Gioacchino Bono
Occurrence of two rare species from order Lampriformes: Crestfish Lophotus lacepede (Giorna, 1809) and scalloped ribbonfish Zu cristatus(Bonelli, 1819) in the northern coast of Sicily, Italy
The bony fish Lophotus lacepede (Giorna, 1809) and Zu cristatus (Bonelli, 1819) are the two species rarely recorded within the Mediterranean basin, usually reported as accidentally captured in depth (mesopelagic) fishing operations. In the current work, we present the first record of L. lacepede and Z. cristatus in fishing catches from southwestern Tyrrhenian Sea. Moreover, in order to improve existent biological/ ecological knowledge, some bio-related aspects such as feeding aspect, sexual maturity and age estimate have been discussed.
Modelling the effects of more selective trawl nets on the productivity of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) and deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) stocks in the Strait of Sicily
Single-species Gadget models were used to assess the effects of using a sorting grid mounted on the traditional trawl net used by Sicilian trawlers to exploit the deep-water rose shrimp in the Strait of Sicily. The main commercial by-catch species of this fleet is the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), often caught at sizes well below the minimum conservation reference size. Selectivity curves based on the results of an experimental survey carried out in the area using a commercial trawler equipped with an ad hoc-designed sorting grid were incorporated into single-species Gadget models to forecast the effects of changing fishery selectivity on the performance of the two stocks in terms …
Physiological stress indicators in the plasma of Scyliorhinus canicula captured by botto trawling at two depths.
The quantification of capture-related physiological stress is an important factor when assessing the potential for post-release survival in sharks that are incidentally captured. In the absence of these biological data and when the post-release fate is unknown, effective management plans cannot be formulated and may lead to highly susceptible shark populations being overfished. Here, we measured the levels of lactate, glucose, alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), Ca2+, Na+ K+,Cl - Mg 2+ and Pi in the plasma of mature and immature lesser spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula, herein dogfish) which were incidentally captured at two depths (shallow: 50-200 m, an…
What is in our seas? Assessing anthropogenic litter on the seafloor of the central Mediterranean Sea
Abstract Abundance, composition, and distribution of macro-litter found on the seafloor of the Strait of Sicily between 10 and 800 m depth has been studied using data collected by bottom trawl surveys MEDITS from 2015 to 2019. Three waste categories based on the items use were considered: single-use, fishing-related and generic-use. Over 600 sampling sites, just 14% of these were litter-free. The five-years average density of seafloor litter was 79.6 items/km2 and ranged between 46.8 in 2019 and 118.1 items/km2 in 2015. The predominant waste type was plastic (58% of all items). Regardless of material type, single-use items were a dominant (60% of items) and widespread (79% of hauls) fractio…
Toward shrimp consumption without chemicals: Combined effects of freezing and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on some quality characteristics of Giant Red Shrimp (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) during storage.
The combined effects of freezing and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) (100% N2 and 50% N2 + 50% CO2) on some quality characteristics of Giant Red Shrimp (GRS) (Aristaeomorpha foliacea) was studied during 12-month storage. In particular, the quality characteristics determined proximal and gas compositions, melanosis scores, pH, total volatile basic-nitrogen (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid (TBA) as well as free amino acid (FAA). In addition, the emergent data were compared to those subject to vacuum packaging as well as conventional preservative method of sulphite treatment (SUL). Most determined qualities exhibited quantitative differences with storage. By comparisons, while pH and TVB-N sta…
Polyphenols from halophytes and modified atmosphere packaging improve sensorial and biochemical markers of quality of common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) fillets
Quality and shelf-life of whole and filleted Coryphaena hippurus, stored with modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and natural antioxidants from halophytes (HAL), were investigated. Fillets were divided into control, simply sealed in trays; MAP, preserved by modified atmosphere (45% CO2, 50% N-2, 5% O-2); and MAP-HAL, pretreated with antioxidants and preserved by MAP. Whole and filleted fish were stored at -1 +/- 0.5 degrees C for 18days. The quality of the samples was analyzed at the time of packaging and after 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18days. The MAP and MAP-HAL groups maintained the best sensorial profile, pH, and drip loss with respect to the untreated fillets. Higher levels of total volatil…
Effect of natural antioxidants and modified atmosphere packaging in preventing lipid oxidation and increasing the shelf-life of common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) fillets
We investigated the effects of natural antioxidants and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on the quality and shelf-life of Coryphaena hippurus (common dolphinfish) fillets. Fillets of the control group (CO) were simply placed on trays and not sealed. Fillets of the second group (MAP) were preserved in modified atmosphere (45% CO2, 50% N2, 5% O2), and fillets of the third group (MAP-AOX) were preserved by combining natural antioxidants from halophytes with modified atmosphere. All samples were stored in a refrigerator at 1 ± 0.5 C for 18 days. Analyses were conducted at T0 and after 3, 6, 12, 15 and 18 days of storage. According to sensory tests and colour analyses, the fillets in the MAP …
How does climate change affect a fishable resource? The case of the royal sea cucumber (Parastichopus regalis) in the central Mediterranean Sea
Holothurians or sea cucumbers are key organisms in marine ecosystems that, by ingesting large quantities of sediments, provide important ecosystem services. Among them, Parastichopus regalis (Cuvier, 1817) is one of the living sea cucumbers in the Mediterranean actively fished for human consumption mainly in Spain, where it is considered a gastronomic delicacy. In the Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea), this species is not exploited for commercial use even if it is used as bait by longline fishery. P. regalis is frequently caught by bottom trawling and discarded at sea by fishers after catch, and because of its capacity to resist air exposition (at least in cold months), it is rea…
The combined impact of cold smoking and natural antioxidants on quality and shelf life of dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) fillets
This study aimed to produce new value-added products from dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) as fillets when using cold smoking combined with natural antioxidants, obtained from Halocnemum strobilaceum a plant belonging to halophytes. The fillet treatments were controlled (untreated), immersed in standard brine (STD), treated with NaCI and antioxidant before freezing (Aox-pre) and treated with NaCl and antioxidant after thawing (Aox-post). The quality of dolphinfish fillets was assessed using sensory, biochemical, microbiological, and technological parameters. Treating fillets with antioxidants before freezing and cold smoking (Aox-pre) enhanced significantly the shelf life, as well as impro…
Effect of freezing/thawing process in different sizes of blue fish in the Mediterranean through lysosomal enzymatic tests
The assessment of freshness of different sizes of blue fish (Engraulis encrasicolus 12 cm, Sardina pilchardus 15 cm, Trachurus trachurus 40 cm, Scomber japonicus colias 60 cm) was carried out using non-conventional enzymatic methods. The activities of the three lysosomal enzymes (α-glucosidase (AG), β-galactosidase (B-GAL) and β-N-acetylglucosamidase (B-NA)) in extracts of blue fish muscle were measured over a period of 21 days of storage. A significant increase (p < 0.05) of AG activity was observed in all species, with a large increase seen after only one day of storage. B-NA activity increased slightly in sardines, horse mackerels and chub mackerel during frozen/thawed storage. Finally, …
Effect of different packaging methods on the free amino acid profiles of the deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) during frozen storage
The composition of free amino acids (FAAs) in seafood products contributes to characterizing their flavor, as well as freshness and quality during storage. Deep-water rose shrimps (Parapenaues longirostris, Lucas, 1846) (DWRS) are being increasingly harvested in the Mediterranean Sea, and the captured specimens are quickly frozen onboard fishing trawlers to preserve freshness and post-harvest quality. Here, we quantified the FAA profiles of DWRS packaged using five methods: (1) 100% N2; (2) vacuum; (3) 50% N2 + 50% CO2; (4) commercial anhydrous sodium sulfite; and (5) air (control). All samples were quickly frozen at −35°C and stored for 12 months at −18°C. Arginine (661 mg/100 g), proline …