P. Valenti

How radical prostatectomy procedures have changed over the last 10 years in Italy: a comparative analysis based on more than 1500 patients participating in the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA and the Pros-IT CNR study

Purpose Therapeutic strategies for prostate cancer (PCa) have been evolving dramatically worldwide. The current article reports on the evolution of surgical management strategies for PCa in Italy. Methods The data from two independent Italian multicenter projects, the MIRROR-SIU/LUNA (started in 2007, holding data of 890 patients) and the Pros-IT-CNR project (started in 2014, with data of 692 patients), were compared. Differences in patients' characteristics were evaluated. Multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify characteristics associated with robot-assisted (RA) procedure, nerve sparing (NS) approach, and lymph node dissection (LND). Results The two cohorts did not …

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General Economic Order Quantity Model for Lot Sizing with Quality Loss and Process Analysis

In this paper a new model GEOQ is proposed to decide the optimal lot sizing in production. The GEOQ modifies the classical EOQ method in several aspects. First it considers that there is always a probability that the production goes out-of-control; then it takes the time the process goes out-of-control as a stochastic quantity; and finally it adds quality loss to the economic models. The quality loss is calculated according to Taguchi’s quadratic loss function. and depends on the process failure models. Therefore, the optimal lot sizing is decided not only by the set-up cost and the holding cost but also by the quality loss during the manufacturing process.

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The Effect of Process Evolution on Capability Study

In today manufacturing scenario the trend to produce with lower and lower tolerance and continuously decrease the defectives rate seems to be irreversible. Then the evaluation of system performances is essential to determine if the process is able to respect our tolerances. With the classical approach this evaluation is realised by considering the process in the in control state and evaluating the capability indices and, consequently, the defectives rate. In this paper the evolution of the process is considered in terms of the mean out-of-control-time, and the real defective rate is evaluated by proposing a new capability index.

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Il culto di Demetra e Kore era uno tra i più diffusi del mondo antico di cultura greca. Tuttavia, a causa della sua forte componente misterica, le modalità secondo le quali si articolavano alcuni riti ad esso connessi rimangono poco chiare e le fonti storiche ci forniscono poche e incerte informazioni in merito. Uno dei riti chiave avveniva durante le Tesmoforie, le principali feste in onore di Demetra e Kore, e consisteva nel rito del Megarizein. Il rituale prevedeva che dei maialini venissero gettati all’interno di cavità ipogee (megara) e che successivamente venissero recuperate le loro carcasse decomposte da offrire alle divinità. Qui presentiamo i risultati preliminari di un esperiment…

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Primi dati zooarcheologici dal santuario della Malophoros a Selinunte (TP). Firts Results from the Archaeozoological Study at the Sanctuary of Malophoros in Selinunte (TP)

Gli aspetti religiosi ricoprivano un ruolo essenziale nella vita degli antichi greci. Tale ritualità si esprimeva attra- verso un’articolazione multiforme e diversif icata, spesso di diff icile lettura per gli archeologi. Tuttavia, è possibile identif icare all’interno di queste pratiche religiose un denominatore comune nella presenza degli animali come principale offerta sacrif icale. Il presente lavoro riguarda i primi dati zooarcheologici provenienti dalle recenti ricerche che hanno interessato l’area del santuario della Malophoros a Selinunte. La nostra indagine si pone come obiettivo principale l’esplora- zione delle modalità sacrif icali utilizzate dagli antichi frequentatori del sant…

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