

Islamic Rites and ceremonies in the Pandemic Emergency between Parallel Legal Orders

Alessandra Pera


islamic lawSettore IUS/02 - Diritto Privato Comparatorule of religioncomparative law


The essay investigates how some religious Islamic rules have been accommodated in front ofthe Covid emergency in some European countries and religious communities, highlighting the different and interconnected dimensions involved in this process of accommodation. The author uses the word country, having regard to the state-territorial legal order; and the word religious community, referring to the Islamic rule of law-religion model, based on a personal law conception. In particular, after some conceptual definition on some peculiar issues involved (para. 1), the analysis goes through some rules on funeral rites and ceremonies (para. 2) and on the sacred pilgrimages (para. 3). The conclusive remarks (para. 4) underline how the Covid 19’s emergency has given a chance for forms of virtuous reasonable accommodation, looking forward areas of middle ground between parallel legal systems.
