Sergio Paternostro
La valutazione dei gruppi aziendali
La valutazione delle aziende sequestrate e confiscate alla criminalità organizzata
Il tema centrale del capitolo è la valutazione delle aziende sequestrate e confiscate alla criminalità organizzata. Tale valutazione si rende necessaria nelle varie fasi delle misure di prevenzione patrimoniale, anche perché prescritta da specifiche norme (il D.Lgs. n. 159/2011). Il contesto valutativo è tuttavia caratterizzato da numerosi ostacoli sia di natura aziendale (organizzativi, gestionali, di difficoltà al reperimento di dati e informazioni) che ambientale. I proficui contributi di dottrina e, di recente, la predisposizione di apposite linee guida, hanno offerto la definizione di un primo framework valutativo nell’ambito delle distinte fasi del sequestro e della confisca, ciascuna…
Determinants and consequences of the Anti-mafia entrepreneurial behavior: an empirical study on southern italian small-medium entreprises
In this study we question what determinants lead firms to adopt anti-mafia behaviors and whether firms adopting anti-mafia behaviors “pay the piper” for their conduct through reduced financial performance. A sub-sample of 111 Southern Italian Small and Medium Enterprises whose entrepreneurs have publicly opposed the mafia extortion was initially selected. By adopting a matched-pair design, anti-mafia firms were subsequently matched against a sub-sample of neutral firms. Determinants of anti-mafia behavior were investigated by using a regression logistic model in order to regress the anti-mafia choice on a set of financial, demographic, governance, and control variables. Performance and fina…
The role of social report for performance measurement of museums: an Italian survey from the web
This paper aims to explore the concept of performance in the museum field, in particular whether and how it could find an adequate representation through social reporting tools. The social reports, indeed, in non-profit and public sector organisations are typically considered the main tools for institutional communication. To investigate on this topic, we analyse the social reports of some Italian museums using the content analysis in order to understand how the performance is evaluated and communicated. The empirical findings show how the reports are not fully able to represent the performance of the museums.
Le osservazioni sui Bilanci e sulle Relazioni di Corporate Governance
Integrated reporting: a new approach or a change of label?
The aim of this paper is to provide insights into the early stage development of integrated reporting (IR). In particular, its purpose is to investigate whether it might represent a real new mode of corporate reporting or just a way to strengthen other financial and sustainability reports. The paper argues that connectivity of information is crucial to this distinction. Based on previous studies on corporate disclosure and on new research perspectives on IR, this paper shows the preliminary findings of a content analysis of the reports of a selected sample of companies. The first results that should be further researched highlight that more efforts need to be taken to shift IR from the trad…
The logic of the gift and the bonding value: a new perspective for business management
PurposeThis paper aims to conceptualize business relationships so as to include in these dimensions of both gift and gratuity, to develop the concept of “bonding value”, and to offer some ideas for the use of this within firms.Design/methodology/approachThe paper analyses the concept of “bonding value”, distinguishing it from the concepts of “exchange value” and “use value” that are normally used in business, and attempts to investigate its practical implications.FindingsThe paper shows how evaluating both the relationships within the organization and between firm and stakeholders in terms of “bonding value” can have effects on the economic, organizational and social aspects of a firm's act…
La rappresentazione dello sviluppo integrale: il percorso verso il bilancio integrato
Le operazioni straordinarie come strumenti per lo sviluppo delle aziende
Verso la rappresentazione e valutazione dello sviluppo delle aziende : i limiti dell'informativa economico-finanziaria e il contributo di alcuni approcci informativi complementari
Firms are dynamic entities in continuous change. This dynamism can lead to an improvement or worsening of the firm. Only in the first situation we can say that a firm is developing. The notion of firm's development does not have in literature an univocal interpretation and for this reason the first aim of the article is to illustrate an interpretation for a better understanding of this notion, which remains incomplete without appropriate instruments for the representation and evaluation of firm's development. The main purpose of this article is to reflect upon the manner to represent and to value this complex phenomenon. The analysis highlights, on the one hand, the limits of the financial …
Il percorso verso il report integrato. Tre prospettive a confronto
La crisi delle Università italiane: il Bilancio sociale può avere un ruolo per il suo superamento?
Per un dibattito in tema di Business Ethics a partire dalle riflessioni promosse da EBEN Italia
Verso la misurazione del valore “creato” dalle agenzie di sviluppo locale: il possibile contributo del bilancio sociale
Scheda dell’opera: Historia de la Contabilidad, los studios mercantiles y las escuelas de comercio di Francisco Morán Álvarez
Knowledge management in higher education: a literature review and further research avenues
Despite the growing interest in knowledge management (KM) for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), research on this topic is still fragmented and loosely focused. This paper adds to this research by providing a state-of-the-art of the current literature and outlining overlooked areas of investigation in order to address further studies towards bridging this gap. To this purpose, through a systematic review process, 121 articles have been coded and analysed according to distinct dimensions. Findings reveal that, despite the growing trend of papers on the topic, research on KM in HEIs is still in its embryonic stage with high levels of heterogeneity and lack of wider theoretical constructs. …
Le strategie di legittimazione in contesti complessi: il caso delle aziende operanti su terreni confiscati alla criminalità organizzata
Book review: The Routledge Companion to Accounting History. Edited by John Richard Edwards and Sthepen P. Walker, 2009 Routledge
Measuring and reporting confiscated firms' (social) business value
This study highlights the peculiar aspects of the business valuation process involving firms confiscated from the Mafia organisation, by pointing out some criteria to guide the selection of the appropriate valuation method. We identify some preliminary operational proposals for drawing up an effective valuation report taking social and ethical factors into account. Based on an empirical analysis carried out on a sample of Italian firm valuation reports publicly available, we find that the main business valuation choices are not explained in an in-depth manner and that there are many differences between the valuation reports and the prescriptive content proposed. Theoretical implications may…
Bene dell’azienda e il concetto di performance: aspetti teorici e valutativi
La partita doppia in Italia e in Spagna nel XVI secolo nelle opere di due autori: Angelo Pietra e Salvador Bartolomé de Solorzano
The purpose of this article is to examine the different application of double-entry book-keeping in Italy and Spain in the sixteenth century. The analysis is based on the comparison between two treatises: the former is Indirizzo degli economi (Mantova, 1586) written by the Benedictine monk Angelo Pietra, while the latter is Libro de caxa y manual de cuentas de mercaderes (Madrid, 1590) written by Salvador Bartolomé de Solorzano. These two admirable treatises realized in the end of sixteenth century can be considered as significant expressions of the state of the art of accounting culture in the two countries in this historical period. The comparative analysis has highlighted important evide…
Analysis of social performance and board of directors in family firms: evidence from quoted Italian companies
'This is a very business-like book in its approach. It has an impressive global reach in its authorship, focal areas and use of evidence; it hits all the major practical challenges of family firms in a spirit that is fresh and current; and it deals with the cutting-edge themes and issues that are uppermost in the minds of owners, executives, advisors and researchers in the field.' - Nigel Nicholson, London Business School, UK, author, Managing the Human Animal, Family Wars and The 'I' of Leadership. © Kosmas X. Smyrnios, Panikkos Zata Poutziouris and Sanjay Goel 2013. All rights reserved.
L'accountability nell'azienda integrale. Prime riflessioni sulla valenza informativa del bilancio integrato
Rappresentazione e valutazione dello sviluppo aziendale
Sustainability standard setting as local government matter: an Italian experience
ABSTRACTSustainability is a globally targeted concept widely debated in the literature, but still seeking a commonly agreed operationalization within applicable standards. The role of standard setter is commonly played by multi-stakeholder international organizations aiming at offering sound solutions for all kind of organizations, while what could be the role of a local government (LG) as sustainability standard setter and how this could impact on the definitions, rubrics, and measurement of sustainability is currently under-investigated. The case of an Italian LG already acting as standard setter allows to understand the reasons for, the strengths and the weaknesses of territorially bound…
Talune riflessioni sulla possibile integrazione tra strumenti informativi eterogenei per una comunicazione responsabile e trasparente tra azienda e stakeholder
L’applicazione della partita doppia in Italia e in Spagna nel XVI secolo documentata dalle opere di due autori: Angelo Pietra e Salvador Bartolomè de Solorzano
Cambiamento del modello contabile: esame degli effetti in una PMI
Quali effetti produce il cambiamento del modello contabile in azienda? Quali sono le ripercussioni a livello di controllo di gestione? Si analizza il caso di una PMI ponendo a confronto il bilancio redatto in base alla normativa e ai principi contabili nazionali con quello redatto in base all’«IFRS for SMEs» effettuando opportune considerazioni sulle risultanze riscontrate.
Controllo di gestione e financial reporting nelle PMI
La participación de los grupos de interés como instrumento de responsabilidad social corporativa. El caso de las pequeñas y medianas empresas familiares
In this paper we analyze the characteristics of stakeholder engagement in small and medium-sized family enterprises (SMFEs). The paper aims to understand the reason, the meaning and the manner to involve stakeholders in this kind of firm. The stakeholder engagement has been linked with corporate social responsibility, stating that firm that take initiatives to engage its stakeholders can be described as socially responsible. This claim is not always acceptable because we have to understand when the different forms of stakeholder engagement are consistent with the concept of corporate social responsibility. The focus in SMFEs is justified, on the one hand, for its specific characteristics an…
The Connectivity of Information for the Integrated Reporting
The purpose of this chapter is to shed light on the guiding principle of connectivity of information which the Integrated Reporting Framework presents as a way of translating the integrated thinking into action. In doing so, the chapter moves from the analysis of the main reports that are a source of information for Integrated Reporting, defining them as “partial” reports because they represent only a part of the comprehensive value creation story. The ways in which these reports are aggregated and/or integrated during the process of construction of an Integrated Report have the potential to affect the level of connectivity of information. In addressing these issues, the chapter proposes th…
Le metodologie di base per i processi valutativi connessi alle operazioni straordinarie
I compensi degli amministratori: analisi della disclosure nei bilanci delle società italiane quotate
This paper analyses the disclosure on the directors’ remuneration, whose primary role in a company, makes their information of particular interest to different stakeholders. The authors’ aim is to investigate the official documents (for 2009) of the 50 most capitalized listed Italian companies, in order to verify the compulsory and/or voluntary disclosure provided about the remuneration paid to their directors. The findings will be summarized in a disclosure index whose correlation with some parameters (selected on the basis of specific research hypothesis) concerning board structure and company size will be assessed.
Scheda dell’opera: Scritti in onore di Sergio Terzani, (AA.VV.), Milano, Franco Angeli, 2010
Il ruolo del bilancio sociale nelle università pubbliche italiane
Il sostegno finanziario a sostegno dell'innovazione eco-compatibile tra forme tradizionali e moderne
Exploring the determinants of anti-mafia entrepreneurial behaviour: an empirical study on southern Italian SMEs
This study analyses organized crime from an economic perspective and highlights the crucial role of extortion in mafia activities. From an economic viewpoint, we debate the conditions that lead companies to resist mafia extortion. To study the reactions of firms to extortion, we adopt an institutional perspective and consider the contribution of different theories in the socially responsible behaviour and organized crime literature, in an attempt to understand this complex entrepreneurial behaviour better. A sample of 116 southern Italian SMEs, whose entrepreneurs have publicly opposed mafia extortion, was selected. By adopting a matched-pair design, anti-mafia firms were subsequently match…
L’influenza del governo della dimensione socio-politica sulla sopravvivenza e sviluppo delle aziende
This paper analysis the socio-political dimension of the firm, focusing the attention on how it affects the survival and development of the firm. In particular, the article emphasizes that in some conditions the management of the socio-political dimension is a necessity to the firm, whereas in other is a discretionary choice due to a particular conception of development.
Influence of board of directors on firm performance: Analysis of family and non-family firms
This article analyses how board structure can affect both financial and social performance, comparing family and non-family firms. Our theoretical framework is based on the integration of the agency theory, traditionally used in the analysis of the impact of the board on the firm's financial performance, with the stakeholder theory, which is more appropriate in the analysis of the social aspects of the firm. Three main aspects are addressed: the analysis of the firm's social performance; the integration of agency theory with stakeholder theory; and the study of the specific characteristics of family firms' boards. The research confirms that neither the agency theory nor the stakeholder theo…