Dario Baffari

Influence of Process Parameters on the Product Integrity in Friction Stir Extrusion of Magnesium Alloys

Friction Stir Extrusion is an innovative direct-recycling technology for metal machining chips. During the process a specifically designed rotating tool is plunged into a cylindrical matrix containing the scraps to be recycled. The stirring action of the tool prompts solid bonding related phenomena allowing the back extrusion of a full dense rod. This process results to be particularly relevant because allows the reuse of the scrap without any previous treatment. Experiments have been carried out in order to investigate the influence of the process parameters on the extrudes quality and a numerical model has been developed in order to simulate the evolution of the material flow.

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Al-SiC Metal Matrix Composite production through Friction Stir Extrusion of aluminum chips

Abstract The production of most mechanical component requires machining operation, thus usually implying the cut material to be wasted as scrap. Traditional recycling techniques are not able to efficiently recycle metal chips because of some critical aspects that characterize such kind of scraps (shape, oxide layers, contaminating residues, etc). Friction Stir Extrusion is an innovative solid state direct-recycling technique for metal machining chips. During the process, a rotating tool is plunged into a hollows matrix to compact, stir and finally, back extrudes the chips to be recycled in a full dense rod. This process results to be particularly relevant since no preliminary treatment of t…

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A numerical model for Wire integrity prediction in Friction Stir Extrusion of magnesium alloys

Abstract A numerical model for the prediction of the wire quality produced by the novel direct machining chip recycling technique known as Friction Stir Extrusion (FSE) is presented. Wire microstructure and wire integrity have been predicted by embedding in the code the equations enabling the calculation of the Zener-Hollomon parameter as well as the W parameter of the Pivnik-Plata solid bonding criterion. The proposed model, developed for the AZ31 magnesium alloy using the commercial simulation package DEFORM, is 3D Lagrangian, thermo-mechanically coupled with visco-plastic material behavior. The model was first validated against experimental temperature measurements and then used to predi…

research product

Energy demand reduction of aluminum alloys recycling through friction stir extrusion processes implementation

Abstract Aluminum alloys are characterized by high-energy demands for primary production. Recycling is a well-documented strategy to lower the environmental impact of light alloys production. Despite that, conventional recycling processes are still energy-intensive with a low energy efficiency. Also, permanent material losses occur during remelting because of oxidation. Recently, several solid-state recycling approaches have been analyzed; in fact, by avoiding the remelting step both energy and material can be saved and, therefore, the embodied energy of secondary production can be substantially reduced. In this paper, the solid-state approach Friction Stir Extrusion (FSE) is analyzed for a…

research product

Uncovering Technological and Environmental Potentials of Aluminum Alloy Scraps Recycling Through Friction Stir Consolidation

Conventional metal chips recycling processes are energy-intensive with low efficiency and permanent material losses during re-melting. Solid state recycling allows direct recycling of metal scraps into semi-finished products. It is expected that this process category would lower the environmental performance of metals recycling. Friction Stir Consolidation is a new solid-state technique taking advantage of friction heat generation and severe plastic deformation to consolidate chips into billets. In this research, the feasibility of Friction Stir Consolidation as aluminum chips recycling process is analyzed. Specifically, an experimental campaign has been carried out with varying main proces…

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Bonding prediction in friction stir consolidation of aluminum alloys: A preliminary study

Friction Stir Consolidation (FSC) is a solid-state process that results in consolidation of metal powders or chips producing solid billet through severe plastic deformation and the solid-state bonding phenomena. This process can be used both for primary production and for metal scrap recycling. During the FSC process, a rotating die is plunged into a hollow chamber containing the finely divided, unconsolidated material to be processed. In this paper, a FEM numerical model for the prediction of the quality of the consolidated billet is presented. In particular, a dedicated bonding criterion that takes into account the peculiar process mechanics of this innovative technology is proposed.

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Friction stir welding of dissimilar aluminium– magnesium joints: Sheet mutual position effects

Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid state welding process used to weld difficult to be welded or unweldable materials as aluminium alloys. In the last years, other materials have been successfully tested as magnesium, titanium and nickel based alloys. Dissimilar joints can be obtained by FSW, but issues arise concerning the correct choice of the process parameters. In the paper, the results of an experimental and numerical campaign aimed to produce dissimilar AZ31-AA6016-T6 butt joints are presented. The effect of sheet mutual position and main process parameters was investigated. It was found that intermetallics are the main cause of the poor quality of the joints. Sound joints can be p…

research product

A novel linear friction welding based approach for sheet-bulk joining

In the last decades, the development of new, flexible manufacturing processes caused the increase of the demands for highly customized complex functional parts in many industrial fields. The peculiar design of these components often overcome conventional sheet metal and bulk metal forming processes capabilities. In order to face this issue, new hybrid techniques, capable of exploit key advantages of different processes, have to be developed. In this paper, a novel approach based on the Linear Friction Welding process is proposed to obtain sheet-bulk joints. The feasibility of the technique on high specific strength alloys is investigated through an experimental campaign.In the last decades,…

research product

Aluminium sheet metal scrap recycling through friction consolidation

Abstract In the last decades, several direct-recycling techniques have been developed and investigated in order to avoid material remelting, typical of the conventional aluminum alloys recycling processes. Moreover, the remelting step for aluminum recycling is affected by permanent material losses. Solid-state recycling processes have proven to be a suitable strategy to face such issues. Friction Consolidation is an innovative solid state-recycling technology developed for metal chips. During the process, a rotating die is plunged into a hollow chamber containing the material to be processed. The work of friction forces decaying into heat soften the material and, together with the stirring …

research product

Design of continuous Friction Stir Extrusion machines for metal chip recycling: issues and difficulties

Abstract Friction Stir Extrusion is an innovative direct-recycling technology developed for metal machining chips. During the process, a rotating die is plunged into a cylindrical chamber containing the material to be recycled. The stirring action of the die prompts solid bonding phenomena allowing the back extrusion of a full dense rod. One of the main weakness of this technology is the discontinuity of the process itself that limits the extrudates volume to the capacity of the chamber. In order to overcome that limitation, a dedicated extrusion fixture has to be developed, keeping into account the concurrent needs of a continuous machine. The geometry of the die has to ensure proper press…

research product

Friction stir extrusion to recycle aluminum alloys scraps: Energy efficiency characterization

Abstract Solid state recycling refers to a group of processes allowing direct recycling of metals scraps into semi-finished product. Their main advantage lies in avoiding the molten state of the material which badly affects the environmental performance of the conventional (remelting based) recycling routes. It is expected that such process category would lower the environmental performance of metals recycling. In this paper, the friction stir extrusion process for aluminum alloy AA 2050 wire production is analyzed under the primary energy demand perspective. The process electrical energy demand is quantified with varying process parameters. An empirical modelling approach was applied and a…

research product

Experimental and numerical investigation on a new FSW based metal to composite joining technique

Abstract In the last decades, different techniques were proposed to join aluminum sheets with composites materials. Each of them has advantages and weak points over the others and new techniques and patents are continuously developed to overcome these difficulties. In this paper an experimental and numerical investigation on a new Friction Stir Welding based approach to mechanically join AA6082-T6 to self-reinforced polypropylene is presented. The aluminum sheet is pre-holed along both the sides of the weld line and a pinless tool generates the heat and pressure needed to prompt back-extrusion of the composite. New experimental fixtures and hole designs were investigated in order to enhance…

research product

Mechanical and metallurgical characterization of AA6082-T6 sheet-bulk joints produced through a linear friction welding based approach

In the last decades, new flexible manufacturing processes have been developed to face the demands, by many industrial fields, for highly customized complex functional parts. The peculiar design of these components often overcomes conventional sheet metal and bulk metal forming processes capabilities. In order to face this issue, new hybrid techniques, capable of exploit key advantages of different processes, have to be developed. In this study, a method to obtain sheet-bulk joints, based on the Linear Friction Welding process, is proposed. The feasibility of the technique was investigated through an experimental campaign carried out with varying pressure and oscillation frequency using AA60…

research product

Influence of processing parameters and initial temper on Friction Stir Extrusion of 2050 aluminum alloy

Abstract Friction Stir Extrusion is an innovative production technology that enables direct wire production via consolidation and extrusion of metal chips or solid billets. During the process, a rotating die is plunged into a cylindrical chamber containing the material to be extruded. The stirring action of the tool produces plastic flow in the extrusion chamber, densifying and heating the charge so that finally, fully dense rods are extruded. Experiments have been carried out in order to investigate the influence of process parameters and initial temper of the base material on the process variables and on the extrudates’ mechanical properties.

research product

Process mechanics in Friction Stir Extrusion of magnesium alloys chips through experiments and numerical simulation

Abstract Friction Stir Extrusion (FSE) is a novel process designed to directly recycle machining chips. An experimental campaign was carried out on AZ31 milling chips using variations in extrusion ratio, force and tool rotation rate. The process mechanics were studied and correlated to the material flow, which was elucidated through use of a copper marker. A 3D, Lagrangian, thermo-mechanically coupled dedicated numerical model was set up and validated through temperature measurements. The combination of experimental and numerical results permitted to reconstruct the complex 3D material flow induced by tool rotation and plunge into the extrusion billet chamber.

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Friction stir consolidation of aluminum machining chips

Friction stir consolidation (FSC) is a solid-phase manufacturing process that consolidates metal powder, chips, or scraps into solid blocks via severe plastic deformation and solid state welding. It has the potential to be a more economical and “green” process to recycle metal waste. In this study, solid discs were made from AA6061 aluminum alloy machining chips by FSC. The progression of the process was revealed by analyzing the motion of the tool, consolidating force, power history, and macro/microstructure of discs produced from a series of partial consolidation experiments. A bowl-shaped recrystallized zone in the vertical cross-sections of the disc products was observed and conside…

research product

Friction based Solid State Welding Techniques for Transportation Industry Applications

Abstract Solid bonding based processes represent an effective solution in terms of both joints mechanical performances and sustainability. In the last years, both the academic and the industrial researchers focused their work on two solid-state processes: Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Linear Friction Welding (LFW). The former, patented in 1991 by TWI, is used to weld sheet metal in different joint morphologies, i.e. butt, lap T and 3D joints. The latter has been known for several years, but a growing interest is observed in the last years due to the enhancement of the welding machines performances. LFW, used to join bulk components, is particularly suited for aeronautical and aerospace ap…

research product

Single block 3D numerical model for linear friction welding of titanium alloy

A two-stage approach for the simulation of Linear Friction Welding is presented. The proposed model, developed using the commercial simulation package DEFORM, is 3D Lagrangian, thermo-mechanically coupled. The first phase of the process was modelled with two distinct workpieces, while the remaining phases were simulated using a single-block model. The Piwnik–Plata criterion was set up and used to determine the shifting from the dual object to the single-block model. The model, validated against experimental temperature measurements, is able to predict the main field variables distributions with varying process parameters. Titanium alpha and beta phases evolution during the whole process has…

research product

An Innovative Friction Stir Welding Based Technique to Produce Dissimilar Light Alloys to Thermoplastic Matrix Composite Joints

Abstract Aluminum sheets can be joined to composite materials with different techniques. Each of them has advantages and weak points over the others. In literature, new techniques and patents are continuously developed to overcome these difficulties. In the paper a new Friction Stir Welding based approach is proposed to mechanically join AA6082-T6 to self-reinforced polypropylene. The aluminum sheet is pre-holed along both the sides of the weld line. A pinless tool generates the heat and pressure needed to activate back-extrusion of the composite. Joints have been produced with varying hole diameter and pitch. The mechanical resistance of the joint has been evaluated and the different failu…

research product

Lightweight Alloys Recycling and Processing through Innovative Friction Based Direct Technologies

In the last decades, the use of lightweight alloys has been spreading in almost any industrial field thanks to the relevant weight reduction allowed by the use of such materials. On the other hand, aluminium alloys are characterized by high-energy demands primary production cycles that are responsible for a relevant share of the global CO2 emissions. In order to limit and reverse such phenomenon, putting in place strategies to keep the material in the circle over multiple life cycles is mandatory and the concepts of circular economy, closed loop society and industrial symbiosis are progressively gathering more and more pace. Nevertheless, metal scraps are often mainly composed of chips resu…

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Friction based solid state welding techniques for transportation industry applications

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Influence of process parameters on the product integrity in friction stir extrusion of magnesium alloys

Friction Stir Extrusion is an innovative direct-recycling technology for metal machining chips. During the process a specifically designed rotating tool is plunged into a cylindrical matrix containing the scraps to be recycled. The stirring action of the tool prompts solid bonding related phenomena allowing the back extrusion of a full dense rod. This process results to be particularly relevant because allows the reuse of the scrap without any previous treatment. Experiments have been carried out in order to investigate the influence of the process parameters on the extrudes quality and a numerical model has been developed in order to simulate the evolution of the material flow.

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