Giuseppe Virga
Compost di qualità per la coltivazione del peperoncino ornamentale in vaso
In two years (2008 and 2009), the research centre Co.Ri.SSIA evalueted the suitability of compost obtained from organic municipal waste used a growth substrate for three varieties of ornamental chili pepper (Capsicum annuum). Research was carried out at the Orleans Experimental Farm at the University of Palermo. In addition to the control standard substrate (a 70:30 mix by volume of peat and perlite), three substrates were tested, formed by varying percentage mixes of compost, peat and perlite. During the initial cultivation stage, chemical and physical analyses were carried out on the different substrates. Subsequently, morphometric data were collected in order to evaluate the plant orname…
Risposta ornamentale di biotipi di Rosmarinus officinalis presenti nel germoplasma siciliano
Nel biennio 2005-2006, il Consorzio di Ricerca Co.Ri.S.S.I.A., nell’ambito del progetto PRO.FLOR.MER., ha avviato una ricerca finalizzata alla individuazione e caratterizzazione di germoplasma siciliano di rosmarino (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), nonché alla definizione di itinerari tecnici per la sua coltivazione in vaso. Lo studio ha riguardato n. 6 biotipi di rosmarino provenienti da diverse località della Sicilia e caratterizzati da promettenti caratteristiche ornamentali. I rilievi effettuati hanno riguardato: portamento, altezza, diametro, ramificazioni secondarie, numero di foglie cm ramo-1 e aspetto estetico della pianta. Dai primi risultati è stato possibile evidenziare un diverso co…
A study of thyme germplasm in Sicily
hyme is characteristic of the Mediterranean and is of interest for its multifunctional nature. It is widely used in seasoning and flavouring, in herbal products and cosmetics. The versatility of this species means it is also useful in the protection of areas prone to erosion or an ornamental plant when designing low-maintenance gardens. Thyme germplasm constitutes a large part of the wild flora in Sicily and is a potentially useful source of genetic variability. On the basis of this, in the two-year period from 2004-2005, research was carried out on wild thyme accessions. These were used to evaluate both its productivity and individual biotypes with the functional characteristics most sough…
Study of quantitative and qualitative variations in essential oils of Sicilian Rosmarinus officinalis L.
In this study the chemical characterisation of 10 Sicilian Rosmarinus officinalis L. biotypes essential oils is reported. The main goal of this work was to analyse the relationship between the essential oils yield and the geographical distribution of the species plants. The essential oils were analysed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis statistical methods were used to cluster biotypes according to the essential oils chemical composition. The essential oil yield ranged from 0.8 to 2.3 (v/w). In total 82 compounds have been identified, these represent 96.7–99.9% of the essential oil. The most represented compounds in the essential oils were 1.…
Characterization and conservation of Clinopodium raimondoi Spadaro, A.S. Faqi & Mazzola germplasm in the Parco della Favorita of Palermo city (Sicily, Italy)
In urban areas, the parks represent an important source of plant biodiversity. The Parco della Favorita is the largest green area in Palermo city (Sicily, Italy). Clinopodium raimondoi Spadaro, A.S. Faqi & Mazzola is an aromatic plant species which has a range of uses in Sicilian traditional culture. The essential oil of this species is rich in terpene components and its aroma is similar to that of mint. The aim of this study was to enhance the germplasm of C. raimondoi in the Parco della Favorita. A collection-field was set up within the park. The main biometric and productive parameters of the species were determined and gas chromatographic analyses were carried out to determine the quali…
Assessment of production and qualitative characteristics of different populations of Salvia sclarea L. found in Sicily (Italy)
Salvia sclarea L. is an important industrial crop, valued for its herbal-aromatic properties and high quality essential oils, that is used in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. In this study, carried out from 2009 to 2010, the morphological and production characteristics and essential oil content and composition of three Sicilian populations were studied. In particular, the composition of essential oils extracted from primary and secondary inflorescences using steam distillation was assessed. Morphological, production and qualitative data from the three populations were subjected to analysis of variance and cluster analysis. Regarding the quality of the oils, only the most prevalent compo…
Coltivazione in vaso di biotipi siciliani di Rosmarinus officinalis L. ad uso ornamentale
Il rosmarino, specie aromatica tradizionalmente utilizzata nella cucina mediterranea, trova impiego anche nella farmacopea, nella cosmesi, nel settore dei biocidi ecc.. Per le sue caratteristiche morfologiche e fenologiche, può essere inoltre utilizzato come pianta ornamentale e per interventi di restauro ambientale. Nel 2005, il Consorzio di Ricerca Co.Ri.S.S.I.A., nell’ambito del progetto dal titolo “Valorizzazione delle produzioni florovivaistiche del meridione” (PRO.FLO.MER), ha intrapreso uno studio volto all’individuazione, caratterizzazione e valorizzazione di genotipi di Rosmarinus officinalis L. interessanti dal punto di vista ornamentale per la coltivazione in vaso. All’interno di…
Risposta ornamentale di accessioni di peperoncino coltivati in vaso
Gran parte delle varietà di peperoncino, coltivate a scopo alimentare, è considerata interessante anche ai fini ornamentali. Ciò è attribuibile principalmente al frutto che rende questa pianta idonea alla coltivazione in vaso e per la realizzazione di aiuole e bordure. Il Consorzio di ricerca Co.Ri.S.S.I.A. di Palermo ha avviato una ricerca allo scopo di valorizzare il peperoncino come specie ornamentale da vaso. Sono state confrontate 34 varietà di peperoncino coltivate in quattro differenti tipologie di vaso, rilevando i principali parametri morfologici e estetici. La specie ha manifestato una buona adattabilità alla coltivazione in vaso, avvalorando, nel contempo, il suo impiego anche pe…
A survey of wild plant species for food use in Sicily (Italy) - results of a 3-year study in four Regional Parks
Abstract Background This paper illustrates the results of a study carried out in four Regional Parks of Sicily (Italy), concerning traditional knowledge on food use of wild plant species. The main aims of the paper were: (i) to verify which wild plant species are used for food purpose in the local culture based on information provided by elderly inhabitants (ii) to verify the presence of wild plant species which have not been cited for food use in previous studies in the Mediterranean area (iii) to determine how many of the most frequently cited wild plant species are cultivated by the local population in the four Sicilian Parks. Methods Semi-structured interviews were carried out in the lo…
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment and reuse of urban wastewater for the irrigation of two warm-season turfgrass species under Mediterranean climatic conditions
Constructed wetlands (CWs) represent low-cost technology for the treatment and reuse of wastewater in urban areas. This study aimed to evaluate the pollutant removal efficiency of a CW system and to assess the effects of irrigation using treated urban wastewater on soil and on two warm-season turf species. The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy) on a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system which was fed with treated urban wastewater following secondary treatment from an activated-sludge wastewater treatment plant. The pilot system was located in an open urban park and comprised two separate parallel planted units. Experimental fields of Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and Paspalum …
Performance of a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland and Medium-Term Effects of Treated Wastewater Irrigation of Arundo donax L. on Soil and Plant Parameters
On marginal lands in the Mediterranean basin, giant reed (Arundo donax L.) represents one of the most interesting perennial crops due to high levels of biomass production. Considering periodic water shortage during the summer months in this area, the reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) would seem to be a good opportunity for the growth of the species. The aim of this study was to assess the medium-term effects of irrigation using freshwater (FW) and TWW on soil characteristics and growth in giant reed plants. TWW was obtained from a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland system (HSSF CWs) with a total surface area of 100 m2. A split-plot design for a two-factor experiment …
Effects of Irrigation with Different Sources of Water on Growth, Yield and Essential Oil Compounds in Oregano
Aromatic plants can benefit from the use of treated wastewater to satisfy their water requirements, but the effects on the essential oil yield and quality need an assessment. The aims of this study were to assess the effects of freshwater and treated wastewater obtained from a Sicilian (Italy) pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland system on plant growth and yield, essential oil yield and composition of oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart) and soil characteristics. The system had a total surface area of 100 m2 and was planted with giant reed and umbrella sedge. An experimental open field of oregano was set up close to the system. Two years and two diff…
Study of quantitative and qualitative variations in essential oils of Sicilian Rosmarinus officials L.
In this study the chemical characterizations of 10 sicilian biotypes of Rosmarinus officinalis L. essential oils are reported. The main goal was to analyze the relationship between the essential oils yield and the geographical distribution of the species plants. The essential oils were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. The statistical methods Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis were used to cluster biotypes according to the chemical composition of the essential oils. The essential oil yield ranged from 0.8 - 2.3 (v/w). 82 compounds have been identified, these represent 96.7-99.9% of the essential oil. The compounds mostly represented in the essential oils were: 1.8- C…
Wastewater management using a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system in Western Sicily (Italy) for irrigation of Paspalum vaginatum Sw. turf
The reuse of treated wastewater represents an attractive prospect for sustainable water management in urban areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reuse of treated wastewater from constructed wetland systems for the irrigation of Seashore paspalum turf (Paspalum vaginatum Sw.) and assess the effects of treated wastewater on the soil and turfgrass. The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy) in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system (HSSF). Seashore paspalum plots were irrigated with freshwater and treated wastewater. In treated wastewater-irrigated plots, we estimated the amounts of nitrogen and potassium, supplied by irrigating with treated wastewater. The productive …
Essential oil characteristics of wild Sicilian oregano populations in relation to environmental conditions
A study was carried out on the essential oil of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart taken from thirteen wild populations found in different parts of Sicily, Italy. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship that exists between essentials oil extracted from Sicilian wild populations of O. vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart and various weather/climate and topographic factors in order to provide more information on aspects that influence the production potential of this species. The essential oils from the samples were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by a combination of gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS); se…
Phenotypic traits and establishment speed of 44 turf bermudagrass accessions
Breeding of turf bermudagrass (Cynodon (L.) Rich.) has made available a broad range of turf varieties with unique morphological and growth traits. Rapid establishment is necessary in order to provide the performance of a mature turf cover in the shortest time possible. The aims of the research were: (1) to determine variation of growth, morphological and biomass traits in bermudagrass accessions belonging to different phenotypic groups during establishment and (2) to relate such variations to establishment speed in order to assess whether contrasting phenotypic traits could induce different establishment patterns in bermudagrass or if a general establishment predictor can be identified for …
Biomolecular characterization of wild sicilian oregano: phytochemical screening of essential oils and extracts, and evaluation of their antioxidant activities.
An extensive survey of wild Sicilian oregano was made. A total of 57 samples were collected from various sites, followed by taxonomic characterization from an agronomic perspective. Based on morphological and production characteristics obtained from the 57 samples, cluster analysis was used to divide the samples into homogeneous groups, to identify the best biotypes. All samples were analyzed for their phytochemical content, applying a cascade-extraction protocol and hydrodistillation, to obtain the non volatile components and the essential oils, respectively. The extracts contained thirteen polyphenol derivatives, i.e., four flavanones, seven flavones, and two organic acids. Their qualitat…
Management of irrigation water and nutrient demands of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) using urban treated wastewater from a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system constructed wetland in Sicily (Italy)
The reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) in crop irrigation is an advanced and rational approach to water resource management in agriculture. Results would seem to demonstrate that it could be an extremely important tool in the reduction of freshwater (FW) consumption in agriculture, at the same time helping to increase crop yields through the transfer of nutrients required for crop growth. In arid and semi-arid areas of the Mediterranean, constructed wetlands can play a key role in the treatment and reuse of wastewater due to their multifunctional nature. The aim of this study was to manage water and nutrient requirements of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) using TWW from a pilot-scale …
Composition and variability of the essential oil of the flowers of Lavandula stoechas from various geographical sources
Samples of flowers of wild Lavandula stoechas L. spp. stoechas populations were collected in three areas of Sicily (Italy) and were characterized in agronomic and chemical terms. Essential oil (EO) was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. GC-FID and GC-MS analyses permitted identification of 89 compounds from the EO. The samples were separated into 3 groups using PCA (Principal Component Analysis) statistical method, with reference to the chemical composition of the EO. All three Sicilian populations of lavender were identified as the fenchone chemotype with percentage content ranged between 52.8–71.1%. The population of Partinico showed the highest dry weight o…
Wild Sicilian Rosemary: Phytochemical and Morphological Screening and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Extracts and Essential Oils
To identify the best biotypes, an extensive survey of Sicilian wild rosemary was carried out by collecting 57 samples from various sites, followed by taxonomic characterization from an agronomic perspective. All the biotypes collected were classified as Rosmarinus officinalis L. A cluster analysis based on the morphological characteristics of the plants allowed the division of the biotypes into seven main groups, although the characteristics examined were found to be highly similar and not area-dependent. Moreover, all samples were analyzed for their phytochemical content, applying an extraction protocol to obtain the nonvolatile components and hydrodistillation to collect the essential oil…
Study of quantitative and qualitative variations in essential oils of Sicilian oregano biotypes
Essential oil (EO) was extracted using hydrodistillation from samples of Origanum vulgare subspecies hirtum (Link) Ietswaart, gathered from the wild in various parts of Sicily, Italy; GC-FID and GC-MS analyses were subsequently performed. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between essential oil yields and the geographical distribution of oregano wild populations based on variations in environmental factors as collection sites. Moreover, the purpose was to group Origanum vulgare subspecies hirtum biotypes according to the chemical composition of the EO. The seven principal components in the EO was thymol (24.0–54.4%), γ-terpinene (9.8–30.5%), ρ-cymene (5.2–18.7%), α-terpine…
Il genere Thymus appartiene alla famiglia delle Lamiacaee e comprende numerose specie distribuite nell’area mediterranea. Il nome deriva dal greco “δίμοσ” (profumo) per sottolineare l’intenso e gradevole aroma che la pianta produce. Secondo altri autori il nome trae origine dalla parola egiziana “tham”, che si riferisce ad una pianta profumata usata per le imbalsamazioni. In Italia il Pignatti descrive 17 specie di timo, delle quali quelle maggiormente interessanti da un punto di vista erboristico sono: T. vulgaris L. (timo comune), T. capitatus (L.) Hoffman et Link (timo capitato), T. serpyllum L. (timo serpillo) e T. zygis L. (timo rosso). Allo stato spontaneo sono presenti varie forme di…
Reuse of urban-treated wastewater from a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system in Sicily (Italy) for irrigation of Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) turf under Mediterranean climatic conditions
Constructed wetlands (CW) are one of the most important biological technology for the treatment and reuse of wastewaters. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) from CW for irrigation of Bermudagrass turf (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and assess the effects of TWW on the biometric and qualitative parameters of the turfgrass and on chemical–physical soil properties. The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy) in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system which was fed with urban TWW following secondary treatment from an activate sludge wastewater treatment plant. The pilot-system included three separate parallel units. The outflow TWW flowed downh…
Coltivazione in vaso di varietà di Capsicum annuum L. ad uso ornamentale
Il peperoncino, originario di ambienti equatoriali e tropicali, ha trovato il suo habitat ottimale di crescita anche nelle zone più calde di diversi Paesi del bacino del mediterraneo. La specie è nota, oltre che per le innumerevoli proprietà curative e medicinali, anche come una delle spezie più apprezzate nella cucina mediterranea. L’elevato valore estetico di alcune varietà, determinato dalla presenza, numerosa e prolungata, e dalla bellezza, nella forma e nel colore, dei frutti, consente la loro utilizzazione anche per fini ornamentali. In tale settore, numerose sono le destinazioni d’uso delle piante di peperoncino, che vanno dal vaso fiorito, per abbellire terrazzi e balconi, alla real…
Agro-Morphological Characterization of Sicilian Chili Pepper Accessions for Ornamental Purposes
The species belonging to the genus Capsicum have been widely used as decorative vegetables, however only a few genotypes are available for this purpose. The goal of the present work was the agro-morphological characterization of several chili pepper accessions cultivated into different pot sizes (10, 14, 18 or 20 cm diameters). The agro-morphological characterization of 19 accessions was performed following IPGR (International Plant Genetic Resources Institute) descriptors: plant height (PH), plant canopy width (PCW), PH/PCW ratio, plant growth habit, plant visual quality, first flower emission, fruiting start, end of harvest, fruit number, fruit length, fruit width, fruit color at mature s…
Constructed Wetlands as Sustainable Technology for the Treatment and Reuse of the First-Flush Stormwater in Agriculture—A Case Study in Sicily (Italy)
This paper describes a case study that was carried out on a Sicilian company (Italy) dealing with separate waste collection and recycling of glass. The aims of this study were to evaluate the overall efficiency of a vertical subsurface flow system (VSSFs) constructed wetland (CW) operating for the treatment of first-flush stormwater and the effects of treated wastewater on the morphological and aesthetic characteristics of ornamental pepper and rosemary plants. The system had a total surface area of 46.80 m2 and was planted with common reed and giant reed. Wastewater samples were taken from October 2018 to July 2019 at the CW inlet and outlet for chemical-physical and microbiological charac…
Establishment of a commercial organic hopyard in a Mediterranean environment: Production attributes and their relationship with soil texture
The cultivated hops are recently moving towards new growing areas in Southern Europe, boosted by the increasing number of craft breweries and by the higher vulnerability to climate change observed, for this crop, in the traditional growing regions. Despite this clear market and geographic trend, there is a lack of knowledge about pedoclimatic needs and agronomic performances of hops grown in the Mediterranean environment. Particularly, the agronomic potential of a new hopyard during its establishment period is poorly studied even in traditional growing zones. Moreover, a restricted number of plants were usually sampled to gather the few data available, thus leading to a probable overestimat…
Impiego di compost nella coltivazione in vaso di Rosmarinus officinalis L. e Capsicum annuum L.
Nel 2008, il Consorzio di ricerca Co.Ri.S.S.I.A., nell’ambito del progetto PRO.FLOR.MER., ha avviato, una ricerca per valutare l’idoneità di substrati contenenti quantità crescenti di compost, miscelate alle tradizionali torbe, per la coltivazione in vaso di una varietà di Capsicum annuum (var. Pisellino) e di un biotipo siciliano di Rosmarinus officinalis (S.Vito TP). La prova è stata condotta nel 2008, presso il Podere didattico-sperimentale “Orleans” dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Oltre a un substrato standard, costituito, in peso, per il 70% da torba e per il 30% da perlite, sono stati posti a confronto tre substrati contenenti in diverse percentuali compost (20, 30 e 50%), tor…
Celery (Apium graveolens L.) performances as subjected to different sources of protein hydrolysates
The vegetable production sector is currently fronting several issues mainly connected to the increasing demand of high quality food produced in accordance with sustainable horticultural technologies. The application of biostimulants, particularly protein hydrolysates (PHs), might be favorable to optimize water and mineral uptake and plant utilization and to increase both production performance and quality feature of vegetable crops. The present study was carried out on celery plants grown in a tunnel to appraise the influence of two PHs, a plant-derived PH (P-PH), obtained from soy extract and an animal PH (A-PH), derived from hydrolyzed animal epithelium (waste from bovine tanneries) on yi…
Effects of Plant Density on the Number of Glandular Trichomes and on Yield and Quality of Essential Oils from Oregano.
Plants yields are influenced by agronomic techniques. Plant density is a complex issue and extremely important when maximizing both crop quality, and biomass and essential oil yields. Plants belonging to the Origanum vulgare subspecies hirtum (Link) Ietswaart were grown adopting four types of plant density and were characterized in biometric and chemical terms. The samples were analyzed using the ANOVA (Principal Component Analysis) statistical method regarding biometric aspects, EO yield and peltate hair density. Essential oil (EO) was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed using GC-FID and GC-MS. GC-FID and GC-MS analysis led to the identification of 45 compounds from the EO. Plant …
In constructed wetland systems (CWs) for wastewater treatment, the efficiency of the system is highly affected by the system’s water balance. This study shows the results of a series of water balance measurements obtained in 2013 from a pilot horizontal-subsurface flow (HSSF) system in the West of Sicily (Italy). The system included three separate units, one planted with Cyperus alternifolius L., one planted with Typha latifolia L. and an unplanted unit. The system was fed with urban wastewater from an activated-sludge wastewater treatment plant. The aim of the study was to compare evapotranspiration rates (ET), crop coefficients (Kc) and water use efficiency (WUE) of two root emergent macr…
Oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum) is one of the most popular aromatic species used in Mediterranean cuisine. In addition to its use for culinary and ornamental purposes, it is also known as a medicinal plant for its antispasmodic, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and expectorant properties. A number of wild oregano populations were found in various areas of Sicily. Representative samples of the different populations at flowering stage were collected at varying altitudes between 60 and 1000 m a.s.l. in 2004 an 2005. The samples were processed to evaluate the quantity and quality of the production, as well as the essential oil composition. Significant differences were found between…
Water balance and pollutant removal efficiency when considering evapotranspiration in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland in Western Sicily (Italy)
Abstract In constructed wetland systems (CWs) for wastewater treatment, the performance of the system is affected by evapotranspiration (ET). This study shows the results of a series of water balance and pollutant removal efficiency analyses taken from a pilot horizontal-subsurface flow system (HSSFs) in the West of Sicily (Italy). The system comprised three separate units, one planted with Cyperus alternifolius L., one planted with Typha latifolia L. and an unplanted unit. The system was fed with urban wastewater from an activated-sludge wastewater treatment plant. The aims of the study were to determine water balance and pollutant removal rates when considering evapotranspiration in two r…
Caratterizzazione, propagazione e tecniche colturali di alcune specie officinali presenti in Sicilia
Effects of environment and sowing time on growth and yield of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivars in Sicily (Italy)
Cotton is one of the most important industrial crops in the world. Though widely cultivated in Sicily (Italy) in the past, cotton growth on the island has disappeared today due to a complex variety of agronomic, economic and socio-political reasons. In recent years, increased interest in natural fibers worldwide has led to a revival in cotton plants in the Mediterranean area. The aim of this paper was to assess the response of Gossypium hirsutum L. cultivars to different environments and sowing times. Elsa and Juncal were selected from the most promising cotton cultivars regarding earliness and productivity. Plants were tested with three sowing times and in two Sicilian environments. Cotton…
Four-Year Study on the Bio-Agronomic Response of Biotypes of Capparis spinosa L. on the Island of Linosa (Italy)
The caper plant is widespread in Sicily (Italy) both wild in natural habitats and as specialized crops, showing considerable morphological variation. However, although contributing to a thriving market, innovation in caper cropping is low. The aim of the study was to evaluate agronomic and production behavior of some biotypes of Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris, identified on the Island of Linosa (Italy) for growing purposes. Two years and seven biotypes of the species were tested in a randomized complete block design. The main morphological and production parameters were determined. Phenological stages were also observed. Analysis of variance showed high variability between the biotype…
Risposta alla coltivazione in vaso di peperoncini ornamentali
Iodine Biofortification and Seaweed Extract-Based Biostimulant Supply Interactively Drive the Yield, Quality, and Functional Traits in Strawberry Fruits
The horticultural sector is seeking innovative and sustainable agronomic practices which could lead to enhanced yield and product quality. Currently, plant biofortification is recognized as a valuable technique to improve microelement concentrations in plant tissues. Among trace elements, iodine (I) is an essential microelement for human nutrition. Concomitantly, the application of biostimulants may improve overall plant production and quality traits. With the above background in mind, an experiment was designed with the aim of assessing the interactive impact of a seaweed extract-based biostimulant (SwE) (0 mL L−1 (served as control) or 3 mL L−1 (optimal dosage)) and 0, 100, 30…
Treatment of Combined Dairy and Domestic Wastewater with Constructed Wetland System in Sicily (Italy). Pollutant Removal Efficiency and Effect of Vegetation
Dairy wastewater (DWW) contains large amounts of mineral and organic compounds, which can accumulate in soil and water causing serious environmental pollution. A constructed wetland (CW) is a sustainable technology for the treatment of DWW in small-medium sized farms. This paper reports a two-year study on the performance of a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system for DWW treatment in Sicily (Italy). The CW system covered a total surface area of 100 m2 and treated approximately 6 m3 per day of wastewater produced by a small dairy farm, subsequent to biological treatment. Removal efficiency (RE) of the system was calculated. The biomass production of two emergent macrophytes was dete…
Seashore paspalum in the Mediterranean transition zone: phenotypic traits of twelve accessions during and after establishment
The use of warm-season turfgrasses is consolidated in the transitional areas of Mediterranean countries and some field trials have provided information on the adaptability of seashore paspalum to Mediterranean environment. Nonetheless, little is known on the performance of the different commercial cultivars of <em>Paspalum vaginatum</em> in this climatic zone. Furthermore, considering the high degree of variability of this species, ecotypes have the potential to supply new plant material with desired turf characteristics. The research aimed at comparing growth characteristics and morphological traits of eight commercial cultivars of seashore paspalum (Platinum, Salam, SeaDwarf, …
Agronomic Evaluation and Chemical Characterization of Sicilian Salvia sclarea L. Accessions
Clary sage (Salvia sclarea L.), known for its aromatic and medicinal properties, belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Although the species grows wild throughout Sicily, knowledge of its production and qualitative properties is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic behavior of the species over two years of testing and to characterize the chemical properties of its wild counterparts in order to identify the most promising accessions for cropping or for use in breeding programs. Tests were carried out during 2008, 2009, and 2010. During the first year, the plot was established. Subsequently, the main parameters for bio-agronomic evaluation were taken in 2009 and 2010. Regard…
Agronomical evaluation of Sicilian biotypes of Lavandula stoechas L. spp. stoechas and analysis of the essential oils
The aim of this study was to characterize wild lavender, which was collected in three different areas of Sicily (Italy),according to agronomic and chemical evaluation. The collection sites were located in Pantelleria island, Partinico (a warm sub-area of Lauretum) and Castelbuono (a middle sub-area of Lauretum). All the populations were identified as Lavandula stoechas L. ssp. stoechas. Essential oils were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography– flame ionization detector (GC–FID) and GC–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). GC–FID and GC–MS analyses permitted the identification of 101 components from the essential oils. We analyzed only the flowers and leaves of L. stoechas …
Risposta di peperoncini ornamentali alla coltivazione in vaso
Osservazioni preliminari su biotipi spontanei di Salvia sclarea L. reperiti in Sicilia
Salvia sclarea L., originaria del bacino del Mediterraneo, è una pianta erbacea appartenente alla famiglia delle Labiatae. Conosciuta fin dall’antichità come pianta medicinale, veniva utilizzata nella preparazione di decotti per la cura di infiammazioni cutanee e per disinfettare piaghe e ferite. In Sicilia, la specie, nota come muscatiddaru, si trova “su monti e colli” come riferito da Lo Jacono- Pojero, (1888). Nella tradizione dell’Isola, raccolta allo stato spontaneo, trovava applicazioni in medicina popolare e in pratiche rurali come l’aromatizzazione delle botti prima di accogliere il vino. La sua coltivazione su larga scala risale alla metà del XX secolo, sia in Europa, soprattutto i…
Agronomical and chemical characterisation of Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav. biotypes from Sicily, Italy
In this study the agromomical and chemical characterization of 13 sicilian biotypes of Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav. (or Thymus capitatus Hoff. et Link.) collected from different areas of Sicily (Italy) and grown under the same agricultural and environmental condition are reported. The main morpho-productive parameters and quali-quantitative profile of essential oils were determined . Essential oils were extracts from the aerial parts of the plants by hydrodistillation. The essential oils were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis statistical methods were used to group biotypes according to the essential oils chemical composition. The esse…
Phytochemical, ecological and antioxidant evaluation of wild Sicilian thyme: Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav.
In a broad survey conducted throughout the Sicily region, 45 different sites were identified where thyme grows wild. All the biotypes collected were classified as Thymbra capitata (L.) Cav. (syn. Thymus capitatus (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link). Cluster analysis based on the main morphological characteristics of the plant led to the division of the biotypes into 3 major groups. All samples were analyzed for their secondary phytochemical metabolites identified in the extracts and the essential oils. LC-UV-DAD/ESI-MS and GC-FID/GC-MS have been applied to characterize the extracts and the essential oils, respectively. In the extracts, 15 flavonoid derivatives with taxifolin-di-O-glucoside and thymusin…
Pollutant removal efficiency of a pilot-scale Horizontal Subsurface Flow in Sicily (Italy) planted with Cyperus alternifolius L. and Typha latifolia L. and reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation of Arundo donax L. for pellet productionResults of two-year tests under Mediterranean climatic conditions
Constructed wetland systems (CWs) are developed biological technologies for the treatment and reuse of wastewater. The aims of this study were to evaluate the treatment performance of a pilot Horizontal Subsurface Flow system (HSSFs), to evaluate the reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) from CWs for the irrigation of giant reed (Arundo donax (L.)) and to assess the effects of TWW on the biomass yield of giant reed grown for pellet production. The research was carried out in Sicily (Italy) in a pilot-scale HSSFs which was fed with urban-treated urban wastewater following secondary treatment from an activated sludge wastewater treatment plant. Giant reed plots were irrigated with TWW from plante…
Impiego di compost nella coltivazione in vaso di Rosmarinus officinalis L. e Capsicum annum L.
Il substrato di coltivazione è un elemento di fondamentale importanza per le colture in contenitore. La torba, per le sue caratteristiche chimico-fisiche, è attualmente il substrato più utilizzato per la produzione di piante in vaso. Trattandosi, però, di un materiale organico proveniente da fonti non rinnovabili in tempi brevi, e in seguito alle politiche di protezione ambientale adottate dai principali paesi produttori del Nord Europa, la disponibilità di torba di qualità tende a diminuire, mentre il suo prezzo è in progressivo aumento. Si pone, pertanto, la necessità di individuare nuovi substrati di possibile utilizzo per la coltivazione di piante in vaso, in sostituzione della torba. L…
Effects of irrigation, peat-alternative substrate and plant Habitus on the morphological and production characteristics of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) biotypes grown in pot
Irrigation and growing substrate are considered as essential cultivation practices in order to obtain good productive and qualitative performance of potted rosemary plants. In pot growing, the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the substrate must be stable over time in order to allow regular plant growth. However, the effects of cultivation techniques on the characteristics of potted rosemary are little known. Peat is traditionally used as the organic growing medium