Bastian B. Brandt
Chiral dynamics in the low-temperature phase of QCD
We investigate the low-temperature phase of QCD and the crossover region with two light flavors of quarks. The chiral expansion around the point $(T,m=0)$ in the temperature vs. quark-mass plane indicates that a sharp real-time excitation exists with the quantum numbers of the pion. An exact sum rule is derived for the thermal modification of the spectral function associated with the axial charge density; the (dominant) pion pole contribution obeys the sum rule. We determine the two parameters of the pion dispersion relation using lattice QCD simulations and test the applicability of the chiral expansion. The time-dependent correlators are also analyzed using the Maximum Entropy Method, yie…
Towards the N_f=2 deconfinement transition temperature with O(a) improved Wilson fermions: An update
We give an update on our current project to determine the transition temperature and the order of the deconfinement transition in the chiral limit of two flavour QCD. We use nonperturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions of the Sheikholeslami-Wohlert type, employing the efficient deflation accelerated DDHMC algorithm. We start at lattices with N_t>=12 and pion masses below 600 MeV, aiming at chiral and continuum limits with light quarks.
Testing the strength of the UA(1) anomaly at the chiral phase transition in two-flavour QCD
We study the thermal transition of QCD with two degenerate light flavours by lattice simulations using $\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson quarks. Particular emphasis lies on the pattern of chiral symmetry restoration, which we probe via the static screening correlators. On $32^3$ volumes we observe that the screening masses in transverse iso-vector vector and axial-vector channels become degenerate at the transition temperature. The splitting between the screening masses in iso-vector scalar and pseudoscalar channels is strongly reduced compared to the splitting at zero temperature and is actually consistent with zero within uncertainties. In this proceedings article we extend our studies to …
Charge transport and vector meson dissociation across the thermal phase transition in lattice QCD with two light quark flavors
We compute and analyze correlation functions in the isovector vector channel at vanishing spatial momentum across the deconfinement phase transition in lattice QCD. The simulations are carried out at temperatures $T/T_c=0.156, 0.8, 1.0, 1.25$ and $1.67$ with $T_c\simeq203$MeV for two flavors of Wilson-Clover fermions with a zero-temperature pion mass of $\simeq270$MeV. Exploiting exact sum rules and applying a phenomenologically motivated ansatz allows us to determine the spectral function $\rho(\omega,T)$ via a fit to the lattice correlation function data. From these results we estimate the electrical conductivity across the deconfinement phase transition via a Kubo formula and find eviden…
Vector screening masses in the quark–gluon plasma and their physical significance
Static and non-static thermal screening states that couple to the conserved vector current are investigated in the high-temperature phase of QCD. Their masses and couplings to the current are determined at weak coupling, as well as using two-flavor lattice QCD simulations. A consistent picture emerges from the comparison, providing evidence that non-static Matsubara modes can indeed be treated perturbatively. We elaborate on the physical significance of the screening masses.
The pion quasiparticle in the low-temperature phase of QCD
We extend our previous studies [PhysRevD.90.054509, PhysRevD.92.094510] of the pion quasiparticle in the low-temperature phase of two-flavor QCD with support from chiral effective theory. This includes the analysis performed on a finite temperature ensemble of size $20\times 64^3$ at $T\approx 151$MeV and a lighter zero-temperature pion mass $m_{\pi} \approx 185$ MeV. Furthermore, we investigate the Gell-Mann--Oakes-Renner relation at finite temperature and the Dey-Eletsky-Ioffe mixing theorem at finite quark mass.
An estimate for the thermal photon rate from lattice QCD
We estimate the production rate of photons by the quark-gluon plasma in lattice QCD. We propose a new correlation function which provides better control over the systematic uncertainty in estimating the photon production rate at photon momenta in the range {\pi}T/2 to 2{\pi}T. The relevant Euclidean vector current correlation functions are computed with $N_{\mathrm f}$ = 2 Wilson clover fermions in the chirally-symmetric phase. In order to estimate the photon rate, an ill-posed problem for the vector-channel spectral function must be regularized. We use both a direct model for the spectral function and a model-independent estimate from the Backus-Gilbert method to give an estimate for the p…
Static and non-static vector screening masses
Thermal screening masses of the conserved vector current are calculated both in a weak-coupling approach and in lattice QCD. The inverse of a screening mass can be understood as the length scale over which an external electric field is screened in a QCD medium. The comparison of screening masses both in the zero and non-zero Matsubara frequency sectors shows good agreement of the perturbative and the lattice results. Moreover, at $T\approx 508\mathrm{MeV}$ the lightest screening mass lies above the free result ($2\pi T$), in agreement with the $\mathcal{O}(g^2)$ weak-coupling prediction.
On the strength of the U A (1) anomaly at the chiral phase transition in N f = 2 QCD
We study the thermal transition of QCD with two degenerate light flavours by lattice simulations using $O(a)$-improved Wilson quarks. Temperature scans are performed at a fixed value of $N_t = (aT)^{-1}=16$, where $a$ is the lattice spacing and $T$ the temperature, at three fixed zero-temperature pion masses between 200 MeV and 540 MeV. In this range we find that the transition is consistent with a broad crossover. As a probe of the restoration of chiral symmetry, we study the static screening spectrum. We observe a degeneracy between the transverse isovector vector and axial-vector channels starting from the transition temperature. Particularly striking is the strong reduction of the split…
QCD thermodynamics with two flavours of Wilson fermions on large lattices
We explore the phase diagram of two flavour QCD at vanishing chemical potential using dynamical O(a)-improved Wilson quarks. In the approach to the chiral limit we use lattices with a temporal extent of N_t=16 and spatial extent L=32,48 and 64 to enable the extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit with small discretisation effects. In addition to an update on the scans at constant \kappa, reported earlier, we present first results from scans along lines of constant physics at a pion mass of 290 MeV. We probe the transition using the Polyakov loop and the chiral condensate, as well as spectroscopic observables such as screening masses.
The pion quasiparticle in the low-temperature phase of QCD
We investigate the properties of the pion quasiparticle in the low-temperature phase of two-flavor QCD on the lattice with support from chiral effective theory. We find that the pion quasiparticle mass is significantly reduced compared to its value in the vacuum, by contrast with the static screening mass, which increases with temperature. By a simple argument, near the chiral limit the two masses are expected to determine the quasiparticle dispersion relation. Analyzing two-point functions of the axial charge density at non-vanishing spatial momentum, we find that the predicted dispersion relation and the residue of the pion pole are simultaneously consistent with the lattice data at low m…
Lattice QCD estimate of the quark-gluon plasma photon emission rate
We present a computation of the photon emission rate of the quark-gluon plasma from two-flavor lattice QCD at a temperature of 254 MeV, which follows up on the work presented in [1]. We perform a continuum extrapolation of the vector-current correlator, and consider a linear combination of the Lorentz indices corresponding to a UV-finite spectral function. To extract the spectral function from the lattice correlators, an ill-posed inverse problem, we model the spectral function with a Pad\'e ansatz. We further constrain our analysis by simultaneously fitting data with different momenta. We present results for a multi-momentum fit including the three smallest momenta available from our latti…
A relation between screening masses and real-time rates
Thermal screening masses related to the conserved vector current are determined for the case that the current carries a non-zero Matsubara frequency, both in a weak-coupling approach and through lattice QCD. We point out that such screening masses are sensitive to the same infrared physics as light-cone real-time rates. In particular, on the perturbative side, the inhomogeneous Schrodinger equation determining screening correlators is shown to have the same general form as the equation implementing LPM resummation for the soft-dilepton and photon production rates from a hot QCD plasma. The static potential appearing in the equation is identical to that whose soft part has been determined up…
Antiscreening of the Ampère force in QED and QCD plasmas
The static forces between electric charges and currents are modified at the loop level by the presence of a plasma. While electric charges are screened, currents are not. The effective coupling constant at long distances is enhanced in both cases as compared to the vacuum, and by different amounts, a clear sign that Lorentz symmetry is broken. We investigate these effects quantitatively, first in a QED plasma and secondly using non-perturbative simulations of QCD with two light degenerate flavors of quarks.
Two-flavour lattice QCD correlation functions in the deconfinement transition region
We report on a lattice QCD calculation with two dynamical flavors of the isovector vector correlator in the high-temperature phase. We analyze the correlator in terms of the associated spectral function by performing a fit for the difference of the thermal and vacuum spectral functions, using also an exact sum rule that constrains this difference. Additonally we carry out a direct fit for the thermal spectral function, and obtain good agreement between the two analyses for frequencies below the two-pion threshold. Under the assumption that the spectral function is smooth in that region, we give an estimate of the electrical conductivity.
Towards the N_f=2 deconfinement transition temperature with O(a) improved Wilson fermions
A lot of effort in lattice simulations over the last years has been devoted to studies of the QCD deconfinement transition. Most state-of-the-art simulations use rooted staggered fermions, while Wilson fermions are affected by large systematic uncertainties, such as coarse lattices or heavy sea quarks. Here we report on an ongoing study of the transition, using two degenerate flavours of nonperturbatively $\Ord(a)$ improved Wilson fermions. We start with $N_{t}=12$ and 16 lattices and pion masses of 600 to 450 MeV, aiming at chiral and continuum limits with light quarks.