Francesco Paolo Faraone
Ecologia trofica di una popolazione alloctona di Xenopo liscio, Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802), in Sicilia
Food Habits of the Javelin Sand Boa Eryx jaculus (Linnaeus 1758; Serpentes, Erycidae) in Sicily, Italy
The Javelin Sand Boa, Eryx jaculus, is reported to be a predator of mammals, lizards and their eggs, and occasionally of birds and invertebrates, but data on its diet are scarce and fragmentary. Here we describe some aspects of the feeding behavior of E. jaculus on the Mediterranean island of Sicily. A total of 132 individual snakes were examined. Prey remains were found in 43% of them, both in their feces (82.5%) and gut contents (17.5%). The number of snakes observed and their feeding rate decreased in August, probably as a result of the relatively higher temperatures. Feeding rate increases were observed in adult females in September, perhaps to enhance body reserves before hibernation. …
Caratterizzazione fenotipica, analisi biometrica e stima della popolazione di Lucertola campestre di Isola Bella (Podarcis sicula medemi Mertens, 1942)
Feeding habits of the Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus during the breeding period in Central Italy
Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus is the only snake eagle that nests in the Palearctic. Its diet has been studied in several European countries and it is essentially based on reptiles. The aims of this work were to characterise the feeding habits of Short-toed Eagle breeding in the Tolfa Mountains (Central Italy) including a comparison of the diet with that of other populations. Moreover, we assessed changes in the diet of the former population using published data collected more than 35 years ago. We monitored five nests and three roosts between 2020 and 2021. Using camera traps and the collection and analysis of feeding remains, a total of 247 prey items were identified. The diet of the…
Indagine su due popolazioni di rana verde (Pelophylax synklepton hispanicus) della Sicilia occidentale
Analisi dell’rDNA 12S nelle relazioni sistematiche della Lucertola campestre (Podarcis sicula) in Italia.
Indagini sulla variazione fenotipica in ambienti insulari e microinsulari delle specie di Podarcis Wagler, 1820 (Reptilia, Lacertidae) presenti in Sicilia e in alcune isole circumsiciliane.
Can the introduction of Xenopus laevis affect native amphibian populations? Reduction of reproductive occurrence in presence of the invasive species
Biological invasions are regarded as a form of global change and potential cause of biodiversity loss. Xenopus laevis is an anuran amphibian native to sub-Saharan Africa with strong invasive capacity, especially in geographic regions with a Mediterranean climate. In spite of the worldwide diffusion of X. laevis, the effective impact on local ecosystems and native amphibian populations is poorly quantified. A large population of X. laevis occurs in Sicily and our main aim of this work was to assess the consequences of introduction of this alien species on local amphibian populations. In this study we compare the occurrence of reproduction of native amphibians in ponds with and without X. lae…
Seasonal variation in color of the sicilian wal lizard Podarcis wagleriana.
Diversity and Distribution of the Inland Water Decapods of Sicily (Crustacea, Malacostraca)
The current knowledge of Sicilian inland water decapod malacostracans is scarce and an updated synopsis on species distribution is lacking. Therefore, we reviewed the checklist and recent distribution of Sicilian inland water decapods based on published and unpublished records and novel observations with the aim of providing an exhaustive repository, also to be used as a sound baseline for future surveys. Overall, five native decapod species occur in the study area, i.e., the atyid shrimp Atyaephyra desmarestii, the palaemonid shrimps Palaemon adspersus, P. antennarius, and P. elegans, and the freshwater crab Potamon fluviatile, and their current local distributions are described. In additi…
The genetic identity of the only Italian population of the genus Macroprotodon Guichenot, 1850 on the island of Lampedusa, Sicily
The only Italian population of false smooth snakes is found on Lampedusa, a small island located in the Sicilian Channel and part of the African continental shelf. The taxonomic identity of this population is currently uncertain, although it is most often attributed to Macroprotodon cucullatus textilis on a morphological basis. We present here the first genetic data on this population. The analysis carried out on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene shows that the Lampedusan false smooth snake belongs to a clade shared with a single sample from central Tunisia. The genetic distance between this lineage and its sister group (M. abubakeri) is comparable to or higher than that found among many …
Tracking the invasion of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda Cambaridae) in Sicily: a “citizen science” approach
Author(s): Faraone, Francesco Paolo; Giacalone, Gabriele; Canale, Domenica Emanuela; D'Angelo, Stefania; Favaccio, Giorgio; Garozzo, Vincenzo; Giancontieri, Giacoma Lidia; Isgro, Carmelo; Melfi, Raffaella; Morello, Bruno; Navarria, Federica; Russo, Giuseppe; Tinnirello, Viviana; Torre, Antonio; Torre, Daniele; Torre, Giancarlo; Urso, Giuseppe; Vinci, Pierluigi; Zizzo, Maria Grazia; Marrone, Federico | Abstract: The first record of the red swamp crayfish in Sicily dates back to 2003 and, since then, the species seemed to be confined to a few localities in western Sicily. A small “citizen science” project carried out from November 2016 onwards led to the creation of the “Sicilian Procambarus …
An updated dichotomous key to the snakes of Europe
This work presents an updated dichotomous key to all snake species of Europe, based on morphological, morphometric and distributional characters. It gathers data from both the last dichotomous keys concerning European snake species and every following paper giving updates on taxonomic classification or the occurrence of new allochthonous species. The key includes 58 snake taxa, including 57species and one still unnamed taxon, distributed on the European territory, and photographic material for each species. The aim of this paper is to make the identification of all European snake species through a single manuscript more accessible, not only for researchers, but also for citizen science, thu…
Dieta di una popolazione di xenopo liscio introdotta in Sicilia
The large invasive population of Xenopus laevis in Sicily, Italy
AbstractThe worldwide spread of invasive species is considered to be one of the main causes of global amphibian declines and the loss of biodiversity in general. The African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis, shows a strong ability to establish populations and invade various geographic regions. In 2004 X. laevis was found in Sicily for the first time. The Sicilian population is probably the largest in Europe with a range of about 225 km2 in an area characterized by numerous agricultural ponds. This high density of ponds has potentially facilitated the dispersal of X. laevis. The frogs can move far from rivers or watercourses by utilizing the ponds as suitable "islands". The analysis of their diet…
Is the painted frog Discoglossus pictus a declining species in Italy? On the reliability of a distributional atlas approach
The conservation status of amphibians is often assessed using public databases because of a lack of up-to-date field data. However, it is crucial that this kind of data is used carefully, evaluating the reliability and the consistency of the information. In Italy, the conservation status of the painted frog, Discoglossus pictus, was recently assessed using public databases, and the outcome highlighted a worrying situation for the species. We analyzed the reliability of these conclusions and reassessed the status of the painted frog, taking into account its insular distribution and new data of species occurrence. Our results contrast with the previous analysis and show how an incautious use …
A non-native population of Xenopus laevis in Sicily feeding during the riproductive period
The European Pine Marten Martes martes (Linnaeus, 1758) Is Autochthonous in Sicily and Constitutes a Well-Characterised Major Phylogroup within the Species (Carnivora, Mustelidae)
No molecular data are currently available for the Sicilian populations of the European pine marten Martes martes, thus preventing any sound inference about its native or non-native status on the island, as well as the local phylogeography of the species. In order to investigate these issues, we sequenced two mtDNA markers in road-killed specimens collected in Sicily. Both markers consistently demonstrated the existence of a well-characterised Sicilian clade of the species, which is endemic to the island and constitutes the sister group of a clade including the Mediterranean and Central–North European major phylogroups of the European pine marten. Such evidence supports the autochthony of Ma…
Preliminary Data about diet and distribution of allochthonous population of Xenopus laevis (DAUDIN, 1802) in Sicily.
Ophiophagy in Coronella austriaca: first case of predation on Hierophis viridiflavus and first direct observations of predation on Vipera aspis
We describe some cases of ophiophagy behaviour in Coronella austriaca
Evaluation of potential expansion of the alien invasive species Xenopus laevis in Sicily and possible implication for native amphibian populatios.
Xenopus laevis in Sicilia: areale, invasività e impatto
Le specie alloctone in Italia: censimenti, invasività e piani di azione
First record of hypopigmentary anomaly in the Moorish gecko Tarentola mauritanica with an overview of the cases reported for wild geckos
We report the first record of hypopigmentary anomaly in the Moorish gecko
Caratterizzazione e discriminazione biometria tra Lucertola campestre Podarcis sicula e Lucertola di Wagler Podarcis wagleriana.
First records of defensive tail vibration in the Italian Aesculapian Snake, Zamenis lineatus (Camerano, 1891)
We report for the first time defensive tail vibration in the Italian Aesculapian Snake, Zamenis lineatus (Camerano, 1891)
Identification and potential origin of invasive clawed frogsXenopus(Anura: Pipidae) in Sicily based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
African clawed frogs of the widespread polytypic species Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 (ranging large parts of sub-Saharan Africa) have been spreading since the 1940s, and have established reproductive populations in Europe, Asia and the Americas, where they can have negative impact as competitors of native amphibians and as disease vectors for chytridomycosis or ranaviruses. Here we use two mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 16S rDNA) and one nuclear (RAG 1: Recombination Associated Gene 1) DNA markers to infer the potential origin of invasive clawed frogs from Sicily that represent the largest invasive population in Europe. Identical mtDNA haplotypes match with those of Xenopus laevis, and Sicili…
In snakes, melanism can improve thermoregulation efficiency, reproductive success and provide additional protection to internal organs from solar radiation. For these reasons, such conditions could be beneficial for animals living in both cold and warm environments. For widely distributed species of grass snake (genus Natrix), several single encounters of melanic individuals are reported in the literature. In the period 2015-2021 a significant number of unpublished observations of melanic Natrix helvetica and N. natrix were collected on the Italian territory and integrated with bibliographic data. The present work illustrates the chromatic variation within melanic individuals and investigat…
Vipera aspis hugyi (Southern Italian Asp) Coloration
We report the first observation of concolor coloration in Vipera aspis hugyi
Primi dati sul comportamento alimentare di Bufo siculus Stöck et al., 2008
Una nuova popolazione isolata di xenopo liscio in Sicilia sud-occidentale
African clawed frog is a sub-saharan native anuran that has been introduced in various states of the old and the new world. The only Italian population of this species is located in western Sicily, and it is known as the European clawed frog population with wider distribution area. This paper describes a new Sicilian population of this species, and sets out to verify the effective isolation from the currently known distribution. The new site is a disused swimming pool, located near the mouth of the Belice River (province of Trapani), 31 km away from the nearest edge of the African clawed frog distribution area. To test whether this new population is the result of natural expansion of its ra…
Aliens Coming by Ships: Distribution and Origins of the Ocellated Skink Populations in Peninsular Italy
The ocellated skink (Chalcides ocellatus) is a widespread lizard, naturally distributed between the Maghreb and coastal Pakistan, with few insular populations in the Mediterranean coastal area. Some populations of this species have also been recorded in peninsular Italy, Campania and Southern Tuscany due to accidental introductions via touristic and commercial routes. In this work, we conducted genetic analyses on mitochondrial DNA COXI, cytb and 16S mtDNA genes on a sample of Italian insular and peninsular populations. Differently from what previously suggested, the nucleus in Portici (Southern Italy) may have originated from Sardinia. The intense trade and touristic traffic between Sardin…
Valutazione preliminare dell’impatto di Xenopus laevis sulle popolazioni di Anfibi siciliani
First documented cases of defensive biting behaviour towards humans by the Italian Barred Grass Snake, Natrix helvetica sicula (Cuvier, 1829)
We report the first documented cases of defensive biting behaviour towards humans by the Italian Barred Grass Snake,
Coronella austriaca (Smooth snake) and Zamenis longissimus (Aesculapian Snake) Defensive Behavior
We report for the first time caudal vibrating defensive behavior in Coronella austriaca e Zamenis longissimus