Yolanda Echegoyen Sanz

Level of acceptance of epistemically unwarranted beliefs in pre-service primary school teachers: influence of cognitive style, academic level and gender

One of the main objectives of scientific literacy is the development of rational skills and critical thinking in citizens. This is a central goal for teachers. However, beliefs that lack rational foundation and supporting evidence, named “epistemically unwarranted beliefs” (EUB), spread rapidly among the population. If teachers had some of these EUB, their work could be compromised. The aim of this research was to determine the level of acceptance of different EUB in Spanish pre-service primary school teachers and to analyze the influence of their cognitive style, gender, and academic level. Two hundred and fifty undergraduate students of Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education participated …

research product

Review on the Processing and Properties of Polymer Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings and Their Applications in the Packaging, Automotive and Solar Energy Fields

For the last decades, nanocomposites materials have been widely studied in the scientific literature as they provide substantial properties enhancements, even at low nanoparticles content. Their performance depends on a number of parameters but the nanoparticles dispersion and distribution state remains the key challenge in order to obtain the full nanocomposites’ potential in terms of, e.g., flame retardance, mechanical, barrier and thermal properties, etc., that would allow extending their use in the industry. While the amount of existing research and indeed review papers regarding the formulation of nanocomposites is already significant, after listing the most common applications, this r…

research product

Dataset reading comprehension and metacognition preservice teachers

Los datos se corresponden con una muestra de 246 maestros en formación. Se muestran los resultados de comprensión lectora inferencial y metacognición lectora. Data pertain to a sample of 246 preservice teachers. Inference reading comprehension and reading metacognition data is displayed.

research product

Apuntes de la asignatura "Science Teaching: Matter, Energy & Machines"

El document forma part dels materials docents programats mitjançant l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València Se presentan aquí los apuntes de la asignatura "Didáctica de las Ciencias: Materia, Energía y Máquinas" en inglés (Science teaching: Matter, Energy & Machines). Comprenden tres bloques temáticos diferentes: a) Science, society and education; b) Children's learning and teaching materials; y c) Science process skills and inquiry learning.

research product

Dataset environmental attitudes in preservice teachers

Se presenta la evolución en las actitudes medioambientales de maestros en formación (N=507) tras una intervención educativa relacionada con la educación medioambiental. Los datos pertenecen a dos grupos experimentales y un grupo control. En uno de los grupos experimentales la intervención se realizó en una asignatura de ciencias y en el otro en una asignatura de literatura de manera transversal y transdisciplinar. This dataset shows the results of the Environmental Attitudes Inventory before and after an educational intervention with preservice teachers (N=507). There were two experimental groups an a control group. In one of the experimental groups the intervention was in a science-related…

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