Thermal neutron capture cross section of the radioactive isotopeFe60
Background: Fifty percent of the heavy element abundances are produced via slow neutron capture reactions in different stellar scenarios. The underlying nucleosynthesis models need the input of neutron capture cross sections.Purpose: One of the fundamental signatures for active nucleosynthesis in our galaxy is the observation of long-lived radioactive isotopes, such as $^{60}\mathrm{Fe}$ with a half-life of $2.60\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{6}$ yr. To reproduce this $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ activity in the universe, the nucleosynthesis of $^{60}\mathrm{Fe}$ has to be understood reliably.Methods: An $^{60}\mathrm{Fe}$ sample produced at the Paul Scherrer Institut (Villigen, Switzerla…