Jian Lu
Effect of residual stresses on torque behaviors of composite laminate
International audience
Determination of the residual stresses in composite laminate using the compliance method
Residual stresses play an important role on the mechanical behavior of composite laminate. The development of new methods to determine the residual stresses gradient within the laminates is necessary. This article presents the adaptation of the compliance method in the case of composite laminates carbon/epoxy [02/902]s. The incremental drilling of a constant width groove allows for each increment to measure the strains (using strain gages) and displacements (using an optical device) of particularly points of the structure surface. These experimental data are compared with results given by a finite elements simulation. This comparison allows to raise the residual stresses in the composite la…
Dependence between aging treatments and residual stresses on composite laminate
International audience; The objective of this paper is to study the influence of residual stresses due to fabrication conditions on the thermomechanical behavior of carbon/epoxy laminate structures (cross ply). These studied laminates have undergone various cycles of thermal aging. The addition of a post-cure cycle after the end of the initial cycle makes it possible to reduce the residual stresses level. The incremental hole-drilling method is used to measure the residual strain in the laminates. These measured strains and the numerical calibration coefficients obtained by the finite element method allow to calculating the residual stress distribution in composite depth. The obtained resul…
Optimisation de la méthode du trou incrémental pour la mesure des contraintes résiduelles dans les matériaux composites stratifiés
International audience
Bone and body segment lengthening and widening: a 7-year follow-up study in pubertal girls.
Abstract During growth bone increases in length and width as does the body size. The aim of this paper was to examine the growth pattern of body height and weight, and the width and length of various body segments, and to establish the timing of peak growth velocity (PV) in relation to time of menarche in a cohort of Finnish girls followed from age 10 until 18. The study was a 7-year longitudinal cohort study. Widths and lengths of body segments and bones were measured from DXA scan images using bone landmarks in 396 girls aged 10 to 13 years at baseline, and in 255 mothers and 159 grandmothers. The girls' growth velocities (rate of change with time) peaked at 13.5 months prior to menarche …
Examining the effect of adverse weather on road transportation using weather and traffic sensors.
Adverse weather related to reduced visibility caused by fog and rain can seriously affect the mobility and safety of drivers. It is meaningful to develop effective intelligent transportation system (ITS) strategies to mitigate the negative effects of these different types of adverse weather related to reduced visibility by investigating the effect of rain and fog on traffic parameters. A number of previous researches focused on analyzing the effect of adverse weather related to reduced visibility by using simulated traffic and weather data. There are few researchers that addressed the impact of adverse weather instances using real-time data. Moreover, this paper conducts comprehensive inves…
Élaboration et étude du comportement en compression d’un nouveau matériau composite : Métal Poreux Polymère Composite (MPPC)
International audience
Studies of residual stresses in composite laminates by the finite element method
International audience
Importance des contraintes résiduelles sur le comportement mécanique d'un composite stratifié
International audience
Determination of residual stresses in the case of composite laminate
International audience
Influence des paramètres expérimentaux sur la détermination des contraintes résiduelles par la méthode du trou incrémental
International audience
Nouvelle méthode de mesure des contraintes résiduelles dans les matériaux composites stratifiés
International audience
Influence of the residual stress on the mechanical behaviour of composite laminates during monotonous tensile and torque loading
International audience
Importance des contraintes résiduelles sur le comportement mécanique d’un composite stratifié
International audience