Arnaud Witt

The integration of visual context information in facial emotion recognition in 5- to 15-year-olds.

International audience; The current study investigated the role of congruent visual context information in the recognition of facial emotional expression in 190 participants from 5 to 15 years of age. Children performed a matching task that presented pictures with different facial emotional expressions (anger, disgust, happiness, fear, and sadness) in two conditions: with and without a visual context. The results showed that emotions presented with visual context information were recognized more accurately than those presented in the absence of visual context. The context effect remained steady with age but varied according to the emotion presented and the gender of participants. The findin…

research product

Generalization of novel names for relations in comparison settings: the role of conceptual distance during learning and at test

International audience; Relational categories are notoriously difficult to learn. We studied the impact of comparison on relational concept learning with a novel word learning task in 3- and 4-year olds. We contrasted a no-comparison (single) condition and two comparison conditions. In the latter case, the set of learning pairs was composed of either close or far pairs (e.g., close pair: knife1- watermelon, knife2-orange; far pair: ax-evergreen tree, saw-log, for the “cutter for” relation). We also manipulated the transfer stimuli semantic distance (near or distant semantic domain, e.g., a scissor for a piece of paper in the close case, and a shaver for a face in the far domain case). The n…

research product

Generalizing novel names in comparison settings: Role of conceptual distance during learning and at test

International audience; In a comparison setting (two stimuli), we tested 4- and 6-year-old children’s generalization of novel names for objects. We manipulated the semantic distance between the two learning items (e.g., two bracelets versus a bracelet and a watch), and the semantic distance between the learning items and the test items (e.g., a pendant versus a bow tie). We tested whether smaller semantic distance between learning items would lead to more taxonomic (vs. perceptual) choices at test, than broader semantic distance during learning, especially in the case of distant test stimuli. Results revealed main effects of learning distance, of generalization distance and that only childr…

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The Behavioral Immune System

International audience; This chapter presents theoretical and empirical arguments in support of the existence of a defense system against pathogens called the Behavioral Immune System, which the authors argue complements the biological immune system and is characterized by cognitive, emotional, motivational, and social aspects

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Notre mémoire en mode survie : quand la contamination « booste » les performances mnésiques !

International audience

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The role of semantic distance in learning and generalization of novel names in typically developing and atypically developing children

International audience; Children often learn the extension of novel words with a limited number of exemplars. There is evidence that the opportunity to compare stimuli is beneficial for learning and generalizing novel names in typically developing (TD) children. This is important since they are in need of well-devised learning situations. We manipulated the role of semantic distance within training stimuli and between training and test stimuli and their influence on taxonomically-based generalization. We hypothesized more difficulties for ID children especially in “larger” semantic distance cases. Our results revealed that ID children were better than the matched TD children, suggesting fun…

research product

L'apprentissage implicite d'une grammaire artificielle chez l'enfant avec et sans retard mental : rôle des propriétés du matériel et influence des instructions

This thesis investigates artificial grammar implicit learning in mentally retarded and typically developing children through the role of the surface features (adjacent or non-adjacent repetitions) of the material and the influence of test instructions (implicit or explicit generation tests). One of the aims is to differentiate between four of the main implicit learning models by examining the sensitivity to the perceptually salient features of the material presented to children of different ages. The robustness of implicit learning capacities in the face of development and intellectual level is equally tested according to the permeability of the test instructions to explicit influences. Fin…

research product

Implicit learning, development, and education

International audience; The present chapter focuses on implicit learning processes, and aims at showing that these processes could be used to design new methods of education or reeducation. After a brief definition of what we intend by implicit learning, we will show that these processes operate efficiently in development, from infancy to aging. Then, we will discuss the question of their resistance to neurological or psychiatric diseases. Finally, in a last section, we will comment on their potential use within an applied perspective.

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Do typically and atypically developing children learn and generalize novel names similarly: The role of conceptual distance during learning and at test.

International audience; There is a large body of evidence showing that comparison of multiple stimuli leads to better conceptualization and generalization of novel names than no-comparison settings in typically developing (TD) children. By contrast, the evidence regarding this issue remains scarce in children with intellectual disabilities (ID). Children with intellectual disabilities (ID) and TD children matched on mental age with the Raven's coloured progressive matrices were tested in several novel name learning comparison conditions, with familiar objects. We manipulated the conceptual distance between the learning stimuli in the learning phase and between the learning and generalizatio…

research product

Interprétation tribologique de la perception tactile de surfaces texturées

International audience; Ces dernières années, l’industrie a porté un intérêt grandissant à la qualité sensorielle de leurs produits, et notamment à la sensation tactile qu’ils procurent. Selon Hollins et al, l’ensemble des surfaces matérielles peuvent être définies selon quatre dimensions psycho-perceptives tactiles : « glissant/collant », « lisse/rugueux », « chaud/froid » et « dur/mou » [1]. La texturation de surface est un moyen de parvenir à la réalisation d’une variété de surfaces appartenant, du point de vue de la perception tactile, aux deux premières dimensions susnommées. Néanmoins, les liens entre les paramètres topographiques des textures et la sensation ressentie lors du toucher…

research product

Typically and Atypically Developing Children' Generalizations of Novel Names: the Role of Semantic Distance

International audience; Children often learn the extension of novel words with a limited number of exemplars. There is evidence that the opportunity to compare stimuli is beneficial for learning and generalizing novel names in typically developing (TD) children (e.g., Gentner, 2010). However, so far,, comparison situations have not been studied in children with intellectual disabilities (ID) (Chapman & Kay-Raining Bird, 2012). This is important since they are in need of well-devised learning situations. We manipulated the role of semantic distance within training stimuli and between training and test stimuli and their influence on taxonomically-based generalization. We hypothesized more dif…

research product

Tribological interactions related to the tactile perception of deterministic micro-textured surfaces

International audience; In recent years, industrials paid a growing attention in qualifying and even predicting the tactile perception of their products. Surface texturing offers a reliable route to control surfaces tactile perception but relation between textured surface topography and tactile perception remains still unclear. Moreover, while tactile perception originates from the transmission of friction forces and friction induced vibrations to mechanoreceptors located in the dermis, a better understanding of the fingerpad/surface tribologic interaction is needed. Recently, many efforts were made to correlate friction forces to textures parameters on the one hand [1], and textures parame…

research product

Learning implicitly to produce avoided behaviours

The literature on repetition processing reveals an intriguing paradox between the particular salience of repetitions, which makes them easy to learn, and a tendency to avoid them when generating sequences. The aim of this experiment was to study the extent to which children can learn to produce these avoided behaviours by means of an artificial grammar paradigm using generation tests with implicit or explicit instructions. The analysis of the control group's performance confirmed the presence of a spontaneous tendency to avoid generating repetitions. A comparison with chance revealed that the children learned to produce repetitions in the explicit test but not in the implicit test. However…

research product

Tactile perception of textured surfaces: a tribological interpretation

International audience; In recent years, industrials paid a growing attention in qualifying and even predicting the tactile perception of their products. Surface texturing is an exciting option to control surfaces tactile perception. Nevertheless, relations between textured surface parameters and tactile perception remains unclear. Hence, a better understanding of the finger / surface contact is necessary. This study aims at investigating the relationships between the tactile perception of textured surfaces and the tribological behaviour of the finger / surface contact. Ten textured surfaces characterized by equally distributed 100 μm tall cylindrical dots were studied. Dots diameter D vari…

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Children’s Generalization of Novel Relational Nouns in Comparison Contexts

Comparison settings (i.e. several stimuli introduced simultaneously) favor novel word learning and generalization. This study investigates the temporal dynamics of 6-year-olds solving strategies in a relational noun (e.g. “x is the dax for y”) comparison and generalization task with eye tracking data. We manipulated conceptual distance between the task’s items and recorded children’s performances and eye tracking data. We analyze and interpret solving strategies following the predictions made by two hypotheses, the Projection-First and Alignment-first. Eye tracking data clearly revealed that children, first, extract the relation from comparisons of items within a pair and search for a match…

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