A. La Barbera
The 0.1–100 keV Spectrum of Centaurus X‐3: Pulse Phase Spectroscopy of the Cyclotron Line and Magnetic Field Structure
We report spectral and temporal analysis of the X-ray pulsar Centaurus X-3 out of eclipse observed by BeppoSAX. The broadband spectrum (0.12-100 keV) is well described by an absorbed power law modified by a high-energy rollover at ~14 keV (e-folding energy ~8 keV) plus an iron emission line at ~6.7 keV. A soft excess below 1 keV is also present. Interpreted as a blackbody (kT 0.1 keV), it corresponds to 58% of the total unabsorbed flux. This component seems to originate from reprocessing of the primary radiation by an opaque shell located at the magnetosphere. An absorption feature at ~30 keV is also present. Interpreted as a cyclotron line, after correction for gravitational redshift, this…
A Hard Tail in the X‐Ray Broadband Spectrum of Circinus X‐1 at the Periastron: A Peculiar Z Source
We report on the spectral analysis of the peculiar source Cir X-1 observed by the BeppoSAX satellite when the X-ray source was near the periastron. A flare lasting ~6 × 103 s is present at the beginning of the observation. The luminosity during the persistent emission is 1 × 1038 ergs s-1, while during the flare it is 2 × 1038 ergs s-1. We produced broadband (0.1-100 keV) energy spectra during the flare and the persistent emission. At low energies the continuum is well fitted by a model consisting of Comptonization of soft photons, with a temperature of ~0.4 keV, by electrons at a temperature of ~1 keV. After the flare, a power-law component with photon index ~3 is dominant at energies high…
BeppoSAX observations of EXO 0531-66 in outburst and X persei
Abstract We report temporal and spectral analysis of two Be/X-ray systems observed by the BeppoSAX NFI. EXO 0531-66 was in outburst during the BeppoSAX observation: it is not a well known source because it is not detectable during the low states and the outbursts are unforeseeable and at temporal distances of years. X Persei is a well known source, but the band spectrum, obtained for the first time from the BeppoSAX observation, revealed an unexpected complexity.
Multifrequency Studies of the Peculiar Quasar 4C +21.35 during the 2010 Flaring Activity
著者人数: 290名
Manganese iron oxide superparamagnetic powder by mechanochemical processing. Nanoparticles functionalization and dispersion in a nanofluid
Manganese ferrite nanoparticles were synthesized using a High-Energy Ball-Milling mechanochemical method. After 1 h of milling, the process produces a material consisting of single crystalline domain nanoparticles having a diameter of about 8 nm. Chemical properties of the synthesized powders allow an easy functionalization with citric acid. Both as-obtained and functionalized samples show superparamagnetic behaviour at room temperature, and the functionalized powder is stably dispersible in aqueous media at physiological pH. The average hydrodynamic diameter is equal to similar to 60 nm. Nanoparticles obtained by the reported High-Energy Ball-Milling method can be synthesized with high yie…
Role of the noise on the transient dynamics of an ecosystem of interacting species
Abstract We analyze the transient dynamics of an ecosystem described by generalized Lotka–Volterra equations in the presence of a multiplicative noise and a random interaction parameter between the species. We consider specifically three cases: (i) two competing species, (ii) three interacting species (one predator–two preys), (iii) n-interacting species. The interaction parameter in case (i) is a stochastic process which obeys a stochastic differential equation. We find noise delayed extinction of one of two species, which is akin to the noise-enhanced stability phenomenon. Other two noise-induced effects found are temporal oscillations and spatial patterns of the two competing species. In…
Multiband variability studies and novel broadband SED modeling of Mrk 501 in 2009
Astronomy and astrophysics 603, A31 (2017). doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201629540
Sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array to a dark matter signal from the Galactic centre
Full list of authors: Acharyya, A.; Adam, R.; Adams, C.; Agudo, I.; Aguirre-Santaella, A.; Alfaro, R.; Alfaro, J.; Alispach, C.; Aloisio, R.; Alves Batista, R.; Amati, L.; Ambrosi, G.; Angüner, E. O.; Antonelli, L. A.; Aramo, C.; Araudo, A.; Armstrong, T.; Arqueros, F.; Asano, K.; Ascasíbar, Y. Ashley, M.; Balazs, C.; Ballester, O.; Baquero Larriva, A.; Barbosa Martins, V.; Barkov, M.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Bastieri, D.; Becerra, J.; Beck, G.; Becker Tjus, J.; Benbow, W.; Benito, M.; Berge, D.; Bernardini, E.; Bernlöhr, K.; Berti, A.; Bertucci, B.; Beshley, V.; Biasuzzi, B.; Biland, A.; Bissaldi, E.; Biteau, J.; Blanch, O.; Blazek, J.; Bocchino, F.; Boisson, C.; Bonneau Arbe…
Circinus X-1 observed with BeppoSAX wide field cameras
Abstract We present a sky image and spectra for various orbital phases of Circinus X-1 observed by B-SAX Wide Field Cameras. We suggest that the spectral shape is dependent on the orbital phase.
Black hole lightning due to particle acceleration at subhorizon scales
Supermassive black holes with masses of millions to billions of solar masses are commonly found in the centers of galaxies. Astronomers seek to image jet formation using radio interferometry, but still suffer from insufficient angular resolution. An alternative method to resolve small structures is to measure the time variability of their emission. Here, we report on gamma-ray observations of the radio galaxy IC 310 obtained with the MAGIC telescopes revealing variability with doubling time scales faster than 4.8 min. Causality constrains the size of the emission region to be smaller than 20\% of the gravitational radius of its central black hole. We suggest that the emission is associated …
Spatio-temporal patterns in population dynamics
Abstract The transient dynamics of interacting biological species extracted from two ecosystems is investigated. We model the environment interaction by a multiplicative noise and the temperature oscillations by a periodic forcing. We find noise-induced effects such as enhanced temporal oscillations, spatial patterns and noise delayed extinction for the model of two competing species. We extend our analysis to an ecosystem of three interacting species, namely one predator and two preys. We find spatial patterns induced by the noise.
The 0.1-100 keV Spectrum of LMC X-4 in the High State: Evidence for a High Energy Cyclotron Absorption Line
We report on the spectral analysis of the X-ray pulsar LMC X-4 in its high state out of eclipse observed by BeppoSAX. During this observation no coherent pulsations are detected. The primary continuum is well described by a power law with a high energy cutoff (E_cutoff ~ E_fold ~ 18 keV). The addition of a cyclotron absorption line at ~100 keV improves the fit significantly. The inferred magnetic moment is 1.1 10^{31} Gauss cm^3, in agreement with the value estimated assuming that the neutron star is at the spin equilibrium, as it has been proposed for this source. The remaining excess at low energies can be fitted by a Comptonization of soft photons by moderately hot electrons (kT ~0.9 keV…
The young hard active Sun: soft X-ray irradiation of tryptophan in water solutions
AbstractThe X-ray emission of the young Sun was much harder and intense than today and might have played a significant role in the evolution of complex organics in protoplanetary environments. We investigate the effects of soft X-rays on tryptophan molecules in aqueous solutions at room temperature. As results of the irradiation experiments we detect several light species indicative of fragmentation, together with large molecular structures such as tryptophan dipeptide and tripeptide. Complexification is more evident in H2O solution than in D2O, probably due to isotopic effects. The abundances of peptides depend on the irradiation dose and decrease with increasing energy deposition. Radical…