Danielle Cangussu

Europium(III), Terbium(III), and Gadolinium(III) Oxamato-Based Coordination Polymers: Visible Luminescence and Slow Magnetic Relaxation

The reaction of aqueous solutions of EuIII, TbIII, and GdIII ions with Na2Hpcpa [H3pcpa = N-(4-carboxyphenyl)oxamic acid] afforded three new isostructural oxamate-containing lanthanide(III) coordination polymers of general formula {LnIII2(Hpcpa)3(H2O)5·H2O}n [Ln = Eu (1),Tb (2), and Gd(3)]. Their structure is made up of neutral zigzag chains running parallel to the [101] direction where double syn-syn carboxylate(oxamate)-bridged dilanthanide(III) pairs (Ln1 and Ln2) are linked by three Hpcpa2- ligands, one of them with the μ-κ2O,O':κO″ coordination mode and the other two with the μ3-κ2O,O':κO″:κO'''. Additionally, two of those chains are interlinked through hydrogen bonding and π-π type in…

research product

2D and 3D mixed MII/CuIImetal–organic frameworks (M = Ca and Sr) withN,N′-2,6-pyridinebis(oxamate) and oxalate: preparation and magneto-structural study

Three heterobimetallic complexes of formula [Ca2Cu3(mpyba)2(2-apyma)(H2O)7]·8.3H2O (1), [Sr2Cu3(mpyba)2(2-apyma)(H2O)8]·11.6H2O (2) and [Sr4.5Cu4(mpyba)4(ox)(H2O)20]·8.5H2O (3) [H4mpyba = N,N'-2,6-pyridinebis(oxamic acid), 2-apyma = 2-(6-aminopyridinyl)oxamate and ox = oxalate] have been synthesized and structurally characterized. Complexes 1 and 2 are isostructural compounds, with tricopper(ii) units having mpyba and its hydrolytic product (2-apyma) as ligands. They are interlinked through strontium(ii) (1) and calcium(ii) (2) ions to afford neutral two-dimensional networks. Two of the copper(ii) ions are five-coordinate in distorted square pyramidal (Cu3) and trigonal bipyramidal (Cu1) su…

research product

Rational design of a new class of heterobimetallic molecule-based magnets: Synthesis, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of oxamato-bridged (M′=LiI and MnII; M=NiII and CoII) open-frameworks with a three-dimensional honeycomb architecture

Abstract Two new series of oxamato-bridged heterobimetallic coordination networks of general formula Li5[Li3M2(mpba)3(H2O)6] · 31H2O [M = NiII (1a) and CoII (1b)] and Li2[Mn3M2(mpba)3(H2O)6] · 22H2O [M = NiII (2a) and CoII (2b)] have been prepared from the metal-mediated self-assembly of the hexakis(bidentate), triple-stranded dinickel(II) and dicobalt(II) complexes [M2(mpba)3]8− [mpba = meta-phenylenebis(oxamato)] with either monovalent lithium(I) or divalent manganese(II) ions respectively, in water. X-ray structural analyses of 1a and 1b show an anionic three-dimensional network formed by an infinite parallel array of oxamato-bridged Li 3 I M 2 II (M = Ni and Co) hexagonal layers, which …

research product

Solid‐State Anion–Guest Encapsulation by Metallosupramolecular Capsules Made from Two Tetranuclear Copper(II) Complexes

A new cationic tetranuclear copper(II) complex self-assembles from one 1,3-phenylenebis(oxamato) (mpba) bridging ligand and four CuII ions partially blocked with N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine (tmen) terminal ligands. In the solid state, two of these tetracopper(II) oxamato complexes of bowl-like shape and helical conformation then serve as a building block for the generation of either hetero- (MP) or homochiral (MM/PP) dimeric capsules depending on the nature of the encapsulated anion guest, perchlorate or hexafluorophosphate. The overall magnetic behaviour of these metallosupramolecular capsules does not depend on the nature of the encapsulated anion guest, but it is consistent with…

research product

Supramolecular coordination chemistry of aromatic polyoxalamide ligands: A metallosupramolecular approach toward functional magnetic materials

Abstract The impressive potential of the metallosupramolecular approach in designing new functional magnetic materials constitutes a great scientific challenge for the chemical research community that requires an interdisciplinary collaboration. New fundamental concepts and future applications in nanoscience and nanotechnology will emerge from the study of magnetism as a supramolecular function in metallosupramolecular chemistry. Our recent work on the rich supramolecular coordination chemistry of a novel family of aromatic polyoxalamide (APOXA) ligands with first-row transition metal ions has allowed us to move one step further in the rational design of metallosupramolecular assemblies of …

research product

Cobalt(II) and copper(II) assembling through a functionalized oxamate-type ligand

Two new metal complexes of formula {[Co(Hpcpa)(H2O)3]n� 3/2nH2O} (1) and [Cu2(MeHpcpa)4(MeOH)2] � H2O� 3.68 MeOH (2 )[ H 3pcpa = N-(4-carboxyphenyl)oxamic acid and MeH2pcpa = methyl ester derivative of H3pcpa] have been synthesized and their structures determined by X-ray diffraction. 1 is a neutral zigzag chain of cobalt(II) ions bridged by Hpcpa 2� ligands exhibiting the bidentate/monodentate coordination mode. Each cobalt(II) ion is six-coordinate with three mer positioned water molecules, two oxamate-oxygens from a Hpcpa 2� ligand and a carboxylate-oxygen from another Hpcpa 2� group building a somewhat distorted octahedral surrounding. The intrachain cobalt–cobalt separation is 11.326(2…

research product

Oxalate, squarate and croconate complexes with bis(2-pyrimidylcarbonyl)amidatecopper(II): synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties

Abstract The preparation and magnetic properties of three copper(II) compounds of formulae [Cu2(bpcam)2(H2O)2(C2O4)] (1), [Cu2(bpcam)2(H2O)4(C4O4)] · 10 H2O (2) and Cu2(bpcam)2(C5O5)(H2O)3 (3) [bpcam = bis(2-pyrimidyl)amidate, C 2 O 4 2 - = dianion of oxalic acid , C 4 O 4 2 - = dianion of 3 , 4 - dihydroxycyclobut - 3 - ene - 1 , 2 - dione and C 5 O 5 2 - = dianion of 4 , 5 - dihydroxycyclopent - 4 - ene - 1 , 2 , 3 - trione ] are reported. The structures of two of them (1 and 2) have been solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction and consists of centrosymmetric discrete copper(II) dinuclear units bridged by bis-bidentate oxalate (1) and bis-monodentate squarate (2), with the bpcam group …

research product

Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of the helical oxalate-bridged copper(II) chain {[(CH3)4N]2[Cu(C2O4)2] · H2O}n

Abstract The preparation, crystal structure and magnetic properties of a new oxalate-containing copper(II) chain of formula {[(CH3)4N]2[Cu(C2O4)2] · H2O}n (1) [(CH3)4N+ = tetramethylammonium cation] are reported. The structure of 1 consists of anionic oxalate-bridged copper(II) chains, tetramethylammoniun cations and crystallization water molecules. Each copper(II) ion in 1 is surrounded by three oxalate ligands, one being bidentate and the other two exhibiting bis-bidenate coordination modes. Although all the tris-chelated copper(II) units from a given chain exhibit the same helicity, adjacent chains have opposite helicities and then an achiral structure results. Variable-temperature magne…

research product

From Paramagnetic to Single‐Molecule Magnet Behaviour in Heterobimetallic Compounds Containing the Tetrakis(thiocyanato‐ κN )cobaltate(II) Anion

research product

Molecular-Programmed Self-Assembly of Homo- and Heterometallic Tetranuclear Coordination Compounds: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Magnetic Properties of Rack-Type CuII2MII2 Complexes (M = Cu and Ni) with Tetranucleating Phenylenedioxamato Bridging Ligands

New homo- and heterobimetallic tetranuclear complexes of formula [Cu4(mpba)(Me4en)4(H2O)4](ClO4)4·3H2O (1), [Cu4(mpba)(Me4en)4(H2O)4](PF6)4·2H2O (2), [Cu4(ppba)(Me4en)4(H2O)4](ClO4)4·2H2O (3), [Cu4(mpba)(dipn)4](ClO4)4·3H2O (4), [Cu4(ppba)(dipn)4](ClO4)4·2H2O (5), and [Cu2Ni2(ppba)(dipn)4(H2O)2](PF6)4 (6) [mpba = N,N′-1,3-phenylenebis(oxamate), ppba = N,N′-1,4-phenylenebis(oxamate), Me4en = N,N,N′,N′-tetramethylethylenediamine, and dipn = dipropylenetriamine] have been synthesized and structurally and magnetically characterized. Complexes 1−6 have been prepared following a molecular-programmed self-assembly method, where a heteropolytopic tetranucleating phenylenedioxamato bridging ligand (…

research product

Rational enantioselective design of chiral heterobimetallic single-chain magnets: synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties of oxamato-bridged M(II)Cu(II) chains (M=Mn, Co).

A new series of neutral oxamato-bridged M(II)Cu(II) chiral chains of general formula [MCuL(x)(S)(m)(H(2)O)(n)]·aS·bH(2)O [L(1)=(M)-1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'-bis(oxamate) with M=Mn (1a) and Co (1b); L(2)=(P)-1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'-bis(oxamate) with M=Mn (2a) and Co (2b)] and the analogous racemic chains of formula [MCuL(3)(S)(m)(H(2)O)(n)]·aS·bH(2)O [L(3)=1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'-bis(oxamate) with M=Mn (3a) and Co (3b)] have been prepared by reaction of the corresponding dianionic oxamatocopper(II) complex [Cu(L(x))](2-) with Mn(2+) or Co(2+) cations in either dimethylformamide (DMF) or dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Solid circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the bimetallic chain compounds were reco…

research product

Topological control of the spin coupling in dinuclear copper(II) complexes with meta- and para-phenylenediamine bridging ligands

Abstract A novel series of copper(II) complexes of formula [Cu(tren)(mpda)](ClO4)2 · 1/2H2O (1), [Cu2(tren)2(mpda)](ClO4)4 · 2H2O (2), and [Cu2(tren)2(ppda)](ClO4)4 · 2H2O (3) containing the tetradentate tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) terminal ligand and the potentially bridging 1,n-phenylenediamine [n = 3 (mpda) and 4 (ppda)] ligand have been prepared and spectroscopically characterized. X-ray diffraction on single crystals of 1 and 3 show the presence of mono- (1) and dinuclear (3) copper(II) units where the mpda (1) and ppda (3) ligands adopt terminal monodentate (1) and bridging bis(monodentate) (3) coordination modes toward [Cu(tren)]2+ cations with an overall non-planar, orthogonal di…

research product

Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of [Co(bpcam)2]ClO4·dmso·H2O, [Co(bpcam)2]2[Co(NCS)4]·dmso·H2O and [Ni(bpcam)2]·H2O [Hbpcam = bis(2-pyrimidylcarbonyl)amide]

The preparation, spectroscopic characterization, structural study and magnetic investigation of three new complexes of formula [Co(bpcam)2]ClO4·dmso·H2O (1), [Co(bpcam)2]2[Co(NCS)4]·dmso·H2O (2) and [Ni(bpcam)2]·H2O (3) [Hbpcam = bis(2-pyrimidylcarbonyl)amide] are reported. Each bpcam group in 1–3 acts as a tridentate ligand being coordinated to the cobalt(III) (1 and 2)/nickel(II) (3) ions through three nitrogen atoms in a mer-arrangement. Six-coordinate cobalt(III) and nickel(II) occur in 1 and 3 respectively, whereas six-coordinate cobalt(III) and four-coordinate cobalt(II) coexist in 2. Cyclic voltammetry of 1 in acetonitrile shows the occurrence of one quasi reversible CoIII ↔ CoII pro…

research product

A Metalloligand Approach for the Self-Assembly of a Magnetic Two-Dimensional Grid-of-Grids

The efficient organization of discrete functional molecules into extended frameworks, while retaining their physical properties, is a mandatory requisite to move toward applications. Here we descri...

research product

New Magnetic Thin Film Hybrid Materials Built by the Incorporation of Octanickel(II)-oxamato Clusters Between Clay Mineral Platelets

We report on a new method based on the combination of Langmuir-Schaefer deposition with self-assembly to insert highly anisotropic Ni(8) molecules in a hybrid organic-inorganic nanostructure. Spectroscopic, crystallographic, and magnetic data prove the successful insertion of the guest cationic molecule between templating clay platelets. These results open a new route toward the highly controlled fabrication of tailored functional organic-inorganic nanomaterials.

research product

Palladium(II)–Copper(II) Assembling with Bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)amidate and Bis(oxamate) Type Ligands

Five new complexes of formula K4[Pd2(mpba)2] · 4H2O (1), {[K4(H2O)(dmso)][Pd2(mpba)2]} (2), {[Cu(bpca)]4[Pd2(mpba)2]} · 6H2O (3), {[Cu(bpca)]2[Pd(opba)]} · 1.75dmso · 0.25H2O (4), {[Cu(bpca)]2[Pd(opba)]}n · ndmso (5) [H4mpba =1,3-phenylenebis(oxamic acid), H4opba = 1,2-phenylenebis(oxamic acid), Hbpca = bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)amide, and dmso = dimethyl sulfoxide] have been prepared and investigated by infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis, single crystal X-ray diffraction, and magnetic susceptibility techniques. The structure of 2 consists of a [Pd2(mpba)2]4– anionic entity in which the palladium(II) cations are coordinated by two mpba ligands resulting in a dipalladium(II) unit that acts …

research product

Copper(II) assembling with bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)amidate and N,N'-2,2-phenylenebis(oxamate).

We herein present the synthesis and X-ray structures of five copper(II) complexes of formulae [Cu(bpca)(CF3SO3)(H2O)]·H2O (1), [Cu(bpca)(Phpr)(H2O)]·3/2H2O (2), {[Cu(bpca)]2[Cu(opba)(H2O)]}·H2O (3), {[Cu(bpca)]2(H2opba)}2·6H2O (4) and [Cu(bpca)(EtH2opba)]n (5), where bpca = bis(2-pyridylcarbonyl)amidate, Phpr = 3-phenylpropionate, CF3SO3(−) = triflate (anion of the trifluoromethanesulphonic acid), H4opba = N,N′-1,2-phenylenebis(oxamic acid), and EtH3opba = monoethyl ester derivative of the H4opba. 1 and 2 are mononuclear copper(II) complexes where the copper atom is five-coordinate in distorted square pyramidal surroundings with a tridentate bpca and a water molecule (1)/carboxylate oxygen …

research product

Dicopper(II) Metallacyclophanes with N,N'-2,6-Pyridinebis(oxamate): Solution Study, Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Magnetic Properties.

The complexing ability of copper(II) in solution by the ligand N,N'-2,6-pyridinebis(oxamic acid) (H4mpyba, H4L) was determined through potentiometric and UV-vis spectroscopy at 25 °C and 0.15 M NaCl. The logarithms of the equilibrium constants for its copper(II) complexes according to the eqs 2H2L + 2Cu ⇆ [Cu2(H2L)2], 2H2L + 2Cu ⇆ [Cu2(H2L) (HL)] + H, 2H2L + 2Cu ⇆ [Cu2(HL)2] + 2H, 2H2L + 2Cu ⇆ [Cu2(HL)(L)] + 3H, and 2H2L + 2Cu ⇆ [Cu2L2] + 4H were 12.02(7), 8.04(5), 1.26(6), -7.51(6), and -16.36(6), respectively. The knowledge of the solution behavior has supported the synthesis of three new compounds bearing the common building block Cu2L2(4-). Their formulas are (Me4N)4[Cu2(mpyba)2(H2O)2]·…

research product

Metal–Organic Frameworks as Playgrounds for Reticulate Single-Molecule Magnets

Achieving an accurate control on the final structure of Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) is mandatory to obtain target physical properties. Here we describe how the combination of a metalloligand design strategy and a post-synthetic method is a versatile and powerful approach to success on this extremely difficult task. In a first stage, a novel oxamato-based tetranuclear cobalt(III) complex with a tetrahedron-shape geometry is used, for the first time, as metalloligand toward cal-cium(II) cations to lead a diamagnetic Ca(II)-Co(III) three-dimensional (3D) MOF (1). In a second stage, in a single-crystal to single-crystal manner the calcium(II) ions are replaced by terbium (III), dysprosium(I…

research product

Design of single cyanide-bridged tetranuclear bimetallic rectangles exhibiting ferromagnetic coupling

Abstract The cyanide-bridged tetranuclear bimetallic rectangles ( XPh 4 ) 4 [ Fe 2 III Cu 2 II ( μ - CN ) 4 ( CN ) 8 ( L ) 2 ] · n H 2 O [X = P (1) and As (2); L = bpcam (1) and bpca (2); n = 4 (1) and 0 (2)] have been prepared and their crystal structures were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction; 1 exhibits intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions (J1 = +3.7 cm−1 and J2 = +7.0 cm−1, H = - J 1 [ S Fe ( 1 ) · S Cu ( 1 ) + S Fe ( 1 a ) · S Cu ( 1 a ) ] − J 2 [ S Fe ( 1 ) · S Cu ( 1 a ) + S Fe ( 1 a ) · S Cu ( 1 ) ] + D [ S Fe ( 1 ) z 2 + S Fe ( 1 a ) z 2 ] ) leading to a low-lying S = 2 spin state.

research product

Solid‐State Anion–Guest Encapsulation by Metallosupramolecular Capsules Made from Two Tetranuclear Copper(II) Complexes (Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 29/2007)

The cover picture shows unique examples of homo- and heterochiral, dimeric metal capsules resulting from the self-assembly of two helical, bowl-shaped tetranuclear copper(II) complexes that encapsulate different anions in the solid state, like pearls in an oyster (shown as the background). This kind of self-assembled, coordination-bonded motifs are a major topic in metallosupramolecular chemistry because of their binding capabilities and associated host–guest chemistry. However, their magnetic properties are largely unexplored, and here we provide one of the rare magnetic studies on these host–guest systems. For more details on the combined structural and magnetic investigations of this cla…

research product

A Metallacryptand-Based Manganese(II)–Cobalt(II) Ferrimagnet with a Three-Dimensional Honeycomb Open-Framework Architecture

research product

CCDC 1938637: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Danielle Cangussu, Marta Mon, Rosaria Bruno, Estefania Tiburcio, Francesc Lloret, Donatella Armentano, Emilio Pardo, Jesus Ferrando-Soria|2019|Inorg.Chem.|58|14498|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b02086

research product

CCDC 1938635: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Danielle Cangussu, Marta Mon, Rosaria Bruno, Estefania Tiburcio, Francesc Lloret, Donatella Armentano, Emilio Pardo, Jesus Ferrando-Soria|2019|Inorg.Chem.|58|14498|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b02086

research product

CCDC 1992815: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Jhonny Willians de Oliveira Maciel, Maykon Alves Lemes, Ana Karoline Valdo, Renato Rabelo, Felipe Terra Martins, Lauro June Queiroz Maia, Ricardo Costa de Santana, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Danielle Cangussu|2021|Inorg.Chem.|60|6176|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03226

research product

CCDC 1034456: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Willian X. C. Oliveira, Marcos A. Ribeiro, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Marinez M. da Costa, Ana Paula S. Fontes, Wallace C. Nunes, Danielle Cangussu, Miguel Julve, Humberto O. Stumpf, Cynthia L. M. Pereira|2015|Cryst.Growth Des.|15|1325|doi:10.1021/cg5017388

research product

CCDC 909392: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tatiana R.G. Simoes, Raquel V. Mambrini, Daniella O. Reis,Maria V. Marinho, Marcos A. Ribeiro, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Jesus Ferrando-Soria, Mariadel Deniz, Catalina Ruiz-Perez, Danielle Cangussu,Humberto O. Stumpf, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve|2013|Dalton Trans.|42|5778|doi:10.1039/C3DT32949F

research product

CCDC 1938638: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Danielle Cangussu, Marta Mon, Rosaria Bruno, Estefania Tiburcio, Francesc Lloret, Donatella Armentano, Emilio Pardo, Jesus Ferrando-Soria|2019|Inorg.Chem.|58|14498|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b02086

research product

CCDC 1484384: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Jocielle C. O. Cardoso, Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Felipe T. Martins, Joan Cano, Miguel Julve, Francesc Lloret, Danielle Cangussu|2018|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||816|doi:10.1002/ejic.201701177

research product

CCDC 909388: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tatiana R.G. Simoes, Raquel V. Mambrini, Daniella O. Reis,Maria V. Marinho, Marcos A. Ribeiro, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Jesus Ferrando-Soria, Mariadel Deniz, Catalina Ruiz-Perez, Danielle Cangussu,Humberto O. Stumpf, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve|2013|Dalton Trans.|42|5778|doi:10.1039/C3DT32949F

research product

CCDC 1992813: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Jhonny Willians de Oliveira Maciel, Maykon Alves Lemes, Ana Karoline Valdo, Renato Rabelo, Felipe Terra Martins, Lauro June Queiroz Maia, Ricardo Costa de Santana, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Danielle Cangussu|2021|Inorg.Chem.|60|6176|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03226

research product

CCDC 1449346: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Craig Robertson, Jim A. Thomas, Humberto O. Stumpf, Felipe T. Martins, Emerson F. Pedroso, Miguel Julve, Francesc Lloret, Danielle Cangussu|2017|New J.Chem.|41|6911|doi:10.1039/C7NJ00526A

research product

CCDC 1449347: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Craig Robertson, Jim A. Thomas, Humberto O. Stumpf, Felipe T. Martins, Emerson F. Pedroso, Miguel Julve, Francesc Lloret, Danielle Cangussu|2017|New J.Chem.|41|6911|doi:10.1039/C7NJ00526A

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CCDC 1530054: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tamires S. Fernandes, Wanessa D. C. Melo, Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Cameron C. da Silva, Felipe T. Martins, Pedro Amorós, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Danielle Cangussu|2018|Dalton Trans.|47|11539|doi:10.1039/C8DT01686K

research product

CCDC 1053439: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tamires S. Fernandes, Ramon S. Vilela, Ana K. Valdo, Felipe T. Martins, Enrique García-España, Mario Inclán, Joan Cano, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Humberto O. Stumpf, and Danielle Cangussu|2016|Inorg.Chem.|55|2390|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b02786

research product

CCDC 1484386: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Jocielle C. O. Cardoso, Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Felipe T. Martins, Joan Cano, Miguel Julve, Francesc Lloret, Danielle Cangussu|2018|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||816|doi:10.1002/ejic.201701177

research product

CCDC 1034455: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Willian X. C. Oliveira, Marcos A. Ribeiro, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Marinez M. da Costa, Ana Paula S. Fontes, Wallace C. Nunes, Danielle Cangussu, Miguel Julve, Humberto O. Stumpf, Cynthia L. M. Pereira|2015|Cryst.Growth Des.|15|1325|doi:10.1021/cg5017388

research product

CCDC 1530055: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tamires S. Fernandes, Wanessa D. C. Melo, Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Cameron C. da Silva, Felipe T. Martins, Pedro Amorós, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Danielle Cangussu|2018|Dalton Trans.|47|11539|doi:10.1039/C8DT01686K

research product

CCDC 1992814: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Jhonny Willians de Oliveira Maciel, Maykon Alves Lemes, Ana Karoline Valdo, Renato Rabelo, Felipe Terra Martins, Lauro June Queiroz Maia, Ricardo Costa de Santana, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Danielle Cangussu|2021|Inorg.Chem.|60|6176|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c03226

research product

CCDC 1053438: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tamires S. Fernandes, Ramon S. Vilela, Ana K. Valdo, Felipe T. Martins, Enrique García-España, Mario Inclán, Joan Cano, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Humberto O. Stumpf, and Danielle Cangussu|2016|Inorg.Chem.|55|2390|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b02786

research product

CCDC 1034458: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Willian X. C. Oliveira, Marcos A. Ribeiro, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Marinez M. da Costa, Ana Paula S. Fontes, Wallace C. Nunes, Danielle Cangussu, Miguel Julve, Humberto O. Stumpf, Cynthia L. M. Pereira|2015|Cryst.Growth Des.|15|1325|doi:10.1021/cg5017388

research product

CCDC 909389: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tatiana R.G. Simoes, Raquel V. Mambrini, Daniella O. Reis,Maria V. Marinho, Marcos A. Ribeiro, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Jesus Ferrando-Soria, Mariadel Deniz, Catalina Ruiz-Perez, Danielle Cangussu,Humberto O. Stumpf, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve|2013|Dalton Trans.|42|5778|doi:10.1039/C3DT32949F

research product

CCDC 1053437: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tamires S. Fernandes, Ramon S. Vilela, Ana K. Valdo, Felipe T. Martins, Enrique García-España, Mario Inclán, Joan Cano, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Humberto O. Stumpf, and Danielle Cangussu|2016|Inorg.Chem.|55|2390|doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b02786

research product

CCDC 1530056: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tamires S. Fernandes, Wanessa D. C. Melo, Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Cameron C. da Silva, Felipe T. Martins, Pedro Amorós, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve, Danielle Cangussu|2018|Dalton Trans.|47|11539|doi:10.1039/C8DT01686K

research product

CCDC 909390: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Tatiana R.G. Simoes, Raquel V. Mambrini, Daniella O. Reis,Maria V. Marinho, Marcos A. Ribeiro, Carlos B. Pinheiro, Jesus Ferrando-Soria, Mariadel Deniz, Catalina Ruiz-Perez, Danielle Cangussu,Humberto O. Stumpf, Francesc Lloret, Miguel Julve|2013|Dalton Trans.|42|5778|doi:10.1039/C3DT32949F

research product

CCDC 1484383: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: Lucas H. G. Kalinke, Jocielle C. O. Cardoso, Renato Rabelo, Ana K. Valdo, Felipe T. Martins, Joan Cano, Miguel Julve, Francesc Lloret, Danielle Cangussu|2018|Eur.J.Inorg.Chem.||816|doi:10.1002/ejic.201701177

research product

CCDC 909391: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

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CCDC 1484385: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

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CCDC 1034457: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

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CCDC 1938636: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

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