Alessandra Pera

Right for conciliation and family welfare

By enhancing some of the solutions proposed in a previous study on female work and family needs, the essay focuses on the role of family as a privileged forum to reconcile family plans and professional careers. The research aims at proposing a convergence of social family policies (macro-choice) and the choices shared among individual family members (micro-choice). The article, therefore, examines the policies carried out by some European states to support families and the different models of social support to the family in Europe, including the one that has recently inspired the Job's act in Italy. Through a (re) reading of some constitutional principles on the family social factor and an …

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The name is the key to identify a single individual and to link a person to her family, as well as the primary interface in the relationship between a person and the community he or she lives in. This study claims that private life and private autonomy are becoming interpretative arguments and vehicles to ensure that law would be able to follow – and sometimes to chase – social changes in personal and family life, in finding new rules to regulate the relationship between the individual, the family and public authorities or between a private individual and the community she interfaces with.1 Judicial interpretative activity often reveals legislative shortcomings. In particular, the judiciary…

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The trust in family caretaking: the italian experience

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Legal questions on financial market abuse

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to underline the impact that globalization of financial markets has on national punishment policies. The US financial crisis has strongly affected consumers’ lives, but the focus of this research is on the national provisions against the illegal and unfair behaviour of economic actors, with special regard to a phenomenon that took place abroad, but whose effects came to light in many different countries. Design/methodology/approach – Different methodological approaches, both deductive and inductive, are combined in the present paper, together with comparative and philosophical insights on national Court decisions and scholar writings. Findings – As Eu…

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The ‘margin of appreciation’ in echr case-law as a boundary line to legal transplants

This study investigates the influence of the European Human Rights Court on State 'margin of appreciation' on the diffusion of accepted or rejected cultural and political choices through the jurisprudence of the case-law. The margin of appreciation is aninterpretative argument, a criterion, a parameter, which allows the Court to preserve rather than censure national State policies and choices on difficult issues which, involving moral and ethical questions, and which do not receive common answers in the ,European legal systems. The work considers some decisions of the Court on abortion, ovum donation, pre-implant embryo analysis and artificial procreation techniques, to find out if, in such…

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Le Politiche dell'Unione Europea in materia di accesso alla giustizia e sistemi alternativi di risoluzione delle controversie

breve disamina degli interventi comunitari (normativi e non) in materia di ADR ed accesso alla giustizia

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Le versioni liberali del multiculturalismo suggeriscono la necessità di adottare soluzioni giuridiche atte al riconoscimento e al sostegno dei gruppi minoritari, dunque al riconoscimento dei diritti culturali o collettivi, che però devono incontrare alcuni limiti e cautele a protezione della libertà degli individui all’interno dei gruppi. Sul piano giudiziale, questo può comportare che il giudice nell’applicare il diritto, prenda in considerazione sia norme straniere, sia principi e regole del proprio ordinamento per assemblare una norma concreta terza, nuova rispetto alle norme e ai principi degli ordinamenti considerati. In questo studio i temi sin qui tratteggiati verranno affrontati ana…

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Il rapporto coniugale tra status e contratto negli ordinamenti inglese ed italiano

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La dottrina giuridica nel sistema americano. Il ruolo e la funzione del giurista, l'evoluzione storica del pensiero giuridico, l'università, la didattica, la formazione e le professioni. Brevi cenni.

Breve analisi e studio del ruolo e della funzione del formante dottrinale all'interno del sistema giuridico statunitense.

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La mediazione familiare. Riflessioni per la ricerca di un modello efficiente

L'articolo analizza l'istituto della mediazione familiare, come risposta di alcuni ordinamenti giuridici, ai problemi di accesso alla giustizia e gestione delle controversie familiari. Attraverso lo studio di modelli esistenti, l'autrice individua le caratteristiche essenziali di un possibile modello ideale da implementare nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano

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Il rogo di una Laguna:la responsabilità da prodotto difettoso della Renault S.A.

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LA tutela degli interessi collettivi dei consumatori. Modelli e regole in una analisi comparatistica.

La monografia analizza i modelli di tutela collettiva degli interessi di consumatori ed utenti attraverso uno studio comparato di ordinamenti di common law w civil law.

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Liberal versions of multiculturalism suggest the need to adopt legal solutions to the recognition and support of minority groups, thus the recognition of cultural or collective rights, which must meet though certain limitations and precautions to protect the freedom of individuals within groups. On the judicial level, this may mean that the courts, in applying the law, take into account foreign standards, as well as principles and rules of its domestic law to assemble a third concrete norm, new with respect to the rules and principles of the systems considered. In this study the issues outlined so far will be addressed by analysing, in short, the role and influence of the Sharia Courts and …

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Prefazione a Dialogo e modelli di mediazione

L’idea di questo volume nasce nel 2014 dalla collaborazione tra i vari autori che Vi hanno contribuito, i quali hanno partecipato direttamente o indirettamente alle attività di ricerca, didattica e diffusione di un progetto comunitario in tema di mediazione, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea sulla linea Civil Justice 2012. Il progetto è stato coordinato dal Dipartimento di Studi Europei e della Integrazione Internazionale (DEMS) dell’Università di Palermo, in collaborazione con il Centro di Ricerche Economiche e Sociali per il Mediterraneo (CRESM), il Centro Mediterraneo di Studi Interculturali (CEMSI), l’Università del Pireo (Grecia), l’Università di Cipro, l’Università di Tilburg (Olan…

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La direttivasulle pratiche commerciali sleali. Tra tutela del consumatore e disciplina della concorrenza.

Il lavoro analizza la direttiva comunitaria in materia di pratiche commerciali scorrette ed il provvedimento normativo di attuazione emanato dal legislatore italiano, anche attraverso uno studio critico di alcune scelte di politica legislativa effettuate in tema di tutela della concorrenza e dei consumatori.

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Elderly caretaking: badantiversus welfare policies - family needs have only private answers.

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I Trapianti Giuridici: Il dibattito sul tema

Il lavoro affronta il tema dei trapianti giuridici e della circolazione dei modelli con un approccio critico alle diverse teorie della dottrina internazionale.

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Female work, family meeds and equal opportunity: a comparative analysis among EU legal systems

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The residence permit for third-country nationals who are victims of human trafficking: A double-face instrument between compliance strategy and protection of human rights

Purpose The aim of the present study is to explore institutional design strategies that promote compliance by regulating peculiar sorts of agents, namely, human trafficking victims, starting from the point of view that institutions assume addressee virtue, but instead should consider the hypothesis of non-compliance or that the measures adopted reveal their inefficiency to satisfy the goals they were thought for, or that they are applied to obtain scopes, which are different from the ones they were conceived for. Design/methodology/approach Different methodological approaches, both deductive and inductive, are combined in the present paper, together with comparative and philosophical insig…

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Family Needs and Female Work: A Comparative Survey of Public Policies and Private Choices on Equal Opportunities

Abstract Recent studies show that Italian women’s education and skills are high and that they have access to the job market, but, at the same time, there are many difficulties in maintaining a job in certain periods of their lives. Exactly, the critic period is connected to the choice of having children or a “traditional family” and, in general, with family duties. To explain the different percentage of women participation to job market in different countries, recent studies have looked to peculiar institutional structure of “municipal” job market and to social support services. The public offer of childcare and family support explains lots of the differences among different countries, but …

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Il lavoro analizza l'istituto della mediazione familiare, quale strumento di risoluzione delle controversie in caso di crisi familiare, attraverso lo studio di modelli stranieri.

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One House for €1: Case Studies on the Governance of Abandoned Properties in Small Villages

Abstract This proposal aims at analyzing the Italian initiative “Case a 1 €” launched in 2009 for the preservation of abandoned goods, in Gangi, a small village near Palermo. The Municipality has put for sale the ruined houses for the symbolic prize of 1 €. As this initiative has been imitated by other municipalities in Italy and thus become a model, my intention is to explore how it works based on two different levels of investigation, in terms of: 1) contractual schemes (parties and respective rights and obligations) and 2) policy choices, comparing proposed and achieved goals by the administrations and the parties. Some relevant issues arise after 12 years: is the initiative an appropria…

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Il difficile bilanciamento tra tutela della madre vulnerabile, best interest del minore e diritti culturali della donna migrante al vaglio della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo

Il contributo offre il commento di una recente della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo riguardante un caso di violazione del diritto alla vita privata e familiare, di cui all’art. 8 della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo, da parte della Repubblica Italiana. L’autrice ricostruisce i principali fatti che caratterizzano il caso concreto e le questioni di diritto sottoposte all’attenzione della Corte, analizzando la sentenza in commento sulla base di due essenziali nodi logico-argomenta- tivi: il primo riguarda il difficile contemperamento tra i valori protetti dalla normativa in materia di adozione e il diritto di genitori e figli a mantenere in vita, per quanto compatibile con il b…

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Introduzione ai modelli di ADR, profili storico-comparatistici

brevi cenni sul movimento ADR negli Stati uniti d'America dagli anni 50 ad oggi

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The trust in family crisis. A common law model to regulate child mainteniance in a civil law system.

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Choice Feminism and Adult Worker Model in Neoliberal Era. Some Effects of Inclusive Policies

In the last decade, the adult work model has been invoked, both by the EU social reformers and at an international level, to orient their respective policies on feminine work and social inclusion at different levels. Such neoliberal model assumes that feminization of work implies treating women as autonomous individuals free to choose their carrier in the job market or to decide whether to work, to take care of their family or to find time and spaces to conciliate both. In the western legal tradition and policies, the ideological approach of separation between public and private sphere is still dominant, and care has been confined in a private space concealed within the family. At the same …

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The vulnerability of refugees: Some reflections on definitions and measurement practices

The legal and policy discourse on refugees has been mainly focusing on the labelling of particularly vulnerable persons or groups, while it has neglected to offer reflections on the effects of definitions and assessment practices over the creation of stereotypes and of biases in the identification of beneficiaries of protection. The aim of this paper was to offer some reflections on the how categories of vulnerability defined by international and supranational law are operationalised and implemented in the practice of the vulnerability assessment inside the humanitarian organisations. Our analysis shows that the vagueness of the legal definitions affects the way in which humanitarian organi…

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Il diritto di famiglia in Europa. Plurimi e simili o plurimi e diversi

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L'opposizione del marito all'aborto voluto dalla moglie

Giovanni Criscuoli scrive il saggio in commento nel 1979, a qualche mese di distanza dall’entrata in vigore della Legge n. 194 del 22 Maggio 1978 sull’interruzione di gravidanza e a cinque anni dalla riforma del diritto di famiglia. Partendo dal dato normativo dell’art. 5 della citata legge, che riconosce la donna unica titolare del diritto all’autodeterminazione alla scelta circa l’interruzione della gravidanza, e non prende minimamente in considerazione gli interessi di soggetti diversi rispetto alla madre (diritto alla salute) ed al nascituro (diritto alla vita), l’Autore si interroga circa la rilevanza dell’opposizione del marito all’aborto voluto dalla moglie. Semmai, ulteriore posizio…

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La tutela dei soggetti deboli: modelli legislativi e giurisprudenziali a confronto.

L'articolo individua l'utilizzo dell'istituto del trust, tipico dei sistemi giuridici di common law, quale strumento di tutela dei soggetti deboli nell'ambito del diritto di famiglia, attraverso una analisi comparatistica di soluzioni offerte a livello giurisprudenziale, in assenza di una disciplina normativa nazionale.

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Islamic Rites and ceremonies in the Pandemic Emergency between Parallel Legal Orders

The essay investigates how some religious Islamic rules have been accommodated in front ofthe Covid emergency in some European countries and religious communities, highlighting the different and interconnected dimensions involved in this process of accommodation. The author uses the word country, having regard to the state-territorial legal order; and the word religious community, referring to the Islamic rule of law-religion model, based on a personal law conception. In particular, after some conceptual definition on some peculiar issues involved (para. 1), the analysis goes through some rules on funeral rites and ceremonies (para. 2) and on the sacred pilgrimages (para. 3). The conclusive…

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Emediate training programme

Si tratta di moduli di un programma di E-learning finanziato dalla Commissione Europea sulla linea "Civil Justice 2012"

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Wrongful birth and wrongful life. Floodgate argument and the balancing of conytrasting rights in courts law making

The decision analyzed affects damages forthe born child because of the impossibility for the mother to exercise the right to abortion, as the diagnosis was missing and she was not aware of the hard risk for her physical and psychological health coming from the birth of a child affected by “down syndrome”. The study starts from the distinction between: a)Wrongful birth: the personal damages suffered by pregnant women, who have not had the possibility of self-determining in the prosecution of the pregnancy in case of pathological processes of the fetus; in particular, in those cases when a disease exposes herself and her health to a severe risk (a pre-condition for abortion, according to the …

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