Niina Lilja
Connecting the Language Classroom and the Wild : Re-enactments of Language Use Experiences
AbstractUsing multimodal conversation analysis, this article analyses language learning as an in situ process during a teacher-assigned, experientially based pedagogical activity. The activity involved a three-part pedagogical structure, where learners first prepared for and then participated in real-life service encounters, and later reflected on their experiences back in the classroom. The analysis details how the co-constructed telling sequences through which novice second language users re-enact their experiences create an occasion for language-focused activity. We argue that the actions through which the participants display and sustain an orientation to an interactional practice as an…
Luokan ulkopuolisiin vuorovaikutustilanteisiin valmistautuminen prosessina
The Rally Course : Learners as co-designers of out-of-classroom language learning tasks
This chapter introduces a “Rally Course” as a novel CA-inspired approach to teaching a second language. This approach builds on an understanding of language learning as a social process that is closely intertwined with L2 speakers’ evolving membership in the surrounding community. It addresses the need to develop experiential pedagogies that widen learners’ opportunities for interaction and support the socialisation process. Building on recent pedagogical initiatives supporting language learning in the wild, we illustrate the overall structure of the Rally Course, describe the main materials that were designed to support the learning objectives and present a case analysis of a student carry…
Älypuhelimet oppimistoimintaa jäsentämässä
Situated at the intersection of usage-based and social interactional approaches to L2 learning (CA-SLA, in particular) and informed by usage-based research, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of objects in understanding and designing language learning activities. In particular, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of the role of smartphones in group discussions in L2 classrooms. The data comes from “learning-in-the-Wild” tasks designed for courses focusing on conversational Finnish. The interactions around these activities were videotaped and analysed using the methods of multimodal conversation analysis. The analysis shows that in the cla…
Ongelmista oppimiseen : toisen aloittamat korjausjaksot kakkoskielisessä keskustelussa
Making Sense of Interactional Trouble Through Mobile-Supported Sharing Activities
acceptedVersion Peer reviewed
”Ottakaa tämä edelleen kielikoulutuksena”: Lukioon valmistavan koulutuksen ja aikuisten perusopetuksen opettajat ja opiskelijat koulutusten tavoitteita erittelemässä
This article examines how teachers and students in 1) preparatory training for upper secondary school and in 2) basic education for adults (comprehensive school) talk about the objectives of these forms of education. More specifically, the analysis focuses on the talk about language and language learning as part of educational objectives. The data come from two ethnographic research projects and consist of video recording of classroom interaction and interviews. The main method of analysis is membership categorization analysis (see Baker 1997, 2002; Nikander 2010, 2012). The focus is thus on the categories that come up in the talk about learning objectives related to language and language l…
How Hand Gestures Contribute to Action Ascription
This article investigates the embodied achievement of intersubjectivity by analyzing depictive gestures that are produced during the final components of the ongoing verbal TCU and extended into the following turn transition space. The depictive gestures in focus elaborate the TCUs by providing additional information on the verbal content of the turn. They may, for example, provide a visual representation of an action that is referred to in the verbal TCU, depict details that are not referred to in talk, or perform bodily enactments that model projected next actions. The analysis demonstrates that timed in this way, the gestures contribute to the multimodal action package that they are part …
Ongelmista oppimiseen. Toisen aloittamat korjausjaksot kakkoskielisessä keskustelussa. Väitöksenalkajaisesitelmä Jyväskylän yliopistossa 4.12.2010
Väitöksenalkajaisesitelmä Jyväskylän yliopistossa 4.12. 2010 nonPeerReviewed
Bodily Practices in Action Formation and Ascription in Multilingual Interaction: Introduction to the Special Issue.
This special issue brings together empirical studies that investigate how bodily practices feature in action formation and action ascription in multilingual interaction (Schegloff, 2007; Levinson, 2013). Grounded in video-based conversation analysis and drawing on data from diverse sociomaterial settings, the articles investigate the contingent interactional processes through which speakers from different language backgrounds accomplish actions and achieve intersubjectivity. They demonstrate how specific constellations of linguistic resources, bodily conduct, spatial configurations, and material ecology are built into accomplishment of actions at different levels of interactional organizati…
Kulmarautoja ja ruuvikoneita – millaisia mahdollisuuksia suomen kielen oppimiseen tarjoutuu rakennusalan työtehtävissä?
Maahanmuuttajien kotoutumista koskevassa julkisessa puheessa ja päätöksenteossa on turvapaikanhakijoiden määrän lisäännyttyä korostunut ajatus nopean työllistymisen tärkeydestä. Aikuisten kotoutumiskoulutukseen on kehitetty uudet toteutusmallit (OPH 2017), joissa alleviivataan ammatillista kielitaitoa ja koulutuksen työelämärelevanssia. Uudet toteutusmallit tuovat kotoutumiskoulutukseen haasteita, koska tutkimustietoa työelämän kielikäytänteistä ja kielitaitovaatimuksista on vasta vähän. Erityisesti tämä koskee suorittavaa työtä, kuten rakennusalaa. Kerromme tässä tekstissä alustavia havaintoja tutkimushankkeestamme, jonka tavoitteena on tukea suomen kielen käyttöä ja oppimista kieliluokkie…
Partial repetitions as other-initiations of repair in second language talk: Re-establishing understanding and doing learning
Abstract This conversation analytical paper examines other-initiated repair sequences in everyday interactions between first and second language speakers of Finnish. More specifically, it focuses on sequences that are initiated by a second language speaker by repeating a part of the trouble source turn and shows that the repetitions are recurrently treated as actions indicating specific language-related problems of understanding. The analysis suggests that the linguistic asymmetry in second language interactions is a resource that is drawn upon in situations in which other resources for action formation and recognition are not sufficient. In addition, the analysis illustrates why and how ce…
Kielten ja kulttuurien keskustelunanalyyttistä vertailua
Kirja-arvio Jack Sidnell (toim.): Conversation analysis. Comparative perspectives nonPeerReviewed
Matematiikkaa vai suomea? - S2-oppijoiden oma-aloitteiset kysymykset peruskoulun matematiikan oppitunneilla
In recent years, learner-initiated actions have started to attract more and more attention in research on classroom interaction. It has been recognized that by taking the initiative and by actively contributing to the interaction learners take responsibility of their own learning processes. This article focuses on studentinitiated question sequences in a classroom of young adult immigrants studying mathematics in their second language (Finnish). The data consist of 12 videotaped lessons, and the main method of analysis is conversation analysis. The results show that while students are active in asking questions they rarely ask questions that explicitly deal with language. The analysis illus…
Monipuolinen teos kakkoskielisestä vuorovaikutuksesta. Arvio teoksesta Gardner & Wagner (toim.) Second language conversations.
Kirja-arvio Gardner, Rod & Wagner, Johannes (toim.): Second language conversations nonPeerReviewed
Äidinkielisen puhujan tekemät itsekorjaukset ja toisen korjaukset kakkoskielisessä keskustelussa
Learning Grammar for Social Action : Implications for Research and Language Teaching
How Wild Can It Get? Managing Language Learning Tasks in Real Life Service Encounters
This chapter explores how experientially based pedagogical activities that involve participation in real life service encounters provide occasions for developing L2 interactional competence. The data comprises novice L2 students’ self-recorded interactions in service settings and videorecordings of classroom planning activities and de-briefing discussions, where the students reflect on their experiences. The analysis traces what kinds of occasions for learning arise as the students move between the classroom and the real-world service settings. The findings show that the different phases of the task complement each other in supporting the development of interactional competence. The prepara…
Tutkimusmenetelmiä oivaltamisen apuvälineiksi
Kirja-arvio ten Have, Paul: Understanding qualitative research and ethnomethodology; Wooffit, Robin: Conversation analysis and discourse analysis: A comparative and critical introduction nonPeerReviewed
Oppija arjen sankarina – Luokasta arjen vuorovaikutustilanteisiin ja takaisin
Olemme opettajina usein miettineet, miten hyvin luokkahuoneen suomi toisena kielenä -opetus valmentaa opiskelijoita toimimaan arjen kielenkäyttötilanteissa. Kerromme tässä artikkelissa tutkimusta ja pedagogista kehitystyötä yhdistävästä pilottihankkeesta, jonka tavoitteena on pienentää kuilua luokkahuoneessa tapahtuvan kielen opetuksen ja luokkahuoneen seinien ulkopuolella tapahtuvan kielen käytön ja oppimisen välillä. Hankkeessa kerätään tietoa ja kokemuksia, joiden avulla kehitetään pedagogisia työkaluja tuettuun kielen oppimiseen arjen vuorovaikutustilanteissa. nonPeerReviewed
Recipient Design by Gestures : How Depictive Gestures Embody Actions in Cooking Instructions
This paper investigates how depictive gestures, i.e., hand movements that depict actions, scenes or objects, are configured and used for accomplishing instructions. By drawing on video recordings of second language interactions in cooking classes for newcomers in Finland, we focus on instructions that project a certain type of complying bodily action as the relevant next action. We demonstrate that the instructions are designed to be sensitive not only to the contingencies of the material ecology of the kitchen but also to the epistemic and linguistic asymmetries between the participants. The analysis shows how depictive gestures contribute to the forward-feeding function of cooking instruc…
How Hand Gestures Contribute to Action Ascription
ABSTRACTThis article investigates the embodied achievement of intersubjectivity by analyzing depictive gestures that are produced during the final components of the ongoing verbal TCU and extended ...