Jussi V. K. Kukkonen
Bioconcentration, biotransformation and elimination of pyrene in the arctic crustacean Gammarus setosus (Amphipoda) at two temperatures
The influence of temperature on the bioaccumulation, toxicokinetics, biotransformation and depuration of pyrene was studied in the arctic marine amphipod Gammarus setosus. A two-compartment model was used to fit experimental values of total body burden, total metabolites and parent pyrene concentrations and to calculate toxicokinetic variables derived for two experimental treatments (2 and 8 °C). No statistically significant differences were observed with temperature for these toxicokinetic variables or bioconcentration factors. Contrarily, the Q10 values suggested that the toxicokinetic variables ke and km were temperature-dependent. This may be explained by the high standard deviation of …
Biomarker responses by crucian carp () living in a pond of secondary treated pulp mill effluent
Biochemical and histological biomarkers by the adult crucian carp ( Carassius carassius (L.)) living in a biologically treated pulp mill effluent were studied. Enocell pulp mill in Uimaharju, Finland, discharges its effluents through a waste water pond to the River Pielisjoki. This pond harbours an introduced crucian carp population that apparently reproduces on site. The objective of the present study was to measure possible hormonal effects of treated pulp mill effluent on crucian carps living in a wastewater pond. Adult fish were collected for analysis by traps. A reference population was sampled from a small natural pond. Blood and bile samples were taken for analyses of hemoglobin, hem…
Chironomus riparius exposure to fullerene-contaminated sediment results in oxidative stress and may impact life cycle parameters
A key component of understanding the potential environmental risks of fullerenes (C60) is their potential effects on benthic invertebrates. Using the sediment dwelling invertebrate Chironomus riparius we explored the effects of acute (12 h and 24 h) and chronic (10 d, 15 d, and 28 d) exposures of sediment associated fullerenes. The aims of this study were to assess the impact of exposure to C60 in the sediment top layer ((0.025, 0.18 and 0.48) C60 mg/cm2) on larval growth, oxidative stress and emergence rates and to quantify larval body burdens in similarly exposed organisms. Oxidative stress localization was observed in the tissues next to the microvilli and exoskeleton through a method fo…
Predicting the bioaccumulation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in benthic animals in sediments
There were two main objectives in this study. The first was to compare the accuracy of different prediction methods for the chemical concentrations of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the organism, based on the measured chemical concentrations existing in sediment dry matter or pore water. The predicted tissue concentrations were compared to the measured ones after 28-day laboratory test using oligochaeta worms (Lumbriculus variegatus). The second objective was to compare the bioaccumulation of PAHs and PCBs in the laboratory test with the in situ bioaccumulation of these compounds. Using the traditional organic carbon-water partitioning model, tissue…
Fullerenes(nC60) affect the growth and development of the sediment-dwelling invertebrate Chironomus riparius larvae
Abstract The possible toxicity of nanoparticles (NPs) to aquatic organisms needs to be investigated for chronic effects at low concentrations. Chronic effects of carbon NPs, fullerenesC60, on the midges of Chironomus riparius at different life stages on larvae and adult midges were investigated. Sediment associated fullerenesC60 were studied by 10-day growth and 42-day emergence tests with artificial sediment at nominal concentration ranges 0.0004–80 mg/kg dry weight. The body length decreased in the lower tested concentrations (0.0025–20 mg/kg), but the effect vanished with higher concentrations. Delayed emergence rate observed at 0.5 mg/kg. The observed effects correlated with analyzed se…
Toxicity of silver nanoparticles to Lumbriculus variegatus is a function of dissolved silver and promoted by low sediment pH
Toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to benthic organisms is a major concern. The use of AgNPs in industry and consumer products leads to increasing release of AgNPs into the aquatic environment-sediments being the major sink. Effects of sediment pH on the toxicity of AgNPs to benthic oligochaeta Lumbriculus variegatus were studied in a 23-d toxicity test. Artificially prepared sediments (pH 5 and 7) were spiked with varying concentrations of uncoated AgNP, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)-coated AgNP, and silver nitrate (AgNO3 ) as dissolved Ag reference. Number of individuals and biomass change were used as endpoints for the toxicity. The toxic effects were related to the bioaccessible conc…
A screening study on the fate of fullerenes (nC60) and their toxic implications in natural freshwaters
Increasing usage of fullerenes (C60) increases their opportunities to be released into the environment. For risk assessment, it is important to understand the environmental fate and ecotoxicological effects of C60. In the present study, fullerene settling was measured during a 1-yr period with 4 different lake waters and an artificial freshwater, and Daphnia magna immobilization and fullerene accumulation was also measured in each of the lake waters. Depending on the characteristics of the lake waters, fullerenes either exhibited extended water stability or settled rapidly; in all waters, there was a fraction that remained stable after 1 yr. Water stability was affected by the quality and m…
The Influence of Solar Power Plants on Microclimatic Conditions and the Biotic Community in Chilean Desert Environments
The renewable energy sector is growing at a rapid pace in northern Chile and the solar energy potential is one of the best worldwide. Therefore, many types of solar power plant facilities are being built to take advantage of this renewable energy resource. Solar energy is considered a clean source of energy, but there are potential environmental effects of solar technology, such as landscape fragmentation, extinction of local biota, microclimate changes, among others. To be able to minimize environmental impacts of solar power plants, it is important to know what kind of environmental conditions solar power plants create. This study provides information about abiotic and biotic conditions i…
Bioaccumulation, bioavailability and environmental fate of chlorophenol impurities, polychlorinated hydroxydiphenylethers and their methoxy analogues.
The bioaccumulation potential and environmental fate of polychlorinated hydroxydiphenyl ethers (HO-PCDEs; polychlorinated phenoxyphenols, PCPP), the major impurities of chlorophenol formulations and their methoxy analogues (MeO-PCDEs; polychlorinated methoxyanisoles, PCPAs) were investigated. Oligochaete worms (Lumbriculus variegatus) exposed to sediment spiked with a model substance of one HO-hexaCDE (4'-HO-PCDE 161) or its methoxy analogue (4'-MeO-PCDE 161) clearly accumulated the test compounds revealing the potential for environmental risk of HO-PCDEs and MeO-PCDEs. The HO-PCDE tested has earlier been reported as an abundant component in a Finnish chlorophenol formulation (Ky-5) and its…
Sediment and chironomid samples were collected from a river in the vicinity of and downstream from a closed chlorophenol production plant, and they were analyzed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) and polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDE). Bioaccumulation of these compounds from the sediments by the oligochaeta, Lumbriculus variegatus, and semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) was studied in a 28-d bioaccumulation test. The sum concentrations of PCDD/Fs and PCDEs in sediments varied spatially, peaking at the site below the production plant, but the congener composition remained fairly constant throughout the river. The sum concentrations of chironomids, oligochaetes…
Toxicity Testing of Silver Nanoparticles in Artificial and Natural Sediments Using the Benthic Organism Lumbriculus variegatus
The increased use of silver nanoparticles (AgNP) in industrial and consumer products worldwide has resulted in their release to aquatic environments. Previous studies have mainly focused on the effects of AgNP on pelagic species, whereas few studies have assessed the risks to benthic invertebrates despite the fact that the sediments act as a large potential sink for NPs. In this study, the toxicity of sediment-associated AgNP was evaluated using the standard sediment toxicity test for chemicals provided by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. The freshwater benthic oligochaete worm Lumbriculus variegatus was exposed to sediment-associated AgNP in artificial and natural …
The effects of treated effluents on the intensity of papillomatosis and HSP70 expression in roach.
Epidermal papillomatosis in fish has been proposed as an indicator of environmental stress but experimental evidence of connection between contaminants and papillomatosis in fish is scarce. We studied changes in the intensity of epidermal papillomatosis and the expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in roach, Rutilus rutilus, exposed to treated pulp mill and municipal effluents. In male roach, the increase in papillomatosis intensity was higher in fish exposed to 15% than in fish exposed to 1.5% concentration of municipal effluent. No differences were observed in papillomatosis development in females, or in HSP70 expression. In all the experiments conducted, the increasing effect of ef…
How to preserve and handle fish liver samples to conserve RNA integrity
As transcriptomic studies are becoming more and more common, it is important to ensure that the RNA used in the analyses is of good quality. The RNA integrity may be compromised by storage temperature or freeze-thaw cycles, but these have not been well studied in poikilothermic fishes. This work studied the effects of tissue storage time and temperature, and freeze-thaw cycles of tissue and extracted RNA on RNA integrity in brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) liver. The storage time and temperature had an effect on RNA integrity, but RNA suitable for quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) (RIN > 7) was still obtained from samples preserved at − 20 °C for 6 months. Freeze-thaw cycles of …
Effects of Activated Carbon on PCB Bioaccumulation and Biological Responses of Chironomus riparius in Full Life Cycle Test
The nonbiting midge Chironomus riparius was used to study the remediation potential and secondary effects of activated carbon (AC, ø 63-200 μm) in PCB contaminated sediments. AC amendments efficiently reduced PCB bioavailability determined by Chironomus riparius bioaccumulation tests and passive samplers. PCBs were shown to transfer from larvae to adults. Lower PCB concentrations were observed in adult midges emerging from AC amended compared to unamended sediments. Increased reproduction, survival, larval growth and gut wall microvilli length were observed with low AC dose (0.5% sediment dw) compared to unamended sediment, indicating an improved success of larvae in the sediment with low o…
Effects of activated carbon ageing in three PCB contaminated sediments: Sorption efficiency and secondary effects on Lumbriculus variegatus.
The sorption efficiency and possible secondary effects of activated carbon (AC) (o 63-200 μm) was studied with Lumbriculus variegatus in three PCB contaminated sediments applying long AC-sediment contact time (3 years). AC amendment efficiently reduced PCB bioavailability as determined with both, L. variegatus bioaccumulation test and passive samplers. However, dose related secondary effects of AC on egestion rate and biomass were observed (applied doses 0.25% and 2.5% sediment dry weight). The sorption capacity and secondary effects remained similar when the experiments were repeated after three years of AC-sediment contact time. Further, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) samples reve…
Effects of Dissolved Organic Material on Binding and Toxicokinetics of Pyrene in the Waterflea Daphnia magna
The binding and bioavailability of pyrene was studied in the laboratory in two humic fresh waters and in a reference water without dissolved organic material (DOM), measured as dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The uptake of pyrene by Daphnia magna in short-term (24 h) accumulation experiments was fitted to a first-order rate-kinetic equation to calculate simultaneous uptake and elimination rates. The partition coefficients of pyrene to DOC (KDOC) were 37.1 x 103 in Pielisjoki River (9.4 mg DOC L(-1)), and 34.9 x 103 in Lake Kontiolampi (17.4 mg DOC L(-1)) waters, indicating similar binding affinities of pyrene for both humic waters. The uptake clearance of pyrene (ku) in the DOC-rich Lake Ko…
The chronic effects of fullereneC 60 -associated sediments in the midge Chironomus riparius – Responses in the first and the second generation
Abstract The life cycle parameters of the benthic invertebrate Chironomus riparius make it a relevant organism for use in multi-generation chronic ecotoxicology tests. Since studies on chronic exposures with fullerene carbon nanoparticles have revealed adverse effects at lower concentration ranges, it is crucial to gain understanding of the consequences in following generations. The aims of this study were to investigate whether sediment-associated fullereneC 60 impacts on C. riparius emergence and breeding, thus affecting the growth of the second generation. Larvae were exposed to fullerene-spiked sediment at concentrations of 0.5, 10 and 40 mg/kg sediment dw. Total emergence and breeding …
Trophic transfer of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in a boreal lake ecosystem: Testing of bioaccumulation models
Understanding the fate of persistent organic chemicals in the environment is fundamental information for the successful protection of ecosystems and humans. A common dilemma in risk assessment is that monitoring data reveals contaminant concentrations in wildlife, while the source concentrations, route of uptake and acceptable source concentrations remain unsolved. To overcome this problem, different models have been developed in order to obtain more precise risk estimates for the food webs. However, there is still an urgent need for studies combining modelled and measured data in order to verify the functionality of the models. Studies utilising field-collected data covering entire food we…
Toward sustainable environmental quality : Priority research questions for Europe
P.J. Van den Brink et al.
Tolerance of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) early life stages to manganese sulfate is affected by the parents
European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) embryos and larvae were exposed to 6 different manganese sulfate (MnSO4) concentrations from fertilization to the 3-d-old larvae. The fertilization success, offspring survival, larval growth, yolk consumption, embryonic and larval Mn tissue concentrations and transcript levels of detoxification-related genes were measured in the long-term incubation. Full factorial breeding design (4 females x 2 males) enabled examining the significance of both female and male effects, and female-male interactions in conjunction with the MnSO4 exposure on the observed endpoints. The MnSO4 exposure reduced the survival of the whitefish early life stages. Also the offs…
Responses of Lumbriculus variegatus to Activated Carbon Amendments in Uncontaminated Sediments
Activated carbon (AC) amendment is a recently developed sediment remediation method. The strong hydrophobic organic contaminant sorption efficiency of AC has been shown in several studies, but effects on benthic organisms require more investigation. The AC induced effects on egestion rate, growth and reproduction of Lumbriculus variegatus were studied by applying bituminous coal based AC in three different particle size fractions, namely <63 μm (90%, AC(p)), 63-200 μm (AC(m)) and 1000 μm (AC(g)), to natural uncontaminated (HS) and artificial sediment (AS). Egestion rate, growth and reproduction decreased with increasing AC concentration and finer AC particle fractions, effects being stronge…
Distribution of fullerenes (nC60) between sediment and water in freshwaters
Abstract Depending on environmental conditions, fullerenes (nC 60 ) have the potential to settle to the bottom sediments. In this study the distribution of nC 60 was investigated in the labile zone between sediment and water. Three freshwater–sediment systems representing oligohumic, mesohumic, and polyhumic lakes with varying sediment composition and structure were used to investigate the target of fullerenes. The largest portion of water suspended fullerenes was found in the sediment, but a part re-suspended relatively quickly to water-stabile particles associated with natural particles. Rapid initial re-suspending was followed by a slower one offering a continuous pathway to the water ph…
Partitioning of nanoparticle-originated dissolved silver in natural and artificial sediments
Sediments are believed to be a major sink for silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in the aquatic environment, but there is a lack of knowledge about the environmental effects and behavior of AgNPs in sediments. The release of highly toxic Ag+ through dissolution of AgNPs is one mechanism leading to toxic effects in sediments. We applied an ultrasound-assisted sequential extraction method to evaluate the dissolution of AgNPs and to study the partitioning of dissolved Ag in sediments. Silver was spiked into artificial and 2 natural sediments (Lake Hoytiainen sediment and Lake Kuorinka sediment) as silver nitrate (AgNO3 ), uncoated AgNPs, or polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated AgNPs (PVP-AgNPs). In addition,…
Multixenobiotic resistance efflux activity in Daphnia magna and Lumbriculus variegatus
Multixenobiotic resistance is a phenomenon in which ATP-binding cassette (ABC) family proteins transfer harmful compounds out of cells. Daphnia magna and Lumbriculus variegatus are model species in aquatic ecotoxicology, but the presence and activity of ABC proteins have not been well described in these species. The aim of this work was to study the presence, activity, and inhibition of ABC transport proteins in D. magna and L. variegatus. The presence of abcb1 and abcc transcripts in 8-9-day-old D. magna was investigated by qRT-PCR. The activity of MXR in D. magna and L. variegatus was explored by influx of the fluorescent ABC protein substrates rhodamine B and calcein-AM, with and without…
Atrazine uptake, elimination, and bioconcentration by periphyton communities and Daphnia magna: effects of dissolved organic carbon.
The bioconcentration and toxicokinetics of atrazine in three different periphyton communities and in laboratory reared Daphnia magna were studied in natural and artificial waters with different dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and qualities. The exposure concentrations were similar to those short-lived peak concentrations found in contaminated waters. Atrazine uptake and elimination were very fast, and the bioconcentration was low both in periphyton and D. magna. The bioconcentration factors in D. magna were approx. 16% of those in periphyton. The uptake and elimination rates were also higher in periphyton than in Daphnia. The periphyton properties affected the bioconcentration…
Toxicity of fullerene (C60) to sediment-dwelling invertebrate Chironomus riparius larvae
An environmentally realistic method to test fullerene (C(60) ) toxicity to the benthic organism Chironomus riparius was created by allowing suspended fullerenes to settle down, making a layer on top of the sediment. To test the hypothesis that higher food concentrations will reduce toxic responses, two food concentrations were tested (0.5 and 0.8% Urtica sp.) in sediment containing fullerene masses of 0.36 to 0.55 mg/cm(2) using a 10-d chronic test. In the 0.5% food level treatments, there were significant differences in all growth-related endpoints compared with controls. Fewer effects were observed for the higher food treatment. Fullerene agglomerates were observed by electron microscopy …
Concentration of retene and resin acids in sedimenting particles collected from a bleached kraft mill effluent receiving lake
Abstract The concentration of retene, a di-alkyl substituted PAH derived microbially and thermally from dehydroabietic acid, eight resin acids and their derivatives were analysed from sedimenting particles collected from five lake sites receiving pulp and paper mill effluents and from two reference sites. At five of the sites, samples were collected prior and after a conventional aerated lagoon wastewater treatment system of the mill was modernized with an activated sludge plant, and elemental chlorine free bleaching (ECF) had replaced chlorine bleaching. The highest level of retene was 30.0–53.8 μ g/g dry weight (d.w.), observed 3 km downstream from the mill. Nine kilometers downstream fr…
Sediment-associated retene bioavailability of sediment-associated retene to an oligochaete wormlumbriculus variegatus
The bioavailability of retene spiked to two sediment concentrations (50 and 200 µg/g dry weight) was measured in long-term (28-day) bioaccumulation tests performed on the oligochaeteLumbriculus variegatus Muller. Three sediment organic carbon (SOC) concentrations (1.1, 3.0, 23.0% of dry weight) were used. Growth and reproduction, used as endpoints, indicated that retene was chronically nontoxic at the concentrations employed. Retene was clearly bioavailable, but bioaccumulated about 100 times less in the SOC-rich (23.0%) sediment than in the other two (SOC <3.0%). At the lower retene concentration, retene in the worms was undetectable in the high-SOC sediment. Based on final retene present …
Optimization of photovoltaic solar power plant locations in northern Chile
The optimization of photovoltaic solar power plants location in Atacama Desert, Chile, is presented in this study. The study considers three objectives: (1) Find sites with the highest solar energy potential, (2) determine sites with the least impact on the environment, and (3) locate the areas which produce small social impact. To solve this task, multi-criteria decision analyses (MCDAs) such as analytical hierarchy process and ordered weighted averaging were applied in a GIS environment. In addition, survey results of social impacts were analyzed and included into the decision-making process, including landscape values. The most suitable sites for solar energy projects were found near roa…
Toxicokinetics, toxicity and lethal body residues of two chlorophenols in the oligochaete worm, Lumbriculus variegatus, in different sediments
Bioavailability, toxicokinetics and toxicity (LC(50)) of water- and sediment-associated 2,4,5-trichlorophenol (2,4,5-TCP) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) were measured in Lumbriculus variegatus Müller in a set of experiments. The critical body residue approach was applied by measuring also the lethal body residues (LBR(50)). Freshwater and three different sediments with various sediment organic carbon (SOC) concentrations were used as exposure media. SOC decreased the bioavailability of both chlorophenols, and the uptake rates decreased by 81% and 91% for 2,4,5-TCP and PCP, respectively, in the sediment with a SOC of 6.9% compared to those in sediment with a SOC of 0.5%. SOC appeared to be an i…
Interacting effects of simulated eutrophication, temperature increase, and microplastic exposure on Daphnia
The effects of multiple stressors are difficult to separate in field studies, and their interactions may be hard to predict if studied in isolation. We studied the effects of decreasing food quality (increase in cyanobacteria from 5 to 95% simulating eutrophication), temperature increase (by 3 °C), and microplastic exposure (1% of the diet) on survival, size, reproduction, and fatty acid composition of the model freshwater cladoceran Daphnia magna. We found that food quality was the major driver of Daphnia responses. When the amount of cyanobacteria increased from 5 to 95% of the diet, there was a drastic decrease in Daphnia survival (from 81 ± 15% to 24 ± 21%), juvenile size (from 1.8 ± 0.…
Toxicity of biomining effluents to Daphnia magna: Acute toxicity and transcriptomic biomarkers
Increasing metal consumption is driving the introduction of new techniques such as biomining to exploit low grade ores. The biomining impacts notably aquatic ecosystems, yet, the applicability of ecotoxicological tests to study the complex mixture effects of mining waters is insufficiently understood. The aim of the present work was to test if transcriptomic biomarkers are suitable and sensitive for the ecotoxicity assessment of biomining affected waters. The study site had been affected by a multimetal biomine, and the studied water samples formed a concentration gradient of contamination downstream from the biomining site. Cadmium and nickel were used as positive controls in the toxicity …
Biomarker responses along a pollution gradient: Effects of pulp and paper mill effluents on caged whitefish
Abstract Lake Saimaa (SE Finland) is a large oligotrophic lake receiving biologically treated effluent from a bleached kraft pulp and paper mill. Hatchery-reared juvenile whitefish ( Coregonus lavaretus L. s.l.), a species known to feed on plankton and other particulates, were caged using a technique developed and optimized for this species and were exposed for one month in five downstream stations (3.3–16 km). Two reference stations (4.5–8.5 km) upstream from the effluent outlet were used. An exposure gradient of chlorinated organics was assessed by determining concentrations of conjugated chlorophenolics (CPs) in bile and CPs as well as extractable organic halogens (EOX) in gut lipids. Ac…
Optical Monitoring of Microplastics Filtrated from Wastewater Sludge and Suspended in Ethanol.
The abundance of microplastics (MPs) in the atmosphere, on land, and especially in water bodies is well acknowledged. In this study, we establish an optical method based on three different techniques, namely, specular reflection to probe the medium, transmission spectroscopy measurements for the detection and identification, and a speckle pattern for monitoring the sedimentation of MPs filtrated from wastewater sludge and suspended in ethanol. We used first Raman measurements to estimate the presence and types of different MPs in wastewater sludge samples. We also used microscopy to identify the shapes of the main MPs. This allowed us to create a teaching set of samples to be characterized …
UV-B-Induced acute toxicity of pyrene to the waterflea Daphnia magna in natural freshwaters.
Abstract The effects of various water characteristics in natural freshwaters on the acute toxicity of one polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), pyrene, to a pelagic invertebrate Daphnia magna was studied under ultraviolet B (UV-B) radiation and in the dark. Pyrene was photoactivated and was more toxic to D. magna in the presence of UV-B radiation. Dissolved organic material (DOM), measured as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), significantly reduced the photoenhanced toxicity of pyrene. Under UV-B radiation the EC50 values were lower and in relation to the amount of DOM, ranging from 3.0 to 30.0 μg/L pyrene, whereas in the dark they were between 29.2 and 54.8 μg/L and not related to the amount…