Johanna Kinnunen

Strength of sexual and postmating prezygotic barriers varies between sympatric populations with different histories and species abundances.

The impact of different reproductive barriers on species or population isolation may vary in different stages of speciation depending on evolutionary forces acting within species and through species' interactions. Genetic incompatibilities between interacting species are expected to reinforce prezygotic barriers in sympatric populations and lead to cascade reinforcement between conspecific populations living within and outside the areas of sympatry. We tested these predictions and studied whether and how the strength and target of reinforcement between Drosophila montana and Drosophila flavomontana vary between sympatric populations with different histories and species abundances. All barri…

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Direct and correlated responses to bi-directional selection on pre-adult development time in Drosophila montana.

Selection experiments offer an efficient way to study the evolvability of traits that play an important role in insects’ reproduction and/or survival and to trace correlations and trade-offs between them. We have exercised bi-directional selection on Drosophila montana flies’ pre-adult development time under constant light and temperature conditions for 10 generations and traced the indirect effects of this selection on females’ diapause induction under different day lengths, as well as on the body weight and cold tolerance of both sexes. Overall, selection was successful towards slow, but not towards fast development. However, all fast selection line replicates showed at the end of selecti…

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Latitudinal clines in the timing and temperature‐sensitivity of photoperiodic reproductive diapause in Drosophila montana

Reproductive diapause is a primary mechanism used by arthropods to synchronize their life cycle with seasonal changes in temperate regions. Our study species, Drosophila montana, represents the northern insect species where flies enter reproductive diapause under short day conditions and where the precise timing of diapause is crucial for both survival and offspring production. We have studied clinal variation in the critical day length for female diapause induction (CDL) and their overall susceptibility to enter diapause (diapause incidence), as well as the temperature sensitivity of these traits. The study was performed using multiple strains from four latitudinal clines of the species – …

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It takes the Entire University Community to Educate Students in Becoming Academics

Development of scientific thinking is considered an essential but challenging aim of academic studies. In practice, this challenge becomes evident when students begin preparing their theses. Therefore, proper guidance combined with suitable guidance methods are needed. The staff of university libraries face this daily challenge through students’ questions, which often start as ‘what’ questions and morph into ‘how’ questions. Based on these genuine necessities, a new collaborative model to implement guidance for students was developed at the Open Science Centre, Library at Jyväskylä University, Finland. The model is constructed of three intertwined principles: 1) strengthening student agency…

research product

Strength of sexual and postmating prezygotic barriers varies between sympatric populations with different histories and species abundances

The impact of different reproductive barriers on species or population isolation may vary in different stages of speciation depending on evolutionary forces acting within species and through species’ interactions. Genetic incompatibilities between interacting species are expected to reinforce prezygotic barriers in sympatric populations and lead to cascade reinforcement between conspecific populations living within and outside the areas of sympatry. We tested these predictions and studied whether and how the strength and target of reinforcement between Drosophila montana and Drosophila flavomontana vary between sympatric populations with different histories and species abundances. All barri…

research product

Reinforcement targets sexual or postmating prezygotic reproductive barriers depending on species abundance and population history

AbstractThe impact of different reproductive barriers on species or population isolation may vary in different stages of speciation depending on evolutionary forces acting within species and through species’ interactions. Genetic incompatibilities between interacting species are expected to reinforce prezygotic barriers in sympatric populations and create character displacement between conspecific populations living within and outside the area of sympatry. The outcome of reinforcement has been suggested to be affected by the strength of postzygotic barriers, the history of species coexistence, and the impact of species abundancies on females’ discrimination against heterospecific males. We …

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Avoimen tieteen ilmiöt tutkimustaitojen ytimessä

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Selection for reproduction under short photoperiods changes diapause-associated traits and induces widespread genomic divergence.

The work has been supported by the Academyof Finland to A.H. (project 267244) and Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) funding (NE/J020818/1 to M.G.R.; NE/L501852/1 to R.A.W.W.). The incidence of reproductive diapause is a critical aspect of life history in overwintering insects from temperate regions. Much has been learned about the timing, physiology and genetics of diapause in a range of insects, but how the multiple changes involved in this and other photoperiodically regulated traits are inter-related is not well understood. We performed quasinatural selection on reproduction under short photoperiods in a northern fly species, Drosophila montana, to trace the effects of photoper…

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Lisää imua tutkimustaitojen opetukseen : case: Tutkimusaineistojen hallinta opinnäytteessä

Korkeakouluopinnoissa on viime vuosina kiinnitetty enenevässä määrin huomiota perustutkinto-opiskelijoiden tutkimustaitojen systemaattiseen opetukseen. Uusimpana haasteena ovat tutkimusaineistojen hallinnan kysymykset, joihin kansallisella tasolla tuotetut ohjeet ja työkalut palvelevat lähinnä tutkijoita, joiden taitotaso riittää niiden soveltamiseen. Kehittämistyömme tuloksena tuotimme oppimateriaalin ja verkkokurssin, jotka auttavat opiskelijaa onnistumaan oman opinnäytteensä aineistonhallinnan suunnittelussa. nonPeerReviewed

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Liikuntalukkari : matalan kynnyksen harrasteliikuntaohjelman suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi

Kinnunen, J. 2018. Liikuntalukkari – Matalan kynnyksen harrasteliikuntaohjelman suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi. Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Liikunta¬peda¬go¬giikan pro gradu -tutkielma, 80s., 6 liitettä. Suomalaiset lapset ja nuoret liikkuvat liian vähän. Peruskoulun yhdeksäsluokkalaisista ainoastaan 10% täyttää päivittäisen minimiliikuntasuosituksen. Liikaa sitoutumista vaativa liikuntaharrastus menettää murrosiässä nuorten kiinnostuksen ja liikkuminen vähenee. Nykynuoret kaipaavat uudenlaisia liikkumisen mahdollisuuksia. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli luoda keskisuuren kaupungin lapsille ja nuorille ilmainen matalan kynnyksen harrasteliikuntaohjelma, ku…

research product

Data from: Strength of sexual and postmating prezygotic barriers varies between sympatric populations with different histories and species abundances

The impact of different reproductive barriers on species or population isolation may vary in different stages of speciation depending on evolutionary forces acting within species and through species’ interactions. Genetic incompatibilities between interacting species are expected to reinforce prezygotic barriers in sympatric populations and lead to cascade reinforcement between conspecific populations living within and outside the areas of sympatry. We tested these predictions and studied whether and how the strength and target of reinforcement between Drosophila montana and Drosophila flavomontana vary between sympatric populations with different histories and species abundances. All barri…

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Vastuullinen tiede ja tutkimusaineistojen hallinta opinnäyteprosessissa

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It takes the Entire University Community to Educate Students in Becoming Academics

Poster at The 8th Edition of The Future of Education International Conference. Florence, Italy, June 28-29, 2018. Development of scientific thinking is considered an essential but challenging aim of academic studies. In practice, this challenge becomes evident when students begin preparing their theses. Therefore, proper guidance combined with suitable guidance methods are needed. Based on students’ genuine necessities, a new collaborative model to implement guidance for students was developed at the Open Science Centre, Library at University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The model is constructed of three intertwined principles: 1) strengthening student agency, 2) producing diverse but explicit op…

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