Estefanía Estévez

Ajuste psicosocial en agresores, víctimas puras y víctimas agresivas en la escuela.

En el presente estudio se examinan las diferencias entre cuatro categorías de adolescentes –agresores, víctimas puras, víctimas agresivas y estudiantes no implicados en problemas comportamentales o de victimización en la escuela– en relación con la autoestima, la sintomatología depresiva, el estrés percibido, el sentimiento de soledad, y una medida general de satisfacción con la vida. Los participantes fueron 1.319 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre los 11 y los 16 años (47% chicos) y escolarizados en siete centros públicos de enseñanza secundaria ubicados en Valencia (España). Los análisis de varianza indicaron la existencia de diferencias significativas entre las cuatro categorías…

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Ambiente comunitario y actitud hacia la autoridad: relaciones con la calidad de las relaciones familiares y con la agresión hacia los iguales en adolescentes

El objetivo del presente estudio es explorar las relaciones entre la calidad de las relaciones familiares, la percepción del ambiente comunita-rio y la actitud de los adolescentes hacia la autoridad (policía, profesores) y normas sociales, en la predicción del bienestar subjetivo y un problema conductual de actualidad como es la agresión hacia los iguales. Para poner a prueba estas relaciones múltiples se ha utilizado una muestra de 554 adoles-centes de ambos sexos con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años. Los datos se recogieron en dos tiempos con un intervalo temporal de 6 me-ses y se analizaron mediante el cálculo de modelos de ecuaciones estructu-rales, incluyendo un análisis …

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The relationships of adolescent school‐related deviant behaviour and victimization with psychological distress: Testing a general model of the mediational role of parents and teachers across groups of gender and age

Deviant behaviour and victimization at school have been consistently related to poor psychological adjustment in adolescents. This research explores the mediating role that parents and teachers have in adolescent psychological distress in 973 Spanish students aged 11-16 years old. Structural equation analyses results showed that adolescent deviant behaviour and victimization were positively related to psychological distress as seen by the total effects. However, while victimization was directly related to psychological distress, the association of deviant behaviour and psychological distress was mediated by adolescent-parent communication and adolescent-teacher relationships. Multigroup ana…

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Ajuste psicosocial en adolescentes populares agresivos y rechazados agresivos en el colegio

The purpose of the present study was to compare the profiles of aggressive adolescents who differed in social status in the classroom, popular vs. rejected, with those of adolescents of average sociometric status without documented behavior problems. The characteristics compared related to intra-individual, family, school, and social domains. A sample of 457 adolescents, aged 11 to 18 years old (48% girls), participated in the study. Differences between groups were examined via a series of multivariate analyses of variance and discriminant function analyses. Results indicated that although aggressive popular adolescents revealed more academic involvement and social integration in the classr…

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Relaciones familiares, rechazo entre iguales y violencia escolar

ResumenEl objetivo principal del presente estudio es analizar las diferencias en las relaciones familiares (apoyo parental, comunicacion familiar y violencia parental) entre adolescentes rechazados por su grupo de iguales que se implican en conductas violentas en la escuela (rechazados agresivos), adolescentes rechazados que no participan en comportamientos violentos en la escuela (rechazados no-agresivos) y adolescentes no-rechazados y no-agresivos (grupo control). Los participantes del estudio fueron 843 adolescentes de entre 11 y 16 anos (edad media: 13,7), de los cuales el 47% son chicos y el 53% chicas, escolarizados en cuatro centros de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los instrumentos utiliz…

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This research analyses the relationship among family communication (open communication versus communication problems), multidimensional self-esteem (family, academic, social and physical self-esteem) and behavioural problems in adolescence. Two independent samples were used in the study: Sample 1 was composed of 414 adolescents ranging in age from 12 to 17 years old, and Sample 2 was composed of 625 adolescents aged from 11 to 20 years old. Results showed an indirect effect of family communication on delinquent behavior through the mediation of self-esteem. We found a protection effect of family and academic self-esteem and a risk effect of social and physical self-esteem on delinquent beha…

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A Cross-Cultural Study in Spain and Mexico on School Aggression in Adolescence

The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationships between family and classroom environments and the development of particular individual characteristics, including level of empathy, attitude to institutional authority, and perceived social reputation, and the role these characteristics may in turn play in aggressive behavior. These factors and associations were analyzed by gender and in two different Latin contexts, Spain and Mexico, from a cross-cultural perspective. Participants in the study were 1,319 Spanish adolescents and 1,494 Mexican adolescents drawn from secondary schools. Structural equation models were calculated to test mediational effects among variables. Resu…

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Parenting Style and Reactive and Proactive Adolescent Violence: Evidence from Spain

The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between the parenting styles&mdash

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Academic competence, teacher–student relationship, and violence and victimisation in adolescents: The classroom climate as a mediator

School violence is a serious social and public health problem prevalent worldwide. Although the relevance of teacher and classroom factors is well established in the literature, few studies have focused on the role of teacher perceptions in school violence and victimisation and the potential mediational role of classroom climate in this relationship. A total of 2399 adolescents (50% girls), aged between 11 and 18 years (M = 14.65, SD = 1.78) and enrolled in five Spanish Secondary Compulsory Education schools completed measures of classroom climate, school violence towards peers and perception of peer victimisation, and their teachers informed about their academic competence and the teacher&…

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Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Autoridad Institucional en adolescentes (AAI-A)

Las actitudes de los adolescentes hacia la autoridad institucional se relacionan con su implicación en comportamientos transgresores y con conductas de riesgo tales como el consumo de sustancias o las conductas predelictivas. Las actitudes que mantienen hacia profesores, policía, escuela y leyes constituyen, por tanto, una variable relevante en el estudio del ajuste psicosocial de los adolescentes. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de aportar un instrumento fiable para la medición de estas actitudes, analizando las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Autoridad Ins-titucional en adolescentes (AAI-A). La estructura factorial de esta escala es analizada mediante anális…

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Ajuste psicosocial en adolescentes populares agresivos y rechazados agresivos em el colégio

The purpose of the present study was to compare the profiles of aggressive adolescents who differed in social status in the classroom, popular vs. rejected, with those of adolescents of average sociometric status without documented behavior problems. The characteristics compared related to intra-individual, family, school, and social domains. A sample of 457 adolescents, aged 11 to 18 years old (48% girls), participated in the study. Differences between groups were examined via a series of multivariate analyses of variance and discriminant function analyses. Results indicated that although aggressive popular adolescents revealed more academic involvement and social integration in the classr…

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Psychosocial adjustment in aggressive popular and aggressive rejected adolescents at school+

AbstractThe purpose of the present study was to compare the profiles of aggressive adolescents who differed in social status in the classroom, popular vs. rejected, with those of adolescents of average sociometric status without documented behavior problems. The characteristics compared related to intra-individual, family, school, and social domains. A sample of 457 adolescents, aged 11 to 18 years old (48% girls), participated in the study. Differences between groups were examined via a series of multivariate analyses of variance and discriminant function analyses. Results indicated that although aggressive popular adolescents revealed more academic involvement and social integration in th…

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