

Is the painted frog Discoglossus pictus a declining species in Italy? On the reliability of a distributional atlas approach

Francesco LilloFrancesco LilloFrancesco Paolo FaraoneFrancesco LilloFrancesco Paolo FaraoneMario Lovalvo


AmphibianbiologyEcologyField dataSettore BIO/05 - Zoologiabiology.organism_classificationFisheryamphibian conservation amphibian decline Discoglossus pictus distribution atlas Sicilybiology.animalPainted frogDiscoglossusConservation statusAnimal Science and ZoologyEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics


The conservation status of amphibians is often assessed using public databases because of a lack of up-to-date field data. However, it is crucial that this kind of data is used carefully, evaluating the reliability and the consistency of the information. In Italy, the conservation status of the painted frog, Discoglossus pictus, was recently assessed using public databases, and the outcome highlighted a worrying situation for the species. We analyzed the reliability of these conclusions and reassessed the status of the painted frog, taking into account its insular distribution and new data of species occurrence. Our results contrast with the previous analysis and show how an incautious use of public databases can lead to inaccurate assessment of the amphibian conservation status.
