliche utilizzando un profilometro. L’indagine ha inoltre previsto la realizzazione sia di un mo…

research product

Assessing an overland flow resistance approach under equilibrium sediment transport conditions

Abstract In this study, for the first time, a theoretically deduced flow resistance equation was tested for an overland flow under equilibrium sediment transport conditions using available experimental data by Liu et al. for five Chinese soils. Initially the relationship among the velocity profile parameter Γ, the channel slope, the flow Reynolds number, the Froude number and the sediment concentration was calibrated using 90 measurements of the available database (Loessial, Cinnamon and Black soil) and tested by other 60 measurements (Red and Purple soil). The results proved that the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor can be accurately estimated by the proposed theoretical approach, with error…

research product

Rill flow resistance law under equilibrium bed‐load transport conditions

In this paper, a recently deduced flow resistance equation for open channel flow was tested under equilibrium bed-load transport conditions in a rill. First, the flow resistance equation was deduced applying dimensional analysis and the incomplete self-similarity condition for the flow velocity distribution. Then, the following steps were carried out for developing the analysis: (a) a relationship (Equation) between the Γ function of the velocity profile, the rill slope, and the Froude number was calibrated by the available measurements by Jiang et al.; (b) a relationship (Equation) between the Γ function, the rill slope, the Shields number, and the Froude number was calibrated by the same …

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Flume experiments for assessing the dye-tracing technique in rill flows

Abstract Flow velocity controls hillslope soil erosion and is a key hydrodynamic variable involved in sediment transport and deposition processes. The dye-tracer technique is one of the most applied methods for measuring velocity of shallow interrill and rill flow. The technique is based on the injection of a tracer in a specific point and the measurement of its speed to travel the known distance from the injection point to a given channel section. The dye-tracer technique requires that the measured surface flow velocity has to be corrected to obtain the mean flow velocity using a correction factor which is generally empirically deduced. The technique has two sources of uncertainties: i) th…

research product

Slope threshold in rill flow resistance

The applicability of a theoretical rill flow resistance equation, based on the integration of a power velocity distribution, was tested using measurements carried out in mobile and fixed bed rills, shaped on plots having different slopes (9, 14, 15, 18, 22, 24, 25 and 26%) and soil textures (clay fractions ranging from 32.7% to 73% and silt of 19.9–30.9%), and flume measurements available in the literature. The Darcy–Weisbach friction factor resulted dependent on the slope, Froude number, Reynolds number and clay and silt percentages, used as variables representative of soil transportability and detachability, respectively. This theoretical approach was applied to two different databases di…

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An automatic approach for rill network extraction to measure rill erosion by terrestrial and low‐cost unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry

For an erosion event (October 2016) occurred at the Sparacia experimental area (Southern Italy), both terrestrial and low-altitude aerial surveys were carried out by consumer grade camera and quadcopter (low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle [UAV]) to measure rill erosion on two plots with steepness of 22% and 26%. Applying the structure from motion (SfM) technique, the three-dimensional digital terrain models (3D-DTMs) and the quasi three-dimensional models (2.5D-digital elevation model [DEM]) were obtained by the two surveys. Furthermore, 3D-DTM and DEM were built using the available aerial photographs (166) and adding 40 terrestrial photographs. For the first time, the convergence index was a…

research product

Testing a new rill flow resistance approach using the Water Erosion Prediction Project experimental database

In this paper, a recently theoretically deduced rill flow resistance equation, based on a power‐velocity profile, was tested using the Water Erosion Prediction Project database. This database includes measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross section area, wetted perimeter, and bed slope that were made in rills shaped on experimental sites distributed across the continental United States. In particular, three different experimental conditions (only rainfall, only flow, and rain with flow) were examined, and for each condition, the theoretically based relationship for estimating the Γ function of the power velocity profile was calibrated. The results established that (a) the Darcy‐We…

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Flow resistance equation for rills

In this paper, a new flow resistance equation for rill flow was deduced applying dimensional analysis and self‐similarity theory. At first, the incomplete self‐similarity hypothesis was used for establishing the flow velocity distribution whose integration gives the theoretical expression of the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor. Then the deduced theoretical resistance equation was tested by some measurements of flow velocity, water depth, cross section area, wetted perimeter, and bed slope carried out in 106 reaches of some rills shaped on an experimental plot. A relationship between the velocity profile, the channel slope, and the flow Froude number was also established. The analysis showed …

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Nella memoria sono riportati i risultati delle verifiche di applicabilità di una tecnica image-based per il monitoraggio dei processi di erosione canalizzata. L’indagine, in particolare, ha avuto lo scopo di testare l’uso di modelli tridimensionali del terreno (DTM) ottenuti con l’impiego di un numero elevato di fotografie della stessa scena acquisite da differenti punti di vista (Tecnica “Structure-From Motion” SFM e “Multi-View-Stereo MVS). Il DTM tridimensionale (3D) è stato generato utilizzando il software open source Autodesk 123D Catch mentre per la creazione del Digital Elevation Model DEM (2.5D) è stato impiegato il software CloudCompare. Dei due canali in terra utilizzati nella spe…

research product

Rilievo di un ephemeral gully nell’area sperimentale di Sparacia mediante una tecnica fotografica

Nella memoria sono riportati i risultati dell’applicazione di una tecnica imagebased per il monitoraggio di un ephemeral gully formatosi nel gennaio 2015 nell’area sperimentale di Sparacia. Nel gully, lungo 54 m, sono state individuate 24 sezioni trasversali che sono state rilevate in campo mediante l’uso di un profilometro. L’indagine ha inoltre previsto la realizzazione di un modello tridimensionale del terreno (DTM) ottenuto con l’impiego di un numero elevato di fotografie della stessa scena acquisite da differenti punti di vista (Tecnica “Structure-From Motion” SFM e “Multi-View-Stereo MVS). Dal DTM tridimensionale (3D) e dal modello 2.5D sono stati estratti i profili delle sezioni tras…

research product

Measurement of Water Soil Erosion at Sparacia Experimental Area (Southern Italy): A Summary of More than Twenty Years of Scientific Activity

The main purpose of this article is to give a general idea of the scientific activity that was carried out starting from the 2000s on the basis of the data collected in the plots installed at the Sparacia experimental station for soil erosion measurement in Sicily, South Italy. The paper includes a presentation of the experimental site, a description of the methods and procedures for measuring soil erosion processes both available in the literature and applied at the Sparacia station (sediment sampling and water level reading in the storage tanks for total erosion measurements; profilometer, and Structure from Motion technique for rill erosion measurements), and the main results obtained in…

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