Emanuele Isidori
Sarcopenia, Diet, Physical Activity and Obesity in European Middle-Aged and Older Adults: The LifeAge Study
The revised European consensus defined sarcopenia as a progressive and generalized skeletal muscle disorder that is associated with an increased likelihood of adverse outcomes including falls, fractures, physical disability and mortality. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of sarcopenia and analyse the influence of diet, physical activity (PA) and obesity index as risk factors of each criteria of sarcopenia. A total of 629 European middle-aged and older adults were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Anthropometrics were assessed. Self-reported PA and adherence to the Mediterranean diet were evaluated with the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) and Preventi…
Teaching Physical Education in English using CLIL Methodology: A Critical Perspective
Abstract Relatively little research has been carried out in Europe on teaching Physical Education (PE) in English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) using the CLIL method. Although CLIL is widely used throughout Europe, the PE content is often limited merely to technical-practical skills without any significant links to a socio-cultural context, critical thinking and/or knowledge acquisition. The aim of this study is to integrate CLIL with the epistemological perspective of critical pedagogy applied to physical education (Kirk, 2014). A theoretical “deconstructive” method will be used to provide guidelines for teaching physical education through CLIL. A cultural content based on language, culture and…
Educación Física bilingüe y pedagogía crítica: una aplicación basada en el Judo
Considering the impact that the introduction of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is having in Europe, this paper presents a model of application for Physical Education in English. This model improves particularly the acquisition of a foreign language and proposes at the same time a comprehensive learning scenario based on the principles of the critical pedagogy. From the 4Cs framework of CLIL methodology («content», «communication», «culture» and «cognition») the paper offers an in-depth reflection on the possibilities of introducing the critical pedagogy approach to Physical Education, thus increasing its educational potential. First, we argue about the links between critica…
La pedagogía del deporte desde una interpretación filosófico-hermenéutica agonal
El artículo analiza la pedagogía del deporte empleando un enfoque hermenéutico basado en interpretar la esencia del deporte, a raíz del contraste entre la vertiente agonal, que se relaciona con el ámbito educativo, y la certaminal, más cercana al competitivo. De la confrontación entre los valores antiguos y modernos del deporte emerge la pedagogía agonal, cuyo espíritu, además, permite comprender la interrelación entre la democracia y el deporte, regulados en ambos casos por el enfrentamiento dialógico (agonal) y dialéctico (certaminal) aplicado a partir de principios comunitarios. Finalmente, se sugieren algunos principios metodológicos para la aplicación de la pedagogía deportiva agonal. …
Sport and Ethics of Weak Thought: A New Manifesto for Sport Education
Abstract The so-called “weak thought”, theorized by the Italian postmodernist philosopher Gianni Vattimo (born in 1936), considered one of the most important Italian philosophers, has dismantled the main concepts on which Western philosophy was based (that is, the notion of Truth, God, Reason, an absolute foundation to thought, etc.). This philosophy, which is inspired by Nietzsche’s nihilism, by Heidegger, and by the philosophy of hermeneutics and deconstruction, offers a critical starting point not only to rethink, in a less rigid way, our Western culture, its philosophy, and its problems, but also the ethical principles and educational values that guide human life. Sport - as a human phe…