F. Spatafora

Ceramica a vernice nera di età ellenistica da siti della Sicilia occidentale. Considerazioni tipologiche e analisi archerometriche

Il contributo intende illustrare i risultati che è possibile raggiungere nell’esaminare dal punto di vista archeometrico precise forme ceramiche – e non semplici frammenti – a vernice nera, integrando le osservazioni di natura tipologica con i dati ottenuti dalla caratterizzazione mineralogica, petrografica e chimica degli impasti. I campioni provengono da quattro diversi siti della Sicilia nord-occidentale, e appartengono a due forme ben distinte, una coppa-skyphoide di produzione locale/regionale di fine IV-III sec. a.C., ed una patera di II-I sec. a.C. prodotta prevalentemente in Campana A, ma imitata forse anche da officine locali. Le analisi hanno permesso di discriminare in modo ogget…

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The indigenous settlement of Monte Iato (western Sicily): an ethnoarchaeometric approach for outlining local Archaic ceramic productions

AbstractAn ethnoarchaeometric approach has been followed to identify the textural and compositional characteristics of the ceramic pastes produced in ancient Iaitas/Ietas, an indigenous site located in western Sicily on Monte Iato, a few tens of kilometres from Palermo. This approach was primarily motivated by the lack of discovered Archaic kilns or production sites/workshops and the inability to identify reference groups. Raw clays were sampled in the territory of San Cipirello and San Giuseppe Iato (today’s municipalities both sited on the northern slopes of Monte Iato), together with representative historic tiles and bricks locally produced until fairly recently. Grain-size analysis and …

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Application of the Wood model to lactation curves of Comisana sheep

Abstract Ninety-two ewes of the Comisana breed were used in a study to verify the forecasting capacity of the mathematical model proposed by Wood for fitting sheep data, and to evaluate the effect of the environmental factors affecting the parameters of the lactation curve. The Wood model underestimated the total lactation milk production with an error margin of 12.2 ± 7.8 kg of milk corresponding to 10.9 ± 6.6%. There was a strong influence of order of lambing × lambing season interaction on the lactation parameters. The curves for the winter lambing ewes demonstrated a higher peak production than autumn lambing ewes (1728.4 vs. 1082.6 g, P ≤ 0.05 for the second lambing ewes and 1772.8 vs.…

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Il ruolo dell’odontoiatra nella medicina estetica: norme e indicazioni

Riassunto Obiettivi Scopo del lavoro e valutare al laureato in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria se sia consentito attuare trattamenti di Medicina Estetica del volto prospettati per modulare gli effetti negativi dell’invecchiamento e, al contempo, analizzare i cambiamenti estetici delle strutture periorali associati all’eta. Materiali e metodi Vengono descritti sinteticamente quali trattamenti coinvolgono clinicamente la professione odontoiatrica, con particolare riguardo alle infiltrazioni di tossina botulinica e di filler o volumizzanti, con un cenno anche agli aspetti civilistici e assicurativi correlati a tali trattamenti. Risultati e conclusioni Nell’ultimo decennio si e registrato un im…

research product

Ceramic Production in the Indigenous Settlement of Entella (Western Sicily) During the Archaic Age

Indigenous fine tablewares (both plain and with painted geometric patterns/decorations) were widely diffused in western and central Sicily between the seventh and the fifth centuries BC (Gargini 1995; Spatafora 1996; Trombi 1999; Campisi 2003 However, the considerable recurrence of shapes and decorative subjects inhibits the identification of specific production centres merely on the basis of stylistic and morphological analyses. Therefore, the extent of the distribution of objects manufactured in different workshops cannot be fully appreciated, and the network of ceramic trade in Archaic Sicily is acknowledged only in terms of the relationships between the Phoenician and Greek colonies and…

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Abstract. The research focuses on the contribution of the integrated application of Computer Aided Restoration digital procedures as a means to guide the integration measure of an artifact, innovating and implementing the traditional investigation methods. The aim of the study was to provide effective geometrical-formal investigation tools in the frame of the conservation work of Zeus enthroned from Soluntum, conserved in the Archaeological Museum “A. Salinas” of Palermo. The paper describes the workflow of the 3D acquisition and graphical modeling with non-invasive digitalization and high information density techniques to assist the conservation of the legs of the throne, especially the in…

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Ceramica a vernice nera di età ellenistica da siti della Sicilia nord-occidentale : considerazioni tipologiche ed analisi archeometriche

In questo studio sono state integrate osservazioni tipologiche, condotte su forme a vernice nera rinvenute a Palermo, Termini Imerese, Monte Iato e Marineo, con i dati ricavati dalla caratterizzazione mineralogica, petrografica e chimica degli impasti. I 55 campioni selezionati appartengono a due forme : un piatto («Lamboglia 36 » , serie 1310-1320 di J.-P. Morel), tra i più comuni nella Campana A di I e II secolo a. C. ; ed una coppa di produzione locale o regionale, attestata (fine IV-III secolo a. C.) in insediamenti della Sicilia nord-occidentale, che è stata utilizzata anche come «gruppo di riferimento » chimicopetrografico. Sono stati distinti due gruppi composizionali, da ascrivere u…

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Production technology of early-hellenistic lime-based mortars originating from a punic-Roman residential area in palermo (sicily)

The topic of this study is the mineralogical and petrographic characterization of lime-based mortars of Hellenistic-Roman age (3rd century BCE), collected from a residential area located in the present historical centre of Palermo, near the remains of the Punic-Roman walls. The collected mortars have been analyzed by optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction analysis and scanning electron microscopy, coupled with energy-dispersive spectrometry. The aim of the study was the characterization of the mortars as pertaining to their aggregate and binder composition, aggregate size distribution and aggregate/binder ratio, so as to establish the provenance of raw materials and acquire informatio…

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