Additional file 1 of Nasal pressure swings as the measure of inspiratory effort in spontaneously breathing patients with de novo acute respiratory failure
Additional file 1: eTable 1. Esophageal and nasal pressure swings according to acute respiratory failure etiology. Data are presented as median and interquartile ranges (IQR). eFigure 1. Pearson���s R showing correlations between ��Pes and ��Pnos at 24 hours after splitting the study population according to the NRS received. eFigure 2. Bland-Altman analysis assessing the agreement between ��Pes measured with esophageal manometry and estimated based on ��Pnos (��Pes, estimated) and computed as k����Pnos, where k is the average ratio of ��Pes to ��Pnos measured at baseline. At T2 Bland-Altman methods showed a bias of 0.1 cmH2O and 95% limits of agreement, LoA, from ���2.0 to 2.1 cmH2O (95.1% …