Lucas Monzani
La importància dels equips de treball en les organitzacions: models d'efectivitat grupal
espanolEl creciente uso de los equipos de trabajo como unidades de operacion basica en las organizaciones ha generado una gran cantidad de literatura centrada en el estudio del pequeno grupo y los grupos, en general. No obstante, aunque en la actualidad la investigacion centrada en los equipos de trabajo recobra un interes renovado, sus origenes se remontan a los anos 30 coincidiendo con los modelos socio-tecnicos. Aun asi, su uso no se puede considerar lineal, aunque sin duda los expertos en grupos coinciden en senalar: (1) 1980, como el momento mas algido en lo que al interes por los equipos de trabajo se refiere, y (2) un continuo y vertiginoso ascenso en la actualidad (Bell y Kozlowski,…
Efficacy of manual therapy on anxiety and depression in patients with tension-type headache. A randomized controlled clinical trial
Abstract Introduction Tension-type headache (TTH) is a highly prevalent disorder with a significant socio-economic impact. The purpose of this study was to test the efficacy of three manual therapy treatments for reducing TTH-related anxiety and depression. Subjects and methods A clinical trial was conducted on 84 participants diagnosed with tension-type headache forming 4 groups: the first group received suboccipital soft tissue treatment (ST); the second group was treated with articulatory techniques (AT); the third group underwent a combination of both techniques (ST and AT), while the fourth group was the control group. Treatment sessions were administered over four weeks, with post-tre…
Winning the hearts and minds of followers: The interactive effects of followers' emotional competencies and goal setting types on trust in leadership
La confianza de los seguidores es un elemento esencial de un liderazgo eficaz. Las aproximaciones tempranas a la formación de la confianza hacia los líderes, adoptaron un enfoque basado en evaluaciones basadas en información. Sin embargo, avances recientes en la investigación de la confianza sugiere que estas evaluaciones también contienen un componente afectivo. En este estudio proponemos que las competencias emocionales, como (1) atención, (2) claridad y (3) reparación emocional predecirán la confianza hacia el líder en momentos tempranos de la relación líder-seguidor. A medida que esta relación se desarrolla en el tiempo, las evaluaciones sobre la fiabilidad del líder cambiaran su objeti…
The moderator role of followers’ personality traits in the relations between leadership styles, two types of task performance and work result satisfaction
Authentic leadership is changing our understanding of what makes good leadership. However, few studies have explored how followers’ individual differences and the nature of the task they perform affect its relation to followers’ work outcomes. We examine the moderator role of two core task types (intellective vs. generative) and two personality traits (conscientiousness and emotional stability) in the relationship between two leadership feedback styles (authentic vs. transactional) and task performance or work result satisfaction in a two-wave experiment. The sample consisted of 228 participants enrolled in an organizational psychology course, 34% of whom had work experience. Our results sh…
The role of the brain in financial decisions : a viewpoint on neuroeconomics
In this article, we explain the important role neuroscience plays in economic and financial environments. Hence, we present neuroeconomics as a way to describe how decision-making processes affect brain activity, focusing especially on the importance of economic and financial decisions. We answer some questions regarding the role of emotions in finance, the psychological factors present in financial markets, and how neuropsychological stimuli affect our economic decisions. We conclude by citing the main research in the area of neuroscience in financial decision-making processes, and highlight further research projects in these areas.
Loafing in the digital age: The role of computer mediated communication in the relation between perceived loafing and group affective outcomes
Virtual work has become an increasingly central practice for the organization of the 21st century. While effective virtual workgroups can create synergies that boost innovation and performance, ineffective workgroups become a great burden for organizations. Empirical research has shown that some negative behaviors, such as social loafing, negatively influence a group's affective outcomes, in both collocated (face-to-face) and virtual workgroups. In this study, we explore if working through low fidelity computer mediated communication (CMC) increases the negative impact of perceived loafing over cohesion and work satisfaction. On this rationale, we conducted a laboratory study with 44 groups…
Between a Rock and Hard Place: Combined Effects of Authentic Leadership, Organizational Identification, and Team Prototypicality on Managerial Prohibitive Voice
AbstractManagers are installed by the organization’s stakeholders and shareholders to increase the organization’s value; at the same time, they depend on their subordinates’ acceptance to fulfill this leadership role. If the interest of the organization collides with the interest of their team, some managers act in the interest of their followers accepting potential disadvantages for their organizations and/or external stakeholders. In two experimental studies comprised mainly of German (N = 111) and US (N = 323) managers, we examined combined effects of authentic leadership, organizational identification, and self-perceived team prototypicality on managerial integrity operationalized as ex…
Reducing the Cost of Being the Boss: Authentic Leadership Suppresses the Effect of Role Stereotype Conflict on Antisocial Behaviors in Leaders and Entrepreneurs
What drives entrepreneurs to engage in antisocial economic behaviors? Without dismissing entrepreneurs’ agency in their decision-making processes, our study aims to answer this question by proposing that antisocial economic behaviors are a dysfunctional coping mechanism to reduce the psychological tension that entrepreneurs face in their day-to-day activities. Further, given the overlap between the male gender role stereotype and both leader and entrepreneur role stereotypes, this psychological tension should be stronger in female entrepreneurs (or any person who identifies with the female gender role). We argue that besides the well-established female gender role – leader role incongruence…
Manual therapy for tension-type headache related to quality of work life and work presenteeism:secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of manual therapy for tension-type headache (TTH) in restoring workers quality of work life, and how work presenteeism affects this relation.DESIGN: This study is a secondary analysis of a factorial, randomized clinical trial on manual therapy interventions. Altogether, 80 patients (85% women) with TTH and without current symptoms of any other concomitant disease participated.INTERVENTIONS: An experienced therapist delivered the treatment: myofascial inhibitory technique (IT), articulatory technique (AT), combined technique (IT and AT), and control group (no treatment).RESULTS: In general, all treatments as compared to ou…
The beneficial effects of therapeutic craniofacial massage on quality of life, mental health and menopausal symptoms and body image: A randomized controlled clinical trial.
Abstract Objective The objective of this study was to determine the effect of massage in the craniofacial area in menopausal women after the treatment and one month after its completion, and to measure its influence on quality of life in relation to symptoms of menopause, mental health, and body image perception. Design 50 participants with menopause, aged 45–65 years, participated in a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomly assigned to two groups: craniofacial massage group (CMG), who received massage treatment (n = 25), and control group (CG), without treatment (n = 25). Prior to randomization, all participants provided demographic and clinical information. Q…
El efecto del liderazgo auténtico y el tipo de establecimiento de metas sobre el desempeño y las respuestas actitudinales y afectivas de los seguidores : el rol modulador de las diferencias individuales
El papel que, en los últimos años, han jugado los líderes de organizaciones, tanto públicas como privadas, en el creciente número de escándalos que han sacudido la opinión pública internacional ha evidenciado la necesidad de un nuevo enfoque en el proceso de liderazgo. En este contexto, el liderazgo auténtico emerge como una alternativa post-heroica y post-autoritaria a los modelos de liderazgo basados en el carisma A pesar de que la investigación en liderazgo auténtico crece diariamente, aún es necesario explorar qué factores contextuales afectan a la influencia del líder auténtico sobre sus seguidores. En este contexto, el objetivo general de esta tesis es contribuir a la investigación so…
Un nou enfocament en el lideratge del segle XXI
La noció segons la qual algunes persones poden ser primus inter pares (primer/a entre iguals) és potser el pilar fonamental de la nostra societat actual. La pregunta sobre qui hauria de ser el primer ha estat font de curiositat i inspiració per a religions, filòsofs i artistes. Malgrat això, la veritable pregunta no és tan sols qui ha de ser el primer, sinó també quines qualitats, valors o creences permeten que algú es destaque sobre els altres per guiar-los. En aquest treball desenvolupem teòricament certes característiques dels líders i de les organitzacions i l'impacte que tenen en la salut psicològica dels individus, i tot seguit presentem alternatives teòriques en funció dels avanços e…
Anxiety and the severity of Tension-Type Headache mediate the relation between headache presenteeism and workers’ productivity
The primary objective of this study was to explore the mechanisms and conditions whereby Tension-Type Headache (TTH) presenteeism relates to health-related loss of productivity as a result of both reduced physical and mental health. To this end, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to conduct a secondary data analysis of a randomized clinical trial involving 78 Tension-type Headache (TTH) patients. The results showed that TTH presenteeism did not directly relate to health-related loss of productivity, either due to physical, or mental health problems. However, through anxiety-state, TTH presenteeism decreased patients' productivity, as consequence of reduced physical and mental healt…