Alexander Kredel
3d/4f Sandwich Complex Based on Metallacrowns.
A novel lanthanide double-decker complex with nickel metallacrowns (MCs) as coordinating ligands has been synthesized. In the 3d/4f metallacrown complex TbIII[12-MCNiIIN(shi)-4]2, the central lanthanide ion is sandwiched between two [12-MC-4] units, forming an almost ideal square-antiprismatic coordination sphere. The resulting zenithal angles at the central lanthanide ion are smaller than those for previously reported sandwich compounds. Magnetic measurements reveal an energy barrier of 346 K under zero field and up to 585 K under 3200 Oe, the highest reported for metallacrowns with D4d symmetry.
CCDC 2093069: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination
Related Article: Andreas Rauguth, Alexander Kredel, Luca M. Carrella, Eva Rentschler|2021|Inorg.Chem.|60|14031|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c01356