Rafael Vila-candel

Relationship between maternal body mass index, gestational weight gain and birth weight: prospective study in a health department

Objetivo: Contrastar la relación que existe entre la ganancia de peso gestacional y el peso del recién nacido, entre cada categoría de IMC pregestacional. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional y descriptivo con muestreo bietápico en el Departamento de Salud de la Ribera (Valencia, España). Se clasificaron en cuatro grupos dependiendo del índice de masa corporal (IMC) pregestacional. Resultados: Se estudiaron 140 gestantes. La evolución de la ganancia de peso gestacional (GPG) y de sus gradientes trimestrales fue ascendente. Se produjo un mayor incremento del primer al segundo trimestre que del segundo al tercero para todas las categorías de IMC pregestacional. Según las recomendaciones …

research product

Nutritional Status and Risk Factors for Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older People: A Cross-Sectional Study

Objective: This study aims to assess the relationship that frailty has with nutritional status and functional risk factors in community-dwelling older adults. Methods: Cross-sectional study in community-dwelling older people, independent for walking and without impaired cognition. Frailty was assessed by Fried criteria. Nutritional status was analyzed by the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF), biochemical markers (albumin, total proteins, cholesterol, lymphocytes, and hemoglobin)

research product

Delay in the Diagnosis of Breast and Colorectal Cancer in People With Severe Mental Disorders

Background People with severe mental disorders have a worse cancer prognosis, with higher mortality rates than the general population, and this could be partially attributed to a later detection. Breast cancer and colorectal cancer have mass population screenings in Spain, but the influence in early diagnosis is unknown in persons with severe mental disorders. Objective To compare the severity of breast and colorectal cancers at diagnosis in people with and without mental disorders. Methods This was an observational, retrospective, case-control study with 1:2 matching performed in Eastern Spain. Data were retrieved for analysis from electronic medical records. Results The study included 111…

research product

Health literacy: A crucial determinant of vaccination decision-making

Our study exploring the influence of health literacy on influenza vaccination among pregnant women in Spain reflected how women with high health literacy were more likely to reject influenza vaccination than those with lower health literacy (Castro-Sánchez et al., 2018). Among the reasons for these women to reject the vaccine were feelings about its need, in isolation and compared with other immunizations, and claims of having received insufficient information. To mitigate such a gap, women with high health literacy would access a greater variety of information sources, including those promoting outlier or fringe opinions (Danchin et al., 2018, Vila-Candel et al., 2016b).

research product

A home-based exercise program focused on proprioception to reduce falls in frail and pre-frail community-dwelling older adults.

Frailty and falls are closely associated with each other as well as with disability, hospitalization, and death. Exercise can reduce these risks in both robust and frail older people. This before-after, non-randomized intervention study assessed a one-year proprioception training program with individual daily home exercises in 564 community-dwelling people aged 70 years and over, with different frailty phenotypes. After the exercise program, we observed a moderate reduction in the mean number of falls, fear of falls, body mass index and body fat percentage in frail and pre-frail participants. These results suggest that a home proprioception program may be a viable alternative to complex mul…

research product

Health-Related Quality of Life in Community-Dwelling Older People with Cognitive Impairment: EQ-5D-3L Measurement Properties

Background: Assessing quality of life (QoL) in older people with cognitive impairment is a challenge. There is no consensus on the best tool, but a short, user-friendly scale is advised. Objective: This study aimed to assess the psychometric properties of the self-reported and generic EQ-5D (including the EQ index and EQ visual analog scale [VAS]) in community-dwelling older adults with cognitive impairment. Methods: Cross-sectional study analyzing the feasibility, acceptability, reliability, and validity of the EQ-5D based on 188 self-administered questionnaires in a sample of community-dwelling older adults with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores of 10 to 24 points. Results: The …

research product

Manejo del parto, puerperio y lactancia en mujeres positivas por SARS-CoV-2. Estudio multicéntrico en la Comunidad Valenciana

Objetivo: Determinar las repercusiones maternas y perinatales de las gestantes con reacciónen cadena de la polimerasa positiva para SARS-CoV-2 durante el parto y el puerperio clínico.Método: Estudio observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo y multicéntrico realizado mediantela revisión de historias clínicas de las gestantes ingresadas por parto desde el 1 de marzo hastael 30 de junio de 2020.Resultados: Se analizaron 13 mujeres con reacción en cadena de la polimerasa positiva a SARS-CoV-2. La prevalencia de casos positivos fue del 0,48% sobre el total de partos atendidos en elperiodo de estudio. Ninguna de las madres desarrolló complicaciones derivadas de la infecciónpor COVID-19 ni necesitó…

research product

Determinants of seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnant women in Valencia, Spain

Background: In most countries the coverage of seasonal influenza vaccination in pregnant women is low. We investigated the acceptance, reasons for rejection and professional involvement related to vaccine information in pregnant women in Valencia, Spain. Methods: Observational retrospective study in 200 pregnant women, 100 vaccinated and 100 unvaccinated, were interviewed during the 2014/2015 vaccination campaign. Electronic medical records, immunization registry and telephone interviews were used to determine reasons for vaccination and immunization rejection. Results: 40.5% of pregnant women in the health department were vaccinated. The midwife was identified as source of information for …

research product

Influence of health literacy on acceptance of influenza and pertussis vaccinations: a cross-sectional study among Spanish pregnant women

Objectives: Immunisations against influenza and Bordetella pertussis infection are recommended to pregnant women in Valencia (Spain), yet vaccination rates remain low. Health literacy (HL) appears as a crucial factor in vaccination decision-making. We explored the relation between HL of pregnant women and decisions to receive influenza and pertussis immunisations. Setting: University hospital in Valencia (Spain). Participants: 119 women who gave birth at a hospital in Valencia (Spain) between November 2015 and May 2016. Women in the immediate postpartum period (more than 27 weeks of gestation), between November 2015 and May 2016 were included in the study. Women with impairments, language b…

research product

Adherence and concordance of vaccination coverage against influenza and pertussis in Spain.

Background: Pregnant women should receive two vaccines during pregnancy due to maternal-foetal complications and risks as well as the influenza and pertussis vaccinations. The goal was to evaluate vaccination coverage against influenza and pertussis in pregnant women, following midwife professional advice during the pregnancy follow-up; Methods: Prospective cohort study of 1017 pregnancies during the vaccination campaign in 2015-2016. To estimate the degree of consistency between the coverage declared by mothers and that registered in the Nominal Vaccination Registry (NVR), we used the Cohen's kappa index (k); Results: 95.4% were registered in the NVR. Vaccination coverage recorded against …

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